Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 335 The shocking truth


There was a long silence.

Lin Jiang young sighed: "Are you planning to hide this secret for the rest of your life?"

Xu Lan lowered his head slightly, his face full of hesitation.

not talking.

Apparently, that's what she planned.

"You can't hide it!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and shook his head gently: "Besides me, there are others who also suspect you."

Hearing the news, Xu Lan subconsciously raised her head: "Who?"

"Paper Kite."

Xu Lan immediately looked a little flustered and nervous: "She, how could she do this?"

"She had doubts about Prince Lin's death before, and since you are closest to Prince Lin, she will naturally doubt you."

Lin Jiangnian paused and then said, "Not only Zhiyuan, but even my aunt has begun to doubt you!"

When Xu Lan heard this, her heart suddenly lifted.

She suddenly remembered the inexplicable questions Aunt Xiang asked when she came to Jiang Mansion to see her last time...

Aunt Xiang asked her if she had noticed anything wrong with Lin Jiangnian recently?

At that time, Xu Lan suspected something was wrong, but Aunt Xiang didn't continue to ask, and she didn't think much about it. When she heard Lin Jiangnian say this, her heart skipped a beat.

Aunt Xiang, are you starting to doubt her too?

Did they all discover something?

"and you……"

Xu Lan subconsciously looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Your identity..."

Since both Aunt Xiang and Zhiyuan suspected Lin Jiangnian's identity, wouldn't he...

very dangerous? !

"So, you understand the seriousness of the matter now, right?"

Seeing Xu Lan's worried look, Lin Jiangnian suddenly lowered his voice slightly and said in a deep voice: "Zhiyuan and my aunt have begun to doubt you and me. It's okay for me for the time being, but you will definitely not be able to escape sooner or later. When the time comes, Zhiyuan and my aunt will ask you, how do you plan to answer?"

"Is it possible that you continue to pretend that you don't know?"

Xu Lan indeed planned this, but seeing Lin Jiangnian's seriousness and deep voice at this time, she became inexplicably panicked: "I, I don't know..."

At this point, she raised her head and said nervously: "Then, what should we do?!"

Lin Jiangnian continued in a deep voice: "There is only one way now."

Xu Lan quickly asked: "What can I do?"

"You have to tell me first how the former Prince Lin died, and what else do you know?... You have to tell me these things first, and then I can come up with a solution."

"Otherwise, you and I will be exposed sooner or later, and we will both be finished!"

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's nervous and serious voice, Xu Lan couldn't help but become more and more panicked as she imagined the consequences of the secret being revealed.


This guy is a fake!

If the secret is revealed, then he... will definitely be dead!

Uncle Lin would never let him go.

Thinking of this, Xu Lan's heart sank and she looked at Lin Jiangnian with complicated eyes, his face full of hesitation and tangle.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian said again: "Besides, only you and I know about this matter. I am a fake, and I will definitely not make these things public... You and I just need to keep it secret, doesn't it mean that you didn't say anything? "

"Besides, it's better for the two of us to share the burden of secrets than for you to bear it alone...don't you think so?!"

It has to be said that Lin Jiangnian's bewitchment did work.

Xu Lan's expression gradually wavered and she hesitated to speak.

So, Lin Jiangnian added the final fuel: "Aren't we friends?"

"Do you really consider me a friend?!"

"Don't you have any trust in your friends? Think about it, when did I betray you?"

"Have it?!"


Facing Lin Jiangnian's soul questioning, Xu Lan's head was dizzy, and she was at a loss for what to do.

When he raised his eyes, he saw Lin Jiangnian looking at him calmly. His eyes were serious and urgent, but for some reason, Xu Lan felt an indescribable tremor in his heart.

She hesitated for a long time, and finally took a deep breath.

It seems that something has been decided!


Xu Lan hesitated for a long time and finally said: "You must not tell anyone else about this!"

Lin Jiangnian immediately said: "Don't worry, I will never tell this to a third person!"

"you swear!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Under Xu Lan's burning and worried eyes, Lin Jiangnian finally made a vow.

Seeing this, Xu Lan felt relieved, breathed a sigh of relief, and felt relieved.

"Now, can you talk?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

"Wait a minute!"

Xu Lan stood up and walked to the door, opened the door, and carefully looked outside.

The door and the courtyard were empty, with not a single person in sight. Xiaozhu and Xiaolu were also missing. Xu Lan closed the door again and locked it.

Then, he walked aside and made sure that all the doors and windows were locked. Then he felt relieved and returned to the table next to Lin Jiangnian and sat down.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xu Lan quietly, with a cautious look on his face, and became more and more confused.

What happened to make her so cautious?

Xu Lan collected her emotions and calmed herself down, then raised her head and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes. After hesitation and consideration, her eyes were complicated and she said, "You are actually right... He is not my fault." dead."

"But his death... I did expect it!"

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Jiangnian looked suspicious.

Xu Lan bit her lower lip lightly, as if recalling some past events, and sighed softly: "He told me that."


Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized something: "Prince Lin?"

"He told you?!"

Xu Lan nodded heavily: "Yes."

An incredible look appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face: "He told you that he would die?!"

Xu Lan shook her head and nodded: "He didn't tell me that he would die, he just told me... He said that he might die one day, and said that if that day happens, don't let me be surprised..."

Lin Jiangnian was stunned and surprised. He knew that Prince Lin's death was full of doubts, and he also guessed that there must be something fishy in it. But I never expected that... Prince Lin Wang would predict his death in advance?

Since it was expected, why would it...?

Lin Jiangnian asked: "What's going on?!"

"Actually, I don't know much..."

Xu Lan curled her lips and said: "My relationship with him is actually average. He is actually a very strange person. I don't like him very much..."

"In the eyes of outsiders, he is indeed an out-and-out playboy. Although he has never done anything too outrageous, he has a lot of the bad habits that a playboy should have... Also, he is that person He has a bad temper and is a bit moody."

Seemingly thinking of something, Xu Lan sighed faintly: "That's why he has a very bad relationship with Girl Zhiyuan. He told me that he disliked Girl Zhiyuan very much and always wanted to drive her away... But I always It feels like he is worried that Miss Zhiyuan will discover his secret..."


"Well, he is mysterious and sneaky, with many secrets..."

Xu Lan nodded: "He often comes into contact with some strange people. Those people are all strangers, have high martial arts skills, and are not from the Prince's Palace."

Lin Jiangnian frowned: "Not from the palace? They appeared in the palace and were not discovered?"

"He is Prince Lin's Crown Prince, and Prince Lin's Mansion is his territory. It is not difficult for him not to be discovered."

Xu Lan hesitated for a moment and then said: "After all, I still have to cover for him..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her unexpectedly: "You?!"

Xu Lan nodded: "It was his request. He asked me to go to Prince Lin's Mansion to find him often... He and I grew up together as childhood sweethearts. It is reasonable for me to go to Prince Lin's Mansion to find him and will not arouse anyone's suspicion."

"And the main purpose of my going to Prince Lin's Mansion is actually to cover for him and help him hide these things..."

Lin Jiangnian was shocked. Is this the reason why Xu Lan often visited the palace and got close to Prince Lin?

Is everything done deliberately?

As a result, the behavior of Prince Lin seemed... very strange!

"He is Prince Lin's eldest son, and Prince Lin's Mansion is his home. Why is he so sneaky in his own home?"

"Is he afraid that Zhiyuan will discover his secret? What is he hiding?!"

"have no idea."

This time, Xu Lan answered simply.

She had had this question before and asked Prince Lin, but she didn't get an answer.

"He is a strange person. He is very smart, but has a very weird personality. He was a little better before, but then he started to have a bad temper..."

Xu Lan seemed to remember something and said: "By the way, just half a year before he passed away, he had a quarrel with Uncle Lin, and it was very tense!"

"Had a fight?"

This was news that Lin Jiangnian didn't know: "What was the quarrel about?"

"have no idea."

Xu Lan shook her head, "After that quarrel, Uncle Lin left the palace and headed north. When Uncle Lin came back half a year later, he had already..."

Speaking of this, Xu Lan's emotions were inexplicably complicated. She looked at Lin Jiangnian and was silent for a moment before saying, "At that time, he suddenly found me and told me inexplicably..."

"He said he might die one day, so I shouldn't be surprised..."

"I didn't believe it at that time. I just said that it would be a good time for him to die, and Linjiang City would be less of a big trouble... That time, he also said that he was going to do a big thing!"


"He didn't say it was a big deal..."

Xu Lan shook her head.

Lin Jiangnian was silent.

He always felt that he had gradually grasped a certain thread and was very close to the truth!

But there is no point.

I didn’t realize the essence of it!


Did you expect it?

Still foggy!

In the end what happened?

"Then how did he die?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at Xu Lan and asked.

"What does his death have to do with you?"

"I have no idea……"

Xu Lan shook her head subconsciously and thought carefully and hard.

Memories that had long ago seemed to have been covered in dust, and she tried hard to recall them.

"That time..."

"The day before his accident, I went to see him at Prince Lin's Mansion. He seemed to be in a good mood that day... He told me that he planned to go out for an outing and do something big..."

"I don't know where he went, but he mentioned again that someone wanted him to die..."

The picture of that day in Xu Lan's memory has gradually become blurry. For her, it was just an extremely ordinary day.

She didn't even pay attention.

As for him saying someone wants him dead...that's just too common!

Growing up, as the prince of Prince Lin, he had experienced numerous assassinations and countless people who wanted him dead. Even Xu Lan was used to it!

Until that time...he was really dead!

Lin Jiangnian listened quietly and remained silent for a long time.

He suddenly stared at Xu Lan: "Are you hiding something from me?"

Xu Lan looked slightly startled: "Why, why do you ask that?"

"How did you know he was dead? How did you know I was fake?"

Lin Jiangnian caught the loophole in her words.

Prince Lin did say that he might die, but how did Xu Lan know that he died on that day?

You know, when Lin Jiangnian was taken back to Prince Lin's Mansion as the fake Prince Lin, no one suspected that the original Prince Lin was dead!

How did Xu Lan know this?

There is an even more crucial point...

She saw through that Lin Jiangnian was fake, but she didn't react with much surprise!

In fact, he doesn't even seem to care about it.

More like...

Have you anticipated this result?

Facing Lin Jiangnian's question, Xu Lan was silent for a while.

Finally, she nodded, looked at Lin Jiangnian with complicated eyes, and said, "He did tell me about this."


"On the day he said he might die..."

Xu Lan took a deep breath, looked at Lin Jiangnian, and finally revealed the secret that he had hidden in his heart for a long time.

"He said that one day he might die and disappear from this world. But he also said...if he died, he would find someone who looks exactly like him to replace him..."

"He said, if one day I find out that the Prince Lin in Prince Lin's Mansion is no longer his queen, please don't be surprised or panic..."

"He also said that I must keep this secret to death and never tell anyone!"

Speaking of this, Xu Lan looked at Lin Jiangnian with complicated eyes: "That day, I heard that Prince Lin was assassinated outside the city. I realized that something might have happened, so I ran over to confirm... Sure enough, you are no longer him. !”

"I knew then that he might be dead..."

"And you are the one he said he wanted to find, the exact replacement!"


Xu Lan's words were like thunder, exploding in Lin Jiangnian's ears.

He looked shocked and froze in place!

Find someone who looks exactly like him? !

Why did Prince Lin suddenly say that he wanted to find someone exactly like him to replace him?

There is only one possibility that can explain all this... Prince Lin Wang may have known about Lin Jiangnian's existence for a long time!


To be precise, Prince Lin probably knew that he had a twin brother!

And the big thing he said was to find Lin Jiangnian? !

This seems to explain why Lin Jiangnian woke up at the crime scene in the temple that night...

All of this turns out to be traceable!

The purpose of Prince Lin was not to go out for an outing, but...

Going to find Lin Jiangnian, who is also a twin brother? !


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