Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 331 Meeting the Leader of the Celestial Sect

Lin Jiangnian's words made Liu Su slightly startled.

She raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian, her voice gradually became colder: "Aren't you afraid of death?!"

"Of course I'm afraid!"

Lin Jiangnian laughed and asked again: "Does your leader want to kill me?"

Liu Su was silent for a moment, her eyes confused: "I don't know."

She guessed the reason why the leader wanted to see Lin Jiangnian, but she didn't know whether the leader would pose a threat to Lin Jiangnian.

This was also the reason for her hesitation.

She couldn't guarantee...

"You don't know either, so what are you worried about?"

Lin Jiangnian could see her worries.

Liu Su didn't speak and remained silent. The look he looked at Lin Jiangnian was slightly complicated.

After a while, she took a deep breath and said: "No need... You don't have the Xuanyang Diagram in your hand, so it won't be of any help to the leader. If you meet him, it will be very detrimental to you!"

Eventually, she gave up the idea.

Perhaps she had already made her choice from the beginning.

"how about you?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked.

Liu Su's eyes narrowed slightly and she said nothing.

"Your leader asked you to take me back. If you can't do it...will your leader punish you?"

Lin Jiangnian asked softly.

Liu Su looked away slightly and said, "No."


"I am a saint of the Celestial Sect, and the leader will not harm me."

Lin Jiangnian quietly stared at Liu Su's cold and stubborn face and sighed softly: "Then, how did your mother die?"

Hearing this, Liu Su's delicate body suddenly trembled slightly, and she turned to stare at Lin Jiangnian: "You..."

"Your mother was the previous saint of the Celestial Sect. You must have guessed how she passed away, right?"

Hearing this, Liu Su, who had always been calm, was slightly excited.

She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end, not a word came out.

"Your mother is a saint of the Tianshen Sect. She fell in love with Jiang Cheng, the former governor of Xunyang, and she became pregnant and gave birth to you... This is undoubtedly a taboo for the Tianshen Sect."

"There is no way of knowing exactly what happened within the Tianshen Religion, but your mother passed away for no reason at that time. Judging from various signs, it is very likely that she died at the hands of your leader, right?"

Lin Jiangnian's tone became softer and he sighed a little more in his heart.

During the six months since Liu Su left, Lin Jiangnian had been searching for her whereabouts. Although no trace of her could be found, some information about the Celestial Sect was found.

At the beginning, Lin Jiangnian learned about the relationship between Liu Su and Zhiyuan from Lin Hengzhong's mouth, and also learned that Liu Su's mother was the previous saint of the Tianshen Sect.

Intelligence investigation revealed that Liu Su’s mother died of illness!

But Lin Hengzhong mentioned that there seems to be another hidden secret.

How could a dignified saint from the Celestial Sect, possessing great martial arts skills and a strong body, die of illness for no reason?

More importantly, I heard that when the Jiang family in Xunyang was raided and executed, Liu Su's mother went to Xunyang City to look for him, trying to save Jiang Cheng.

I just don’t know why but in the end, nothing happened.

Lin Jiangnian also found some clues during his subsequent investigation of the Tianshen Sect. The news about the last saint of the Celestial Sect is not a secret.

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Liu Su's delicate body trembled slightly and her beautiful eyes stared at Lin Jiangnian: "What else do you know?!"


Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "What I know is the same as what you know. They are just guesses..."

He was just guessing, but Liu Su's reaction just proved that Lin Jiangnian's guess was correct.

At this moment, Liu Su's beautiful and cold face flashed with countless emotions.

Finally, she took a deep breath and said coldly: "That's right!"

"My mother... her death is most likely related to him!"

After meeting Lin Hengzhong at Prince Lin's Mansion, Liu Su had already begun to suspect... that the leader had deceived her.

Liu Su never knew that her father would be Jiang Cheng, the former governor of Xunyang. The leader never mentioned it. In the past, every time Liu Su asked, the leader said he didn't know.


How could the leader not know?

He lied to her!

Even more...

Lin Jiangnian asked in a low voice: "What are you going to do? Continue to stay in the Tianshen Cult, or..."

Liu Su lowered her eyes slightly and said coldly: "I came to Beijing this time originally because I wanted to find out something from the leader..."

"Then what?"

"I have no idea."

Liu Su's eyes were slightly cold and a little more confused.

She doesn't know either...

It's more likely that I don't know clearly.

She just speculated that her mother's death was related to the leader.

But if there is a misunderstanding...

The leader, after all, had a nurturing grace for her.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian stood up slowly and walked to Liu Su. Liu Su raised her eyes and stared at him coldly.

"You actually already have the answer in your heart, but you just don't want to believe it, right?"

Lin Jiang said in a young voice: "Back then, after the Jiang family was raided and executed, your mother wanted to find Prince Lin. But you were too young at that time and your mother couldn't let you go. Then a few years later... from various Judging from the signs, your mother wanted to entrust you to Prince Lin to avenge your father."

"But then nothing happened. Then, when there was news about your mother in Prince Lin's Mansion, she had already passed away..."


"Of course, we don't rule out that your mother's death was indeed an accident and had nothing to do with your leader..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su quietly and spoke softly.

Liu Su's eyes were slightly cold, and Su's hands under his sleeves were clenched tightly: "If that's the case, why did he lie to me?!"

"Perhaps, I don't want you to bear too much hatred after knowing about it?"


Liu Su said nothing.

But obviously, this explanation is very pale.

"No one knows what the truth is, but..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "If this is really the case, what are you going to do?"

Liu Su's tone was cold and she took a deep breath: "He harmed my mother, so of course I want to avenge her!"

Lin Jiangnian took Liu Su's plain hand and said softly: "Then I will accompany you to meet your leader, how about it?"

Liu Su looked slightly startled, and her eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, staring at him for a long time.

Finally, she took a deep breath, and the frost in her eyes seemed to melt slightly.



Liu Su left.

It's easy to go!

He came quietly and left gracefully.

Just like her character, it was also the same as when they met secretly in Prince Lin's Mansion.

However, compared to when he was at Prince Lin's Mansion, it was still somewhat different!

Lin Jiangnian stood there, thoughtful.

He had long wanted to see and learn from this legendary leader of the Celestial Sect!

This person's identity is mysterious and his origin is unknown.

The purpose is also very strange!

The Tianshen Sect originated in southern Xinjiang, and that area was conquered by Lin Hengzhong more than ten years ago.

This Tianshen Sect has some connection with the countries in Southern Xinjiang. Liu Su's love Gu, and Senior Li from Ruyi Tower even mentioned that it has a relationship with some royal families in Southern Xinjiang.

In this way, the origin of this Celestial God Sect is probably clear. But this leader is really a dragon that has never seen its end. Even Liu Su doesn’t know his identity.

As a saint of the Tianshen Cult, Liu Su would have to face this mysterious leader sooner or later if she wanted to break away from the Tianshen Cult.

This time, it’s a good opportunity!

However, Lin Jiangnian is not reckless. The leader's martial arts are not weak, and Lin Jiangnian will not really go through it alone.

Before meeting the leader, he had to make some preparations.

Thinking about this, Lin Jiangnian walked to the door and opened it.

Outside the door, the cold winter wind howled, and in the night, snowflakes were still falling from the sky, and the sky and the earth were white.

It's getting late. I wonder if the paper kite is back?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian left the room and turned around to the courtyard next door.

However, to Lin Jiangnian's regret, Zhiyuan's room was dark and empty.

Not back?

Is she really hiding with her aunt?

Realizing this, Lin Jiangnian was somewhat dumbfounded.

Are you playing tricks on him?

You don't even dare to come back. Is this because you're afraid that he won't get revenge?

Seeing that Zhiyuan didn't come back, Lin Jiangnian had to give up temporarily.

Zhiyuan was hiding with his aunt, so Lin Jiangnian couldn't go and look for her. After that, you might still get scolded.

Thinking of this, he sighed slightly and was about to turn around and leave.

In the next room, a gap was carefully opened. From the crack in the door, a pair of sneaky eyes appeared.

"Your Highness?!"

"Xiao Zhu."

Lin Jiangnian saw the sneaky little maid at the crack of the door, "Why haven't you rested yet?"

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Xiaozhu blinked his smart eyes, glanced behind His Highness, and then suddenly realized: "Your Highness, are you looking for Sister Zhiyuan?"

"Sister Zhiyuan, you're not back~"

Xiaozhu's tone was inexplicably relaxed, with a hint of schadenfreude.

"Is Zhiyuan at my aunt's place?"


Xiaozhu's eyes narrowed to a slit, and when she was about to say something, she saw His Highness suddenly walking towards her.

Xiaozhu seemed to realize something bad and hurriedly wanted to close the door: "Your Highness, Xiaozhu is going to rest, good night!"

With that said, she was about to close the door.

But just halfway through, it couldn't be closed anymore.

Lin Jiangnian blocked the door with one hand, opened the door, and stepped in.


Xiaozhu was squeezed by Lin Jiangnian and sat down on the carpet in the room. The fall caused her butt to hurt.

"It hurts!"

Xiaozhu let out a soft cry after falling, his tone was aggrieved, and he looked at his Highness with a resentful expression.

"Where does it hurt?"

Lin Jiangnian closed the door and looked at Xiaozhu: "Come, let His Highness help you take a look?"

"no, do not want……"

Xiaozhu immediately turned red, shyly refused, and struggled to get up from the ground.

But as soon as he stood up, Lin Jiangnian hugged him into his arms: "Come, let your highness see where it hurts and rub it for you?"

As he said this, Lin Jiangnian's big hand skillfully landed on the little maid's perky little buttocks, stroking it gently.

"Your Highness, no, don't..."

The little maid's petite body suddenly stiffened slightly, and she was hugged by His Highness. The familiar hot breath made her blush and feel shy.

She struggled a little and soon became weak.

Under His Highness's hot body temperature and his familiar hand skills, his whole body soon became limp, his breathing became rapid, his mouth exhaled fragrance, his eyes were watery, and his voice was gentle and soft, with a hint of slight anger.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"It's getting late, let's take a rest early."

Lin Jiangnian held the little maid in his arms and spoke softly.

"Well..." The little maid's voice was very soft, as if she didn't have much strength.

Lin Jiangnian picked up the lithe little maid, came to the bed, and gently placed Xiaozhu on the bed.

Then, he leaned close to Xiaozhu's ear and said with a slightly evil smile: "Xiaozhu, His Highness just studied a new move..."

Xiaozhu's face turned red, and his eyes were slightly blurred. His face suddenly became hot and blushing, and he subconsciously wanted to bury his head.

But in the end, she blushed, bit her lip, nodded her head nervously, and then...

Dead of night!

Inside the hibiscus tent...

Another spring night!

early morning.

The heavy snow gradually subsided, and the eaves and courtyard were once again covered with a thick layer of snow.

It’s late winter and the new year is approaching!

Lin Jiangnian woke up early and felt refreshed.

After struggling for half the night last night, the little maid was overwhelmed and fell into a deep sleep, sleeping soundly.

Lin Jiangnian didn't wake her up and asked her to continue resting. He got up and left the room. Before Zhiyuan came back, he went to his aunt's place.

As soon as I arrived at my aunt's place, I heard the maid in the courtyard say that my aunt had left the Jiang Mansion early in the morning and entered the palace.

I heard that the queen in the palace called her to come into the palace to enjoy the snow scenery.

However, Lin Jiangnian always felt that the Queen was not just admiring the snow scenery.

While his aunt was away, Lin Jiangnian fell into the backyard and saw Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan, wearing a mink velvet dress, was standing quietly under the eaves, talking to the twin sisters.

When Lin Jiangnian approached, the sisters were obviously nervous and about to kneel down.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and came to Zhiyuan: "What are you doing?"

Zhiyuan glanced back at him but said nothing.

But the girl named Jasmine explained carefully: "Go back to Your Highness, the Crown Princess is teaching my sister and me the etiquette of the house..."

Zhiyuan glanced at the two of them coldly, then said expressionlessly: "I am not the Crown Princess."


Jasmine was obviously taken aback, looking a little confused.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel a little funny. Did Zhiyuan tell him this on purpose?

"Don't listen to your mistress's nonsense, she is!"

Lin Jiangnian said, pointing to the paper kite next to him, and said to the sisters: "She is your future crown princess, and her words represent my words. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Although the sisters Jasmine and Feng Ling didn't know why, they still nodded respectfully in agreement.

Zhiyuan turned around and glared at him.

Lin Jiangnian chuckled and waved his hand: "You guys go down first."

Just as Jasmine and Feng Ling were about to retreat, Zhiyuan seemed to realize something and looked slightly unnatural: "Wait a minute..."

She glanced at the sisters, then glanced at Lin Jiangnian from the corner of her eye, and said expressionlessly: "Follow me."

With that said, Zhiyuan left quickly. The two sisters were left blinking, not knowing what happened for a moment.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian didn't know why Zhiyuan was worried about being alone with her?

I hid in my aunt's place last night, but I ran very fast today... This is obviously guilty.

Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to talk to Zhi Yuan for a while, but seeing Zhi Yuan's guilty steps as he left in a hurry, he thought about it and decided to wait a little longer.

Thinking of this, he saw that the two sisters were still looking at him cautiously, so he waved his hands: "Okay, you guys go over first. Tell Zhiyuan for me that I have to go out and may come back later!"


After the explanation, Lin Jiangnian turned around and left the house!

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