Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 333 Don’t mess around

In the courtyard, it was deathly quiet.

Xiaoyue, who was following her young lady, quietly poked her head out. When she saw a person lying in a wooden box in the courtyard, she was immediately frightened and her face turned pale with horror in her eyes.

Why, how could there be someone? !

Death, dead person? !

The smell of blood in the air gave her a nauseating desire. Xiaoyue was so frightened that she closed her eyes and hid behind her young lady, her delicate body trembling slightly.


So scary!

What kind of gift is this? !

What's wrong with Prince Lin? Why did he send someone to deliver a corpse?

Did he come to scare the young lady on purpose?

At the same time, when Zhao Xi in the courtyard saw the person with the wooden box, his face turned slightly pale.

Even though she was well prepared and vaguely guessed the person's identity, seeing such a bloody and embarrassing scene in front of her still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

However, she forced herself to endure it and stared at the person in the wooden box, her eyes gradually becoming cold.

Chen Feiyang? !

This person lying in the wooden box, whose life or death is unknown, is Mi Tiansi's protector, Chen Feiyang?

At this moment, countless thoughts quickly flashed through Zhao Xi's mind. There was also an indescribable touch of... indifference on her cold face!

"Is he Chen Feiyang?"

Zhao Xi withdrew his gaze and looked at Lin Kong.

Lin Kong still lowered his head and said: "Exactly!"

"he died?"

"Still alive."

Zhao Xi glanced at Chen Feiyang, who had no reaction, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Two days have passed since Chen Feiyang's accident. Chen Feiyang is not dead yet. Judging from the marks on his body... I am afraid that Chen Feiyang's life in the past two days should be worse than death.

"Your Highness, let him give him to me?"

Zhao Xi stared at Chen Feiyang and confirmed again.

"His Royal Highness has ordered that this person be left to Miss Zhao to handle with full authority!"

Zhao Xi narrowed his eyes: "Why do your highnesses do this?"

"I don't know."

Lin Kong shook his head: "My subordinates are just following orders."

Zhao Xi frowned slightly: "Your Highness, did you tell me anything else?"

Lin Kong said: "No."

Zhao Xi was silent for a while, "Where is your highness? Where is he?"

If he doesn't come himself, what does it mean to call his subordinates to come?

"My Highness has something important to do and cannot escape. I specially ordered my subordinates to come..."


Zhao Xi remained silent for a while, then glanced at the wooden box in the courtyard and said expressionlessly: "I understand."

"Go back and tell your highnesses for me... I will remember this favor!"

Lin Kong nodded: "The subordinate resigned!"

After Lin Kong left, the courtyard became deserted again.

Xiaoyue secretly poked her head out from behind her young lady and asked cautiously: "Miss, he, he is..."

There was no change in the expression on Zhao Xi's face: "Mi Tiansi Protector, Chen Feiyang!"

Xiaoyue has lived in the house for a long time and does not know what is happening outside, but she also knows the name of Mitiansi.

When she heard that the miserable and dying man in front of her was actually the Protector of Mitiansi, her heart suddenly jumped and she looked horrified.

It turned out to be the protector of Mitiansi? ! !

How could the dignified Dharma Protector of Mitiansi be reduced to this state?

Yes, it was Prince Lin Wang who did it? !

Xiaoyue was frightened. When she heard the words Mi Tiansi, she was frightened.

This Mi Tiansi's reputation is not good in the capital, and he is famous for his cruelty. In particular, Mi Tiansi's Dharma Protector is an extremely powerful existence.

But now...

Seeing the Protector Mitiansi who looked like a dead dog, Xiaoyue couldn't help but feel shocked!

His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, is a little too courageous, right? !

"But, miss..."

Xiaoyue's little face soon became a little confused: "Prince Lin Wang, why are you sending him here?"

Zhao Xi stood there with cold eyes: "Your sister Xu died in the hands of this person!"

Upon hearing the news, Xiaoyue's eyes widened. Then, he quickly showed a look of shock and anger

"Sister Xu...was killed by him?!"

The sister Xu mentioned by Xiaoyue is the only daughter of Xu Zheng, the former minister of the Ministry of War!

That Sister Xu has a close relationship with her own lady and often interacts with her. Sister Xu has a gentle personality and is very kind to her. But later I heard from the young lady that the Xu family was slandered by treacherous ministers and the whole family was executed. A kind-hearted person like Sister Xu was brutally murdered!

Now, after hearing the young lady saying that this person was the murderer, Xiaoyue immediately looked angry and clenched her fists.

"He, he really deserves to die!"


At this moment, the courtyard is covered with heavy snow and it’s freezing cold!

Zhao Xi couldn't feel too much chill!

Her heart was gradually filled with sadness and anger.

She stared at Chen Feiyang in the wooden box, her eyes cold and full of murderous intent!

This person in front of me harmed the entire Xu family!

The real murderer of the Xu family was Chen Zhao, but Chen Feiyang was the biggest accomplice. He had no idea how much blood of the Xu family was stained on his hands.

After the Xu family was slandered for treason, he led the people to raid the Xu family and tortured the Xu family members in prison. Sister Xu couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide! None of the other members of the Xu family were able to escape.

Zhao Xi asked his father for help and tried every means to rescue some of the surviving members of the Xu family.

I originally wanted to wait until the limelight in the capital was over and find a way to send these people from the Xu family away from the capital to preserve some blood for the Xu family. Unexpectedly, the news leaked out, and they were hunted down and massacred by Mitiansi masters sent by Chen Feiyang outside the city.

The entire Xu family has no survivors!

All dead!

The person who caused all these tragedies was Chen Zhao, the eunuch in the palace who was all-powerful.

And the biggest accomplice in front of him, Chen Feiyang!

At this moment, in the ice and snow, Zhao Xi stared coldly at the wooden box in the courtyard.

Inside the wooden box, the awkward figure that had been motionless finally moved slightly. Then, moving slowly and with difficulty, he raised a messy and bloody head.

"Chen Feiyang!"

Zhao Xi spoke coldly.

When he heard someone calling his name, Chen Feiyang raised his head with difficulty. In his blurred vision, he saw a cold figure.


No impression at all.

who is it?

Is he going to die?

He only remembered that he was attacked by Prince Lin and was captured after being defeated.

And after that?

He suffered unforgettable torture, and finally his willpower collapsed.

Right now, where is he?

Yes, are you saved?

"You, who are you..."

Chen Feiyang's voice was hoarse as he looked at the unfamiliar environment around him and the cold and beautiful woman in front of him.

It was no longer the cold and dark basement, so... was he really saved? !

At this moment, Chen Feiyang felt a little excited in his heart.

But the next second, this excitement disappeared with the cold voice.

"Chen Feiyang, when you wiped out the entire Xu family, you never thought you would end up like this, right?"

Zhao Xi stared at him coldly.

Xu, Xu family?

Chen Feiyang was stunned at first, and then a look of horror gradually appeared on his face: "You, you..."

"You are full of evil, and today is the day of your death... I will use your death to pay homage to Sister Xu, and to pay homage to all the souls who died because of you!"

Zhao Xi's tone was cold, and his anger was not concealed at all.

The next second, a figure appeared silently next to the wooden box.

Chen Feiyang suddenly noticed that a well-dressed woman suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at him indifferently.

In the hand of the well-dressed woman, there is also a long silver sword.

Chen Feiyang seemed to realize something, his pupils shrank sharply, and his pale and embarrassed face showed a look of extreme horror.

"No, don't...ah..."

The sword in the hand of the well-dressed woman easily pierced Chen Feiyang's heart. Chen Feiyang's pupils froze, and he watched helplessly as the sword penetrated his body. Feeling the life force in his body disappearing bit by bit, in the end, his body limp unwillingly, fell down, and completely lost his breath.

This Mitiansi Dharma Protector lived a life full of evil deeds, and died quietly and angrily like this!

Zhao Xi stood there, her face was pale, her breathing was rapid, and she was a little ugly. But he remained motionless, watching from beginning to end how Chen Feiyang died.

It wasn't until she was sure that Chen Feiyang was completely dead that she breathed a deep sigh of relief. His eyes seemed to be thinking of something, and they looked outside the courtyard with a sad look.

"Sister Xu, I avenged you... Chen Feiyang is dead!"

At this point, Zhao Xi's eyes gradually became sharper again, and she murmured: "Next is Chen Zhao..."

Chen Feiyang is just an accomplice, the real murderer behind the scenes is Chen Zhao!

He is the real culprit who caused the Xu family to be wiped out!

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you take revenge and kill Chen Zhao!"

Zhao Xi's eyes gradually became firmer.

After finishing dealing with Chen Feiyang, the woman in well-dressed clothes came to the eaves: "Miss, how should I dispose of this person's body?"

Zhao Xi withdrew his gaze and glanced at Chen Feiyang who had died in the wooden box. His voice was slightly cold: "Since he is the protector of Mi Tiansi, then naturally..."

"Give him back to Mitiansi!"

The well-dressed woman understood something instantly and nodded: "Yes, Miss!"

Then, the well-dressed woman walked to the wooden box, closed the wooden box, and ordered the people in the house to come over and carry the wooden box away.

Not long after, the hospital returned to normal.

It was as if nothing had happened.


At this time, Xiaoyue, who had been silent for a long time, looked pale and uneasy.

This was the first time she had witnessed a murder with her own eyes. She was in a very bad state and was inexplicably scared.

The same was true for Zhao Xi. As a young lady of the Zhao family, it was the first time for her to witness murder at such a close distance, but she still held back. The hatred for the enemy temporarily overshadowed the physical discomfort.

Now that she was relieved, she looked very pale. Turning around and hugging Xiaoyue, he took a deep breath: "It's over, it's all over!"


Xiaoyue's delicate body trembled slightly and she nodded vigorously.

"That lady..."

Xiaoyue seemed to have thought of something again, and asked in a low voice: "Prince Lin, he..."

Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something and sighed softly: "I owe him a big favor!"

She could vaguely guess Lin Jiangnian's purpose. He sent Chen Feiyang here just to make her owe him such a favor.

Xiaoyue was a little nervous: "Then, Miss, how are you going to repay this favor to Prince Lin?"

"How to pay it back?"

When this issue was mentioned, Zhao Xi was slightly stunned.

As if thinking of something, a meaningful smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"He didn't come to me. It seems that this time..."

"I should make a special trip to thank him and return the favor..."


On the other side, Lin Jiangnian ordered Lin Kong to send Chen Feiyang to the Zhao Mansion, and after wandering around the capital, he returned to the Jiang Mansion.

After prying out all the information from Chen Feiyang, the only purpose of his life was to make Zhao Xi owe him a favor.

However, Lin Jiangnian has no plans to see Zhao Xi for the time being.

The first is to let Zhao Xi calm down after taking revenge. Secondly, I also planned to let her dry out first.

After walking around the city, I found that after the heavy snowfall, a lot of things happened in Beijing. After Chen Feiyang's death, people in Mitiansi were panicked and still in chaos. Figures wearing Mitiansi robes could be seen everywhere in the city walking in a hurry.

As soon as he returned to Jiang's courtyard, Lin Jiangnian heard two voices talking under the eaves of the courtyard.

"Xiaozhu, has your Highness bullied you recently?"

"No, no..."

"Is it true? Xiaozhu, please don't lie to me. Be honest..."

"Sister Xiaolu, you, why do you ask this..."

"You don't answer? Does that mean there is?"


When Lin Jiangnian walked into the courtyard, he happened to see two sneaky figures standing together under the eaves not far away, talking about something.

Xiaozhu was blushing, looking at a loss, and a little panicked.

Beside her, Xiaolu, who was wearing a light green skirt, was pulling Xiaozhu enthusiastically, asking questions again and again.

Xiaozhu's face turned red when asked, and he hesitated and did not dare to speak.

It wasn't until he saw Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard that he seemed to have found a life-saving straw: "Your Highness, Your Highness?!"

Xiaolu turned around and saw Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard. Then she suppressed the smile on her face and saluted quickly: "My slave, I pay my respects to His Highness, the Crown Prince!"

"Little Green?!"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised when he saw Xiao Lu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time: "Where is your lady?"

Xiaolu is here, wouldn’t Miss Xu...

As soon as Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, a girl's figure quickly walked out from the eaves room on the side.

Wearing a light cyan Yunluo long skirt, with brocade lace embroidered on the breast, a round waist, and a long skirt, she looks quite ladylike.

The only fly in the ointment is that Xiao He still shows off her sharp corners...

So approachable!

"Lin Jiangnian!"

The voice of this figure was clear and excited, with a bit of joy.

It was Xu Lan whom I hadn't seen for a while.

"Miss Xu?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with some surprise, "Are you a rare visitor?"


Xu Lan, who was originally full of joy, suddenly turned down at the mention of this matter.

She walked up to Lin Jiangnian and said angrily: "Don't mention it... After my brother caught me last time I went out, he has been watching me very closely lately!"

No wonder he didn't come during this time, he was indeed caught!

"Then how did you come out today?"

"Of course he ran away!"

Xu Lan felt a little proud again: "My brother can stare at me for a while, but he can't keep staring at me... I knocked out the guard who was guarding me, and ran out with Xiao Lu!"


Lin Jiangnian nodded perfunctorily, then suddenly remembered something, "By the way, come with me first, I have something important to ask you!"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian pulled Xu Lan towards the room.

"You, what are you going to do?!"

Xu Lan was stunned when she saw Lin Jiangnian eagerly pulling her towards the room. As if she realized something, her pretty face suddenly turned pink.

"You, don't mess around..."


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