Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 330 Agree to Liu Su’s request

Liu Su's thoughts were very confused at this moment.

Very uncool!

When I heard Lin Jiangnian say that he was the real Prince Lin. At that moment, her mood was indeed angry.

Extremely angry!

It's like being betrayed by the person you trust the most and are closest to you!

How could he lie to himself?

Why... would he lie to her like this? !

The anger and grievances could not help but surge up all the time. She was emotionally agitated and very unstable.

As for Lin Jiangnian's explanation, in Liu Su's eyes it was a complete lie!

What kind of brothers?

What twins? !

Do you really think she is stupid?

Do you really think she would believe such a poor excuse?

How could there be such a coincidence in the world? !

How could he be...

But when he saw Lin Jiangnian getting up and leaving, saying that he was going to call his aunt over, Liu Su was stunned again!

Prince Lin's aunt...

She heard a little bit.

The woman named Jiang Yuxiang was well-known in both Jiangnan and Beijing, and it was rumored that she had a close relationship with the empress in the palace.

I have never met Liu Su, but I have heard her name!

When she heard that Lin Jiangnian was going to call her aunt over, Liu Su felt inexplicably panicked.

She couldn't explain why she felt like this.

Perhaps it was Lin Jiangnian's sincere attitude, or his resolute turning back, that made Liu Su subconsciously stop him.

At first, he was overwhelmed by feelings of grievance and anger. When he calmed down a little, Liu Su quickly realized that there was something fishy in this matter.

Lin Jiangnian's reaction in front of him really didn't look like he was lying.

Lin Jiangnian may be deceiving and everything can be disguised, but that woman named Jiang Yuxiang cannot! She is the sister of Princess Lin and the aunt of Crown Prince Lin. There is absolutely no way she can cooperate with Lin Jiangnian in lying.

more importantly……

Liu Su has always had doubts in her heart.

When she rushed to the temple that night, Prince Lin Wang had been assassinated, but inexplicably, she found Lin Jiangnian who looked exactly like Prince Lin in the temple...

where is he from?

Why is it there? !

Lin Jiangnian's explanation that night was impeccable, but it was still full of flaws... Prince Lin was assassinated. How could someone who looked exactly like him happen to appear at the scene of the crime?

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Liu Su was very suspicious of this and tested Lin Jiangnian many times when he was in Linwang's Mansion.

But judging from Lin Jiangnian's reaction and various subsequent performances, he is indeed not even remotely similar to the original Prince Lin except his appearance and temperament.

Liu Su temporarily dispelled the doubts in her heart... This guy should indeed not be Prince Lin's son!

But, it’s still the same problem!

Since he is not Prince Lin, why does he look exactly like Prince Lin?

Why were you at the temple that night?


Will he live?

Those assassins who assassinated Prince Lin, why didn't they kill him when they saw a person who looked exactly like Prince Lin? !



At this moment, Liu Su stared blankly at the spot.

In her opinion, this idea was extremely absurd and completely impossible, but at this moment, it seemed inexplicably... how reasonable was it?

Lin Jiangnian, who was about to call his aunt over, stopped and turned around.

Seeing Liu Su still sitting there, her red dress was like fire, but her mood was a little wrong at the moment, and she lost her previous elegant and confident temperament.

She sat blankly, with an indescribable dazed emotion on her face, her eyes were red, and crystals were faintly visible flickering in her eyes.

She looked so inexplicably pitiful.

She was still staring at Lin Jiangnian, countless complex emotions seemed to flash through her beautiful eyes. Finally, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"You tell me."

"what happened!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was slightly stunned, but soon realized... did she believe it?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian returned to Liu Su's side. Seeing the crystal tears on her beautiful face at this moment, mixed with the emotion of grievance, he felt a little distressed in his heart.

"Wipe your tears first."

Lin Jiang young sighed and was about to reach out, but Liu Su dodged it.

She looked away, expressionless.

Looking slightly stubborn!

Lin Jiangnian stopped moving his hands, and then smiled softly: "I really didn't lie to you. At the beginning, I didn't know my identity. It was just two days ago that I learned the truth..."

"I am indeed Prince Lin, but I am not the one everyone remembers..."

"The dead Prince Lin and I are twins and brothers..."

Lin Jiangnian sat next to Liu Su and slowly told her the whole story.

Liu Su looked sideways, expressionlessly listening to Lin Jiangnian's explanation.

At first, there was no emotion on her face, but as Lin Jiangnian gradually explained, her expression became slightly less calm.

She is the person in the world who knows Lin Jiangnian's details best.

She found Lin Jiangnian from the temple, and she threatened Lin Jiangnian to pretend to be Prince Lin's son and enter Prince Lin's palace. During the few months they spent together in Prince Lin's Mansion, the two got along day and night.

Because of this, she had such intense emotions when she thought Lin Jiangnian had been cheating on her.

But now that he heard Lin Jiangnian's explanation, Liu Su's face gradually looked shocked, stunned, and unbelievable...

She heard news that almost overturned her understanding.

"Princess Lin, what she gave birth to were actually twins?"

"Later, for some unknown reason, a child was left outside and his whereabouts are unknown. Prince Lin's Palace has always claimed that there is only one child?"

"That child left outside is... you?!"

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian in shock, his eyes dazed.


Lin Jiang young sighed: "Although it is not completely confirmed, it is almost certain!"

"I'm probably the child who was left behind..."


Liu Su was silent, her red eyes gradually becoming serious.

She really didn't believe it at first, but now after hearing Lin Jiangnian's explanation, Liu Su had to admit...she started to believe it!

Lin Jiangnian, maybe he really didn't lie!

Even if he could lie, he would never be able to make up a story with such complete details.

What's more, the truth of this story can actually be known once verified...


Liu Su raised her head slightly and looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of her with shocked and complicated eyes. She didn't know what to say for a moment.

"So you know now that I didn't lie to you..."

Young Lin Jiang sighed and grabbed Liu Su's hand: "You are the person who knows my origins best. How could I deceive you?"

"It is indeed because this matter is too bizarre and bizarre..."

Liu Su was silent.

Indeed, this result is too bizarre.

It was so bizarre that she couldn't believe it.

"But how can you doubt me because of this? Still crying like this?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su's red eyes and the long eyelashes that seemed to be a bit sparkling, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

But Liu Su seemed to have been stepped on.

"Who, who is crying?!"

She turned her head suddenly, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "I, I didn't!"

At this point, she seemed to realize something. She realized that her hand was held by Lin Jiangnian at some point, and she quickly tried to pull it out.

"Okay, okay, no, no, you didn't..."

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian quickly comforted her and at the same time held her hand tighter.


A blush appeared on Liu Su's fair face. Her breathing was rapid and her hair was messy. She pulled hard but couldn't pull it out.

As if he realized that his momentum had weakened a lot, he turned around again and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes. Their eyes met and they faced each other stubbornly.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

This Lady Liu is really going to be strong in her whole life!

"Okay, okay, now that you've explained it clearly, you're not angry anymore, are you?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and spoke.


"That's what I wanted to tell you today. At least for now, my life experience is clear."

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly.

Liu Su hummed silently, but then she frowned slightly: "No!"

"What's wrong?"

"Why were you in the temple that night?"

Liu Su was silent for a moment, and her brows furrowed further: "Did someone leave you there on purpose? Was it intentional, or was it a coincidence?"

"That's unclear for now."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He still hadn't figured this out yet.

If it was the same people who left him outside and showed up in the temple that night, then why haven't they shown up yet?

"Another point……"

Liu Su narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why...that twin brother of yours appeared in the temple? And why did he die inexplicably?"

"I have been investigating this matter, but I don't have much clue at the moment."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, and he quickly thought of Xu Lan.

That Miss Xu might know some secrets.

Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to wait for her to test her out the next time he came, but a lot of things happened during this period, and Miss Xu never came again.

I wonder if her family members knew about her sneaking out!

Liu Su was thoughtful and silent.

Then, as if he had expected something, when he looked at Lin Jiangnian again, there was a bit of complexity in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that you are actually Prince Lin's Crown Prince..."

She never imagined that the guy she had gone through so much trouble to send back to Prince Lin's Mansion would actually be the real Prince Lin's son.

Thinking about it this way, everything she had done before... was a bit ridiculous.

"Strictly speaking, I am not..."

Lin Jiang young sighed: "That's the one who died, but he died and I inherited all this by accident... After all, I still have to thank you."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su quietly and chuckled: "If you hadn't sent me to Prince Lin's Mansion, I probably wouldn't be where I am today!"

"If I had known earlier, I should have killed you with one knife!"

Liu Su seemed a little angry, gritting her teeth and staring at him.

Seeing that Saint Liu was still being stubborn, Lin Jiangnian asked, "Are you willing to do it?"

"What's so reluctant to give up?!"

Liu Su snorted coldly: "If I kill you, there will be one less scourge in this world..."

"Then you can do it now?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and said: "If you, Saint Liu, want to kill me now, wouldn't it be just as easy?"

"Are you looking for death?!" Liu Su glared at him angrily.

"That's not true."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said with a smile: "You know, I have always cherished my life... However, you gave me my life. If you really want to kill me, I will not resist..."

"If you can die at the hands of your own woman, it's a worthy death."

"Who, who is your woman?!"

Liu Su seemed to have been touched on some sensitive part suddenly. She was immediately excited and her voice was a little louder. She glared at Lin Jiangnian angrily, her pretty face flushed, and her expression was embarrassed.

"Don't think that you forced me to do that...I, I am your woman!"

"Is not it?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "You don't want to be responsible for me anymore?"

"Responsible, responsible?!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Su's head was temporarily stuck.

Yes, responsible for him?

Is she responsible for him?

Did you do something wrong?

No, no, no...

Liu Su's pretty face turned red, and her beautiful eyes could almost overflow with shame and anger: "Why should I be responsible for you?!"

"You slept with me and you didn't plan to take responsibility. You just wanted to run away after you lifted your skirt, right?"


"Shut up!!"

Liu Su was breathing rapidly and was very emotional. She gritted her teeth and told him to shut up in shame.

Lin Jiangnian still smiled: "It's okay to shut me up, but you have to be responsible for me."

"I owe you a big-headed ghost!"

Liu Su could only feel her face burning red, and the strong sense of shame made her delicate body tremble slightly. She couldn't stay any longer at this moment, and she subconsciously got up and wanted to run away.

But just when she stood up, she realized that her hand was still held by Lin Jiangnian. Lin Jiangnian exerted his strength and pulled her into his arms.

Liu Su staggered and fell into Lin Jiangnian's arms.

When she felt the hot breath surrounding her, Liu Su's breathing almost stopped, and her whole body was tense and almost stiff.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Lin Jiangnian hugged Liu Su and sat on his lap. He leaned into her ear and whispered softly: "I was joking with you just now. Even if I am responsible, I am responsible for you, right?"

"Let me go!"

Liu Su tensed up, blushed with embarrassment, and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

"Let me give you a hug...don't worry, I won't mess around!"


Liu Su naturally didn't believe it. There were almost no truths in this son of a bitch's mouth.

She struggled desperately and finally broke free. She took a few big steps back and stared at Lin Jiangnian warily while adjusting her clothes.

After a while, he gradually calmed down.

She took a deep breath, and when she looked at Lin Jiangnian again, her eyes were even more complicated.

She never thought tonight that the guy in front of her would be the real Prince Lin.

After learning the truth, nothing seems to have changed. But Liu Su knew that something... had changed!

"You are the real Prince Lin, so..."

Liu Su was silent for a moment and stared at him: "You won't give me the Xuanyang Picture, right?"

Lin Jiang said in a young voice: "If you want it, of course I will find a way to find it for you. But if it is your leader..."

Liu Su said nothing, bit her lower lip lightly, and stared at him quietly with a complicated expression.

"So you came to me tonight because of your leader's order?"

Liu Su lowered her eyes, and after a while, she said: "Leader, let me take you back to see him."

Take him back?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes. The leader wanted to see him?

Are you going for the Xuanyang Map?

Or is there another purpose?

"Then what?"

Lin Jiangnian asked: "Are you here to take me back tonight?"

"I have no idea."

Liu Su's voice was very soft, and her beautiful eyes were a little confused.

She didn't know what to do either.

The leader wanted to see Lin Jiangnian, so he probably went to Xuanyang Tu. She was not sure whether the leader would do anything to Lin Jiangnian then.

She can't do this.

But on the other hand, she couldn't disobey the leader's orders.

Liu Su hesitated for a long time, still unable to make a decision.

Lin Jiangnian saw Liu Su's confusion and guessed the hesitation and uneasiness in her heart.

He chuckled: "It's no coincidence, I actually want to meet your leader."


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