Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 323 Spending a lot of money to win over bribes

"what to do?"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was very relaxed and his expression was indifferent, as if he was making an irrelevant joke.

But Gao Boyan knew very well...the Prince Lin was not joking.

There was no hint of joking in his eyes.

However, Gao Boyan had already prepared for this. As the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, he occupies a pivotal position among the six departments. Gao Boyan was naturally not a happy person.

Naturally, it was clear that if Prince Lin trusted him so easily, there would be a problem.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince does not trust his subordinates. It is only human nature."

Gao Boyan still had a kind smile on his face and said: "However, His Highness is the future consort. Even if you give me a hundred courages, I will definitely not dare to deceive you..."

"I don't even dare to plot against His Highness. Your Highness can rest assured that I will not do such a thankless thing!"

The smile on Gao Boyan's face was sincere, and no other expression or emotion could be seen. He has been involved in official circles for decades, and it is definitely not easy for him to reach the position of minister.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him quietly and shook his head slightly: "That's not what I'm talking about... Mr. Gao hosted a banquet for me today, and he sent such a pair of stunning women for no reason..."

"Isn't it true that you are being courteous for nothing?"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's half-smiling look in front of him, Gao Boyan's heart froze, and he felt frightened that he had been seen through.

The Prince Lin in front of him was twenty or thirty years younger than him, but he was so calm when facing him, without any stage fright. I had known that this child was not simple. Only when I actually saw it could I be more sure.

"I don't dare!"

Gao Boyan shook his head and said: "This official has no intention of being attentive."

"Then why is Master Gao like this?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the dazzling array of delicacies in front of the table, all of which were made by the people. Just this table is worth the food rations of many people for a year?

Gao Boyan hesitated for a moment and then said: "Actually, I am hosting a banquet with His Highness today. In addition to wanting to see His Highness, I also want to apologize to His Highness the Crown Prince!"


Lin Jiangnian just raised his eyebrows, showing interest, but did not speak again.

After Gao Boyan was silent for a while, he sighed deeply, with a look of hatred on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, you should already know the news that the dog Gao Wenyang committed suicide in Mitiansi Prison out of fear of crime, right?"

Suicide out of fear of crime?

Lin Jiangnian watched Gao Boyan's acting skills in front of him with interest.

Didn't Gao Boyan know best whether Gao Wenyang committed suicide out of fear of crime?

However, Lin Jiangnian did not expose it. He nodded lightly: "I did hear... Mr. Gao, do you express your condolences?"

Gao Boyan sighed deeply, with a hint of regret on his face: "It was the official's failure to educate his son, which led him to go astray and finally reach this point..."

At this point, Gao Boyan suddenly stood up and bowed deeply towards Lin Jiangnian: "Wen Yang killed his friend and framed the blame on His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince. This move made people and gods angry. Although he died, it was the son's failure to teach his father, and it was the fault of the subordinate officials who failed to discipline him. Yan, lower officials have great responsibilities..."

"Today's banquet with Your Highness is also to apologize to His Highness in person. Wenyang is ignorant and offended His Highness. I hope Your Highness can be a gentleman and not remember the faults of villains... I am willing to bear all the consequences!"

Looking at Gao Boyan, who was crying in front of him, looking like a loving father grieving, Lin Jiangnian had to sigh.

What a great acting!

If he hadn't known about Gao Boyan's behavior earlier, he might have deceived everyone. Can a ruthless man who can even kill his own son speak the truth?

With things like this, people who don’t know really think that their father is kind and their son is filial!

This Gao Boyan really grabbed his son's human blood buns and kept eating them!

Gao Wenyang has died a worthy death and will not be able to rest in peace!

He sneered in his heart, but Lin Jiangnian didn't show any strange emotions on his face. Since he was willing to act, Lin Jiangnian naturally had no intention of exposing it.

"Master Gao is serious, there is no need to be like this!"

Lin Jiangqing shook his head softly: "The relationship between me and Mr. Gao was just a small quarrel. Mr. Gao just lost his mind for a moment and did something wrong. Now that Mr. Gao is no longer alive..."

"The grudge between my eldest son and Mr. Gao has been wiped out. Mr. Gao does not need to take it to heart."

Gao Boyan heard this and said quickly: "His Royal Highness is kind-hearted and does not stick to trivial matters. I am here to thank Your Highness for your great kindness on behalf of Wenyang under the Nine Springs!"

"Hey, I already said that there is no need to be polite... Mr. Gao entertained me so warmly today. I should really thank Mr. Gao for his hospitality!"

Lin Jiangnian was all smiles.

Gao Boyan was also in tears, with a smile on his face excitedly, and nodded repeatedly: "What your Highness said is, what you said is..."


Both parties enjoyed this meal very happily.

Gao Boyan's face was full of spring breeze and smile. The dignified minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but in front of a young man who was several decades younger than him, his face was full of respect and flattery.

But there was no trace of displeasure on Gao Boyan's face.

Lin Jiangnian was also very happy.

Although Gao Boyan didn't say it clearly at the banquet, Lin Jiangnian had already roughly guessed Gao Boyan's purpose.

Since someone took the initiative to curry favor, Lin Jiangnian naturally refused to accept anyone who came.

At a meal, both the host and the guest are happy.

After the meal, Gao Boyan suggested taking Lin Jiangnian around the manor to experience the snowy scenery in the capital. Lin Jiangnian happily went.

The heavy snow gradually stopped, and the entire manor was covered with snow and it was freezing cold.

Under the guidance of Gao Boyan, Lin Jiangnian scanned the rare and strange scenery in this manor, listening to Gao Boyan's careful introduction.

Not to mention, there are indeed many good things in this manor. Along the way, you can see that there are extravagant decorations everywhere and they are priceless. How much money must have been embezzled for a minister of the Ministry of Personnel to have such a manor?

"The manor here was built by a merchant in the capital ten years ago. Later, the merchant committed a crime and the manor was confiscated. After several turnovers, it fell into the hands of a lower official... What do you think of it, Your Highness?"

Gao Boyan looked at Lin Jiangnian and asked cautiously.

Lin Jiangnian looked around, nodded, and praised: "Yes, it is indeed a good place."

Although it is far inferior to Linwang Mansion, such manors are rare in Beijing, and it is indeed a good place.

Gao Boyan chuckled and said, "Your Highness, do you still like it?"


Just as Lin Jiangnian spoke, he glanced back at Gao Boyan: "What do you mean, Mr. Gao?"

A smile appeared on Gao Boyan's face: "If His Highness likes it, the manor here will be given to Your Highness by the official. Please don't dislike it."

Give it to the manor?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Master Gao, why do you want to give me the manor as a gift?"

"This manor has been vacant on weekdays, and I have no use for it. Since Your Highness likes it, I will naturally make the best use of it and give it to Your Highness as a favor!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him and shook his head: "Master Gao, this prince cannot afford this favor!"

Gao Boyan did not answer. He walked to the door under the eaves of the backyard with a smile on his face, opened the door next to him, and said: "Your Highness, please!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Gao Boyan, walked to the door, and looked inside.

With just one glance, Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just on the ground in the center of the house, there are dense piles of golden gold, neatly piled there.

Such a large amount of gold is extremely shocking to see at a glance!

In addition to gold, the room is also filled with all kinds of rare treasures, pearl necklaces, gold and silver jewelry, countless...

The items in the entire house are priceless and hard to estimate!


Where did Gao Boyan get so many treasures?

How could he, a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, have so much gold and silver?

What does he want to do? !

For a brief moment, countless thoughts flashed through Lin Jiangnian's mind, and he returned to calm.

Lin Jiangnian is very calm!

As Prince Lin's eldest son, he no longer had any concept of money. Although the house full of gold and silver treasures in front of him looked extremely shocking, Lin Jiangnian didn't feel much excitement in his heart.

Compared with the Ruyi Tower in Linwangfu, it is far behind!

The Ruyi Tower, which collects rare treasures from all over the world, is many times more shocking than what is in front of you.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head slightly: "Master Gao, what do you mean by this?"

Gao Boyan lowered his head slightly and said, "What does Your Highness think it means to be an official?"

"Master Gao, do you want to use money to bribe me?"

"I don't dare." Gao Boyan shook his head and said slowly: "This is my opinion. I hope your highness will not dislike it."

"A little thought?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the room and chuckled: "This little thought from Mr. Gao is really a lot, isn't it?"

"I will never neglect Your Highness!" Gao Boyan said.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Gao Boyan quietly in front of him and had to sigh, it was really a generous move.

Gao Boyan really spent a lot of money to win over him!

If it were anyone else, such a house full of gold and silver treasures would be enough to tempt anyone!

And Gao Boyan's purpose in wooing Lin Jiangnian with such great expense... is definitely not small.

Lin Jiangnian looked away from the room and chuckled: "Master Gao dares to give it away, but I dare not accept it. With such a big capital, why should Master Gao be so secretive anymore?"

Gao Boyan was silent. After a while, he waved his hand and drove away all the servants and guards behind him.

Afterwards, Gao Boyan's eyes were slightly deep and he said in a deep voice: "Your Highness is so smart, I know I can't hide it from Your Highness..."

"This time Quanzi made such a big mistake, which put my Gao family in a worrying and precarious situation in Beijing..."

"I really want to show my goodwill to His Highness. On the one hand, I hope that Your Highness will not forget the faults of others. On the other hand, I also want to be on good terms with His Highness. If Your Highness needs anything, I will do my best..." "

"I just hope that if my Gao family is in trouble in the future, I hope that His Highness can help. Other than that, my Gao family has nothing to ask for..."


Gao Boyan is a very cautious and smart person!

He was able to stay in the court for decades without any problems, and the Gao family was able to stand in the capital for many years, which was inseparable from him.

This time, Gao Wenyang framed Prince Lin and killed the son of a bureaucrat. Once this incident was exposed, it seriously affected the reputation and status of his Gao family.

Especially the third prince standing behind Gao Wenyang. Once exposed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Along with him, the entire Gao family will die!

Gao Boyan could only make a decisive decision and reluctantly gave up on Gao Wenyang. With Gao Wenyang's death, the Gao family was saved!

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to get a lot of benefits from the third prince.

But on the other hand, the Gao family was completely tied to the third prince's camp. Once the third prince participates in the fight for the heirloom, it will be fine if he succeeds, but if he fails, their Gao family will be in ruins.

Naturally, Gao Boyan could not completely tie the fate of the Gao family to the third prince, so he had to leave a way out for himself and the Gao family.

Prince Lin is his best candidate.

This is why it was clear that Lin Jiangnian had indirectly killed Gao Wenyang, but Gao Boyan wanted to win over Lin Jiangnian at all costs, regardless of past grudges.

Compared to his own life and the fate of the Gao family, the death of his third son was not a big deal to him.

Gao Boyan, who is at the center of power in the court, knows better than anyone else the chaos and the powerful external forces in the court today.

I have been clamoring for the reduction of vassalage for several years, but without any results. The forces in the court are complicated and each is in charge of its own affairs. The emperor ignores the affairs of the government, the prince is weak, and the three princes are ruthless. No matter who comes, it will be impossible to rectify the imperial court in a short time, let alone reduce the vassal status!

In addition, the Lin family is located in the south, has strong troops and horses, and its reputation among the people is growing day by day. The Lin family is bound to become the biggest threat to the imperial court.

As for Gao Boyan and the Gao family, they don't care who belongs to this world. He just wants to protect his own interests and preserve the family's glory and wealth.

Holding the Lin family's thigh tightly is what Gao Boyan wants to do most now.

Beijing, street.

A carriage slowly headed west of the city.

On the carriage, Lin Jiangnian closed his eyes and rested. Outside the carriage, Lin Qingqing was driving the carriage, looking back from time to time.

"Your Highness, the Gao family didn't do anything to you, right?"

"How dare they?"

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "Gao Boyan not only hosted a banquet for me, but also gave me the manor..."


Lin Qingqing was slightly startled, then her eyes narrowed: "Your Highness, they want to win over you?!"

Lin Qingqing quickly guessed the Gao family's purpose.

"That's right."

"Then Your Highness..."

Lin Qingqing asked tentatively: "His Highness agreed?"

Lin Jiangnian did not answer, but asked: "Do you want me to agree?"

Lin Qingqing thought for a moment and shook her head: "I don't want this."


Lin Qingqing had a worried and solemn expression on her face: "Gao Boyan is ruthless and even killed his own son. This person has no bottom line in his work. My subordinates are worried..."

"You're right."

Lin Jiangnian nodded. A person who has no moral ethics and is poisonous and eats seeds is indeed scary.

"That's what I thought before I went there, but I kind of want to change my mind now."

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted: "Such a person can never be friends. However, he is a qualified tool person..."


The carriage slowly stopped outside the Jiang Mansion. Lin Jiangnian entered the manor and returned to the small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, there was a maid waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness, Miss Jiang asked you to go find her."

Auntie is looking for him?

Lin Jiangnian nodded, went back to his room, changed his clothes, and went to his aunt's courtyard. When passing Zhiyuan's courtyard on the road, I found that Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu were not there.

When he stepped into his aunt's courtyard, Lin Jiangnian felt something was wrong!

Something is wrong with the atmosphere.

Very strange!

Approaching under the eaves, there was the sound of the door opening.

Lin Jiangnian looked up, and the next second, he was stunned!

"Why...why are you here?"

Two girls appeared in Lin Jiangnian's sight.

Two identical girls in green skirts were standing at the door, looking at him timidly.

I feel pity for you.


It's the twin sisters Gao Boyan gave to Gao's family.

The man named Gao... really came to his door? !

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