Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 326 What happened between you two?

"What kind of poison did she give you?"

"How to solve it?"

"Since she poisoned you and controlled you, why did she help you detoxify and let her go?"

"You two...did something happen?!"


In the room, Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian with sharp eyes.

She is different from Zhiyuan. As a bystander, she can keenly detect the loopholes in Lin Jiangnian's words, as well as those that are not reasonable.

For example, the woman in red mentioned by Lin Jiangnian!

A saint from the Celestial Religion?

Jiang Yuxiang had never heard of this Tianshen Sect, but I guess it was not a serious organization.

From Lin Jiangnian's words, we learned that the saint forced Lin Jiangnian to pretend to be Prince Lin's son and enter Prince Lin's Mansion in order to assassinate Prince Lin and find the Xuanyang Map.

It can be seen that this saint is playing a big game!

But why, after she failed to assassinate Prince Lin, did she inexplicably let Lin Jiangnian go?

Logically speaking, even if she failed in the assassination, as long as she could continue to control Lin Jiangnian, she would not be afraid that she would not have the chance to make a comeback.

How could you give up your plan so easily?

And let Lin Jiangnian go?

According to Lin Jiangnian's explanation, the saint was seriously injured after failing to assassinate Prince Lin. She was saved by him and was grateful that she decided to abandon the plan.

It sounds like the saint has a good heart, knows how to be grateful, and is a good girl...

But when Jiang Yuxiang thought about it carefully, he realized something was wrong.

Not to mention that the saint gave up this big game of chess a little hastily, but more importantly... Lin Jiangnian, why did he save her?

The saint poisoned Lin Jiangnian and threatened him to enter Prince Lin's Mansion and pretend to be Prince Lin's son. Logically speaking, Lin Jiangnian should walk on thin ice, bear the humiliation and bear the burden, and look for opportunities to save himself...

When the saint failed to assassinate Prince Lin and was seriously injured, wasn't this a golden opportunity?

Instead of taking the opportunity to find a way to escape the threatening control of the saint, he actually saved her regardless of past grudges...

This is not right!

Something is very wrong!

Jiang Yuxiang could almost conclude that something unknown must have happened between Lin Jiangnian and the saint.

There are also some unknown things that Lin Jiangnian did not elaborate on.

Speaking of which... the saint was hidden in Prince Lin's Mansion, and the two met quietly every night.

Is there some little unknown secret that happened?

The aunt's series of questions made Lin Jiangnian unable to answer for a while.

It has to be said that Jiang Yuxiang's guess was indeed correct, and his guess was almost accurate.

What kind of poison was it?

This can answer the question, poison!

But none of the following questions are easy to answer.

How to detoxify?

What happened with the saint from the Celestial God Sect?

I don’t want to go into details!

"This matter is difficult to describe in a single sentence. It's a long story..."

Lin Jiang young sighed and wanted to change the topic. But Jiang Yuxiang stared at him with burning eyes and said calmly: "It's okay, there's no rush, you can speak slowly."

Obviously, Jiang Yuxiang seemed to want to break the casserole and get to the bottom of it.


Lin Jiang young coughed and thought about how to explain to his aunt, but suddenly he heard her ask: "Are you guys okay?"

He looked up and saw Jiang Yuxiang looking at him playfully.

"That's not true."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

Are you getting along with Liu Su?

This is really not sure!

Although I have already met that Lady Liu...

But that Lady Liu had a tough mouth and a cold attitude! Even if I can't get out of bed, I still don't want to admit defeat.

The attitude is much worse than that of Zhiyuan!

It might be a little difficult to get along with her.

However, Jiang Yuxiang didn't seem to believe it. After staring at Lin Jiangnian for a moment, she suddenly came closer, her eyes were teasing, and she chuckled softly: "Just tell me, my aunt won't tell Zhiyuan."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Seeing his aunt suddenly approaching, Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered that this beautiful face was so close, cold and noble, and seemed to have a bit of girlish playfulness, that this aunt was not a few years older than him...

If I remember correctly, my aunt came to the capital to escape from marriage, right?

As for my aunt, I won’t tell Zhiyuan... even the dogs won’t believe it!

"Auntie, you misunderstood, I am indeed not on good terms with her..."

Lin Jiangnian looked as usual and added: "At least not yet."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang's beautiful eyes flashed: "So it means you have thoughts about her?"

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and did not deny it.

After all, even if she denies it, her aunt will probably not believe it.

"I see."

Jiang Yuxiang sat back down again and nodded thoughtfully, with a smile in her beautiful eyes: "If you are interested in her, you can explain it..."

At this point, Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes again: "Since this saint is willing to let you go, she must also be interested in you, right?"

Being able to make that saint give up her plan, it seemed that Lin Jiangnian's status was not light in her heart.

In this case, the two of them are probably not...

"Since you two are interested in each other, why don't you..." Jiang Yuxiang was slightly confused.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "She is a saint from the Celestial Sect. She assassinated King Lin. This is a capital crime."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang's expression gradually became serious: "Why did she want to assassinate King Lin?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "It's an order from the leader of the Tianshen Sect. I don't know what the purpose is..."

Jiang Yuxiang lowered his eyes slightly and thought for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Did you just say that she was in the capital?"

She seemed to have thought of something and narrowed her eyes slightly: "So, you have already met in Beijing?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids were slightly raised.

My aunt's thinking is really sharp, can she even detect this?

They not only met, they even had a frank and in-depth communication...

"That's right."

Lin Jiangnian nodded cautiously.


Jiang Yuxiang was thoughtful, seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly chuckled: "If you have a chance, bring her to meet me!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned: "Auntie, you..."

"What? Don't want to?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at him with a smile and sighed softly: "Don't worry, I have no other intention. I just want to meet her and see what the woman you like, Jiang Nian, looks like?"

"Your mother passed away early, and you have been living outside. Now you finally come back safely. How can I, my aunt, not care about this?"

Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly and said: "Jiang Nian, you are not young anymore, and you have reached the age to talk about marriage. There are only a few people in Prince Lin's palace, so we will have to rely on you in the future... Since this girl is the one you like, my aunt is just I want to meet her.”

"Don't worry, my aunt is not a pedantic person. If possible, it is not impossible for her to leave the Tianshen Sect and stay in Prince Lin's Mansion..."

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment, shook his head and sighed: "I'm afraid it won't be that easy for her to leave the Celestial Sect."

"What? No?"

Jiang Yuxiang frowned slightly: "Are you still afraid that it will be a small god cult?"

She didn't know the origin of the Celestial God Sect, and she didn't take it to heart. Any power in the world is nothing compared to the huge Prince Lin's Mansion.

Prince Lin's Mansion wants a saint from its Tianshen Sect, but the Tianshen Sect still dares to stop her from giving it to her?

Even if you don't give it, you can just grab it!

Does the Tianshen Sect still have the guts to cause trouble with Prince Lin’s Mansion?

"That's not the problem."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "She didn't want to."

He had asked Liu Su before and asked her to consider leaving the Tianshen Sect, but Liu Su did not agree. Lin Jiangnian could sense that Liu Su seemed to have some unspeakable secrets, but he did not say them out.

Lin Jiangnian didn't ask in detail.

He knew Liu Su, and even if he asked, the woman might not tell him.

"Does she have a deep connection with the Tianshen Sect?" Jiang Yuxiang asked.

"That's not true."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, hesitated for a moment, then moved closer and spoke softly: "Actually, she and Zhiyuan are half-sisters!"

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes and pupils gradually widened slightly.

After a while, she said in disbelief: "Sister, sister??"

"She and Zhiyuan are... are you serious about this?!"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian and asked.

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Dad told me personally."

Jiang Yuxiang: "..."


Jiang Yuxiang's gaze became extremely complicated in an instant.

Obviously, this news caught her off guard for a moment.

After a while, she came back to her senses and stared at Lin Jiangnian with complex eyes. She didn't know whether to laugh or be angry: "You guys really have a soft spot for sisters..."

Lin Jiang young coughed: "I actually didn't know about this before..."

Jiang Yuxiang naturally didn't believe it, but soon she became slightly worried.

The saint of the Tianshen Sect is actually half-sister with Zhiyuan, so the relationship becomes complicated.

Things started to get a little tricky.

"It seems that I have to see her!"

Jiang Yuxiang took a deep breath. If she said just now, she just wanted to see Lin Jiangnian's sweetheart and the origin of this saint of the Celestial Sect.

So now, she already had a reason to see him.

It was still early when Lin Jiangnian left his aunt's place. Regarding his life experience, Jiang Yuxiang did not have many clues. After all, she was only a few years old when it happened.

She didn't know exactly what happened that year.

However, Jiang Yuxiang still had some doubts about the death of Lin Jiangnian's twin brother.

What happened in the temple that night, and how did Prince Lin Wang die? What happened to Lin Jiangnian who was left behind eighteen years ago?

At the end of the question, Jiang Yuxiang's tone was inevitably a little more sad.

She stayed in Jiangnan all year round and had very little contact with Prince Lin. Except for meeting him once when she sent Zhiyuan to Prince Lin's Mansion a few years ago, she hardly had many opportunities.

Regarding his death, he felt more sorry for his sister and children.

It is certainly a gratifying thing that Lin Jiangnian was found. But the unexplained death of another child still cast a shadow over Jiang Yuxiang's joyful mood.

After Lin Jiangnian comforted his aunt, he returned to his courtyard.

Xiaozhu took the twins to find Zhiyuan, but they haven't come back yet. When Lin Jiangnian was about to return to his room, another report from the guard came outside the door.

"Your Highness, someone is looking for you outside the door."


"Mitiansi, Chief Chen!"


Gao family.

Gaofu is located in the prosperous place of the capital, not far to the west is the imperial city. Anyone who can live here must be rich or noble.

At this moment, the atmosphere in Gaofu was dull after a heavy snowfall.

A figure of a servant hurriedly arrived at the front hall.

In the front hall.

Gao Boyan, wearing a gray Confucian robe, was standing quietly in the hall without saying a word.

The gray eyes looked forward, wondering what he was thinking.

Not long after, the servant walked quickly to the hall and said respectfully: "Master, the younger one has sent the sisters to the Jiang Mansion."

Gao Boyan glanced at the servant and said expressionlessly: "How is the situation?"

The servant lowered his head and said respectfully: "The Jiang Mansion has accepted the sisters, and there is nothing unusual about it. Prince Lin has made no movement since he returned to the Jiang Mansion. He must have accepted them..."

Hearing this, Gao Boyan's eyes, which were originally slightly narrowed, slowly opened.

"You go down."


The servant bowed out respectfully.

At this time, Gao Hang, who had been standing behind and said nothing, suddenly sneered: "This Prince Lin is really interesting..."

"When we were at the manor before, father, you sent those two sisters to serve him, but Prince Lin was a prude and refused. I didn't expect that you sent them to your house, but Prince Lin accepted them..."

"Let me tell you, there is no man in the world who is not lustful. Prince Lin Wang's reputation in Linzhou is not very good. It seems that he is just pretending..."

As if he thought of something, a trace of disdain and coldness flashed across Gao Hang's face.

The twin sisters were originally supposed to be in his pocket, but unexpectedly they were given to Prince Lin by their father.

This made him somewhat unhappy.

Gao Boyan's expression softened slightly and he shook his head slightly: "This Prince Lin is not that simple. You and I need to be careful. However, since he has accepted these sisters, it means that he is not completely ignorant of my Gao family. "

Gao Hang was stunned: "Dad, you mean...he agreed?"

"not necessarily!"

Gao Boyan shook his head, "He is the prince of Prince Lin, how can he promise so easily? The son of a vassal prince has close personal relationships with court officials. This is a capital crime..."

At this point, Gao Boyan paused and said: "However, since he accepted our benefits, this is our opportunity!"

With that said, Gao Boyan asked: "Hang'er, go back and take these things you gave to Prince Lin today and find another opportunity to send them to him."

Gao Hang hesitated: "Will he accept it?"

"Whether he accepts it or not is one thing. My Gao family must give it away!"

Gao Boyan said in a deep voice.

Gao Hang felt a little reluctant and gritted his teeth: "Dad, do we have to do this? Our Gao family must please the Lin family? Don't we have the support of the third prince? When the third prince comes..."

"Shut up!"

Gao Boyan interrupted him coldly, and then said in a deep voice: "This matter has not been completed yet, remember not to mention it..."

"His Royal Highness is still here, and everything is still too early. If the third prince succeeds, my Gao family will be able to follow the dragon, but if it fails..."

Speaking of this, Gao Boyan looked deeply and said in a deep voice: "My Gao family must leave a way out!"


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