Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 346 Miss Zhao’s deliberate seduction

Under the eaves, Lin Jiangnian met a pair of resentful eyes.

Her eyebrows are curved and her eyes are watery, delicate and gentle, with a touch of softness like a Jiangnan woman.

She has a delicate and pretty face, exquisite facial features, a small nose, and a layer of gloss on her cherry red lips, which are lightly pursed and gentle. Her waist-length black hair is tied up, half of it is tied up with a delicate white jade hairpin, and the other half hangs down around her waist. The green silk is fluttering behind her dress, fluttering like a fairy.

The daughter of the most powerful Prime Minister Zhao in the dynasty, her appearance and temperament were as perfect as natural ones, with almost no flaws at all.

A light blue Yunluo dress wraps the delicate body of Miss Zhao, highlighting the graceful figure of Miss Zhao. Even if he was hidden under a thick mink velvet coat, Lin Jiangnian could still follow the revealed outline and automatically generate a high-definition picture in his mind.

The shocking glimpse in the bathhouse that day is still clear in my memory.


Miss Zhao stood quietly under the eaves. She was wrapped in a long skirt. Under the skirt, she could vaguely see a pair of slender legs. She was wearing a pair of fresh embroidered shoes, looming.

Although he couldn't see her real face, Lin Jiangnian still knew that Miss Zhao's legs under her skirt were slender and well-proportioned, and as fair as jade.

Longer than life!

Don’t ask, just ask and see with your own eyes!

At this moment, Zhao Xi under the eaves was looking at Lin Jiangnian quietly, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

The tone of resentment was like that of a young daughter-in-law who had been abandoned by a heartless man. For a moment, Lin Jiangnian felt a little hairy for no reason.

"Miss Zhao!"

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained as usual: "How come Miss Zhao is suddenly free to visit today?"

Under the eaves, Zhao Xi's eyes became increasingly resentful: "Of course I want to see Prince Lin. Since Prince Lin is unwilling to come to see the little girl, the little girl has no choice but to come and visit."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

He didn't expect to be tricked by Zhao Xi.

He didn't go to see Zhao Xi, firstly because he was too busy recently, and secondly because he wanted to show her off.

Unexpectedly, after leaving it to dry, she actually came to the door?

What kind of behavior is she doing?

Doesn't she know that the daughter of the dignified Prime Minister Zhao came here inexplicably to find Prince Lin... If word spreads, will her reputation be lost?

Looking into Zhao Xi's pair of gloomy eyes, there was still some indescribable strange emotion. For some reason, Lin Jiangnian became more and more inexplicably uneasy.

What tricks does this woman want to play?

During the contact with Zhao Xi, Lin Jiangnian realized that this woman was very smart and not simple.

As the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, she is not like a young lady like Xu Lan, who is heartless.

She knew Lin Jiangnian very well and knew what was going on in the Jiang family. But even though she was so wise, she still dared to visit in person... What did she want to do?

"What are you talking about, Miss Zhao? In fact, my prince has been busy with things recently and has no time to be distracted. No, my prince has just come back..."

Lin Jiangnian looked sincere and explained: "Miss Zhao also saw it, but it's not that I don't want to see Miss Zhao. He is too busy."

"I see."

Zhao Xi blinked and looked at Lin Jiangnian, a smile appeared on his delicate face: "I thought Prince Lin hated the little girl?"


This is a bit ambiguous!

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched slightly, and he glanced out of the corner of his eye. Sure enough, he saw a disobedient little maid under the eaves on the other side, furtively raising her ears and listening carefully.

"Xiao Zhu!"

Lin Jiang young shouted: "You get out first!"


Xiaozhu said aggrievedly, and at the same time, a pair of smart eyes glanced at Lin Jiangnian with a bit of slyness, as if she already knew some secrets.

Before Lin Jiangnian's face turned serious, she vomited her sweet tongue and quickly ran out of the courtyard, pulling Xiaoyue beside her.

In the courtyard, only Zhao Xi under the eaves and Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard were left.

Zhao Xi walked lightly into the courtyard from under the eaves and approached Lin Jiangnian.

She was already tall and graceful. Standing in front of Lin Jiangnian, as long as she raised her face slightly, she was almost at eye level with Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian slightly avoided Zhao Xi's gaze and changed the subject: "Miss Zhao came to see me today. What's the important matter?"

Zhao Xi stared at Lin Jiangnian with her beautiful eyes, the resentment on her face faded slightly, and a faint smile appeared on her fair face: "Don't you know why I came to His Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment: "Miss Zhao...for Chen Feiyang?"

"Yes and no."

Zhao Xi nodded, then shook his head. When he mentioned Chen Feiyang, a strange color appeared on his delicate face that originally had a slight smile.

She lowered her eyes and then said: "However, I haven't had time to personally thank His Highness... for giving such a great gift to the little girl!"

"It's a small thing, not worth mentioning!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

"This is no small matter!"

Zhao Xi shook his head gently, looked at Lin Jiangnian, paused, and then said: "It may be a small matter to His Highness, but to me... Your Highness, help me avenge my great revenge!"

"Your Highness has avenged the innocent people of the Xu family who died tragically and obtained justice for them. Their spirits in heaven will definitely thank Your Highness."

"I can't repay this great kindness..."


Lin Jiangnian felt something was wrong when she heard this, and quickly interrupted her, "You, you don't want to say that you want to commit yourself to me, do you?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and looking at the nervous look on Lin Jiangnian's face, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and his almond-shaped eyes gradually narrowed into a slit.

On his face, the smile suddenly narrowed.

"Your Highness, do you want this little girl to pledge yourself to me?"

"That's absolutely not the case!"

Lin Jiangnian's face was serious and he denied it righteously. He looked at Zhao Xi seriously and said firmly: "Chen Feiyang, as the protector of Mitiansi, kills loyal people and disregards human lives. Everyone can kill him. This is the reason. The prince is just doing harm to the people, and never thought of getting any benefits in return..."

"Miss Zhao, there is no need to take it to heart, and there is no need to think about repaying your kindness... This prince is not that kind of person!"

Looking at Lin Jiangnian's face full of words, Zhao Xi blinked.

The next second, a meaningful smile emerged.

She laughed.

Smile brightly!

Very beautiful!

Stunningly beautiful.

Then, Zhao Xi suddenly took a step closer to Lin Jiangnian. This step closer made the distance between the two much closer.

Zhao Xi stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes with a playful smile: "Can you take what His Highness said seriously?"


Lin Jiangnian took a step back, with a serious attitude of a girl asking for respect.

"Then, why does His Highness look behind the little girl from time to time when he says these words?"

As he said that, Zhao Xi turned his head and his eyes fell on the end of the corridor not far behind her, where there was a passage.

Zhao Xi turned around, stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and blinked: "Your Highness, who are you speaking to?"

Looking at Zhao Xi's smiling face so close to him.

Lin Jiangnian's face was expressionless.

This woman knows so much and is so smart!

I really want to silence her.

"Of course I'm talking to Miss Zhao."

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged, and he took a step back to distance himself from Zhao Xi. At the same time, he glanced outside her side hall from the corner of his eye.

After making sure no one was there, I felt relieved.

"My prince did not kill Chen Feiyang just to help Miss Zhao. This man is full of evil, and everyone will punish him. This prince is just doing a favor, Miss Zhao does not need to take it to heart!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Since Miss Zhao and this prince have common interests now, you and I are grasshoppers on the same rope, so we should naturally help each other... Miss Zhao, do you think this is the truth?"

"Your Highness is right!"

Zhao Xi nodded, raised his head slightly, stared at Lin Jiangnian with a pair of bright eyes, and asked, "But, what if I don't believe it?"

"What doesn't Miss Zhao believe?"

"Your Highness, do you really don't need a little girl to repay you?"

Zhao Xi's voice suddenly became much softer, as if he was breathing softly into his ear, soft and charming, with an indescribable strange charm. She looked at Lin Jiangnian with a somewhat full eyes.

In an instant, Lin Jiangnian almost had goosebumps.

His heart beat slightly.

Is this woman deliberately seducing him? !

But Lin Jiangnian had to admit that she succeeded!

"Miss Zhao, this prince said... he is not that kind of person!"

"That's it!"

Zhao Xi nodded, with a strange light in his eyes, smiled lightly at Lin Jiangnian, and sighed softly: "I didn't expect that His Highness is such an upright person. It seems that the little girl misunderstood His Highness..."

Having said this, Zhao Xi slightly suppressed the smile on his face, stared at Lin Jiangnian, and said seriously: "On behalf of those who died tragically in the Xu family, I would like to express my gratitude to His Highness!"

With that said, Zhao Xi saluted Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Miss Zhao, there is no need to be polite!"

Then, Zhao Xi sighed again: "Originally, I prepared a big gift and wanted to express my gratitude to His Highness. Since Your Highness does not ask for anything in return from my daughter, I have no choice but to take it back..."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

He always felt that Zhao Xi was deliberately teasing him.

"Oh, it's getting late. Since there's nothing else to do, how about leaving first, little lady?"

Hearing that Zhao Xi was about to leave, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief: "Then, Miss Zhao, please go slowly?"

Zhao Xi smiled at Lin Jiangnian: "Little girl, please don't disturb His Highness!"

With that said, he walked towards the outside of the courtyard.

But just as he took the first step, he suddenly seemed to be tripped by something under his feet. He immediately became unstable, stumbled, and threw himself directly into Lin Jiangnian's arms.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he could tell at a glance that this woman did it on purpose. After hesitating for a moment, he still stretched out a hand to stop Zhao Xi, who was staggering.

He lowered his head and looked at the beautiful face that was fair and blushing. He seemed a little panicked, but also seemed to have a bit of amusement that was half a smile.

"No, sorry?!"

She said she was embarrassed, but there was no trace of panic on her face.

Instead, it seems a little... intentional?


Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly and took a step back calmly.

"Miss Zhao, do you need someone to send you off?"

"No, I can go back by myself!"

Zhao Xi stood firm and winked at Lin Jiangnian: "Then, should I leave first?"

"Walk slowly!"


Lin Jiangnian stood there, quietly watching Miss Zhao's leaving figure. It wasn't until he completely disappeared that Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and opened his palms.

I saw a small note on the palm of his hand!

This Miss Zhao just slipped the note into his hand quietly.

On the note, there was a line of words written in elegant handwriting.

Lin Jiangnian stared at this line of words, and after a while, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This girl from the capital really knows how to play!"


After Zhao Xi left, Lin Jiangnian quickly pulled out Xiaozhu hiding in the front yard.


Xiaozhu quickly covered his eyes in panic: "Your Highness, Xiaozhu didn't see anything, he didn't know anything... I don't know, I don't know..."

Seeing her like this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel a little funny: "Stop pretending, I have something serious to ask you."

"Xiaozhu doesn't know anything."

"Do you want your butt to blossom?"

Only then did Xiaozhu look horrified. He covered his butt in panic, took two steps back, and shook his head in panic.

"Don't want to, don't want to!"

"Then be obedient and I'll ask you..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu: "When did this Miss Zhao come?"


"What time is this afternoon?"

"It should be...two hours, right?"

Xiaozhu thought about it carefully.

"Why is she coming to our house?"

Xiaozhu was confused: "Your Highness, you don't know?"

"Don't ask questions back."

"Xiaozhu doesn't know either..."

Xiaozhu said aggrievedly: "This Miss Zhao suddenly came to visit and said she wanted to see you, Your Highness. Xiaozhu said His Highness was out, so she said she would wait for you to come back... and she didn't say what she wanted to do."

Having said this, Xiaozhu secretly glanced at His Highness, slightly unconvinced.

what the hell!

That Miss Zhao is clearly interested in His Highness... It's already so obvious, can't His Highness still see it?

Tsk tsk...

His Highness really likes to mess around with women outside!


Lin Jiangnian didn't know Xiaozhu's secret thoughts, so he asked a very serious question: "She is here...does Zhiyuan know?"

This is what Lin Jiangnian desperately wants to know!

Has Zhao Xi ever seen Zhiyuan? Did he talk nonsense?

...Has she told what happened last time?

Although Lin Jiangnian thought he was innocent with this Miss Zhao, last time he saw all her body and even touched her... If Zhiyuan knew about this!

I don’t dare think about the consequences!

"Of course!"

Xiaozhu nodded matter-of-factly: "When Miss Zhao came to visit, it was Sister Zhiyuan who entertained her!"

Hearing this, even though Lin Jiangnian was as calm as an old dog, he also panicked: "Have we met?"

"Then, what did they talk about?"

"Zhiyuan, how's your emotional reaction?"

"Have you changed your face?"

Lin Jiangnian's series of questions confused Xiaozhu, who blinked blankly.

"No, I don't know..."

"Miss Zhao and Sister Zhiyuan didn't seem to say anything, but... they seemed pretty good?"

"Sister Zhiyuan, there's no reaction..."

Xiaozhu thought about it carefully and then said to himself: "However, it seems that Sister Zhiyuan is indeed not very happy..."

"It's over!

This was what Lin Jiangnian was thinking at this moment.

The boat capsized!


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