Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 343 I’m here to kill you


On the horseback, Saint Liu's face turned red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "You...are unreasonable!"

"Your life or death has nothing to do with me!"

"If you are willing to hand over Xuanyang's mental method, do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Liu Su turned around and stopped looking at Lin Jiangnian in anger. Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su who was running away in a somewhat helpless figure, and he obviously felt guilty.

This woman is telling the truth!

After a while, Lin Jiangnian slowly followed up, walking side by side with Liu Su.

Turning his head, he saw Liu Su looking straight ahead, expressionless. The cold wind occasionally blew up the hair on her temples, revealing a beautiful cold face.

Red clothes are like fire!

Shockingly cold!

Lin Jiangnian stared for a moment and chuckled: "Are you angry?"

no respond!

"Looks like he's really angry!"

Lin Jiangnian said slowly: "Your worries are indeed correct. Once Xuanyang's mental method spreads, it will naturally not be a good thing for my Lin family. I will not do this."

"However, if your leader insists, he will never let me go if I don't hand it over."

Lin Jiangnian paused and said, "So, I have to give him the Xuanyang Mind Technique, but... I can't give it completely!"

Liu Su turned her head and stared at him without saying a word.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian quietly with cold eyes. After a while, she said coldly: "What else did you do?"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "I didn't do anything!"


Liu Su sneered, obviously not believing it.

"Are you sure you didn't do anything?"

Seeing Liu Su staring at him intensely and the sneer on his face, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "As expected, I can't hide anything from you."

"what have you done?"

Liu Su ignored Lin Jiangnian's flattery and asked again.

She knew very well that with Lin Jiangnian's character, he would never do such a disadvantageous thing.

This guy is very thoughtful and extremely... sinister!

Even though she had clearly controlled him and his life was in her hands, under such circumstances, this guy still dared to bargain with her and even tried to escape her control secretly.

Still want to plot against her!

Therefore, Liu Su never believed that Lin Jiangnian had no back-up preparations.

Facing the threat from the leader just now, Liu Su didn't believe that Lin Jiangnian would hand over the Xuanyang Heart Technique so easily... He must have other plans.

This guy is not that easy to talk to!

"did nothing."

Lin Jiangnian still waved, looking at Liu Su's angry gaze, then waved and explained: "Sometimes, not doing it is better than doing it!"

Liu Su frowned: "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning!"

Liu Su was silent and thought carefully for a moment. After a while, his eyes became angry.

"I don't want to say forget it!"

Liu Su rode away without expression.

Lin Jiangnian smiled and followed him again.

"Why does your leader wear a mask? Doesn't he dare to show his face?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Liu Su had a cold face and did not answer.

"Your Tianshen Sect is indeed not a great religion, but the martial arts of your leader is unfathomable. There are not many such masters in the world... He dare not show his true face. Is it because he is afraid that his other identity will be exposed?"

If you don't dare to show your true colors, there are only a few possibilities. Regardless of the possibility, it means that this leader is not simple.

It is even very possible that his original identity was too shocking and he did not dare to reveal it.

But the question is, there are only a few top masters in the world. Who is the leader of the Celestial Sect?

Liu Su couldn't answer this question. She said coldly: "I don't know."

"You don't even know?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "You haven't checked?"

"There are not many top masters in the world, but it does not rule out that there are some masters from outside the world who are not on the Jianghu list..."

Speaking of this, Liu Su also hesitated and frowned.

After all these years, she has not found out the origin of the leader.

The leader dressed up like this every time he saw her and never showed his face.

To this day, Liu Su is not even sure whether the leader is male or female.

What makes Liu Su strange is that she has seen the leader take action, but she can't see the origin of the leader's martial arts at all.

This is a little unusual!

Liu Su had also doubted whether the leader might be a descendant of Southern Xinjiang. After all, the Tianshen Sect originated from southern Xinjiang and has a close relationship with southern Xinjiang. However, after a secret investigation, it was discovered that the leader seemed to have no connection with southern Xinjiang.

This is also very weird!


Lin Jiangnian looked at her, shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. Martial arts all over the world reach the same goal from different paths, and everything has its own traces. Without the guidance of a famous teacher or a wealthy family, there are very few people who come from famous families and become top masters... "

"There haven't been many such geniuses in thousands of years!"

If ordinary people practice martial arts without background, it is almost impossible to become a top master!

Practicing martial arts is not only about talent, but also about foundation!

The leader of the Tianshen Sect has ominous martial arts abilities and is most likely a first-class master!

Being able to become a master at the level of a grandmaster requires more than just talent.

Even if you are a genius, without top-notch mental skills and martial arts, without enough heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and rare herbs to assist in your training, it is almost impossible to set foot in the realm of a master.

And these are not something ordinary families and ordinary forces can afford!

In this way, the leader of the Celestial Sect is definitely not a small player, but it is not clear which force in the world he will be?

"Excluding the imperial court, the scope will be much smaller."

Lin Jiangnian was thinking.

Either he is a powerful person in the world, a sect or a family, or he is one of the few hidden masters in the world.

"Maybe we can check it out!"

Lin Jiangnian pondered and spoke.

Liu Su raised her eyes and glanced at him: "Can you find out?"

"You can give it a try!"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and said, "Prince Lin's intelligence capabilities are not too bad."

Liu Su said nothing.

Not too bad?

The intelligence capabilities of Prince Lin's Mansion are considered top-notch in the entire Daning Dynasty, no worse than the hawks and dogs of the imperial court.

Prince Lin has set up intelligence networks in every state in the world and pays close attention to the intelligence trends in each state. Apart from the capital to avoid suspicion, Prince Lin's power spread throughout other states and counties within the dynasty, which was terrifying.

If Prince Lin's Mansion is not bad at all, what does the intelligence capabilities of other forces mean?

play house?

Liu Su stopped talking.

"Anyway, if he wants my Lin family's Xuanyang Map, he has to guard against it."

Although Prince Lin's Mansion is not too afraid of any masters, it cannot be underestimated. A grandmaster may not necessarily be able to change the general trend, but the terrifying force of a grandmaster is enough to make any force fearful.

"But, what exactly is this Xuanyang Diagram?"

What use is this treasure that even the leader of the Celestial Sect can flock to?

Improve strength?


Any other use?

Liu Su looked at him quietly for a few times, then looked away and looked forward.

"The leader will still look for you."

Her voice was calm, but a hint of concern could still be heard.

"Are you caring about me again?"


Liu Suqi's pretty face was slightly red, how come this guy could think of this in everything.

How could she care about him?

Why should she care about him?

She simply doesn't...

Not knowing what she was thinking of, Liu Su gritted her teeth.

"up to you!"

"Your life and death has nothing to do with me!"

Liu Su said the next sentence and left without looking back.

This time, there was no looking back.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh when he saw the back of Saint Liu dressed in a red dress and riding away.

This Lady Liu has a more arrogant temperament than a paper kite!

It seems that it is not that easy to surrender and capture her.

However, Lin Jiangnian is confident. This Lady Liu cannot escape from his grasp.

With this in mind, Lin Jiangnian rode slowly back to the capital.

On the official road, the cold wind was blowing, it was deserted, the snow remained, and there was a loneliness between heaven and earth.

Just as Lin Jiangnian was slowly going back, murderous intent suddenly appeared quietly.

The sharp cold wind blew towards his face, and the moment he got closer, murderous intent suddenly appeared in the cold wind.

There was originally no one around, but an afterimage jumped up from the grass on the roadside, passing by with a cold light, falling from the sky and heading towards Lin Jiangnian.

The speed is extremely fast and it arrives in a blink of an eye.

Lin Jiangnian, who was on horseback, suddenly turned his head, his eyes focused, and he struck out with a striking palm.

The round and hot breath rushed away!


An explosion sounded like bamboo cracking, accompanied by a scream. The figure in the sky suddenly fell, falling headfirst into the snow.

Blood dyed the snow red!

There was a brief moment of silence!

It seemed like such a neat scene, it was hard for people to react.

Lin Jiangnian, who was sitting on the horse, put away the palms under his sleeves and looked around, with a sneer on his face: "Since we are here, why hide and sneak around?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow appeared in Lin Jiangnian's sight in front of him!

At the same time, several figures appeared around the official road, surrounding Lin Jiangnian.

Fierce murderous intent permeated the world.

Lin Jiangnian, who was sitting on horseback, seemed to be a turtle in a jar!

Lin Jiangnian glanced around at the figures around him, and finally landed on the figure in front of him.

"Prince Lin, he is indeed hiding his clumsiness!"

The figure in front spoke in a low voice and coldly.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent, but there was no trace of nervousness or worry on his face when facing the crisis around him. He chuckled and said, "You four elders asked you to come over and assassinate my son?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the black figure in front of him changed slightly. Then he sneered: "Prince Lin Wang is indeed smart. We are here to take your life under the orders of the Fourth Elder!"

"Take my life?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "I am a friend of your leader. How will you explain to your leader if you kill me?"


The shadow obviously didn't believe it and sneered: "How can our leader be friends with you?"

"You do not believe?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him.

"What evidence do you have?" The shadow stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Who are you? Do I need to explain to you?"

The shadow's expression suddenly changed, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian coldly. But when he saw that Prince Lin's expression remained as usual, he couldn't help but feel slightly shaken.

Why can this guy be so calm and indifferent?

They followed and ambush all the way, and only decided to take action after confirming that the saint had left.

There was no one around at the moment. Prince Lin was alone. Why didn't he show any panic when facing them?

Is he too confident in his martial arts, or...

He is really friends with the leader, so he is confident?

Heiying gradually became suspicious, if this person is really friends with the leader...

No, it's impossible!

There is a sworn hatred between Tianshen Sect and Prince Lin's Mansion. How can the leader be friends with him?

Thinking of this, the shadow sneered: "No matter how you argue, today is the day you die!"

"kill him!"

The black shadow stopped talking nonsense, and as soon as he finished speaking, a group of masters surrounding Lin Jiangnian swarmed forward.

In all directions, cold light flashed.

Four masters armed with swords attacked from all directions. Lin Jiangnian, who was sitting on horseback, raised his head, his eyes sharp and his whole aura suddenly changed.

The moment the four people approached, Lin Jiangnian jumped up, stepped on the horse's back, and jumped into the air with the help of the horse's back to avoid being surrounded by the four people.

At the same time, the inner energy surged under the sleeves of his robe, and he jumped into the air and suddenly approached the nearest Celestial Cult member.

The believer's pupils shrank suddenly, and he blocked hastily with the long knife in his hand.


The majestic surge of internal energy, like a blazing fire, shook the cultist away.

The believer fell headlong into the snow, vomiting blood, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of horror.

It seems that he did not expect that the martial arts of Prince Lin was far beyond his expectations!

Actually, so powerful?

He couldn't even block a move? !

"Be careful...he has very high martial arts skills!"

After Lin Jiangnian succeeded in the attack, he quickly retreated and escaped another round of siege.

At the same time, there was a knife in his hand.

Taken from the hands of the cultist just now!

Holding the knife in his hand, Lin Jiangnian's momentum rose to a higher level.

When the remaining people saw this scene, they were all shocked and their expressions were extremely solemn. This prince Lin Wang killed two of their masters instantly with one move.

This boy must not be underestimated!

Everyone gathered their spirits, stared at the Prince Lin, and clenched their swords.


Killing intent permeated the cold wind.

Lin Jiangnian was holding a long knife, facing the immediate crisis without any fear.

Today, he is no longer what he used to be.

These people in front of him are just his steps towards becoming a top master!

Outside the crowd, the dark figure looked solemn and stared at Lin Jiangnian, who was surrounded by the crowd.

His face gradually became more and more ugly!

They were fooled!

Seriously underestimate the martial arts of Prince Lin!

To be precise, I didn't expect that Prince Lin's prince knew martial arts and was so good at it!

But now, they have no retreat!

The Fourth Elder wanted to kill the man in front of him, so he let him run away today. Next time, with the Holy Girl protecting him, it would be as difficult as climbing to heaven to kill him again.

Fortunately, although this Prince Lin's martial arts skills were beyond his expectations, they were only around the fifth level.

It's not difficult to kill him.

The black shadow stared at the surrounded Lin Jiangnian, it was time for him to take action!

Just when the black shadow took a step forward and was about to launch a sneak attack, he suddenly seemed to notice something and turned his head suddenly.

At some point, there was another person beside him.


"Who are you?!"

The black shadow was horrified, and he didn't know when there was someone beside him!

A simple-looking man, about thirty years old, with a fat face and a fat body, was looking at him with a smile.

The smile is kind and full of kindness.

Even his tone seemed kind.

"You ask me?"

The man laughed, and the fat on his face squeezed into a ball, making him look even more silly.


"Of course I'm here to kill you."


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