Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 337 How could this happen?

For Xu Lan, everything she learned today undoubtedly brought about earth-shaking changes in her cognition.

She never expected that the Prince Lin in front of her had always been a fake in her eyes. Suddenly, everything changed and it became real...

How could he come true?

How is it possible... that he and Prince Lin are twin brothers?

Xu Lan had been suspicious of life for a long time before she finally came to her senses.

And then……

Become a curious baby!

From the initial shock, doubt, and disbelief to gradually accepting the fact, she gradually became interested and grabbed Lin Jiangnian to question him.

She was so curious that she could never imagine how Lin Jiangnian, the fake Prince Lin, suddenly... became real?

How could he be real?

It’s incredible!

Faced with Xu Lan's persistent questioning, Lin Jiangnian didn't explain much. Of course, the main reason is that it can’t be explained!

Lin Jiangnian didn't know much more information than Xu Lan.

Regarding his life experience, Lin Jiangnian only told Xu Lan after careful consideration.

Sooner or later, his identity cannot be concealed. He can conceal it from outsiders, but it is certainly impossible for these people around him to conceal it forever.

Coupled with Xu Lan's special identity, she has been keeping the secret of her fake identity for Lin Jiangnian. If Lin Jiangnian hadn't pressed him today, Miss Xu would have remained tight-lipped.

Not to mention anything else, although Miss Xu is a bit silly, she has a bit of the temperament of a child of the world and is loyal!

Very strict mouth!

Xu Lan was obviously a little disappointed when she couldn't find out more information.

She felt that Lin Jiangnian had hidden many things from her, and she was hesitant to think about whether to go to Aunt Xiang to find out!

Originally she was worried that Lin Jiangnian's fake identity would be exposed, so she didn't dare to reveal too much in front of Aunt Xiang. Now that she knew that Lin Jiangnian's identity was real, she didn't have too many worries now.

She was holding back a lot of doubts in her heart, waiting for someone to answer them. I can't help but want to let out the secret I've been holding in my heart for so long.

But before Xu Lan could make a decision, there was a knock on the door from Xiao Lu. It turned out to be Xiao Lu urging her to go back.

Xiao Lu was worried when she saw His Highness the Crown Prince pulling his young lady into the room and locking the door.

With a man and a woman alone in the same room, something might happen.

What's more, she secretly found out from Xiaozhu that Prince Lin seems to be different from ordinary people in some aspects...

Very powerful!

Xiao Lu didn't know how powerful it was, after all, she had never seen it before.

But my lady...

My young lady already has a crush on Prince Lin, but now that she is being pulled into the room, my young lady will not be able to take the initiative to undress and wear a broadband belt?

And then give His Royal Highness Prince Lin to... rectification on the spot?

Xiao Lu was worried and curious, but she didn't dare to get close, for fear of ruining her young lady's good deeds.

So she took Xiaozhu and ran outside the courtyard to see the door, not letting anyone in to disturb her. When the time was almost up, Xiao Lu hurriedly ran in to remind his lady... It was almost done. Miss, don't be too ignorant of the taste. It's time to go home!

Xu Lan in the room was reminded by her little maid and realized that it was time to leave.

Although she didn't want to leave yet, she wanted to chase Lin Jiangnian and ask more secrets. But after all, she knocked out the guards in the house before running out today. At this time, her brother should be angry at the house, and he might send someone out to look for her.

She had to go back quickly, otherwise it might be harder to come out next time if things got serious.

"Humph, then I'll go back today and come back to you tomorrow... If you have any secrets, don't hide them from me!"

Xu Lan hummed softly and warned Lin Jiangnian a few words, then reluctantly opened the door and walked out of the room.

Outside the door, Xiao Lu blinked her eyes, watching her young lady walk out of the room, and subconsciously sniffed closer.


How not?

Little Green subconsciously glanced at the room from the corner of her eye, and saw that the room was neat and tidy, without any of the depressed and messy scene she had imagined...

Looking at my young lady and Prince Lin, they are all neatly dressed. It doesn't look like a scene of thunder and fire... Did they pretend to be so clean after the incident?

Isn't this a bit too skillful?

Xiaolu blinked and looked at his young lady, trying to find some flaws in her body.

However, my young lady is very normal. She is not at all like what Xiaozhu described to her... feeling paralyzed and unable to get out of bed? !

Could it be that Xiaozhu was lying to her?


Nothing happened?

Shouldn't it?

This man and woman were alone in the same room. Prince Lin hurriedly pulled her lady into the room without doing anything. This was very wrong...

As soon as Xu Lan walked out of the room, she saw Xiao Lu staring at her with a strange look.

"What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Lu finally came back to her senses, her face turned red, and she felt a little guilty. She waved her hands quickly: "It's okay, it's okay..."


After Xu Lan left, it was getting late.

Lin Jiangnian was about to get up when a small head sneaked in from outside the door. He was looking at the room curiously, as if looking for any clues.


Lin Jiangnian saw Xiaozhu looking in with a blushing face: "What are you doing?"

"Ah, Your Highness!"

Xiaozhu's face was reddish, a little shy and awkward, and he walked into the room with small steps. He carefully looked around the room, especially focusing on the big bed behind the screen... His Highness's bed.

"Your Highness, you and Miss Xu..."

Xiaozhu blinked his eyes but did not finish speaking.

But with Lin Jiangnian's smart and narrow eyes since childhood, how could he not understand what the little maid wanted to say?

"what are you thinking?"

Lin Jiangnian said angrily: "What kind of nonsense are you thinking about in your little head all day long?"

"That's not what you taught, Your Highness!"

Xiaozhu was a little unconvinced and pouted slightly: "Your Highness, you anxiously pulled Miss Xu into the room as soon as you came back...Can I not think too much about it?"

Hearing what Xiaozhu said, Lin Jiangnian also realized that there seemed to be something wrong with dragging Xu Lan into the room?

However, at that time, he was eager to ask Xu Lan about his secret and didn't think much about it.

Unexpectedly, it was Xiaozhu who thought wrongly!

But then I thought about it, Xiaozhu's ability to think wrong was indeed inseparable from Lin Jiangnian.

It can even be said that it was trained by Lin Jiangnian.

More than half a year ago, Xiaozhu was a little maid who had just been transferred to Lin Jiangnian to take care of Lin Jiangnian's daily life. At that time, Xiaozhu was timid, thin-skinned, simple and naive, and blushed easily.

Being teased by Lin Jiangnian even a little bit would make his ears turn red with embarrassment!

As for now...

Xiaozhu still blushes easily, but on the way to Beijing, Lin Jiangnian's perseverance and hand-in-hand training taught Xiaozhu all kinds of novel knowledge and postures, which shocked Xiaozhu!

After being exposed to her for a long time, Xiaozhu also gradually grew up from the innocent little maid who was so shy that she almost fainted from the first contact with her, to the caring little maid who will take the initiative to change positions as long as she is patted on the butt.

In this way, what Xiaozhu said is indeed right!

It’s all thanks to Lin Jiangnian’s teachings!

"Xiaozhu, come here."

Lin Jiangnian waved.

Unexpectedly, Xiaozhu had expected it, so he took two steps back, blushing and shaking his head: "No, no, no... Your Highness, you must want to bully me again!"

Lin Jiangnian said with a straight face: "Nonsense, is His Highness that kind of person?"


Xiaozhu nodded firmly and said with a blushing face: "Last night, Your Highness, you... I, I went to find Sister Zhiyuan!"

With that said, Xiaozhu made a face at Lin Jiangnian, turned around and ran out of the room with a blushing face.

Lin Jiangnian sighed when he saw this.

He, the Prince Lin, really has no prestige at all, and even the little maid now dares to disobey him.

In the past, when she was in Prince Lin's Mansion, the little maids obeyed his advice and were frightened. They trembled when they saw him. Looking at it now, this little maid is obviously cowardly, and she doesn't even take him as the next prince in her eyes.

...Most likely he was led away by the paper kite!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian also stood up and walked out of the room.

It's getting late, it's time to go see what the kite is doing!

It's getting late.

In the backyard of Jiang Mansion, the small courtyard where Jiang Yuxiang lives is located in the best location of Jiang Mansion.

As Jiang Ningkang's sister, although there is no blood relationship, Jiang Ningkang is still very fond of this sister.

This time Jiang Yuxiang came to the capital from Jiangnan, Jiang Ningkang also received a letter from Jiangnan's old man. The content of the letter asked him to send his sister back to Jiangnan.

Jiang Ningkang naturally understood the reason. This sister was not young yet, but she had not yet started a family. The Jiang family is one of the largest families in the south of the Yangtze River. As the second daughter of the Jiang family, Jiang Yuxiang has been unable to get married. This has caused many people in the Jiang family to worry.

If word gets out, it will damage the prestige of the Jiang family.

But his sister's reputation in Jiangnan is really...'tough'!

Jiang Ningkang also heard a little bit about the second sister's reputation in Jiangnan, and not many people dared to marry the second sister.

But the Jiang family is still trying to find a way to marry her off!

No, six months ago, the Jiang family arranged another marriage and wanted to persuade Yu Xiang. As a result, Yuxiang was so angry that he ran away from home overnight and came to the capital.

Jiang Ningkang did not approve of the second sister's behavior of running away from home and coming to the capital in anger. But because of the incident between Wanmei and Lin Hengzhong, Jiang Ningkang was also extremely disgusted with the Jiang family's arranged marriage.

Therefore, Jiang Ningkang took it upon himself to leave his second sister in the capital and temporarily live in his house.

But this is not a long-term solution after all, and the Jiang family will definitely not give up marrying off their second sister.

Furthermore, the second sister is not young now. Calculating her age, she is almost twenty-six this year, and it is indeed time to get married.

If you endure it any longer, you really won't be able to get married.

Jiang Ningkang also has a headache about the second sister's marriage!

When Lin Jiangnian came to his aunt's courtyard, it was deserted. There were lights on under the eaves not far away, and two maids were standing at the door.

"Your Highness."

Seeing Lin Jiangnian appear, the two maids quickly saluted.

Lin Jiangnian nodded, signaled the two maids to go down, and then stepped into the room.

In the room, the lights are bright and the warm fragrance is overflowing.

Not far away outside the screen, Jiang Yuxiang and Zhiyuan were sitting there, talking softly.

"Auntie, Zhiyuan."

Lin Jiangnian's arrival attracted their attention.

Zhiyuan's eyes fell on him for a moment and then looked away.

Jiang Yuxiang, on the other hand, looked at Lin Jiangnian and smiled half-heartedly: "Why are you here?"

"It's still early, don't you think it's too early to come over and see you, aunt?"

Lin Jiangnian walked closer to Zhiyuan, glanced down at her, and chuckled, "What are you talking about?"

"What else can we talk about?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at him: "Of course I'm talking about you."


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised.

Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian, half-smiling but not smiling: "I heard that you met the Queen in the palace two days ago?"

Lin Jiangnian then remembered that this morning he learned that his aunt had entered the palace. Apparently, the Queen had mentioned this matter.

"It does happen."

Lin Jiangnian explained: "When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince summoned me to the palace, I met the Queen once."

After a pause, Lin Jiangnian asked: "The Queen and my aunt, did you... mention me?"


Jiang Yuxiang said with a half-smile but not a smile: "The Queen has praised you a lot. Why didn't I see that you have so many advantages?"

Young Lin Jiang coughed, glanced at Zhiyuan subconsciously, and said nothing.

Jiang Yuxiang also realized that Zhiyuan was still there, and did not continue to dig deeper. He snorted coldly: "You still don't take my aunt seriously. You don't tell her such a big thing!"

"If the Empress hadn't mentioned it when she entered the palace today, I would have been kept in the dark by you..."

Lin Jiangnian quickly comforted: "Didn't it happen that so many things happened that day... I forgot about it!"


Jiang Yuxiang snorted lightly and then glanced at him: "You come over tonight, what else do you want?"

"It's nothing!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Zhiyuan and hesitated on how to explain.

But then he saw Jiang Yuxiang sneer: "What? You want to trick Zhi Yuan back and bully him?"

Zhiyuan, who originally had a cold face and pretended to be invisible, looked slightly unnatural when he heard her aunt's words.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian looking at him, a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, and he glared at him angrily.

Lin Jiangnian is unhappy. I haven't settled the score with you yet. Why are you glaring at me?

"Auntie, you misunderstood..."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, walked to the door again, closed the door, and returned to the two of them.

Jiang Yuxiang and Zhiyuan were slightly confused when they saw Lin Jiangnian's "sneaky" behavior.

Especially Zhiyuan, she felt inexplicably nervous... What does this guy want to do?

Is my aunt still there? !

"There is indeed something I want to tell you!"

Lin Jiangnian sat next to the two of them and said softly: "Xu Lan was here just now!"

Hearing Xu Lan's name, Jiang Yuxiang and Zhiyuan were stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

"Did she say something?!"

Jiang Yuxiang asked quickly.

She remembered that Zhiyuan mentioned that Xu Lan was the one who knew the secret of Prince Lin.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly mentioned it, does it mean...

Seeing Jiang Yuxiang and Zhiyuan both looking at him, Lin Jiangnian nodded: "The matter does have something to do with her..."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian told the two of them the secret that Xu Lan had mentioned not long ago.

After the two of them listened to Lin Jiangnian's narration, they both fell into a solemn silence.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly, her expression solemn, and she was thinking about something thoughtfully.

Jiang Yuxiang was extremely surprised, shocked, and said in astonishment: "He, he already knew that he was going to die?"

"He, he has been looking for you too?!"

"What, how could this happen?!"


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