Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 328 Jealous Saint Liu

The person who appeared in the room was the saint from the Celestial Sect whom I had mentioned to my aunt just today!

She sat quietly in the middle of the house, raising her head and staring at Lin Jiangnian at the door expressionlessly.

She was still wearing a tight-fitting red dress that wrapped around her body, revealing her originally curvy figure. The skirt is very long, highlighting the noble and cool temperament of this saint.

Her fair skin looks even more delicate against the red dress, giving her a stunning beauty. Just like when they first met in the temple under the heavy rain that night, Lin Jiangnian was inexplicably moved.

However, compared to the first time he met her that night under the heavy rain, in his eyes, the Lady Liu was a little less mysterious and a little more indescribable... charm!

Her sudden appearance tonight gave Lin Jiangnian a surprise!

Lin Jiangnian showed joy and stepped forward slowly: "Sage Liu, what are you doing today..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a cold light flash in front of his eyes, and a sharp light shot straight towards his throat.

Lin Jiangnian was suddenly startled, Xuanyang's mind surged instantly, his whole body tensed up, his toes touched the ground, and he reacted in an instant, quickly retreating to dodge.

In his sight, under Liu Suhong's sleeves and robe, there was a flying knife and dagger in the flash of cold light.

It was the same one from the last time we met... did she pick it back up again?

The sharp dagger almost grazed Lin Jiangnian's neck, and the cold touch made Lin Jiangnian's heart tremble.

...What does she want to do again? !

At the same time, Liu Su suddenly took action and found that Lin Jiangnian had hidden away. A hint of surprise appeared in his beautiful cold eyes.

As if he didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian could escape? !

When had his martial arts progressed to this point? !

With this thought in her mind, Liu Su's beautiful eyes turned cold, leaving an afterimage on the spot, heading towards Lin Jiangnian.

"Saint Liu, you..."

Lin Jiangnian, who had just barely dodged a blow, had just stood up and was about to ask for the reason. Why are you so cute and so ready to take action as soon as you meet?

But before he could speak, the cold light hit him again.

This time, the breath is colder and the speed is faster!

Lin Jiangnian didn't bother to ask for an explanation anymore, and immediately concentrated his mind. The Xuanyang mind in his body rotated rapidly, and the majestic breath lingered around Lin Jiangnian's body, blowing his hair and robes.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's aura seemed to have reached its peak.

He used the power of Xuanyang's mental skills to prepare to resist Liu Su's offensive!

Lin Jiangnian has been practicing the Xuanyang Mental Technique for almost a year. Under the tempering of the Mental Technique, Lin Jiangnian has extremely high confidence in his physical fitness. At this moment, his internal energy surged, and he felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he even had the illusion that he could go head-to-head with Liu Su!

A saint from the Celestial Sect?

Then let him come and learn about the strength of this saint from the Celestial Sect, right?

Just when Lin Jiangnian was full of confidence, the sharp cold wind finally hit his face and came in an instant.

Liu Su, wearing a long red dress, appeared in front of Lin Jiangnian like a ghost. Then, the dazzling silver dagger under her sleeve robe seemed to be in an uninhabited place, easily breaking through Lin Jiangnian's defense due to his strong internal strength, and pressed it against his neck.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

When he felt the cold touch on his neck, Lin Jiangnian didn't even react.

It wasn't until he looked at Liu Su's face that had no emotion at all, and when there was a hint of murderous intent lingering in the air, that Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized it.

"Saint Liu, calm down and show mercy..."


Lin Jiangnian was very frustrated!

My self-confidence has suffered an inexplicable blow!

Starting more than half a year ago, Lin Jiangnian, who entered Prince Lin's Mansion, began to practice martial arts in order to protect himself.

At that time, Lin Jiangnian was in a lot of crisis. Inside, there was Liu Su poisoning him to control him, and outside, there was someone pretending to be the Prince of Prince Lin and walking on thin ice. The only thing he can do is to continue to strengthen himself!

His path to martial arts training can be considered smooth. He has practiced the most advanced Xuanyang Mental Technique in the world, and has the martial arts attainments taught by Senior Li from Ruyi Tower, as well as the martial arts experience of many masters in Prince Lin's Palace. As well as all kinds of martial arts assistants, natural materials and earthly treasures...

It can be said that Lin Jiangnian's path to martial arts training was very smooth.

And he can be regarded as inheriting Lin Hengzhong's attainments in martial arts, and his martial arts has improved rapidly.

On the way to Beijing, Lin Jiangnian did not neglect his martial arts. In a few months, he went from a rookie who had just entered the ninth level to the seventh level.

This rate of progress is no longer too slow.

You know, it only took half a year for him to go from being powerless to level seven.

The most important thing in martial arts is the foundation. For ordinary people, it takes a lot of time to lay the foundation. Lin Jiangnian can go from having no foundation to his current strength at a terrifying speed.

Then, after being attacked outside the city, he was rescued by the eldest princess. The eldest princess spent rare materials and treasures to help Lin Jiangnian increase his internal strength, which also caused Lin Jiangnian's internal strength to grow rapidly.

When killing Chen Feiyang, Lin Jiangnian also realized that he had truly reached the fifth level of strength.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian had to say that he was very confident!

So confident that he is even a little arrogant!

After all, in less than a year, from zero to the fifth rank in the world, it is unique in the world.

If the only person who could be compared to him was probably the eldest princess who had never seen a move, but was able to save him from Shen An, her strength was unfathomable.

It was precisely because of this confidence that when he met Liu Su tonight, Lin Jiangnian had inexplicable thoughts about his own strength.

It also gave him the blind illusion that he could compete with Liu Su!

...Even if you can't beat him, you can always survive a few moves and fight, right?

Facts have proved that Lin Jiangnian was very wrong!

Extremely outrageous!

He couldn't survive a single move under Liu Su's hands!

Even though he tried his best, Liu Su easily defeated him and put the dagger against his neck.

The cold touch jolted Lin Jiangnian and he finally came to his senses.

He mistakenly underestimated Liu Su's strength, and also overestimated himself!

Who is Liu Su?

The saint of the Celestial Sect!

Someone who dared to sneak into Prince Lin's Mansion alone and assassinate Lin Hengzhong!

Even if the assassination failed, judging from her courage to assassinate Lin Hengzhong, it also means that her martial arts skills are not low. And her failure to assassinate Lin Hengzhong and her ability to escape unharmed further proves her profound martial arts skills.

... Of course, there was also the reason why Lin Hengzhong recognized the identity of the daughter of her old friend and deliberately let it slip.

But no matter what, it means that Liu Su's martial arts is very high, so good that one move made Lin Jiangnian realize the reality.

"Su, Su'er..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced down at the dagger on his neck, then looked at the cool woman in a red dress in front of him, and coughed lightly: "What are you doing?"

"How come you are so good, you fight and kill each other when you meet..."

"Be good, put down the dagger first..."

Lin Jiangnian coaxed in a soft voice.

However, Liu Su was indifferent, staring at him with her cold beautiful eyes, and the dagger in her hand did not move.

"What happened?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little confused.

Weren't you fine the last time we met?

Last time...

Lin Jiangnian quickly remembered the last time they met not long ago. The two hadn't seen each other for several months. When they met, the sky was thundering and the earth was ablaze, and then... they spent a pleasant night!

What happened when you woke up the next day?

Liu Su left without saying a word.

Before leaving, Lin Jiangnian asked her if she would come back?

Liu Su did not answer at that time.

I didn't expect that she would come back so soon... She just came back, so why did she do it?

Liu Su's eyes were still slightly cold, and her aura looked very much like that of a saint from the Demon Cult: "What are you talking about?"

As expected of being half-sisters with Zhiyuan, the two are indeed similar in some aspects.

"Put down the dagger first, and let's talk carefully if you have anything to say..."

Lin Jiangnian didn't know where he offended the Liu Nuxia, so he could only comfort her first.

"Did I do something wrong? Tell me and we can discuss it..."


Hearing this, a sneer appeared on Liu Su's face.

"Yes, discuss!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Everything is negotiable. Only if you tell us can we solve the problem..."

Liu Su sneered: "What if I don't want to discuss it with you?"

Lin Jiang young sighed: "Why bother... didn't we have a good time last time we met? Did I do something wrong to offend you?"

"If you say it, I will definitely change it and do it!"

"Is this true?"

Liu Su seemed to be moved and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

"Of course it's true!"

Lin Jiangnian thought about it carefully and found that he had really not offended Liu Su in any way recently.

Wasn't it good the last time we met?

Is it because...

Was it too rough last time?

Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking wildly, an inexplicable sneer appeared on Liu Su's face. She glanced behind him and said coldly: "In that case, kill the maid named Xiaozhu first."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"Xiaozhu is fine, so well-behaved and obedient. Why did you kill her?"

When did Liu Su have a grudge against Xiaozhu?

If she didn't return the favor before, Xiaozhu even lent her clothes twice.


"What? You can't bear it?"

Liu Su stared at him with a sneer, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian finally came to his senses.

Liu Su...

Could it be that you are jealous?

Looking at her look and expression at this time, and thinking back to the time when he and Xiaozhu were outside the door just now, I am afraid that the Lady Liu in front of me has clearly seen them.


Is she anxious? !

Lin Jiangnian instantly understood all the reasons. Looking at Liu Su, who had a frosty face and a sneer on her face, she couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

"Why are you competing with Xiaozhu? She is just a little maid."

Liu Su stared at him coldly, biting her red lips: "So what?"

"Why are you bullying a little maid like you, a majestic saint from the Celestial God Sect..."

Lin Jiangnian quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, little maid can't shake your position in my heart."


Liu Su sneered, unmoved at all, and stared at Lin Jiangnian with her beautiful eyes: "So, you have slept with her?"

As expected of a saint from the Celestial Sect, Lin Jiangnian didn't know how to answer the question because of her tricky and direct way of thinking.

Liu Su saw the answer from the reaction on Lin Jiangnian's face. Although she had known about this for a long time, she still felt a bit sour in her heart.

There are also indescribable complex emotions.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Beast!"

Young Lin Jiang coughed and became dissatisfied: "What kind of beast have I become? Xiaozhu is my personal maid, when have I ever done anything like a beast?"

Liu Su sneered: "Xiao Zhu is so young, but you can do something to her... What are you if you're not a beast?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Xiaozhu is only two or three years younger than you. Children from ordinary families like her will probably become mothers!"

Liu Su's beautiful eyes suddenly condensed: "Xiao Zhu is pregnant?!"

Lin Jiangnian admired the thinking of this Lady Liu and shook his head: "What are you thinking? Of course not, I'm just giving an example... Okay, okay, put down the dagger first."

Liu Su didn't speak or put down the dagger.

Lin Jiangnian sighed when he saw this, and took a step back, his neck avoiding the cold light of the dagger.

Liu Su still stood there, not responding, just staring at him coldly, with an unkind look on his face.

From beginning to end, she had no intention of killing Lin Jiangnian. Lin Jiangnian also knew this, so he was naturally confident.

"Okay, calm down, I'll explain it to you slowly."

Lin Jiangnian approached Liu Su again and reached out to hug her, but Liu Su avoided her cautiously, "What are you doing?!"

Lin Jiangnian hugged him empty-handed, stood there and sighed: "We are an old married couple, and you are still so wary of me?"

Liu Su's face turned red and she gritted her teeth: "Who is married to you?!"

Lin Jiangnian said confidently: "Of course it's you!"

"Shut up!"

Liu Su spoke in annoyance and said bitterly: "I, I should have killed you, a scoundrel like you, that night!"

Can she not regret it?

It was a thought that night that led to the current situation.

As a result, she lost her wife and soldiers.

All my body and mind were deceived by this scoundrel!

Listening to Liu Su's angry words, Lin Jiangnian laughed: "Unfortunately, nothing can be repeated. We have to accept what has happened, right?"


Liu Su's eyes were dazed for a moment, but then she realized something alertly: "What do you want to say?!"

"I mean, isn't it obvious enough?"

Lin Jiangnian shrugged and walked towards her again.

As soon as he took a step, Liu Su warned: "Don't come over..."

As if remembering the scene when they last met, Liu Su felt lingering fear and gritted her teeth secretly.

We definitely can’t be fooled by him again!

Let him succeed again!

Thinking of this, Liu Su took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

Lin Jiangnian chuckled again: "But speaking of it, I really should thank you."


Liu Su raised her eyes and saw Lin Jiangnian looking at her with gentle eyes: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to enter Prince Lin's Mansion, and I wouldn't have the status I have today... Speaking of all the mistakes, everything must be done. Thank u!"


Liu Su looked away slightly, her expression a little unnatural, and she sneered: "It seems that you have now established a firm foothold in Prince Lin's Mansion?"

"In Prince Lin's Mansion, no one doubts your identity anymore?"

"There should be no more..."


Liu Su sneered, "Aren't you afraid that I will expose your fake identity?"

"Don't be afraid!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I know you wouldn't do that."

Liu Su's heart trembled slightly, feeling something strange that she couldn't describe. She looked away again, still forcing herself to keep a cold face, and said expressionlessly: "I can!"

"Don't think that I can't do anything to you after you have solved the love poison... I want to kill you and expose your fake identity, it's easy!"

"Since it's so easy, why didn't you do it?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back.

Liu Su was speechless for a moment, and then became angry and said: "I, I will send someone to send a letter to Lin Hengzhong later, tell him all the truth, tell him that you are the fake Prince Lin, and asked you... you, what are you doing? !”

Just as Liu Suguang was speaking, Lin Jiangnian appeared behind her and hugged her from behind.

Liu Su's delicate body trembled slightly, and her voice suddenly sounded panicked and angry: "You, let me go!"

Lin Jiangnian did not let go. He hugged the tough-tongued Saint Liu from behind, turned to stare at her stubborn and beautiful face, and said softly: "Okay, I know you won't do this, so don't be so tough. …”

"Who, who said that? I'll wait for this girl..."

"Don't wait any longer, you won't..."

"Who said no? I..."

"If you keep being tough, will I stop you?"

"How dare you... Uh-huh, you..."


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