Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 338 Return to Jiangnan?

The news that Lin Jiangnian revealed was completely beyond Jiang Yuxiang and Zhiyuan's expectations.

Jiang Yuxiang, in particular, was as shocked by the news as he was when he first learned that Lin Jiangnian was the real Prince Lin.

"How did he know you existed?"

"He's been looking for you?!"

"Is it possible that your ability to return to Prince Lin's Mansion has something to do with he secretly looking for your whereabouts?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply and nodded: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. Judging from various signs, it should indeed be like this..."

The place where Prince Lin Wang was assassinated happened to be the place where Lin Jiangnian appeared.

What a coincidence!

The appearance of Lin Jiangnian is probably closely related to Prince Lin!

Or maybe, as Jiang Yuxiang guessed... Prince Lin Wang has been looking for Lin Jiangnian?

Zhiyuan, who was sitting next to him, looked a little solemn. From time to time, he raised his eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian, thoughtfully.

"Zhiyuan, what's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian noticed Zhiyuan's reaction: "Did you remember anything?"

Zhiyuan hesitated and remained silent, nodded, and then shook her head.

"What's the meaning?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly, and after a moment, she said thoughtfully: "I did notice that some strange figures appeared in Prince Lin's Mansion before..."

In the past, Zhiyuan had noticed some mysterious and strange figures appearing in Prince Lin's Mansion, but after in-depth investigation, he could not find any clues.

Now that I think about it, it has something to do with Prince Lin.

At the same time, this incident also made Zhiyuan recall some details that she had not noticed in the past.

For example, Prince Lin seems to have disliked her since she first entered Prince Lin's palace!

At that time, Zhiyuan didn't understand the reason, but now it seems that it must be as Xu Lan said... Is Prince Lin worried that Zhiyuan will discover his secret?

Zhiyuan entered Prince Lin's Mansion as the maid of Prince Lin, but she had absolute power in the palace and could restrict the words and deeds of Prince Lin at every turn. In addition, Zhiyuan had a keen sense of smell and extraordinary abilities. How could Prince Lin not worry that his secret would be discovered by Zhi Yuan?

In this way, many doubts in Zhiyuan's mind gradually became clear.


Zhiyuan paused for a moment, raised her eyes slightly, and glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Since those people have appeared in Prince Lin's Mansion, they should have left traces..."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed: "What do you mean?"

"There may be clues in Prince Lin's Mansion, or even more..."

Zhiyuan's eyes were slightly solemn: "There may be someone in Prince Lin's palace who knows about this!"

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled by Zhiyuan's words. After thinking carefully, he suddenly thought of something: "You mean, there is Prince Lin's helper in Prince Lin's palace?"


Zhiyuan nodded.

She knew the Prince Lin most clearly, and with Xu Lan's help, she might indeed be able to hide the truth. But the problem is, it is absolutely impossible to make it completely seamless!

After all, it was Prince Lin's Mansion, and there were many masters in the mansion. What's more, at that time Prince Lin's Prince's personal army was in the hands of Zhi Yuan. Everyone who came in and out of Prince Lin's Mansion was basically under the control of Zhi Yuan.

Prince Lin was able to have frequent contact with those people under her nose. It was basically impossible for Prince Lin alone to avoid exposing his secrets...

The only possibility is that there is an insider from Prince Lin's Crown Prince in the palace.

Helping him hide all this!

"Who could it be?"

Lin Jiangnian also realized this and thought: "Who do you think is the most likely?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"Those who can do this must have a high status in Prince Lin's Mansion..."

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes, thinking about the suspects in the palace, and figures flashed through his mind.

At a certain moment, there seemed to be a flash of inspiration.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhiyuan.

The two looked at each other, as if they suddenly thought of the same person!

"Who do you suspect?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"What about you?" Zhiyuan asked.

"Not sure, but I already have a guess..."

Lin Jiangnian hesitated and said: "Apart from Prince Lin, he is probably the only one who can do this..."

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, thought carefully, and nodded after a while.

At this time, Jiang Yuxiang, who had been left alone, watched the two people singing in harmony, the husband singing and the wife following. She couldn't get a word in, and she was a little anxious.

"What are you talking about?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Zhiyuan and then at Lin Jiangnian. What were the two of them discussing?

Why can't you understand?

Mysterious, as if there is some special way of communication.

Very tacit understanding!

This made Jiang Yuxiang feel very complicated.

Obviously she has known Zhiyuan for a longer time, and she and Zhiyuan grew up together.

She was only in her teens when she met Zhiyuan. The two of them grew up together. Jiang Yuxiang is many years older than Zhiyuan and has always played the role of sister and mother. The two have a close relationship. After so many years, Zhiyuan should logically be closer to her.

But now, Zhiyuan was actually talking mysterious words to the guy in front of him, whom he had known for less than a year, which made Jiang Yuxiang feel inexplicably redundant.

Shouldn't she be here?

"It seems that we have to wait until we return to the palace to verify it!" Young Lin Jiang sighed.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at him, silent for a moment: "When?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment before he realized what Zhiyuan was asking...when would he return to the palace?

"After the new year."

Lin Jiangnian hesitated and then spoke.

The new year is approaching, and there are many troubles at the end of the year. No matter what happens in the next year, I have to find a way to meet the emperor. After the marriage is resolved, it is almost time to go back.

As for the turmoil in the capital, the conflict between the third prince and His Highness the Crown Prince... this has nothing to do with Lin Jiangnian!

"Hey, did you hear me?!"

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes widened slightly in anger and he huffed.

Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan then turned their heads.


"Don't call me!"

Jiang Yuxiang was sulking, with a gloomy expression on his face: "Let's talk. It's no longer necessary for my aunt to stay here. Can I go?"

With that said, Jiang Yuxiang was about to get up and leave.

Zhiyuan on the side looked a little flustered, and quickly grabbed the corner of her aunt's clothes.

Lin Jiangnian also realized that he was neglecting his aunt, and quickly comforted him: "Auntie, what are you talking about? How can I be superfluous? Don't be angry, calm down first!"


Jiang Yuxiang sneered, looked at the two people in the room with beautiful eyes, and said angrily: "Aren't I bothering you by staying here? Wouldn't it be better if I left?"

Lin Jiangnian said with a flattering smile on his face: "Auntie, where are you? This is your room. Where are you going?"

"I'll give you my room!"

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily.

"Calm down, calm down!"

Lin Jiangnian hurriedly stepped forward with a comforting smile on his face.

"Isn't this what Zhiyuan and I are discussing about business..."

Lin Jiang said in a young voice: "By the way, auntie, I have to ask you some things..."

Lin Jiangnian changed the topic without leaving any trace. Jiang Yuxiang, who was still a little sulky at first, did not lose his temper when he heard Lin Jiangnian brought up business.

After all, it was her sister's child, and she suddenly died inexplicably. How could she not care?

Right now, what she was most curious about was why the child knew about Lin Jiangnian's existence, and why he still didn't take any precautions even though he knew he would die...

Why would he keep this to himself?

He is Prince Lin's eldest son. If he told this secret, why would he get to this point?

With the power of Prince Lin in Linzhou, how could the dignified Prince Lin end up dying at the hands of a group of suspected killers?

This makes absolutely no sense.

"Actually, I don't know much..."

Jiang Yuxiang sighed deeply: "I just accidentally learned some details and secrets of that year, and I have some guesses later..."

At this point, Jiang Yuxiang glanced at Zhi Yuan and said, "It wasn't until I heard Zhi Yuan talk to me that I was able to confirm that my sister had indeed given birth to a pair of twins. You are the other child that my sister left behind..."

"As for the rest..."

Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly: "I don't know much."

Lin Jiangnian listened to his aunt's words quietly, and then said after a while: "It seems that if you want to uncover the truth, you have to find out what happened that year... Lin... My mother clearly gave birth to a child. Why do we claim that there is only one twin?"

"What happened in the middle? Was it an assassination? Or a kidnapping? Or something else happened?"

Jiang Yuxiang thought about it and sighed softly: "I also asked several other elders of the Jiang family, but they couldn't answer it. They didn't even know that there was such a thing..."

"That happened eighteen or nineteen years ago. I was only a few years old at the time and have no memory at all. If I want to find out what happened back then, I'm afraid..."

"I have to go back to Jiangnan again!"

Eighteen or nineteen years ago, Lin Hengzhong was not King Lin. At that time, he was still fighting bloody battles on the front line in southern Xinjiang. Princess Lin stayed in Jiangnan and gave birth to a child.

Back then in Jiangnan, unknown secrets must have happened.

There are definitely elders in the Jiang family who will know about this.

If you want to find out, you have to go back again.


When Jiang Yuxiang talked about going back to Jiangnan, Jiang Yuxiang's face became a little more entangled and hesitant.

Clearly, she didn't seem to want to go back.

Lin Jiangnian saw his aunt's hesitation: "Aunt, don't you plan to go back?"

"Why go back?"

Jiang Yuxiang rolled her beautiful eyes: "No one there looks pleasing to the eye, and everyone doesn't like me. I don't want to go back."

When she came to the capital this time, she planned to stay there for a long time and had no plans to go back.

Lin Jiangnian smiled bitterly, didn't they like their aunt at that time?

If he hadn't heard about Jiang Yuxiang's reputation in Jiangnan, he might have been deceived.

Lin Jiangnian asked: "If my aunt doesn't go back, won't grandpa have any objections?"

"Let him go."

Jiang Yuxiang snorted coldly and glanced sideways at Lin Jiangnian: "What? I dislike your aunt and want to drive her back?"

"how come?"

Lin Jiangnian quickly shook his head in denial: "If my aunt doesn't want to go back, then she won't go back. If you get tired of staying in the capital, you can go to Linzhou then. Your aunt is always welcome in Prince Lin's Mansion!"

"I guess you still have some conscience!"

Jiang Yuxiang snorted softly, and his face looked much better now. But then he frowned again and sighed.

"However, if I want to find out what is going on with your life experience, I really have to go back to Jiangnan..."

She really didn't want to go back.

But if he wanted to find out Lin Jiangnian's identity, he had to go back again.

If you want to solve these mysteries, you must first investigate clearly what happened to my sister back then.

Lin Jiangnian saw his aunt's hesitation and shook his head slightly: "There is no urgency about this matter now. I will ask people from Prince Lin's Mansion to go to Jiangnan to investigate first. It will be good if they can find out. If not, there is no rush... "

Now Lin Jiangnian has confirmed his identity and solved many doubts. The only thing that remains doubtful is what happened to Princess Lin back then, and... the plan and purpose of Prince Lin.

Lin Jiangnian is not in a hurry about this!

These truths will be revealed sooner or later.

"It won't be too late to make plans when there is news from Jiangnan."

After listening to Lin Jiangnian's suggestion, Jiang Yuxiang nodded and sighed: "This is the only thing we can do."

At this point, she took a deep breath: "If we can really find out the truth... what if we go back to Jiangnan?"

However, despite saying this, Jiang Yuxiang's face was solemn as if he had passed through a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Auntie, are you scared?"

"What can I be afraid of?!"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "I heard that my grandpa has always wanted my aunt to marry you?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at her and said with a smile: "Who did you listen to?"

Lin Jiangnian was about to say something when he suddenly looked at his aunt's eyes that were getting worse and worse, and immediately wisely chose to shut up.

The matter of forced marriage seems to be a very taboo thing for my aunt.

"Ahem, I just heard that..."

Lin Jiangnian changed the subject without leaving a trace: "It's getting late, auntie, why don't you take a rest early?"

As he said that, his eyes fell on Zhiyuan next to his aunt: "Zhiyuan?"

Zhiyuan was still thinking with her head down when she suddenly heard Lin Jiangnian calling her and subconsciously raised her head: "Huh?"

"Want to go back together?"

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment and looked into Lin Jiangnian's clear eyes. The next second, she seemed to realize something.

A trace of panic immediately flashed in his eyes.

Dodge subconsciously.

"no no……"

Zhiyuan was inexplicably flustered and turned her head.

The face is slightly red.

"Are you bullying Zhiyuan again?"

When Jiang Yuxiang saw Zhiyuan's reaction, his unkind eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand innocently and said, "Where is it?"

Bullying Zhiyuan?

Don’t you even look at who is bullying whom?

Auntie really doesn't know how Zhiyuan bullied him the night before yesterday?

"But it's Zhiyuan who bullies me all the time!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Zhiyuan bully you?" Jiang Yuxiang naturally didn't believe it.

"Why don't you ask her?"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Zhiyuan and saw that the side of Zhiyuan's face was red and he said nothing.

Jiang Yuxiang didn't care about that much: "Then you must have bullied Zhiyuan first... How could my Zhiyuan bully you for no reason?"

"Go quickly, don't even think about bullying Zhiyuan. Zhiyuan will sleep with me tonight, so hurry up and leave!"

Lin Jiangnian was kicked out by his aunt without any explanation!

...(End of chapter)

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