Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 344 Eastern Mountain Viewing

The kind tone was as casual as talking to an old friend, the tone was gentle, and there was even a hint of warmth...if you didn't listen to the content.

The black shadow's hair stood on end, and his whole body suddenly tensed up. He suddenly took two steps back and stared at the fat man in front of him!

The hair on the back stood up instantly!

The fat man in front of him had an ordinary appearance and a huge body. He was wearing a black and green brocade robe, and his fat body almost burst the brocade robe.

The eyes are not big, and they are even smaller when she smiles. The fat on both sides of her cheeks almost covers her eyes, which makes her look even more cute.

A fat man with a simple and cute appearance.

There was no trace of murderous intent in this fat man.

Not even an ounce of hostility!

He looks completely harmless to humans and animals.

But the black shadow's face became more and more wary, staring at the fat man in front of him, and said sternly: "Who are you?!"

He couldn't detect any aura from the fat man. Either he was a person who didn't know martial arts at all, or his martial arts had reached a level where he could freely retract and release his martial arts.

Obviously, although the fat man in front of him looked kind, in Heiying's eyes, he could never be a person who didn't know martial arts.


The shadow's eyes were sharp.

The fat man didn't seem to notice the vigilance and murderous look on his face. He still had a harmless smile on his face: "Didn't I tell you? I'm here to kill you."

"That's right, take your life!"

The tone is still gentle, even a little relaxed, as simple as asking the other party to eat and drink.


He wants to kill him!

The black shadow's pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart felt cold.

"I have no enmity with you, why do you want to take my life?"

A trace of doubt appeared on the fat man's fat face, and he glanced at him in confusion: "Do you still need a reason to kill someone?"


"When your Celestial God Sect kills people and wastes their lives on a daily basis, do you have a reason?"

Black Shadow's heart suddenly shook, and he realized something instantly. Is this person coming to their Celestial God Sect?


Heiying looked embarrassed, he might not be able to be kind today.

Seeing that the fat man in front of him still had a warm smile on his face, a hint of murderous intent flashed in the dark shadow's eyes.

A sudden attack.

"go to hell!"

A cold light flashed, and the sharp sword energy was covered up by the icy cold wind.

Above officialdom.

It was freezing, snowy, and the north wind was blowing wildly.

There are few people on the endless official road.

There were still ice and snow that had not completely melted on the dead trees on both sides of the road, and the cold wind blew away the strong smell of blood in the air.

Blow all the way!

In the snow, there were several figures lying upside down.

The blood dyed the ground red, dyed the snow red, and the red and white intertwined, creating a very strong picture.



The surroundings were in a panic, and it was obvious that they had just experienced a big battle. Not far from the corpse, a figure stood quietly.

The green and white brocade robe was stained with some blood, and he looked a little messy and embarrassed.

The originally handsome face was a little flushed, and his surging breath caused the blood to surge, making Lin Jiangnian's whole body like a furnace.

It wasn't until a while later that he suppressed the Xuanyang Mental Technique that was raging in his body, and turned around to look around.

No one is left standing!

All the members of the Celestial Sect, without exception, died under his sword.

"It's nothing more than that!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, sighed, and dropped the chipped knife he had snatched from the cultist.

No wonder the Tianshen Sect can only be regarded as a little-known organization. The strength of the believers in this sect is indeed not that strong.


"There are so many people, but they can't beat me... just average."

Lin Jiangnian made a mental evaluation.

Apart from the leader and the great elders, there probably aren't many experts in the Celestial Sect.

Thinking like this, Lin Jiangnian ignored one point.

The believers who came to assassinate him today are actually not weak. With the martial arts of these believers, it is more than enough to kill some ordinary masters.

But now Lin Jiangnian's martial arts has surpassed that of ordinary masters and entered the fifth level. Coupled with the Xuanyang Mind Technique, a top-notch internal skill, and the training and unique skills taught by top masters such as Senior Li and Zhi Yuan, Lin Jiangnian's starting point in martial arts was already higher than that of ordinary people. too much!

It is naturally not difficult to deal with these ordinary minions of the Celestial God Sect.

More importantly, the fourth elder underestimated Lin Jiangnian's strength!

In his eyes, what kind of martial arts skills could Lin Jiangnian, the prince of Linwang, have? Even if there were, it would certainly not be much stronger.

Just send a few people to sneak over and kill him!

When Lin Jiangnian came back to his senses, he remembered something and raised his eyes to look ahead.

Not far ahead, a fat figure appeared in the line of sight.

At this time, this fat man was carrying something and came to Lin Jiangnian with great skill.

His body was obviously bloated, and the fat on his body trembled as he walked, but the fat man's steps were steady and he was carrying something in one hand.

Lin Jiangnian took a closer look and quickly saw... that was a person!

It was the master of the Celestial God Sect who had stood in front of Lin Jiangnian just now and had strong martial arts skills.

Among all the people present, he was the only one who could pose a threat to Lin Jiangnian.

At this time, he was carried by the fat man in his hands, and was thrown aside casually in the snow like a toy.

Immediately afterwards, the fat man walked quickly to Lin Jiangnian.

Then, he fell to one knee in the snow with a plop.

"My subordinate, Dongfang Guanshan, came late to rescue me. Please forgive me, Your Highness!"


The cold wind howled.

"Get up."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the fat man in front of him quietly and spoke calmly.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Dongfang Guanshan climbed up from the snow with difficulty and looked up. When he saw Lin Jiangnian's embarrassed appearance, he was shocked and asked quickly: "Your Highness, are you okay?!"

"You're not hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, with a smile on his face: "However, thanks to Uncle Dongfang's help today."

"Your Highness, what are you talking about?!"

Dongfang Guanshan waved his hand quickly: "I am a servant of the prince and a retainer of His Highness. It is my duty to protect His Highness and solve his problems."

He smiled very kindly, and the fat on his face almost covered his eyes. He looked honest and honest, with an indescribable sense of joy.

He was clearly a man in his thirties, but standing in front of Lin Jiangnian, he seemed to be fawning.

There's something indescribably funny about it.

But this fat man, who was groveling in front of Lin Jiangnian and seemed a bit humble, had quite a lot of background.

View the mountains from the east!

One of the four trusted masters under King Lin.

He is also a very important figure in King Lin’s army!

None of the four masters under Lin Hengzhong are ordinary people.

The same was true for the fat man in front of him who seemed to be full of kindness and kindness. Dongfang Guanshan had been with Lin Hengzhong since he was still the king. He followed Lin Hengzhong in the north and south, and made great military exploits.

Lin Jiangnian didn't have much contact with the four masters under Lin Hengzhong. Apart from Zheng Zhiming, there is only one person in front of me.

However, compared to Zheng Zhiming, he was not interested in Prince Lin and did not even take Lin Jiangnian seriously. Dongfang Guanshan, who is in front of him, is probably the one who is most enthusiastic about Prince Lin among the four people.

Of course, it also has something to do with Oriental Mountain Viewing itself.

Compared to the other three, Dongfang's ability to view mountains is indeed much worse. In terms of martial arts, he cannot compare with Zheng Zhiming, in terms of strategy, he cannot compare with a military advisor, and in terms of ability, he cannot compare with Sun Changjing, who is in charge of southern Xinjiang.

Among Linwang's troops, Dongfang Guanshan was also in an extremely embarrassing situation!

If you want to keep your position in Prince Lin's Mansion, then naturally...

"Your Highness, how should we deal with this person?"

At this time, Dongfang Guanshan asked with a smile on his face: "This person tried to sneak attack His Highness, but has been captured by his subordinates. How to deal with it? Please forgive me, Your Highness."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the black figure who was left in the snow next to him and had lost the ability to resist, and said calmly: "Let's deal with it."

This person was sent by the Fourth Elder. After learning about the First Elder and the Fourth Elder from Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian probably guessed the purpose of the Fourth Elder.


Or do you want to avenge the Great Elder?

No matter what the purpose is!

For Lin Jiangnian, he was not very interested.

The only thing he was interested in was the origin of the leader of the Tianshen Sect.

As for these little people, he didn't take it seriously.

"Yes, leave it to your subordinate. It's a small thing, so as not to dirty His Highness's hands."

Dongfang Guanshan, still smiling, turned around and walked to the black figure lying in the snow.

At this moment, the black shadow was dying. When he saw Dongfang Guanshan approaching, he seemed to have foreseen something. His eyes and pupils gradually widened, and fear flashed before his eyes.

The next second.


Dongfang Guanshan stepped on his neck, and with a crisp sound of bones breaking, the black figure on the ground completely lost his breath.


After doing all this, Dongfang Guanshan turned around again and said with a smile: "Your Highness, I have dealt with this person!"

Lin Jiangnian watched this scene quietly, watching Dongfang Guanshan crush the man's neck with his foot, and then still looked at him with a smile on his face, his expression moving slightly.

This fat man... is really not simple!

Lin Jiangnian calmed down and chuckled, "Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Dongfang, for a trip today!"

"What happened?"

Dongfang Guanshan waved his hand and said with a smile: "My subordinates were not able to do much to help His Highness today. They just dealt with a small role, which is not worth mentioning."

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have thought of something and suddenly asked: "By the way, Uncle Dongfang, why did you come to the capital suddenly?"

Just a few days ago, Lin Jiangnian received information from Prince Lin's Mansion.

Dongfang Guanshan has entered Beijing!

This is why Lin Jiangnian dared to come to see the leader of the Celestial Sect today!

Just as Liu Su feared, Lin Jiangnian would not put himself in danger. If he is not sure, he will not take risks.

Dongfang Guanshan is one of the four masters under Lin Hengzhong, and even if his martial arts skills are not as good as those of Zheng Zhiming, they are not far behind.

Lin Jiangnian didn't know the true background of the leader of the Tianshen Sect, but with Dongfang Guanshan, Lin Jiangnian had more confidence to meet the leader.

... Even if the worst happens and he falls out with the leader, it will not be difficult for Lin Jiangnian to return his whole body.

This is also the reason why Lin Jiangnian is confident today.

Dongfang Guanshan replied: "I came here specially on the order of the prince."

"My dad?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "My father is so good, why would he let you come to the capital?"

The relationship between Linwangfu and the imperial court is too sensitive, especially Dongfang Guanshan. His status is unusual and he cannot enter the capital at will.


What's the big deal?

Thinking of this, the fat on Dongfang Guanshan's face trembled slightly, and then he sighed deeply: "This is beyond words..."

"Aren't you going to wipe your ass with that person named Zheng?"


Zheng Zhiming?

"Commander Zheng?"

Lin Jiangnian asked in confusion: "What happened to him?"

Dongfang Guanshan seemed to think of something, a bit of anger appeared on his face, and his tone changed in vain: "Isn't it that the man named Zheng has no brains? The prince sent him to Xuzhou to do things, and he made a mess...No, no He wants me to wipe his butt!"

Zheng Zhiming went to Xuzhou for business?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes. He had heard that Zheng Zhiming killed many people in Xuzhou and caused a lot of noise. But the strange thing is that no one from the Xuzhou government or even Prince Xu's family responded.

This is very wrong!

Now Dongfang Guanshan said that he was here to help Zheng Zhiming deal with the aftermath... What's going on?

"I've said it before, that man named Zheng is a brainless and reckless man."

Dongfang Guanshan shook his head and sighed, "Besides fighting and killing, what else can he do? What's the use of beating? No matter how good he is at fighting, can he beat the grandmaster? Beat the great grandmaster?!"

"You have to use your brain when you come out to hang out!"

Dongfang Guanshan sounded angry.

It can be heard that he and Zheng Zhiming don't seem to be getting along well.

"What does Uncle Dongfang mean by this? Did Commander Zheng encounter some trouble in Xuzhou?"

"We're in some trouble!"

Dongfang Guanshan nodded and sighed: "Your Majesty ordered me to go to Xuzhou to deal with these messy matters of the surname Zheng. I am a bit pressed for time, so I have to go there first and can't come back to the capital until later."

Lin Jiangnian saw this and said with a smile: "Since Uncle Dongfang is busy, I won't bother you!"

Dongfang Guanshan nodded, cupped his hands and said, "I'll come back to see His Highness when I finish dealing with Xuzhou's affairs later!"

Lin Jiangnian said with a smile on his face: "Thank you very much, Uncle Dongfang!"

"Little things!"

Dongfang Guanshan waved his hand, raised his head and looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly, his eyes almost squinted. After a moment, he spoke again: "Your Highness is the prince's child and also our master. Your Highness does not need to be so polite. This is what our subordinates should do."

Having said that, Dongfang Guanshan hesitated again.

"That's right, Your Highness!"

"And one more thing!"

"What's the matter?"

"Before your subordinates enter the capital, the prince asked his subordinates to bring a few words to His Highness..."

Dongfang Guanshan looked at Lin Jiangnian, and the smile on his face slightly faded: "The prince asked His Highness to be careful in Beijing, and to pay attention to safety... In everything, safety must be the first priority!"

Lin Jiangnian understood clearly and nodded: "I will be careful."

"Also, the prince said that he will not oppose your decision regarding the matter between you and the eldest princess, Your Highness. However, the prince has asked you not to get involved in the struggle for imperial power..."

"The last sentence... The prince said that after you finish handling the affairs in the capital, you should leave the capital and return to Linzhou as soon as possible..."

"The prince said that the situation in Beijing may change soon!"


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