Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 345 I’ve been waiting for you for a long time

Dongfang Guanshan is gone!

Walking cool and funny.

On the endless plain official road, after saying goodbye to Lin Jiangnian, Dongfang Guanshan wore a tight-fitting brocade suit to support his fat figure, walked step by step to a horse not far away, and got on the horse with difficulty.

The horse made a roaring sound and raised its front hooves, obviously bearing the unbearable weight of life. With a soft shout of "drive", the horse carried the heavy load on its back and slowly headed north.

In the distance, a line of horse hoof marks was left behind!

Lin Jiangnian stood quietly, watching Dongfang Guanshan go away. There was no movement for a long time. It wasn't until Dongfang Guanshan's figure completely disappeared that Lin Jiangnian came back to his senses and looked away.

Lin Jiangnian also knew something about the four masters under Lin Hengzhong. These four people have outstanding abilities and have high prestige among King Lin's army.

In many cases, the influence of these four people in the army is even higher than that of the Prince Lin!

Of course, this is not surprising!

These four people were generals who followed Lin Hengzhong in the north and south, and made great achievements in battle. They all had their own forces in the King Lin's army, and relied on their military exploits to win the trust of the King Lin's army.

And what about Lin Jiangnian?

Just a Prince Lin!

Apart from Lin Jiangnian's identity, his influence in the Linwang Army was far inferior to the four masters around Lin Hengzhong.

And these four masters also had completely different attitudes towards Lin Jiangnian, their future master.

Compared to Zheng Zhiming, who was taciturn and showed little respect for Lin Jiangnian, the Prince of Linwang, the fat man Dongfang Guanshan was obviously much more enthusiastic and respectful towards Lin Jiangnian.

He was respectful and even vaguely flattering.


Lin Jiangnian doesn't like this person very much!

This fat man looks a bit scheming!

The more you smile, the more serious the person is. Dongfang Guanshan was able to get along well with everyone in Linwang's army, and he treated others cheerfully.

But the methods are not as restrained as others.

Of course, it is no ordinary person to be able to sit in this position today.

These four masters were loyal to Lin Hengzhong, but they were not necessarily loyal to him, the Prince Lin. If Lin Jiangnian wants to succeed to the throne in the future, whether he can suppress and surrender these people is still a big problem!

After withdrawing his thoughts, Lin Jiangnian looked into the distance again.

After a while, he also walked away.

The cold wind still howled, covering up the filth and blood in the world.

I don’t know how long it took, but not far away, the sound of horse hooves sounded again.

Not far away, several figures came on horseback.

Wrapped in a black robe, the man with the horse's head reined in his horse and stopped. When he saw corpse marks all over the field and blood flowing freely in front of him, his pupils suddenly shrank.

His face suddenly became extremely gloomy: "What's going on?!"

"Why are they all dead?"

This person is none other than the fourth elder of the Tianshen Sect.

He looked extremely ugly as he watched all the people he sent die here.

"With so many people, how come they can't even kill Prince Lin?"

"They're all trash!"

The fourth elder was furious.

Someone beside him said cautiously: "Fourth Elder, how could Prince Lin kill so many of us? Could it be..."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the fourth elder suddenly condensed.

His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and he quickly discovered the situation at the crime scene.

It seems...more than one person?

Judging from the traces left at the scene, there was definitely more than one person involved.

Then, the answer is ready to come out...

Really? !

"Liu Su?!"

The fourth elder's eyes suddenly darkened: "How dare she, Liu Su, attack a fellow sect member?"

"This time, what else will she do?"


Small towns, houses, underground stone rooms.

A closed underground stone room with dim lighting.

The leader of the Tianshen Sect was shrouded in darkness, sitting cross-legged in the secret room, motionless. The wide black robe completely enveloped him, and the bronze mask on his face made him even more ferocious.

At this moment, he closed his eyes quietly, as if he had entered a mysterious state! There was an invisible aura surrounding him, slowly rotating around him with his slight breathing.

The temperature inside the secret room is gradually rising!

After an unknown amount of time, the leader of the Celestial Sect's breathing suddenly became rapid, and the breath around his body gradually fluctuated, spinning rapidly as if being pulled by something.

Then, disappear!

Silence all around!

What remains is the high temperature that has not subsided, and the sound of breathing that has not calmed down for a long time.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes!

There was a fiery aura and a light of surprise in those deep and strange eyes.

"Sure enough, it works..."

His voice was hoarse, but filled with irrepressible surprise. He looked down at his palms, which were hot.

"Xuanyang Mind Technique..."

He felt the changes in his body. Gradually, his aura gradually changed.

"Xuan Yang Tu, you really didn't lie to me."

He looked excited and surprised, immersed in the changes in his body at this moment. He didn't realize at all that the hot Xuanyang mind in his body had not calmed down for a long time.

It's evening, time.

In the middle of Beijing, in an inn in the west.


Ling'er, dressed in smart clothes, was standing under the window edge with her face raised, looking out of the window boredly.

"Saint girl, where did you go again?"

Ling'er sighed, life had become very boring since he followed the saint to the capital.

It's better than when I was in Linzhou before. I followed the saints everywhere, and everywhere I went, I was afraid of the majesty of their Celestial God Sect!


Ling'er sighed deeply again. At this moment, he caught a glimpse of a red figure appearing from the corner of his eye. Ling'er suddenly stood up in surprise: "Saint girl?!"

In the backyard of the inn, on the eaves.

Liu Su, who was wearing a long red dress, fell into the courtyard from the eaves with graceful movements.

Heroic and heroic.

Ling'er ran out of the room and quickly ran to Liu Su: "Saint girl, where have you been?"

"Goed out to do some errands."

"oh oh!"

Ling'er nodded, and just when he was about to speak, he realized that something was wrong with his saint's face.

It seems...not pretty?

"Saint, what's wrong with you?"

Linger looked carefully and asked.


Liu Su spoke expressionlessly, walked directly under the eaves and walked into the room.

Close the door.

Done in one go!

Ling'er stood at the door, blinking blankly.

Saint... How does it look like nothing is wrong here?

Who has offended the saint?

its not right!

Who dares to offend the saint?

With the saint's temper, couldn't she just tear that person apart?

Ling'er thought hard, and finally there seemed to be a sudden flash of inspiration in her mind, and she gradually opened her eyes wide: "Could it be..."


In the room, Liu Su walked to the central table in the room and sat down, poured a cup of hot tea and drank it.

I didn’t think it was enough, so I poured another glass!

Pour another glass!

at last……


"Next time, don't care about him anymore, let him die!"

Liu Su gritted her teeth and spoke bitterly.

That beautiful face was full of anger.

Thinking of that bitch's attitude and face, she felt an indescribable anger in her heart.

Why be soft-hearted?

Why do you care about his life and death?

He is the prince of Prince Lin and is a mortal enemy of the Celestial Sect.

What's more, this bitch still bullied and frivolous her...killing him was just a revenge!

Thinking so bitterly, Liu Su couldn't help but squeeze the tea cup in her hand.

‘Crack! ’

A crack gradually appeared on the tea cup held tightly by Qing Rou's bare hands.

It was enough to see the violent reaction of her mood at this time.

Then, Liu Su's cold eyes looked into the room, gradually becoming lost in thought.

After a while, a deep sigh came from the room.

Liu Su's eyes were confused, and there was something strange that he couldn't describe.

There seemed to be some kind of tangled emotions on that beautiful face.

She lowered her eyes slightly and murmured to herself: "This guy is the real Prince Linwang, and he will inherit the position of Prince Linwang in the future..."


I don't know what she thought of, but a hint of gloom appeared in Liu Su's beautiful eyes.

At this moment, Ling'er's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Holy girl, holy girl, fourth, fourth elder is here!"

The fourth elder?

Liu Su's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

Aren't the Fourth Elders in a small town outside the city?

Why did he suddenly come to the capital?

What's he doing here again? !

Thinking of this, Liu Su calmed down the emotions on her face, stood up, walked to the door, opened the door and walked out.

Not far from the courtyard, a group of people happened to be walking quickly.

The leader is none other than the Fourth Elder!

"Liu Su!"

Seeing Liu Su, the fourth elder's eyes suddenly condensed, and then he said in a cold voice: "You are so brave. The leader has repeatedly given orders not to harm fellow sect members and fight within them. How dare you disobey the order of the leader?!"

Hearing this, Liu Su's heart skipped a beat. Her first reaction was that her murder of the great elder had been leaked?

But then I thought it was impossible!

The great elder died in the official forest of Yanzhou. The area was completely burned by the raging fire, leaving no evidence.

The only people who knew about this were Ling'er and her two cronies.

How did the Fourth Elder know this?

Facing the fourth elder's questioning, Liu Su looked coldly and looked at him coldly: "The fourth elder said that this holy lady harmed her fellow disciples, is there any evidence?"

The fourth elder sneered: "Just a few hours ago, several members of our Tianshen Sect were killed on the official road outside the capital. That official road happened to be your way back to the capital. No one else showed up today, except you. Who could it be?!”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Su's eyes changed suddenly.

Official way?


what happened?

Could it be...

Liu Su stared at the fourth elder coldly: "How can there be people from the Celestial Sect above the official level... How dare the fourth elder say that it was this saint who killed her fellow disciples?!"

The fourth elder did not expect that the saint in front of him did not have the slightest hint of guilt. Instead, he questioned him so fiercely. He couldn't help but said angrily: "There is no one above the officialdom. I have killed several believers in the Celestial God Sect, including one of the fourth elders." A master of quality...who else can there be besides you?!"

Liu Su's eyes were cold: "What the fourth elder means is that without evidence, you will assume that this saintess killed the person?"

"The saint knows whether it was the saint who killed you. I will definitely report what happened today to the leader...Liu Su, if you harmed a fellow disciple, the leader will never let you off lightly!"

The fourth elder sneered and spoke.

Faced with the aggressiveness of the fourth elder, Liu Su's face showed no emotion, and her eyes became colder: "The fourth elder has no evidence, but he blames this saint for the murder, and this saint will never stop... The fourth elder wants to If you want to complain to the leader, just go ahead!"

Seeing that Liu Su was so calm and showed no fear at all, the fourth elder's expression changed slightly. He stared at Liu Su coldly and sneered: "Okay, since you don't know what is good and what is good, don't blame me for being rude!"

After saying that, the fourth elder stared at her coldly for a while, turned around and left angrily, fluffing his sleeves.

In the courtyard, it soon became quiet.

Ling'er on the side then cautiously came out: "Holy girl, what, what's going on?"

"Is the Fourth Elder coming to trouble you?!"

Liu Su's eyes were cold: "He just wants to use the topic as an excuse to get rid of me!"

"Then he..."

Ling'er remembered the menacing appearance of the fourth elder and suddenly left again, and couldn't help but said: "Then why did he leave again?"


Liu Su's face was expressionless.

Ling'er said with some worry: "I thought he was going to attack you, the saint."

Liu Su glanced at her and said calmly: "He doesn't dare."

Ling'er blinked and then smiled proudly: "That's right, the fourth elder is no match for you, the saint. If we really fight, you will be humiliating yourself!"

In the Celestial Sect, the saint's martial arts are extremely high. It is precisely because of this that the saint can have such a high status.

In the entire Tianshen Sect, the only person with higher martial arts than the Saint is the leader, and the only person who can compete with the Saint is probably the former great elder.

It's a pity that the great elder has... died!

While Ling'er was still happy that the fourth elder ran away in despair, Liu Su's expression became more solemn.

How could the Fourth Elder know that someone on the official path had died?

How could he be sure that Liu Su had killed him?

Unless... the person was sent by the four elders!

And the target person is her?


Liu Su's eyes were startled, and she suddenly remembered something.

It's Lin Jiangnian!

Are the Fourth Elders going for Lin Jiangnian? !

Does this mean that after she left, Lin Jiangnian was attacked by the Fourth Elder?

Thinking of this, Liu Su couldn't sit still. Without any hesitation, she turned around, jumped up, jumped up to the eaves, and left the courtyard.

"Hey, saint, where are you going?"

at the same time.

Jiang Mansion.

It will be dark.

When Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion, the people in the manor hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and welcome Lin Jiangnian into the manor.

"Your Highness, you are going out today, and a young lady is here to visit you!"

The servant spoke.


Lin Jiangnian looked puzzled: "Whose lady is it?"

"She is the daughter of the current Prime Minister Zhao, Miss Zhao!"

The servant explained.

Hearing this name, Lin Jiangnian paused and turned around: "Who do you think you are?"

The servant was a little uneasy and said cautiously: "Zhao, Miss Zhao..."

"Zhao Xi?"


Hearing this name, Lin Jiangnian took a breath.

Why is she here?

"What's she doing here?"

"I don't know, little one."

The servant shook his head: "Miss Zhao heard that Your Highness had gone out and said that she would stay at the house and wait for Your Highness to come back..."


Lin Jiangnian was excited.

Not leaving yet?

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Lin Jiangnian became even more uneasy.

Why did she come to the door?

"Where is she?"

"Just in the front hall!"

Lin Jiangnian was slightly relieved when he heard that it was the front hall. Fortunately, it was not in his room.

However, Lin Jiangnian still hurried to the front hall.

As soon as I arrived at the front hall, I saw two maids standing under the eaves of the front hall.

Xiaozhu, who was wearing a skirt, was chatting with a little maid who was about the same age as her. It was Xiaoyue, the personal maid next to Zhao Xi.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian outside the front hall, Xiaozhu's face quickly showed a look of surprise: "Your Highness?!"

Xiaoyue's face turned slightly red, and she quickly followed suit and saluted: "See you, Your Highness!"

"No gift!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and looked at the front hall behind the two of them: "Xiaoyue, where is your young lady?"

"My lady..."

Just as Xiaoyue was about to speak, a faint voice came from under the eaves on the left side of the front hall.

"I am such a big living person, can't His Highness see me?"

Lin Jiangnian turned around subconsciously following the voice, and met a pair of resentful eyes.

"Your Highness, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"


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