Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 332 The big gift for Miss Zhao has arrived

The heavy snow stopped and the world was lonely.

The gloomy weather enveloped the entire capital.

This heavy snowfall crushed a large number of residential buildings outside Dongmen City, causing numerous casualties.

There are many frozen bones on the official roads outside the capital. This heavy snowfall has made people's livelihood boiling, and people are complaining.

The soldiers and defenders in the city hurried out of the city to maintain order and deal with the victims.

The commotion was so loud that even the police officers of Jingzhao Mansion and Mitiansi were alerted and many people were mobilized to deal with it.

Under the cover of white snow, there is an undercurrent.

In the suburbs to the east of the city, outside a house that no one noticed. An inconspicuous carriage parked quietly outside the house.

The curtain opened, and Lin Jiangnian got off the carriage and entered the house.

Walking through the pavilion and corridor of the house, you come to a hidden room in the backyard. Enter the room and open the mechanism inside the room. There is a secret passage in the room.

Passing through the quiet and dark inner room, we arrived at a claustrophobic and deserted basement.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, mixed with a somewhat disgusting smell that could not be described as disgusting.

Lin Jiangnian slowly stopped outside the basement door. Through the railing, he saw a figure lying in the corner.

A figure was so embarrassed that his original appearance could hardly be seen. He was covered in blood, his clothes were ragged, and he was dying.

"How's it going?"

Lin Jiangnian watched quietly without any change in his expression.

Lin Kong appeared behind Lin Jiangnian, lowered his head and said respectfully: "My subordinates tortured this man to extract a confession, but fortunately he fulfilled his mission..."

Having said this, Lin Kong paused and said, "After a night of interrogation, I finally got him to speak."

"This person is a minion of Mr. Chen in the palace. He is usually responsible for controlling Mi Tiansi, cultivating forces, eliminating party enemies for Mr. Chen, and handling some shameful things..."

Lin Kong reported in a respectful tone, and Lin Jiangnian looked at the figure in the corner casually. This Dharma Protector of Mitiansi, who was high-spirited not long ago, has now fallen to this level.

After Lin Jiangnian defeated Chen Feiyang that day, he did not kill him.

Chen Feiyang works for Chen Zhao, so he must know a lot of secrets. Lin Jiangnian handed him over to his men to pry open his mouth.

Chen Feiyang's mouth was indeed very hard, but it only lasted for a while.

Under the torture methods summarized from many years of experience and practice in Linwang Mansion, Chen Feiyang did not hold on for long before he confessed everything!

"He is one of the four protectors of Mitiansi. In addition to him, there are three others, especially the great protector. Even Chen Feiyang doesn't know the origin of the other person. The great protector, He is the real person in charge of Mitiansi..."

"On weekdays, Chen Feiyang is mainly responsible for helping Eunuch Chen in the palace to eliminate foreign parties. With the help of Mitiansi's power, he secretly framed and attacked loyal officials in the court and won over powerful officials..."

"With the help of Mi Tiansi's power, Eunuch Chen in the palace took the opportunity to become a powerful presence in the court, with overwhelming power..."


It has to be said that when Lin Jiangnian heard the information pried out from Chen Feiyang's mouth, even though he had expected it, he was still a little surprised!

He underestimated this Eunuch Chen!

This Eunuch Chen’s ambition is really big!

While excluding dissenters from the court, he also wooed those powerful ministers. With Mitiansi's power, a huge chain of interests was gradually formed, and he became a presence that no one in the court dared to despise!

Although this Eunuch Chen has never appeared in court, he can almost influence the government affairs of the court behind his back.

Eunuchs interfere in politics!

As early as when he was in Linzhou, Lin Jiangnian had heard about the power of Eunuch Chen. Now after careful investigation, he found that it was not that simple.

It is certainly not easy for Chen Zhao to have such means in the court. It might not be easy for Zhao Xi to assassinate him.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid there is something fishy in this!"

At this time, Lin Kong's voice came from the side again.

Lin Jiangnian glanced sideways: "How do you say that?"

Lin Kong said in a deep voice: "My subordinates found some clues from the information that was extracted from Chen Feiyang... This Eunuch Chen has been particularly active in the capital in the past few years. Two months ago, the family of the Minister of War was framed and imprisoned. In the end, everyone was executed..."

"This isn't right!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes moved slightly: "What's wrong?"

Lin Kong explained: "This Eunuch Chen is favored by His Majesty and has the power of Mi Tiansi. His influence in the court is extremely huge. It is difficult for ordinary people to shake his position. Logically speaking, he is a smart man and should not This unnecessary move will make you the target of public criticism..."

"But he is uncharacteristically suppressing political opponents in the DPRK, framing Zhongliang, and wooing ministers in the DPRK in a high-profile manner. This... is very wrong!"

Lin Kong frowned: "He is just a eunuch, but what he does seems like..."

"Something else!"

Listening to Lin Kong's analysis, Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful.

Lin Kong was indeed right.

A great eunuch who originally had all the power in the government and no one in the world could shake his position except the current emperor.

Why risk offending everyone and go to great lengths to suppress the court officials?

And why did he want to win over so many ministers? He...

What do you want to do?

Any other plans?

As a eunuch, his power is already overwhelming, what else can he want?

It can’t be...

An idea gradually emerged in Lin Jiangnian's mind.

He remembered that time that Chen Changqing had told him... Mi Tiansi had a close interaction with the third prince.

If we talk about Eunuch Chen and the third prince in the palace... everything seems to make sense? !

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but stare.

This is indeed important news!

As the chief steward of the palace, Chen Zhao was clearly in charge of almost all affairs in the palace and had great power. If the third prince really has evil intentions, the two of them should cooperate inside and outside...

Thinking of this, even Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but break into a cold sweat!

If this is the case, the Daning Dynasty may be in chaos!

There will be chaos!

He had to be cautious about this matter.

At this moment, Lin Kong said again: "Your Highness, there is one more thing!"

"What's the matter?"

"Commander Lin just sent someone to send information in the early morning. She found clues of a private army outside the capital yesterday evening. Judging from the signs, I am afraid that it is the target that His Highness is looking for..."

"found it?"

After hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly and he became energetic.

The third prince has stayed in the capital for a long time. If he wants to compete for the throne, he must have a lot of trump cards at his disposal.

When Lin Jiangnian entered the capital, most of the masters assassinated outside the capital were martial arts masters secretly raised by the third prince.

In addition to these martial arts masters, Lin Jiangnian also suspected that the third prince was secretly recruiting and training a private army, and this private army must not be far from the capital.

If the third prince wants to succeed, it is absolutely impossible without his own soldiers.

Therefore, not long ago, Lin Jiangnian sent Lin Qingqing to arrange for people to go secretly to investigate, making sure to find the third prince's private army. Now there is finally news.

"Where's Qingqing?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Commander Lin is still continuing to track the whereabouts of the private army. He has sent someone to report the matter to His Highness and ask His Highness what to do next."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said: "Don't alert the enemy for the time being. Let Qingqing continue to track secretly. Don't be exposed or act rashly. If there is any abnormality, report it at any time."


Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself: "It seems that the third prince can't sit still anymore..."

The traces of the Third Prince's private army can be found outside the city, which means that they may be close! The current turmoil in the DPRK is indeed a good opportunity for the third prince.

However, the time has not yet come.

Lin Jiangnian didn't intend to alert the enemy!

When the third prince wants to fight for the throne, he naturally has only one goal...

For Lin Jiangnian, he naturally hopes that the chaos will be as chaotic as possible.

The more chaotic the Daning Dynasty becomes, the less these people will be in the mood to take care of Prince Lin's Mansion. Prince Lin's Mansion only needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and continues to develop in the south.

But on the other hand, Lin Jiangnian cannot completely stay out of the matter!

He was not interested in who the future prince or emperor of the Daning Dynasty would be.

But, it must not be the third prince!

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes, thinking whether he should inform the Crown Prince of the news?

No matter what, the first impression that His Highness the Prince made on Lin Jiangnian was not bad.

The brothers-in-law shouted affectionately to each other. Compared to the third prince who wanted his life before they even met, this prince is indeed a good person...

"Your Highness."

At this time, Lin Kong's voice came from the side: "The interrogation of this person has been completed, what should I do with him?"

Lin Jiangnian came to his senses and looked at the corner.

The embarrassed figure covered in blood twitched slightly, as if he wanted to struggle, but he couldn't find any strength.

He had no internal strength, and under the torture, he almost completely lost his ability to move.

Even if you want to commit suicide, you can't do it.

"You can't leave him alone."

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

From the beginning, he had no intention of letting Chen Feiyang live.

Now that all of Chen Feiyang's use value has been squeezed out, there is only one end waiting for him.

"My subordinate understands!"

Lin Kong's expression condensed and he was about to walk towards the corner.


Lin Jiangnian stopped him again and shook his head slightly: "He must die, but we don't need to kill him."

Lin Kong looked confused, wondering what His Highness meant.

"Help me do something."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Chen Feiyang in the corner, then turned to look at Lin Kong.

Lin Kong lowered his head and said respectfully: "Your Highness, please give me your instructions."

"Send him to Zhao Mansion."

"Send it to the Miss Zhao family in person and tell her...that this prince is giving her a big gift!"


Zhao Mansion.

The inner court.

Xiaoyue, wrapped in a thick skirt, stepped on the thick snow and hurriedly walked into the inner courtyard and came under the eaves.

"Miss, miss!"

She reached out and knocked on the door, her voice anxious and urgent.

After a while, a lazy and soft voice came from the room: "Xiaoyue, why are you so flustered?"

"Miss, yes, it's Crown Prince Lin..., he, he..."

Outside the door, Xiaoyue was breathing heavily and was about to explain. Suddenly I heard the movement of getting up in the room, followed by the sound of footsteps stepping on the blanket from far to near.


The door was opened.

Zhao Xi, wearing a thin long skirt, appeared at the door and said with a bright face: "He's here?!"


Zhao Xi glanced around the courtyard, but did not see that familiar figure.

There was no one except Xiaoyue under the eaves.

"No, it's not..."

Xiaoyue quickly explained: "No, it's not Prince Lin who is here, it's Prince Lin's faction who has sent someone here!"

"He didn't come?"

Upon hearing the news, the original excitement in Zhao Xi's eyes quickly faded.

"Why didn't he come?"

"Who did you send?"

Just as Zhao Xi was about to speak, the cold wind howled and fell on her outside the door. She, who was only wearing thin clothes, shivered from the cold.

"Miss, put on your clothes quickly, don't freeze!"

Seeing this, Xiaoyue quickly closed the door to block the cold wind.

She stood at the door and explained: "There is a man outside the door. His name is Lin Kong. He is said to be a subordinate of His Highness the Crown Prince. He came to see the young lady on the order of His Highness the Crown Prince."

In the room, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes were slightly suspicious.

She did know that this Lin Kong was a member of Prince Lin's personal army. If that guy didn't come to the door himself, why would he send a subordinate over?

Although he was slightly confused and dissatisfied, Zhao Xi quickly adjusted his mood, got dressed and walked out of the room.

"Where are the others?"

Zhao Xi asked Xiaoyue.

Xiaoyue replied: "It's in the side courtyard."

Zhao Xi nodded and quickly led Xiaoyue to the side courtyard.

Inside the courtyard.

The courtyard is full of snow.

Lin Kong, who was dressed in gray robe, stood quietly in the courtyard. Next to him, there was a huge sandalwood box.

Not long after, Zhao Xi's figure appeared in the side courtyard.

Lin Kong raised his head slightly, then bowed his hands respectfully and said, "I pay my respects to Miss Zhao."

"Are you Lin Kong?"

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes glanced at this person.

"That's right, my subordinate." Lin Kong said.

"Did your Royal Highness send you here?"

Zhao Xi asked: "Where are the others?"

"My Highness is busy with affairs and cannot escape, so he specially ordered his subordinates to come here."

Zhao Xi's tone was slightly dissatisfied. Didn't that guy know that he had something to tell him? Why did you send a subordinate here?

Your own people won’t come?

"What did he ask you to come over for?"

Lin Kong said: "As ordered by His Highness, I came here to deliver something to Miss Zhao!"

"Send things?"

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes fell on the huge box next to Lin Kong, and she was slightly confused.

What's this?

"What to give?"

"His Highness said, give Miss Zhao a big gift!"

Big gift?

Zhao Xi's eyes were confused... What kind of gift did that guy give her?

At the same time, Lin Kong opened the box next to him. As the box was opened, the smell of blood spread.

Zhao Xi subconsciously covered his breath and glanced inside the box.

With just one glance, she was stunned for a moment, as if she realized something, her eyes and pupils shrank slightly.

In the box, there was a person tied up and huddled inside.

The clothes were covered in blood, in tatters, and in such a state of embarrassment that it was impossible to recognize the other party's appearance.

But for a moment, Zhao Xi thought of something. Her eyes became extremely sharp: "He is?"

"Dharma protector of Mitiansi, Chen Feiyang!"

Lin Kong still said respectfully: "My Highness asked his subordinates to give this great gift to Miss Zhao, and he also said..."

"Miss Zhao, you will definitely like it!"


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