Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 329 Do you think I’m easy to deceive?

Saintess Liu's mouth was both hard and soft.

When she was asked to admit something, she would rather die than give in, or even be beaten to death. She was one of the tough talkers.

But when it is blocked, you will find that Saint Liu's mouth, which looks very hard, is actually quite soft.

It is soft, waxy, slightly cool to the touch, and has a sweet taste similar to that of candy.


Before Lin Jiangnian had time to savor it, he was slapped and flew away.

I lay down on the soft blanket, no pain or itch.

Lin Jiangnian sat up and looked forward.

Liu Su's pretty face was red, her breathing was rapid, and she was staring at him angrily.

The bright red lips have a moist luster, which has an indescribable alluring beauty.

"If you dare to touch me again, I will kill you!"

The tone was vicious and threatening, but it didn't have much momentum. Instead, it seemed a bit stern and angry.

Lin Jiangnian didn't take it seriously at all.

This Lady Liu had said she wanted to kill him countless times, but never once did she actually take action.

If she really had an idea, Lin Jiangnian wouldn't be able to make a move in front of her.

Typical duplicity.

Lin Jiangnian quietly admired the saintly girl's blushing reaction in front of him, and suddenly chuckled: "Have you noticed that you have changed?"

Liu Su was in a state of confusion at this time, with shame and complicated emotions in her heart. Suddenly she heard Lin Jiangnian's words: "What?"

"The previous 伱 was not like this."

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes, recalling his experience with Saint Liu at Prince Lin's Mansion half a year ago.

At that time, he was the fake Prince Lin, and Liu Su was the maid hiding in Prince Lin's Mansion. Every night, after everyone had gone to bed, she quietly entered Lin Jiangnian's room and had sex with Lin Jiangnian. Some unspeakable behavior...

In Lin Jiangnian's eyes at that time, Liu Su was a mysterious woman with unknown origins and unfathomable martial arts skills. At that time, when she faced Lin Jiangnian, she always looked calm and calm, with a mysterious and indescribable glamorous temperament.

Although he is very charming, he always gives him a kind of indifference that repels people thousands of miles away!

Today, Liu Su has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, Lin Jiangnian had never dared to imagine that he could see such a shy and angry little woman in this Saint Liu.


Hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, Liu Su snorted: "I never thought that you would be such a person!"

"What kind of person am I?"

"You know it yourself."

Obviously, Saint Liu put an unknown label on him.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't take it seriously. He got up from the ground and was about to step closer when he noticed the wary gaze from Saint Liu.

"Don't come here... stay away from me!"

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."


Liu Su didn't say anything, just responded with two sneers.

She didn't believe a word of this nonsense.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he also knew that his credibility with Liu Su was almost zero. He turned around and sat down at the table next to him. Seeing that she was still standing there, he waved: "Stop standing there stupidly. Do you want to come over and sit down first?"

Liu Su stood there without moving, folding her hands on her chest and looking at him expressionlessly.


Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su, who had a stubborn and cold face in front of him, and chuckled, "Is there something important that you suddenly came to see me tonight?"

Not long after the last meeting, Liu Su suddenly paid another night visit. Although it cannot be ruled out that Liu Su missed him because of her taste and simply came to see him.

But based on Lin Jiangnian's understanding of Saint Liu, she probably had something serious to do.

Sure enough, when Lin Jiangnian asked, Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian for a while and then said with a straight face: "Do you still remember what you promised me before?"


Even though Lin Jiangnian had a good memory, he couldn't remember what he had promised Liu Su. There must not have been the last time we met, that was at Prince Lin's Mansion almost half a year ago...

What did he promise Liu Su when he was at Prince Lin's Mansion?

Just as Lin Jiangnian was trying to remember, Liu Su had already said it expressionlessly.

"Xuanyang Picture!"

Liu Su stretched out her hand and said coldly: "Where is the Xuanyang Picture you promised me?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered that this seemed to be the case!

Lin Jiangnian had indeed promised that he would find a way to help her find Xuanyang Tu. But later Liu Su left Prince Lin's Mansion, and not long after, Lin Jiangnian also embarked on his way to Beijing.

In the blink of an eye, we are now.

As for the whereabouts of Xuanyang Tu...

Lin Jiangnian checked the entire Prince Lin's Mansion but found no clues. This also means that the only person who knows the whereabouts of Xuanyang Tu is probably Lin Hengzhong.

However, at that time, Lin Jiangnian was still worried that his identity would be exposed, and he did not dare to directly ask Lin Hengzhong about the whereabouts of Xuanyang Tu. Lin Jiangnian almost forgot that when Liu Su asked him to pretend to be Prince Lin's son and enter Prince Lin's palace, he was going to Xuanyang Tu.

Now that Lin Jiangnian has confirmed his identity and has no worries, he will be able to find an opportunity to find out the whereabouts of Xuanyang Tu when he meets Lin Hengzhong next time.

But the problem is that since Lin Jiangnian is the real prince of Prince Lin, it means that Prince Lin's Mansion is his home, and the Xuanyang Mental Technique is also his family's secret skill.

How can there be any reason to help others worry about their own things?

"Not long after you left Prince Lin's Mansion, I also left Prince Lin's Mansion and went to Beijing. Xuanyang Tu is still missing."

Lin Jiangnian explained softly.

Liu Su's eyes were cold: "Did you lie to me?"

"How could I lie to you? It just happened for a reason...but I really can't give you this Xuanyang Picture!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke hesitantly and saw Liu Su standing there, looking down at him coldly.

The expression on his face became colder and colder.

"Don't be angry yet!"

Lin Jiangnian waved to her: "Come here."

Liu Su didn't move.

"Come here and sit down first. I'm going to tell you something very important!"

Liu Su still didn't move, but when she saw Lin Jiangnian's expression becoming serious, she fell silent for a moment and said coldly: "Just say it!"

"This matter is very important. It is a big secret. It is also related to Xuanyang Tu... Come and sit down first, and I will tell you slowly."

After hearing that it was related to Xuanyang Tu, Liu Su finally had some reaction. She stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times, and after a while, she warned coldly: "If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you!"

Lin Jiangnian comforted him: "Okay, okay, if I lie to you and you kill me directly later, I will definitely not resist."

After hearing this, Liu Su finally snorted coldly, walked to the table and sat down opposite Lin Jiangnian, far away.

Lin Jiangnian was dumbfounded when he saw this. He is such a big man, why is he still angry like a little girl?

But then I thought about it, Liu Su was about the same age as Zhiyuan, she was also eighteen or nineteen years old, and she was indeed still considered a young girl at this age.

With this in mind, Lin Jiangnian stood up and moved to sit next to Liu Su.

"what are you doing?!"

Liu Su's body tensed up, leaning back slightly. Su's hands under her sleeves clenched tightly into fists, staring at him warily.

Her heart was on edge, as if she was worried about what Lin Jiangnian would do to her.

"Are you, the majestic saint of the Celestial Sect, still so afraid of me?"

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sighed softly: "I can't beat you, can I?"

When Liu Su heard it, it was indeed true.

Although this guy's martial arts has improved rapidly, there is still a big gap compared to hers. It was easy for her to deal with him.

But soon, Liu Su realized something was wrong.

It was easy to deal with him, but why was this guy still taking advantage of him?

Last time I was confused...

It was the same this time, this guy took advantage of her being unprepared and unexpectedly attacked her!

Thinking of this, Liu Su turned coldly and waved the dagger hidden under her sleeves to warn him: "Don't touch me!"

Her warning was naturally not taken seriously by Lin Jiangnian. Looking at Liu Su, who was tense all over, Lin Jiangnian felt even more amused.

This saint of the Celestial Sect used to look mysterious. Now it seems that it is not as good as a paper kite.

"Okay, okay, I won't touch you."

Lin Jiangnian nodded in agreement.

Liu Su breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a cold face: "What's the matter? Just tell me!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and suddenly asked: "Remember the night we first met, right?"

Liu Su frowned, her eyes becoming more alert: "What do you want to do again?!"

Is this guy playing the nostalgia card with her again? !

She won't be fooled again!

Lin Jiangnian did not answer her question and continued: "That night at the temple, when you arrived with people, everyone was dead, right?"

Lin Jiangnian's words also brought back Liu Su's memories.

When she received the information and rushed to the temple that night, Prince Lin was attacked and killed, and everyone died.

In the entire temple, there was only one living person, Lin Jiangnian.

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian, slightly confused.

"What did you do with the body of Prince Lin?"


Liu Su's voice was without much emotion. In order to confirm Lin Jiangnian's fake identity, she disposed of the body of the real Prince Lin and sent someone to burn it completely without leaving any traces.

After hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian relaxed for some reason.

Fortunately, at least the body was not dumped in the wilderness.

"what do you want to say in the end?!"

Liu Su noticed Lin Jiangnian's expression and frowned deeper: "What does this have to do with Xuanyang Diagram?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su quietly in front of him, staring at the delicate outline of her face. After a while, he sighed softly: "Remember that time after you failed to assassinate Lin Hengzhong, didn't you ask me about my identity?" Have you ever had any doubts?"

"Actually, I was also very confused at that time..."

After Lin Heng returned to the house that time, there was no doubt about Lin Jiangnian's identity, which made Liu Su slightly suspicious.

Logically speaking, if a complete stranger pretends to be his son, no matter how similar Lin Jiangnian pretends to be, he cannot be without suspicion!

However, after Liu Su left Prince Lin's Mansion, the suspicion in her heart was temporarily sealed.

Hearing Lin Jiangnian mention it again, Liu Su's eyes suddenly focused: "What do you want to say?!"

There was some vague guess in her mind.

"Your suspicion is actually not wrong."

Lin Jiangnian looked into Liu Su's eyes. Under her astonished gaze, he nodded slightly: "I am indeed the real Prince Lin."

"It's not fake!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Su froze on the spot.

Sure enough, so...

Although she had suspicions in her mind, she still felt an unreal trance when she heard Lin Jiangnian admit it.

Not fake?

Is this guy really Prince Lin? !

So, doesn't this mean that after working for a long time, she just sent the real Prince Lin back to Prince Lin's Mansion?

As for the disguises she told her about, being cautious and walking on thin ice... wouldn't they all become a joke? !

In a daze, an inexplicable feeling of anger surged into my heart.

It was a feeling of grievance and anger at being deceived after the truth was revealed!

She stared at Lin Jiangnian suddenly and asked: "So, you have been lying to me from the beginning?! You are the real Prince Lin... The person who died in the temple that night was exactly like you, but he was yours substitute?!"

"You deceived me and returned to Prince Lin's Mansion alive, and then pretended not to know anything in Prince Lin's Mansion, and continued to play tricks and deceive me..."

"You have been lying to me from beginning to end?!"

Liu Su's eyes were red and she stared at Lin Jiangnian with emotion.

Was he lying to himself from the beginning? !

He was Prince Lin, but he pretended that he wasn't... That's right. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? She was so stupid that she even made such a low-level mistake!

He clearly knew everything, but he watched her tossing around in Prince Lin's palace like a clown. He pretended to cater to him and made a fool of himself. Even in the end, even her own innocence was compromised by him...

At this moment, the grievance in Liu Su's heart suddenly burst out, and the anger of being deceived made her blur her vision for a moment.

Lin Jiangnian didn't expect Liu Su to have such a big reaction.

When he saw that her eyes were red and her beautiful eyes were filled with crystal tears, he realized that something was wrong.

Big misunderstanding!

"You misunderstood, that's not what happened...Listen to my explanation first!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke quickly.

It's no wonder Liu Su thinks so. After all, even Lin Jiangnian doesn't believe that such a ridiculous thing can happen, let alone her?

"My identity is indeed not false, but the person who died in the temple that night who looked exactly like me was not my substitute. Strictly speaking, he is the real Prince Lin!"


At this moment, Liu Su, who felt aggrieved and angry in her heart, sneered when she heard Lin Jiangnian's words: "It's already this time, and you still want to lie to me?!"

"You are Prince Lin, and so is he? Are you trying to tell me that you two are brothers?!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"What you guessed is indeed correct..."

Liu Su laughed angrily, her eyes were red, and two lines of tears fell down her delicate cheeks. She sneered again and again: "Do you think I am really like a fool, so easy to deceive?!"

"You have lied to me for so long, and now you want to continue to make up such ridiculous reasons to lie to me?!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I really didn't lie to you this time. You might not believe me if I tell you. I only just found out about it."

"I am indeed a biological brother to the deceased Prince Lin, and both are Lin Hengzhong's biological sons... It is too ridiculous to explain the matter, but think about it, how could I make up something so outrageous and easily exposed to deceive? you?"

"If you don't believe it, I can call my aunt to come over and explain to you... She is Princess Lin's younger sister, and she is one of the few people who knows that Princess Lin gave birth to twins..."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian stood up and walked towards the door, intending to call his aunt over.

During the day, my aunt just said she wanted to see Liu Su, so it was better now to let her explain to her.

However, just as Lin Jiangnian turned around, he heard Liu Su's voice coming from behind him.

"Wait a moment!"


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