Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 334 Questioning Xu Lan about the truth

When Xu Lan was confused, she was pulled back to the room by Lin Jiangnian in a daze.

Close the door!

The two little maids, Xiaozhu and Xiaolu, were left outside the door, looking at each other in confusion.

What's going on?

"Your Highness, did you drag my young lady into the room?" Xiaolu turned to look at Xiaozhu and asked uncertainly.

Xiaozhu was also confused and nodded.

"Your Highness, what do you want to do?"

"No, I don't know."

"Your Highness, do you want to treat my young lady...want to bully my young lady?!"

Xiaozhu couldn't help but stare at the closed door for a while, with a very uncertain look and tone: "Yes, is it possible?"


inside the room.

Xu Lan was a little panicked!


Drag her into the room as soon as they meet?

He, what does he want to do? !

It wasn't until she was pulled into the room, the door was closed, and the two of them were alone in the room that Xu Lan suddenly became inspired and suddenly realized. A look of panic appeared on her face. She stared at Lin Jiangnian warily and waved her fist: "伱, you What do you want to do?!”

"You, please don't mess around...I, I will shout!"

Seeing Xu Lan's nervous and scared look, thinking that he was about to be molested, Lin Jiangnian said: "Why are you nervous? What else can I do to you?"

"Who knows this?!"

Xu Lan blushed and said plausibly: "Who knows what you want to do... Then, why did you drag me into the room?"

With a man and a woman living together in the same room, could she stop thinking about other things?

While I was nervous and scared, there was also a strange excitement in my heart.

Lin Jiangnian said: "I have business with you!"

"If you have serious business, just tell me directly. Why did you bring me in?!"

Xu Lan still looked wary.

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "What I'm telling you is serious, and I can't let others know about it."

Xu Lan was still arrogant at first, but when she heard Lin Jiangnian said that she couldn't let others know about the serious things he wanted to tell her, she immediately blinked her eyes!

A secret that no one else knows?

Only she can know?

So exciting? !

This moment instantly aroused her curiosity.

For a moment, his tone softened a lot: "What, what's going on?"

"Come and sit first."

Lin Jiangnian didn't speak immediately. He came to the table and sat down. He poured himself a cup of hot tea and took a sip.

Xu Lan moved to the table and sat next to Lin Jiangnian, with a bit of excitement and a bit of uneasiness on her face: "What do you want from me?"

Lin Jiangnian put down his tea cup, glanced at Xu Lan, and suddenly asked, "How long have we known each other?"

Xu Lan looked confused. She didn't know why Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked this question, but she still thought about it carefully: "It's been almost a year, right?"

"Yes, we have known each other for almost a year..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian paused and said, "What do you think of our relationship?"


Hearing this, Xu Lan's heart beat unsatisfactorily for a moment, and her face turned slightly red: "You, why are you asking this?!"

Why is this guy asking about the relationship between the two of them for no reason?

He, what does he want to do?

"Don't worry about what you are doing. Just say that our relationship is good, okay?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and asked her: "We have known each other for a long time. We should at least be considered very good friends, right?"

"Friend, friend?!"

The expression on Xu Lan's face was slightly condensed, and she looked at Lin Jiangnian blankly.

I don't know why, but I feel relieved in my heart, a little relaxed and happy.


In this guy's eyes, am I a very good friend of his?

This guy already considers himself a good friend?

Hearing this, Xu Lan was indeed a little happy.

But for some reason, while I was happy, I felt a little inexplicably disappointed.

Just, just friends?


Lin Jiangnian nodded and looked at Xu Lan in front of him: "Just tell me, am I good to you on weekdays?"

Xu Lan raised her head, looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and then said angrily: "No!"

"What's wrong?"

“Nowhere is good!!”

Xu Lan's expression became even more angry: "Just tell me how can you be nice to me?!"


Lin Jiangnian was about to speak, but quickly stopped.

He quickly thought about it carefully in his mind, and it seemed that he really couldn't remember... How could it be easier for Miss Xu?

Not long after the two met, Xu Lan exposed his identity and Lin Jiangnian almost killed her. Although the relationship was reconciled after that, Lin Jiangnian was not very enthusiastic about Miss Xu every time they met, and he even disliked her for a time.

In Lin Jiangnian's eyes, Miss Xu often acted as a tool.

Now being questioned by such a soul as Xu Lan, Lin Jiangnian fell into silence.

After a while.

"Ahem...that's not important!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "In general, I'm pretty good to you, right... There's always something good about me, right?"

"What do you think?!"

Xu Lan's face was full of anger and she sneered: "When did you treat me better?"

When he mentioned this, Xu Lan became angry for no reason!


Lin Jiangnian quickly calmed down Miss Xu, who was about to get angry: "We are already good friends. Why are friends so worried about each other? Are you right?"

Xu Lan's eyes were obviously more contemptuous, and she obviously didn't agree with Lin Jiangnian's words.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangyoun sighed: "I have always regarded you as my best friend... Otherwise, if I did those little tricks against your grandfather and your father behind their backs, they would have been killed many times. ."

Xu Lan was startled when he heard this, and a look of horror appeared on his face: "You, you...all know this?!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and sighed: "You Xu family have made it so obvious, how can I still know?"

Xu Lan's heart skipped a beat. Of course she knew what her grandfather and father wanted to do! Once this matter is known to the Lin family, it can be said to be a disaster for the Xu family.


Xu Lan's face suddenly became anxious and panicked. .

"I know, these things have nothing to do with you." Lin Jiangnian consoled him.

Xu Lan's eyes were complicated, and after a while she felt a little disappointed and said: "I can't persuade my father and grandfather, they..."

"That's their choice."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent. The Lin family and the Xu family were family friends, and they should have been as close as before, but the Xu family had different intentions.

Naturally, these cannot escape the eyes of Prince Lin’s Mansion!

Lin Jiangnian could understand that the Xu family was loyal to the emperor and they were worried that they would become rebels in the future if they got too close to Prince Lin's Mansion.

Especially the one in the capital, Xu Lan's grandfather, who had been in the capital for decades, naturally turned towards the emperor. In this way, based on the current position of the court and the vassal king, the Xu family naturally turned towards the emperor.

However, this is considered a betrayal to Prince Lin's Mansion!

Everything the Xu family owned in Linzhou was given to them by the Lin family. If the Xu family wanted to switch sides now, it would undoubtedly be a stab in the back of the Lin family.

If it had been anyone else, he might have been dealt with by Prince Lin's Mansion long ago.

But the Xu family is different!

After all, the Xu family and the Lin family were family friends, and the relationship between the two families had been very good in the past. Lin Hengzhong still remembered the life-saving grace of Mr. Xu back then, so he did not take any action against the Lin family.

Of course, the main reason is that all the actions of the Xu family are under the nose of Prince Lin's Mansion. No matter how much the Xu family tried, they could never get out of the hands of Prince Lin's Mansion, nor could they harm the interests of Prince Lin's Mansion.

Because of this, even if Lin Hengzhong had noticed the Xu family's disapproval, he did not choose to take action against the Xu family.

However, if the Xu family continues to have its own way in the future, it will not be a good thing after all.

"After all, the Xu family and the Lin family are family friends. If your grandfather and your father could find their way back, everything would be okay..."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "If they are still determined to break with the Lin family, it will definitely not be a good thing for them..."

When Xu Lan heard this, her face turned slightly pale and she bit her lower lip: "My father and the others..."

How could she not know the seriousness of the matter?

However, she has no control over the choices of her grandfather and father.

"Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you. Even if the Xu family and the Lin family really break up, it won't affect our relationship."

When Lin Jiangnian said this, he paused again: "I happen to be in Beijing. If I have time, I would like to visit your grandfather and try to persuade him..."

"After all, your grandfather was kind to my father back then. After all, I still hope that our two families can reconcile as before."

No matter from which aspect, Lin Jiangnian didn't want to break up with the Xu family.

Xu Lan looked at Lin Jiangnian blankly, with some emotion flashing in his eyes. After a while, she took a deep breath and said softly: "Thank you."

"No need to thank you!"

Young Lin Jiang shook his head lightly. Seeing that the preparation was almost done, he started to talk about business: "I'm looking for you today because of business!"

Xu Lan raised her eyes, a little surprised: "Isn't this a serious matter?"

"It counts, but it's not the main business I'm looking for you for today!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

Xu Lan said anxiously: "What else is there to do?"

Lin Jiangnian stared into Xu Lan's eyes and spoke slowly: "When we were at Prince Lin's Mansion, you once said that it was you who killed Prince Lin, right?"

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's sudden question, Xu Lan froze on the spot, as if he did not expect that Lin Jiangnian would suddenly bring up old matters again.

She was in a trance for no reason!

If Lin Jiangnian hadn't suddenly mentioned it, she almost forgot about it... The Lin Jiangnian in front of her was fake!

He is not the real Prince Lin!

Xu Lan was a little surprised: "You, why did you suddenly ask about this again?!"

Nearly a year has passed, and no one doubts Lin Jiangnian, the fake Prince Lin anymore.

Why did he suddenly mention this matter again?

Lin Jiangnian still stared at her and said softly: "If I remember correctly, this is how you answered me at that time, right?"

Xu Lan hesitated and nodded.

"You said at the time that you deceived Prince Jilin out of the city and killed him..."

Lin Jiangnian stared into Xu Lan's eyes: "How did you kill him?"


Being stared at by Lin Jiangnian, Xu Lan was inexplicably panicked and her eyes subconsciously dodge, "I, I... forgot!"


Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Even if you lie, you should find a suitable excuse.

How could such a serious crime as murdering Prince Lin be just forgotten?

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Who can you deceive with your excuse?"

Xu Lan pursed her lips and said nothing.

I felt a little panicked.

Of course she knew she couldn't deceive him, but when Lin Jiangnian suddenly mentioned the matter, she was unprepared, and for a moment she felt a little... indescribable panic.

"When I asked you last time, you didn't want to say it. Now it's been so long, are you still unwilling to say it?"

Lin Jiang young sighed: "We are already good friends. Is this how you deceive your friends?"

Only then did Xu Lan realize that Lin Jiangnian had just said that they were good friends. What was the original trap?


Xu Lan hesitated, looking around, not knowing how to speak.

"Actually, you didn't kill him, right?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke.

Xu Lan subconsciously wanted to refute something, but when she looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, she was stunned again.

After a while, he looked a little embarrassed: "You, how do you know?"

"You can think about it with your pig brain. Even if you want to kill Prince Lin, do you really think that the guards of Prince Lin's palace are just decorations?"

"You are the pig brain!"

Xu Lan was a little dissatisfied: "I, I have a good relationship with him... He is not guarded against me, how can I secretly plot to kill him?"

"Just saying this to you, you can't be the murderer. How can a murderer openly say that he is the murderer?"

Xu Lan: "..."

She opened her mouth, but for a moment she had no words to object.

If Lin Jiangnian had indeed been suspicious before, Xu Lan might have someone behind his back. Considering the background of the Xu family wanting to backstab the Lin family, the most likely person behind it is the imperial court...

But as he got to know Miss Xu later, Lin Jiangnian gradually gave up this idea.

With Miss Xu's mind, she doesn't look like someone who is being ordered around.

With her character, if the death of Prince Lin really had something to do with her. There was absolutely no way that she could still go to Prince Lin's Mansion frequently and calmly without revealing any flaws.

"You didn't kill him, but you insist on saying that you did?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at her: "Why are you doing this?"

"Are you hiding something on purpose?"

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's sudden question, Xu Lan was at a loss what to do, "I, I..."

"I don't!"

"Really not?!"


Facing Lin Jiangnian's aggressiveness, Xu Lan was anxious and panicked. She simply turned her head away and said harshly: "I, I don't have one!"


"Even if you don't tell me, I can still guess something."

Lin Jiangnian paused and looked at her: "You told me that you killed Prince Lin, but you were actually lying to appease and stabilize me, right?"

Xu Lan looked back at Lin Jiangnian with a hesitant and complicated expression. After a while, she nodded and then shook her head.

"What's the meaning?"

Xu Lan took a deep breath and shook her head: "I can't say."


"He, he didn't let me say..."


Lin Jiangnian captured the key clue: "Who is he?"

Xu Lan shook her head repeatedly.

"Can't you tell me?"

Xu Lan nodded her head.

Lin Jiangnian said nothing and looked at her quietly.

Xu Lan was stared at by Lin Jiangnian for a long time, and gradually she couldn't stand it anymore. She subconsciously avoided looking and panicked.

"You, please stop asking...I, I can't say..."

"Isn't it great now? You are Prince Lin, and no one doubts your identity..."

"Besides, besides, he is already dead, you, don't worry so much..."



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