Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 336 Are you serious too?

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly became enlightened!

It seems that those doubts in the past can be solved...

Did the original Prince Lin know about Lin Jiangnian's existence a long time ago?

He had known for a long time that he had a twin brother? !

And, have you been looking for the whereabouts of Lin Jiangnian?

When he thought of this level, Lin Jiangnian reacted suddenly.

Princess Lin gave birth to twins that year. Although she hid it from everyone, it was impossible to do it perfectly.

At least, you can never hide it from Lin Hengzhong!

As Lin Hengzhong, how could he not notice anything unusual about the person next to him?

To put it bluntly, Princess Lin didn't hide Lin Hengzhong's reasons.

What exactly happened back then is unknown!

But when Lin Hengzhong learned that he had another child, he would never remain indifferent.

In this case, it seems not surprising that Prince Lin knew that he had a twin brother...

But after I figured this out, at the same time, some new problems followed.

Since Prince Lin knows that he has a twin brother, then...

Who is Lin Jiangnian?

What is the other child's name?

Prince Lin learned about Lin Jiangnian's whereabouts. What was the purpose of searching for Lin Jiangnian during that trip?

Get rid of him?

Or is it like what Xu Lan said... bring Lin Jiangnian back and replace him?

More importantly, why would he do this?

What happened to Lin Jiangnian originally?

When Princess Lin gave birth to twins, why was one child left behind...

All of this is still a mystery!

Lin Jiangnian frowned, originally thinking that the problem had been gradually solved. But he soon discovered that doubts still arose.

The doubts in his heart deepened!

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xu Lan noticed Lin Jiangnian's solemn expression and couldn't help but ask, "What do you know?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I need to give it a try!"

He really needed some time to clear his thoughts.

Assuming that Prince Lin Wang did know about Lin Jiangnian's existence, his trip was to find Lin Jiangnian's whereabouts. In this way, Lin Jiangnian's appearance in the temple that night was probably related to him.

So, besides Liu Su and his party, there were three forces that appeared in the temple that night Zhiyuan mentioned.

Except for at least one of the forces that came to assassinate Prince Lin, what are the origins of the remaining two forces?

Could there be some force among them related to the emergence of Lin Jiangnian?

But the problem happened here again. Why did Prince Lin tell Xu Lan that he might die?

Why tell Xu Lan that someone will be found to replace him?

Since he knew someone would assassinate him, why didn't he take precautions?

But he still died in the temple that night?

This doesn't make sense!

Lin Jiangnian thought silently for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't come up with a result.

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked at Xu Lan: "Besides these, what else has he told you?"

Xu Lan hesitated and shook her head.


Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes.

Xu Lan was a little cautious: "There is indeed nothing related to him..."

"what about others?"

Lin Jiangnian was keenly aware that there was something in Xu Lan's words.

At this time, she still has something to hide.

Xu Lan lowered her head, feeling a little aggrieved and feeling increasingly guilty: "He, he just promised me one thing..."

"What's up?"

Xu Lan hesitated for a long time, then whispered: "He, he asked me to help him keep this secret... and he also asked me to help you hide your identity..."

Speaking of this, even Xu Lan felt a little incredible.

She also couldn't figure out why that guy would find someone to pretend to replace him and ask her to help hide it...

Hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian frowned: "Don't you find it strange?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't find it strange because he knew his identity, but wouldn't Xu Lan be suspicious?

"It's very strange..."

Xu Lan nodded, hesitated, and then said: "But, he promised me one thing..."

"What's up?"

"He said that as long as I help him keep his secret and help you hide your identity... then I can keep my Xu family safe."

Speaking of this, Xu Lan's voice became smaller and smaller: "He, he has already discovered the... secret of our Xu family!"

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian finally realized why Xu Lan was indifferent when he learned about his fake identity.

turn out to be……

From the beginning, she planned to conceal his identity for him!

That Prince Lin, bribed Xu Lan on the condition of the Xu family?

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian had an illusion for some reason... that Prince Lin seemed to be playing a big game of chess?

"Then you exposed me before?!"

When Lin Jiangnian came back to his senses, he suddenly remembered something. When they first met, Xu Lan revealed his identity. At that time, Lin Jiangnian almost had murderous intentions.

Xu Lan's face turned slightly red when she mentioned this matter. She snorted and said unconvinced: "I, didn't I scare you?"

"I don't know who you are... He said he wanted to find someone who looks exactly like you, but I don't know him."

"You look exactly like him, but you pretend to be too similar...I, I just wanted to scare you, beat you, who knew, you, you actually..."

It seemed that he recalled some long-standing shameful memories, remembering the time when he was a ninth-grade master, but was pinned down and bullied by Lin Jiangnian...

Xu Lan's face turned red and she was filled with embarrassment: "I, won't I help you hide your identity later?!"

Zhiyuan from behind had doubts about Lin Jiangnian's identity and even went to Xu's house to look for her. Xu Lan has always been tight-lipped and kept the secret for Lin Jiangnian!

"Who asked you to scare me?" Lin Jiangnian still asked.


Xu Lan was speechless and could only snort heavily.

He turned his head angrily and ignored him.

But after a while, he turned around again: "You, why are you asking these questions today?"

"Of course you want to know why I'm here!"

Lin Jiang young sighed.

Xu Lan said in disbelief: "You don't know why you are here?"

Lin Jiangnian spread his hands.

"You don't know who you are?!"

Xu Lan naturally didn't believe it: "I haven't asked you yet, where are you from? Where did he find you?"

At this point, Xu Lan finally realized something and murmured: "Yes, why did he ask you to pretend to be Prince Lin?"

"How could he find an outsider to replace his identity?"

Xu Lan racked her brains and thought, still looking confused.

I can’t figure it out!

I can’t figure it out!

Looking at Xu Lan, who looked confused and bewildered, Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly, but he still didn't hit her!

The biggest advantage of Miss Xu is probably that she is not very smart. After playing against those smart women for a long time, I still feel that it is easier to fool a silly lady like this.

However, what Xu Lan asked was not unreasonable.

Where did he come from?

Lin Jiangnian really didn't know this.

At present, it is certain that Prince Lin is probably aware of his existence. Lin Jiangnian's appearance in Prince Lin's Mansion may have something to do with him!

It is even very possible that all of this was a deliberate plan by Prince Lin.

So the question is, why would he do this?

Xu Lan, the only one who knows some inside secrets at the moment, can't explain it clearly.

Maybe Lin Hengzhong will know something?

Lin Jiangnian was thinking, and then quickly remembered something.

"As you said before, you helped him cover those strange people entering and leaving Prince Lin's Mansion... Where are they now?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly looked at Xu Lan.

Xu Lan looked confused and shook her head: "I don't know!"

"After he died... that is, after you returned to Prince Lin's Mansion, those people disappeared!"


Lin Jiangnian asked: "Do you still remember what they look like?"

Xu Lan thought about it and nodded: "I just remember that there was a leader who was young and had a scar on his face... I don't remember the rest!"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing. He suddenly realized that these people were very likely to know the truth.

It is even more likely that he is the only one who knows the truth!

But the world is so big, it is not easy to find these people. It is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

However, Lin Jiangnian had a hunch that these people would appear again one day!

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking, Xu Lan's voice was slightly nervous: "By the way, you must not tell these things to anyone..."

Xu Lan worriedly said: "I have 'betrayed' him, you already know it, you can't tell it!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and half-smiled, "It depends on my prince's mood."


Xu Lan's expression immediately changed and she became anxious: "You, you swore an oath!"

Seeing how anxious she was, Lin Jiangnian stopped teasing her: "I'm joking with you, of course I won't tell anyone."

When he said this, Lin Jiangnian stopped again: "However, there may be one person who needs to be excluded!"


"Paper Kite."

Xu Lan subconsciously widened her eyes: "Are you crazy?!"

"You dare to tell Zhiyuan this matter? You don't want to live anymore?!"

You are a fake Prince Lin, how dare you tell Zhi Yuan that you are a fake?

Do you know who Zhiyuan is?

After one year of being Prince Lin's heir, you don't know who you are anymore, right?

Xu Lan was very nervous!

Although she knew that the relationship between Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan seemed to be good, she even suspected that Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan were in a relationship!

But getting better is one thing!

You are fake!

If Xu Lan didn't know the word love brain, she would have scolded him severely.

Seeing Xu Lan's worried and nervous look, which confirmed that she had indeed been helping Lin Jiangnian hide her identity, Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and chuckled: "Actually, I want to tell you a secret."


Xu Lan subconsciously asked: "What secret?"

"Actually, I am not the fake Crown Prince Lin!"

"What's the meaning?"

Xu Lan hasn't reacted yet.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh. The girl's reaction was too slow: "I'm not a fake, what else do you mean?"

"Not fake?"

Xu Lan's eyes were stunned, still thinking about the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words.

After a while, she seemed to wake up suddenly, her beautiful eyes suddenly bulging, staring at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief.

"You, you're not a fake?!"

Xu Lan's reaction was as expected by Lin Jiangnian, and he nodded.

"you you you……"

Xu Lan's voice trembled slightly due to shock: "You, you are not fake... You, you are real?!"

"You, have you been lying to me?!!"

"Why are you looking for a fake to replace you? They are all lying to me?"

"Have you been pretending to lie to me?!!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"There may be something wrong with your understanding..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed and had no choice but to explain: "He is indeed dead, and he did find me, but I am not a fake, I am his twin brother..."


Wait until Lin Jiangnian finishes explaining.

The room fell into deathly silence again.

Xu Lan's eyes were dull, and she sat there blankly, looking at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief, unable to say a word for a long time.

The look on his face was full of incredibly complex emotions.

It's hard to describe.

It wasn't until a long time later that she finally woke up.

"You, you are his twin brother?!"


"So, you're not fake?!!"

"That's right."

"Are you also Prince Lin's Crown Prince?!!!"

"You can also say that..."


Xu Lan's eyes were still dull. Her brain capacity could not handle such a large amount of information, which was completely reasonable.


How could they be twins?

Such a big thing...why didn't anyone tell her?

As the eldest daughter of the Xu family, Xu Lan is a family friend of the Lin family. The two families lived close to each other, and she had often run to the Lin family since she was a child.

But even so, she still didn't find out... Prince Lin actually had a brother who was left behind?

Really, aren't you lying to her?

Facing Xu Lan's suspicious gaze, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "You don't believe me?"

Xu Lan nodded, then shook her head.

Not convinced!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but reached out and tapped her head lightly: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Aunt Xiang and Zhiyuan."

He was hit on the head. Although it didn't hurt, Xu Lan still covered his head and stared at him when he came back to his senses: "You hit me?!"

"Who told you not to believe me?"

"Who knows if you have lied to me? You lie to me often!"

"Can I lie to you about this kind of thing?"

When Xu Lan thought about it, it seemed like the same thing. She would find out such a despicable lie once she asked Aunt Xiang and Girl Zhiyuan.

If he is fake, shouldn't this question expose his identity?


Is he real? !

"Are you really serious?"


"You are actually brothers?!"

Xu Lan's eyes widened in disbelief: "What about him?!"


"Then how did you return to the palace?"

"It was picked up."

"How did you pick it up?"


"You and he are twins, why are you the only one living among the people?"


"Also, you..."

Xu Lan's eyes were full of gossip and thirst for knowledge: "Who is the elder brother, who is the younger brother?!... Oops, you hit me again!"

Xu Lan covered her little head, her eyes were filled with tears, crystal clear, and she was about to cry!

This time it really hurts!

He knocks it for real! !


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