Seeing the pair of pretty sisters standing at the door, Lin Jiangnian could not recover for a moment.

"Slave, please pay homage to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Until the two of them plopped down and knelt down in front of Lin Jiangnian respectfully and tremblingly.

Lin Jiangnian only belatedly realized... Gao Boyan was serious?

Did you really send him to his house?

Looking at these handsome twins, Lin Jiangnian felt a little dazed for a moment.

This man with the surname Gao was too enthusiastic. When they first met, he gave him a woman and a manor as a gift... Even though Lin Jiangnian was wary of him, he felt a little embarrassed at the moment.

As the saying goes, never hit someone with a smiling face. Gao Boyan was so enthusiastic and sensible that Lin Jiangnian was somewhat unable to plot against him...

He gave so much!


After a brief daze, Lin Jiangnian quickly realized the seriousness of the matter.

When did Gao Boyan send them here?

And...why are they two here?

Why are you here with your aunt?

When Lin Jiangnian came back to his senses, he suddenly noticed a chill in the room.

A few cold and unkind looks came my way!

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously looked up. In the cold hall, Jiang Yuxiang was sitting in the front hall, with a cold expression and elegant temperament. She was looking at him with slightly squinted eyes, as if smiling but not smiling.

Just beside her on the other side, a girl's figure sat quietly. Wearing a green shirt and long skirt, she has a cool temperament and a delicate face with a cold face, looking at him expressionlessly.

Just behind the girl, the petite and exquisite Xiao Zhu was quietly poking his little head out from behind, secretly spying on Lin Jiangnian at the door.

When he saw His Highness, Xiaozhu had a hint of surprise on his face, but soon, this surprise was mixed with a bit of resentment, and... curiosity!

The atmosphere in the room was a bit weird.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the scene in front of him and had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

"Auntie, Zhiyuan, what's going on?"

Lin Jiangnian walked into the room and spoke first, breaking the silence in the room: "What happened?"

The girl with a cold face said nothing and looked away.

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at the pair of sisters on the ground, then looked at Lin Jiangnian: "What's going on? Shouldn't you explain this?!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I don't know what's going on."

He didn't expect that Gao Boyan would actually send them two... He was just being polite, why did you come seriously?

"you do not know?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang frowned slightly, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he put on a serious face: "Do you think I'm stupid? The two of them said they were your maids and came to serve you, but you said you didn't know? "

"You brat, you lied to your aunt again?!"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at the two girls kneeling beside him at the door, frowning: "What's going on? Gao Boyan asked you to come?"

Two girls knelt on the ground, and one of them said in a respectful and trembling voice: "Reporting to Your Highness, yes, Mr. Gao sent someone to send our sisters over. Please, let us two serve Your Highness..."

"Did you hear that?!"

Before Lin Jiangnian could speak, Jiang Yuxiang snorted coldly after hearing this: "Why don't you tell me, what's going on?!"

"Where have you been? And where did you abduct them two from?"

Jiang Yuxiang was very angry and hadn’t figured out what was going on!

Not long ago, someone suddenly sent these twin sisters to the Jiang Mansion, saying that they were here to serve Prince Lin.

This made Jiang Yuxiang very confused. How could someone give Lin Jiangnian a woman?

Now that Lin Jiangnian is back, this brat still asks her what's going on?

How could she know?

Where did this brat kidnapped two beautiful girls who looked exactly the same!

"It's a long story..."

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and glanced at Zhiyuan, who was sitting next to his aunt. She was tilting her face slightly, not looking at Lin Jiangnian, but focused on the twin sisters kneeling at the door. She didn't know what she was thinking.

But vaguely, Lin Jiangnian could detect the vague coldness on Zhiyuan's body.

So, Lin Jiangnian explained to his aunt and Zhiyuan what happened at Gao Boyan's banquet not long ago.

After Jiang Yuxiang finished listening, her pretty eyebrows that were originally slightly frowned became deeper, and her expression became slightly solemn.

"You mean, Gao Boyan gave you two of them as maids to please you?"

Jiang Yuxiang pointed to the two people at the door.

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "That's it."

"He gave it to you and you agreed?"

"I refused!"

Lin Jiangnian naturally shook his head.

He had already excused himself very righteously.

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "Then please explain why the two of them are here?"


Why is it delivered to your door?

Did he really refuse?

Could it be that he heard that someone was going to send him a pair of sisters' flowers? This boy was so happy that he immediately agreed and couldn't wait to have them delivered to his door... Or maybe he hadn't returned home yet, and the sisters' flowers were delivered first. Already?

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "This tall man is too enthusiastic... I have clearly rejected him. Unexpectedly, he sent the person directly."

"It's so painful for me!"

At this point, Lin Jiangnian paused again, glanced at Zhiyuan, and then looked at Jiang Yuxiang: "The Gao family sent them here, but you didn't let them take them back?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at Lin Jiangnian and said angrily: "They sent someone here, and I don't know what happened. What if it ruins your good deeds? Right?"

Lin Jiangnian always felt that there was something in his aunt's words.

However, pretend not to hear.

He glanced at Zhiyuan again and saw that her expression was still cold and indifferent.

Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly and glanced at the two people beside him: "Then what should they do?"

"Then I can't ask you?"

Jiang Yuxiang rolled her eyes, feeling relieved after knowing the origin of the twins.

"What are you going to do with it?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and said, "Send it back."

He had no intention of having these twins. They were sent by the Gao family, but keeping them would be a problem.

What's more important is that Zhiyuan is present now, and his expression is obviously unhappy. If Lin Jiangnian dares to accept the twins now, they might meet in the backyard well tonight.

In a word, Lin Jiangnian and the sisters are expected to have only one life left!

"Send it back?"

Jiang Yuxiang was a little surprised. She thought Lin Jiangnian would stay.

After all, she saw that the twins were young, about twenty-eight years old, with a delicate and youthful appearance, and they were quite slim.

What's more important is that the two look exactly the same, and it's impossible to tell them apart at first glance.

Such stunning beauty is extremely rare in the capital city.

Jiang Yuxiang could probably guess that these two people were secretly and carefully cultivated actors by the powerful people in the capital. Their role is to be treated as goods and given to the powerful to reach certain benefit transactions.

Not to mention, there are really not many people in the world who can stop these twin sisters with great looks and stunning temperament.

This kid Jiang Nian actually plans to send him back?

"Are you willing to do so?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at the paper kite beside him without any trace, and said with a half-smile, "Aren't you going to keep them here to warm your bed?"

Lin Jiangnian's heart skipped a beat. Is my aunt deliberately trying to make people angry?

"No need, I'm not that kind of person!"

Lin Jiangnian refused righteously and said in a loud voice: "I'm not interested in these at all... Auntie, just send them back!"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's serious words, Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but feel a little funny.

This brat clearly told Zhi Yuan on purpose.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the little paper kite beside him, and saw that she was still sitting there with a straight face, but her face, which was still cold not long ago, seemed to have softened a lot.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuxiang sighed secretly. Zhiyuan was really manipulated by this kid, and he was probably going to be bullied!

After gathering her emotions, Jiang Yuxiang was about to instruct her servants to send the two people back the same way, but before she could speak, the twins at the door fell to their knees again with a plop.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, and her tone was slightly frightened as she spoke: "Please, please, Your Highness, please don't send us back!"

The beautiful faces of these two sisters were pale, their bodies were trembling slightly, and their heads almost hit the ground.

"Your Highness, your Highness, no, don't send me and my sister back... If we are sent back, we will end up very miserable..."

As if thinking of some terrible fate, the two girls' delicate bodies trembled violently, panicking.

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the girl on the ground: "What's going on? Tell me..."

From the girl's mouth, I quickly understood what was going on.

The twin girls in front of me, one is named Jasmine and the other is named Fengchi. As for the real name, there is probably no way to verify it!

Both of them were orphans. Their parents died for some reason when they were just a few years old. They were left alone and helpless. They were targeted and sold to a brothel in Beijing.

The two of them were beautiful girls, and they were twin sisters. They were quickly spotted by Gao Boyan, who spent a lot of money to buy them and cultivated them since childhood.

This cultivation lasted for more than ten years!

Gao Boyan spent a lot of money to train them in order to make them befriend the powerful and exchange benefits.

In addition to Jasmine Wind Chime, there are many other girls like Jasmine Wind Chime who were bought by Gao Boyan from childhood and secretly cultivated.

And their fate is basically the same!

However, because of their outstanding looks and temperament, as well as their twin gimmicks, Jasmine and Feng Ling had a better fate than other women who were given away at random!

Of course, it’s not much better!

This is already considered a dark industrial chain in Beijing. Of course, this kind of situation can be seen everywhere in the world and is not uncommon!

"Most of the sisters who grew up with us were given away by Master Gao to other people. Some of the sisters who were sent back, or who got tired of being played by them, would be sold by Master Gao to brothels outside, or to other places. …”

As if she thought of something, a look of fear appeared on Jasmine's delicate face. She lowered her head and her eyes were red: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, if you send me and my sister back today, Master Gao will definitely be very angry..."

People like them were either given to other powerful people as playthings, or those with better luck became other people's concubines. Those who are unlucky will be treated as goods and sold to brothels after being played with, or they will be resold and given to other friends. The end will be miserable...

And those who are returned like them are already 'unclean' and cannot be given to other dignitaries. So the fate that awaits their sisters is self-evident...

The only thing of value to them is this face and body, and for the two of them, this is their greatest value and their greatest sorrow and misfortune...

After listening to Jasmine's words, the room fell into a brief silence.

A somewhat sullen look appeared on Jiang Yuxiang's face: "This guy with the surname Gao is indeed not a good person!"

Jiang Yuxiang naturally knew the secrets behind this. Not to mention the capital city, even the Jiang family in Jiangnan had such incidents. As the largest aristocratic family in Jiangnan, the Jiang family naturally does not need to do these things, but over the years, those who intend to curry favor with the Jiang family have done countless dirty things...

If a woman with such an outstanding appearance does not have a prominent family background. The fate that awaits them is to become vassals of power and money.

This is their sorrow!

Jiang Yuxiang knew it very well, but he was unable to change it.

She had seen too many tragic whereabouts of women who were unable to control themselves. When she heard the words of these two sisters, while she was angry, she could not help but feel a little sympathy in her heart.

"Jiang Nian, what do you think?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment. Of course he could predict what would happen to the sisters.

Gao Boyan had already put a label on these two people by sending them here. Even if Lin Jiangnian sent them back, they would not have much use value.

Naturally, it is impossible for Gao Boyan to give the sisters' flowers given to Lin Jiangnian to others again. So, what awaits the fate of the two of them...

Gao Boyan dared to kill even his own son. The fate of these two maids would definitely not be good. No wonder the two of them looked so panicked and fearful when they learned that they were going to be sent back.

I'm afraid, many sisters have already learned from the past!

Sending them back is indeed equivalent to sending them into a pit of fire.

However, if you stay...

"Auntie, what do you think?"

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily: "You are Prince Lin, these two are given to you, so it is up to you to decide!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes shifted from his aunt to Zhiyuan beside him: "Zhiyuan, what do you think?"

Zhiyuan raised her head slightly, glanced at him, and said with a lukewarm expression: "You decide for yourself!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

What's going on with her reaction?

"I would like to hear your views."

Lin Jiangnian simply said that the Jiang Mansion was very big and had enough food for two people, so it would not be difficult to take in a pair of sisters.

The problem is that these sisters were sent to serve Lin Jiangnian. What would Zhiyuan think if Lin Jiangnian left them behind?

If Zhiyuan doesn't want to, for the two of them, this Jiang Mansion may be more like a fire pit than Gao Boyan's.

Despite the fact that Zhiyuan is weak, cold and cold, Lin Jiangnian knows it all too well - the de facto future Princess Lin of Prince Lin's Mansion is not only petty and jealous, but also kills people quickly and ruthlessly!


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