Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 327 Saint Liu, long time no see

Outside Jiang Mansion, on the street.

It was getting late in the evening, and the number of pedestrians on the street gradually dwindled. Under a heavy snowfall, the entire capital seemed to be shrouded in a snowy city.

Under the eaves, there was thick snow. Pedestrians in twos and threes stepped on the snow and shuttled through the alleys of Beijing. Just on the street, from time to time, a column of heavily armed city guards walked past, patrolling the streets and alleys.

After the heavy snowfall, Beijing was a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and the weather was freezing. For ordinary people, this was a disaster. Whenever there is a heavy snowfall, countless people freeze to death on the streets, and it becomes more likely to breed crime.

At the feet of the capital, this kind of thing doesn't happen often, but it's not completely absent. I heard that in the east of the city, the heavy snowfall last night crushed a large number of houses and killed many people.

Early this morning, the atmosphere in the city was relatively cold and dull.

At this time, in a teahouse on the street, some figures were sitting in twos and threes. It was freezing outside, but there was a stove in the teahouse and pots of hot tea on the table. Pedestrians, businessmen, and friends gathered together in twos and threes, whispering about the weather and the world, and making noisy discussions.

In the corner box by the window on the second floor, Lin Jiangnian looked at the street through the window sill, admiring the snowy scenery of the North City in winter.

On the street, you can occasionally see the figure of Mitiansi hiding in the shadow of snow, walking by in a hurry. With a solemn expression and hurried steps, he walked in the direction of Jiang Mansion.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Chen Feiyang's whereabouts are unknown, and the Mitian Division is now in chaos!"

In Lin Jiangnian's ears, a voice sounded slightly hoarse, but it sounded cheerful.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Changqing, who was sitting opposite: "Who is in charge of the overall situation in Mitiansi now?"

"The Great Protector!" Chen Changqing's eyes were slightly solemn: "After Chen Feiyang's accident last night, the Great Protector appeared and ordered Mi Tiansi to find out the truth as soon as possible and find Chen Feiyang..."

"Great Protector?"

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes, as if thinking about something.

Chen Changqing looked at the Prince Lin in front of him and said in a deep voice: "This person has extremely high martial arts skills. I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with..."

"How high?"

Lin Jiangnian asked interestingly.

Chen Changqing shook his head and said solemnly: "The Great Protector rarely appears, and no one has ever seen him take action. But he can put great pressure on me and should not be underestimated..."

Chen Changqing looked at Lin Jiangnian and said worriedly: "Your Highness, it may not be easy for you to deal with him."

After hearing Chen Changqing's words, Lin Jiangnian also became slightly serious.

Chen Changqing's martial arts is not weak. His strength is around level 4 or 5, which can put great pressure on him. This great protector is probably at least level 3 or above.

With Lin Jiangnian's martial arts, it is almost impossible to deal with him...

Chen Changqing saw Lin Jiangnian thinking silently, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your Highness, I wonder if Chen Feiyang... is still alive?"

Last night, Chen Changqing only received an order from Lin Jiangnian to find a way to cooperate and delay Mi Tiansi's reinforcements. As for what exactly happened, he didn't know.

When he arrived after dealing with Liu Chuan, there were only corpses left on the crime scene, but Chen Feiyang was nowhere to be seen.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Don't worry, he won't survive."

Chen Feiyang is indeed not dead yet, but he is no different from dead.

Hearing this, Chen Changqing breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

Chen Feiyang's death was obviously a very happy thing for him.

As the leader of Mitiansi, Chen Feiyang has been suppressing him everywhere in recent years. Chen Changqing has been resentful towards Chen Feiyang for a long time. Now that Chen Feiyang is gone, for him, a huge stone weighing on his heart has finally fallen.

"By the way, Your Highness, you have to be careful..."

What did Chen Changqing think of again? He looked slightly worried and said in a deep voice: "The Great Protector ordered a thorough investigation into the attack on Chen Feiyang. At that time, the forces in the capital will be mobilized. I am afraid that the Jiang Mansion and your Highness will be investigated. Your Highness, please be careful." …”

Lin Jiangnian had expected this and was not too worried.

"Let them investigate."

Lin Jiangnian slowly withdrew his gaze from the window, fell on Chen Changqing, and then said: "Except for the great protector, where are the other two?"

"Where are they now?"

Chen Changqing realized something: "Your Highness, do you want to..."

"Since you want to kill, hurry up... Chen Feiyang is gone, and they should be the ones left." Lin Jiangnian said calmly.

His target from the very beginning was the four guardians of Mitiansi.

Since you want to kill, it's natural to be quick and quick, there is no need to be sloppy.

But when Chen Changqing heard the news, he was still slightly shocked.

Now that Chen Feiyang was attacked, Mi Tiansi had already become angry and vigilant. Logically speaking, one should keep a low profile for now and wait for the opportunity to act after things calm down.

Unexpectedly, this Prince Lin is planning to continue taking action?

Committing a crime against the wind?

Hearing this, Chen Changqing took a deep breath and looked slightly solemn: "The remaining two protectors are very close to the big protector. The big protector is very busy and cannot stay in Mitiansi all the time. They will soon be together. Let the two guardians take charge of the overall situation, and they are nothing to be afraid of..."

At this point, Chen Changqing paused and said coldly: "If the Great Protector hadn't intervened, the two of them..."

"I can do it myself!"

Chen Changqing's eyes were deep and cold, and his whole body was filled with an indescribable aura.

As the leader of Mitiansi, he is capable and talented, but he is always trapped under power.

Now, the chance to break free is now.

Chen Changqing gradually showed his talents.

"Then things will be much simpler."

Listening to Chen Changqing's words, a smile appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face.

"Then, my prince will congratulate Chief Chen in advance?"

"Once the remaining three guardians are removed, Chief Chen of the Mitiansi will be in control. Congratulations!"

Chen Changqing's eyes narrowed slightly, he raised his head and met Lin Jiangnian's eyes, stood up slowly, looked respectful, and said solemnly: "Chen doesn't dare. If Chen can really hold the power of Tiansi, it's all thanks to His Highness. In the future, , His Highness Chen Mouwei followed suit..."

"Chen will not disappoint His Highness, and I hope that His Highness will still remember what he promised Chen that day..."

"Don't let Chen down!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Chen Changqing in front of him quietly and said calmly: "I know that you are a person with ideals. Since I have promised you, I will not break your promise."

"I also hope that in the hands of Chief Chen, the Mitian Secretary can truly plead for the people and seek a fair and stable world for the people."

Chen Changqing looked solemnly and said in a deep voice: "Chen will definitely go all out and do his best to live up to His Highness's expectations..."


Night falls.

The atmosphere in the city was a bit tense, especially outside the Jiang Mansion. There were many more city defense soldiers than before, as well as Mitiansi agents hiding in the darkness.

When Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion, he discovered many secret sentries hidden outside Jiang Mansion.

This is not surprising.

Chen Feiyang was attacked outside the Jiang Mansion. The incident was so big, and the person who caused the accident was someone Mi Tiansi used to keep an eye on the Jiang Mansion, which had to make them suspicious of the Jiang Mansion.

To be precise, he suspected Lin Jiangnian!

However, Lin Jiangnian was the eldest son of Prince Lin. Without conclusive evidence, the people of Mitiansi naturally did not dare to act rashly. These secret whistles were obviously designed to keep an eye on Lin Jiangnian's whereabouts.

In this regard, Lin Jiangnian did not alert the enemy. Since they are willing to stare, let them do it.

Lin Jiangnian returned to the Jiang Mansion calmly, but as soon as he came back, he was called over by Jiang's father and mother.

After all, there was such a big thing happening outside the Jiang Mansion. It was impossible for Jiang Ningkang not to know about it, and he also doubted whether what happened outside was related to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian didn't explain much, he just reassured Father Jiang and Mother Jiang that he knew what was going on. Jiang Ningkang guessed something, but he didn't ask any more questions. He just patted Lin Jiangnian on the shoulder and told him to tell him if he encountered any danger or trouble.

As a doctor in the Ministry of Punishment, Jiang Ningkang did not have great power, but thanks to the influence of the Jiang family in Jiangnan, Jiang Ningkang did have some influence in Beijing.

Now that Lin Jiangnian has entered Beijing, Jiang Ningkang naturally takes good care of the only bloodline left by his biological sister.

Mother Jiang was worried for a while and repeatedly told Lin Jiangnian to be careful and protect himself. Lin Jiangnian also left and returned to the small courtyard after answering and agreeing.

The small courtyard was deserted. Lin Qingqing had gone out of the city to do some business today and would not be able to come back soon. Even most of the other princes and soldiers around Lin Jiangnian had been sent out.

Some time ago, I went to investigate the third prince's private army hiding outside the capital, and I got some clues.

In the courtyard, there were only two maids left who had followed him to the capital from Prince Lin's Mansion.

"Where's the paper kite?"

Lin Jiangnian asked about the two maids, but the maids stayed in the small courtyard and didn't know.

This also means that Zhiyuan should not have been here today.

Lin Jiangnian was about to go find Zhiyuan. When he was about to leave the small courtyard, he ran into Xiaozhu who was just returning.

"Your Highness?"

"Xiao Zhu."

Lin Jiangnian stopped and asked, "Where have you been?"

Xiaozhu blinked his smart eyes and smiled: "Xiaozhu just came back from Sister Zhiyuan's place."

"Paper Kite?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced behind Xiaozhu: "Is Zhiyuan next door?"


Xiaozhu shook his head and explained in a low voice: "Sister Zhiyuan is still with Miss Jiang, disciplining the two young ladies brought back today for His Highness!"

Xiaozhu said with a smile, but then thought of something again and blinked: "No, it should be the two sisters!"

A somewhat proud smile appeared on her face: "They are younger than Xiaozhu and about the same age as Xiaozhu, so... they are sisters!"

Having said this, Xiaozhu waved his fists with excitement and joy: "Your Highness, Xiaozhu is finally not the youngest!"


Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu and waved to her: "Here, let His Highness help you check whether you are the youngest."

Xiaozhu's face quickly turned red: "Your Highness, you, you... are bad!"

Your Highness wants to examine the child. What kind of child is it?

She won't be fooled!

"Why are you blushing?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu's little face and blushed slightly, and then suddenly realized: "Xiaozhu, are you thinking wrong? His Highness asked you to come over to see if you have grown taller... What are you thinking?"

"Xiao Zhu doesn't believe it..."

Xiaozhu blushed, pouted her lips and snorted: "Your Highness, you must have bad intentions!"


Seeing that Xiaozhu dared to speak to His Highness like this, Lin Jiangnian immediately stepped forward and pulled the little maid into his arms, bullying her with his hands for a while.

The bullied Xiaozhu's body became weak, her ears were red, her breathing was rapid, and she gasped repeatedly before letting her go.

"How did Zhiyuan discipline the two of them?"

Lin Jiangnian asked curiously.

He knew that Zhiyuan would find a way to find out all the details about the sisters, but he was also curious about how Zhiyuan would train them.

Xiaozhu blushed and snuggled into His Highness's arms. She was breathing rapidly, and her big eyes were filled with a bit of red mist. She whispered softly: "It's just like how I disciplined Xiaozhu before... Sister Zhiyuan interrogated them. The origin, and then teach them the rules of the house..."

"Sister Zhiyuan is so fierce. She made the two of them tremble with fear. They looked pitiful and had to explain everything..."

"Sister Zhiyuan even made them take off their clothes... Those two sisters are really good-looking and have fair skin. The sister named Jasmine has big breasts..."

As if remembering something, a look of envy appeared in Xiaozhu's eyes.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head to look at Xiaozhu, touched her little head, and said comfortingly: "It's okay, Xiaozhu, you don't have to be envious. You are still young, you can still develop, and you will still grow. Don't be discouraged."

Xiaozhu's face suddenly became hot with embarrassment, and he struggled to escape from Lin Jiangnian's arms.

"Hmph, Your Highness, you know how to bully Xiaozhu!"

"Ignore you!"

Xiaozhu blushed, spat out her sweet tongue at Lin Jiangnian, then turned around and trotted away.

Lin Jiangnian stood there and did not pursue him.

I was thinking about whether I should go to my aunt's place to see the paper kites, but after thinking about it, I gave up!

As for what the sisters could be trained by Zhiyuan, Lin Jiangnian didn't really care. It was just a matter of convenience to keep the two of them. Jiang Mansion also happened to be short of a few maids and maids. If there was no problem with them, they could just stay as maids.

As for what my aunt mentioned about being a bed-warming maid...

Let’s talk about it later.

With this in mind, Lin Jiangnian turned around and returned to his room.

When he walked to the door and opened the door, Lin Jiangnian, who had just stepped into the room with one foot, suddenly stopped again.

Lift your eyes.

In the dark room, I couldn't see my fingers.

The faint corridor lights under the eaves of the corridor and the wind and snow outside the door vaguely illuminated a figure in the room.

Vaguely, there was a figure dressed in red, sitting quietly in the room.

He raised his eyes and looked at him expressionlessly.

In the dim environment, that cold face was breathtakingly beautiful.

It almost takes one's breath away!

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked back outside the corridor.

After making sure that no one was there, he walked into the room. Turn around, close the door, and lock it!

Done in one go!

Then, Lin Jiangnian walked aside and lit the lights.

The oil lamp lit up the room. It also illuminates the fiery figure in red clothes brightly.

"Saint Liu!"

Lin Jiangnian quietly looked at the familiar and beautiful face in front of him, with a slight smile on his face.

"Long time no see!"

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