The capital city is extremely cold at night.

The cold wind almost bent the trees in the courtyard, and there was a rustling sound. The hazy moonlight shrouded the trees, reflecting the shadows in the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian stepped to the courtyard next door.

Under the eaves, it was quiet.

The lights were on in Zhiyuan's room.

The door to the room was closed and there was no sound.

Lin Jiangnian's footsteps were very light and he came to the door of Zhiyuan's room without making a sound.

Standing at the door, he hesitated for a moment. Just then he took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock on the door gently.

"Paper Kite?"

There was no response in the room.

"I'm in?"

Lin Jiangnian called again. Seeing that there was still no movement in the room, he reached out and pushed the door open.

The door was not locked and opened with a slight push.

Young Lin Jiang walked into the room with familiarity and closed the door behind his back.

Looking back at the room, the lights were dimly lit, the decoration was fresh and elegant, and there was a slight chill.

An oil lamp was lit on the table not far away. Beside the oil lamp, a beautiful figure was sitting quietly. He was holding a book with his head lowered and was reading it very seriously.

Even Lin Jiangnian's appearance did not cause the slightest movement.

Lin Jiangnian's steps were lighter. He approached slowly, came to the table, and looked down.

Zhiyuan seemed to have just taken a bath. There was a little mist floating in the air in the room. The girl's body fragrance and the bath fragrance were mixed together. It was very fragrant and smelled good.

She was wearing a thin and loose dress, which wrapped her petite and graceful figure. A little less stubborn and cold, and a little more like a homely girl.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lin Jiangnian felt that Zhiyuan seemed to have become more mature recently.

A bit of youthfulness has faded away, and an indescribable femininity has gained.

The original cold temperament was much reduced, replaced by an inexplicable gentleness.

The paper kite seems to be more gentle recently?

The girl who had just taken a bath at this time had a delicate, snow-white skin that was slightly red and very hydrated. On the slender neck, there is a hint of crystal clearness, and the thin and delicate collarbone is looming.

Further can't see anything.

As Lin Jiangnian approached, Zhiyuan, who was sitting at the table, curled up his collar without leaving a trace.

Keep reading.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian's smile froze.

No...who is she guarding against?

"Paper Kite?"

Lin Jiang young shouted and sat next to Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and gave him a cold look.

No words were spoken.

But this glance made Lin Jiangnian feel inexplicably guilty...

Logically speaking, tonight should be the time for Lin Jiangnian to take revenge... That night a few days ago, he was tapped on the acupuncture point by the paper kite and fell into a coma.

Immediately afterwards, Zhiyuan took advantage of his coma and carried out inhumane 'torture' on his body!


Lin Jiangnian hasn't settled this account with her yet.

In the past few days, Zhiyuan may have felt guilty, so he never came back. He has been hiding at his aunt's place to seek shelter.

After finally coming back tonight, it should have been a good opportunity for Lin Jiangnian to come to her for 'revenge'.

But at this moment, Lin Jiangnian felt inexplicably guilty.

As for the reason for his guilty conscience... that's self-evident.

I feel like I went out to eat secretly and my real wife caught me... panicked.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Jiangnian showed a kind smile to Zhi Yuan and looked at the book in Zhi Yuan's hand.

But the next second, Zhiyuan closed the book. Qing Leng raised her eyes and glanced at him: "Is something wrong?"

Such a cold tone made Lin Jiangnian's eyelids jump suddenly.

not good.

Don’t you really already know it?

That girl Zhao Xi, didn’t she really say everything to others?

Lin Jiangnian was panicking in his heart, but on the outside, Lin Jiangnian remained as calm as an old dog.

Don't panic!

"I heard from Xiaozhu that the young lady from the Zhao family came to Jiang Mansion to look for me today?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and said calmly: "Have you met her before?"

Young Lin Jiang coughed: "What do you think of this Miss Zhao?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian's eyes for a long time. After a while, he suddenly said: "You want her to come in?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Jiangnian immediately coughed violently, "What are you talking about? When did I want her to come in?"

"There is no such thing, don't think about it... This Miss Zhao and I are innocent!"

I just touched my legs, so I can still be considered innocent, right?

Lin Jiangnian comforted himself in his heart.

"Then you asked about her?"

Zhiyuan looked away and spoke calmly.

Lin Jiangnian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I mentioned her because she came to visit today and wanted to tell you about it... How did you remember so much?"

Zhiyuan glanced at him: "She is the daughter of the dignified Prime Minister Zhao. Why does she come to visit you specially?"

"In terms of status, I seem to be higher than her, right? Is it strange that she comes to visit me?"

"Isn't it strange that she, a woman who has not yet left the government, comes here to look for you...?"

Zhiyuan asked calmly.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

When Zhi Yuan said this, it seemed that something was really wrong.

The daughter of Prime Minister Zhao took the initiative to make an appointment with Prince Lin... It does sound strange.

"This, it's a long story..."

Lin Jiangnian said while observing Zhiyuan's expression.

Judging from her reaction, Lin Jiangnian gradually became convinced... that he shouldn't have been exposed.

Zhao Xi probably never mentioned what happened between the Zhao family and Miss Zhao to Zhi Yuan.

Otherwise, based on Lin Jiangnian's understanding of Zhiyuan, she shouldn't be so calm now.

The girl Zhiyuan looked deserted, as if she didn't care about anything and it didn't matter.

Actually... I'm quite petty.

Still jealous!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian finally felt relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he explained to Zhiyuan what happened before.

"She came to visit today because she probably wanted to thank me for giving Chen Feiyang this great gift to her and allowing her to take revenge with her own hands..."

Lin Jiangnian said in a low voice.

Zhao Xi came to visit today partly because of this matter. As for the other part of the reason...

Then you can't tell Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan listened quietly, her cold and pretty face still not showing much emotion. After thinking about it, he asked another question: "Why did you give Chen Feiyang to her?"

"Isn't this just a convenient favor?"

Seeing Zhiyuan staring at him, Lin Jiangnian explained: "By the way, it's also to drag her and the Zhao family into trouble..."

"Chen Feiyang has no use value anymore, and it is meaningless to die in my hands. But it is different to die in her hands... As soon as Chen Feiyang died, she and the Zhao family were tied to a rope with us, and they ran away I can’t even run away…”

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and thought carefully.

After Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, she raised her eyes and stared at him: "That's it?"


Looking into Zhiyuan's eyes, Lin Jiangnian blinked: "What else?"

"You and this Miss Zhao..."

Zhiyuan gradually narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at him: "What happened?"

Lin Jiangnian's heart skipped a beat.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hands calmly, and seeing Zhiyuan still staring at him, he moved closer and put his arms around her slender waist, hugged her into his arms, and then said 'viciously': "Are you doubting me?"

Zhiyuan did not respond, and was held in Lin Jiangnian's arms obediently. He raised his head slightly, revealing his exquisite and beautiful face, as well as his bright and clear eyes, still staring at Lin Jiangnian, and nodded.


She was doubting Lin Jiangnian.

Said it clearly.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian was really a little flustered.

She was frightened by Zhiyuan's eyes.

"Okay, how dare you even doubt His Highness? You are so brave!"

Lin Jiangnian immediately showed a 'ferocious' expression.

Unexpectedly, Zhiyuan was not afraid at all and still stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes: "You and her, are you..."


Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and denied it: "You think too much!"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, she lowered her eyes and remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a while, she said calmly: "If you like her, it's not impossible..."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jiangnian's heart skipped a beat again.

What does this mean?

What do you mean it doesn’t work?

Doesn't this mean that she can accept Zhiyuan...

Just as a feeling of surprise emerged in my heart, I suddenly realized something. I was so excited that I suddenly woke up.

Something's wrong!

Isn't this Xiao Zhiyuan's character so easy to talk to?

Don't be fooled.

"What are you talking about?"

With a straight face, Lin Jiangnian stared at Zhiyuan and lectured: "You haven't even married me yet, and you're already thinking about helping your husband find a concubine, aren't you?"

"Besides, I don't like that Miss Zhao, so please stop being suspicious here..."

Zhiyuan's clear eyes stared at him as if she could see through something: "You really don't like her?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't look flustered at all and shook his head: "I don't like it!"

As we all know, there are many different situations when you like someone.

Some people like interesting personalities, some like resonant souls, and some just like the body.

Lin Jiangnian is a layman, and he is not interested in Miss Zhao's interesting character and resonant soul.

Therefore, it is completely reasonable for Lin Jiangnian to say that he doesn't like Miss Zhao.

Didn't lie!

That Miss Zhao's identity is too complicated and she is also too smart. Lin Jiangnian didn't like to have too much entanglement with such a smart woman. It was okay to have fun on occasion, but there was no need to marry her home.

Smart women are difficult to deal with. In comparison, Lin Jiangnian still prefers girls with clear personalities and silly personalities like Xu Lan.

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian for a long time before looking away.

She didn't speak anymore, but she could feel that her whole body seemed to be more relaxed, and the originally cold and stern expression on her face seemed to have softened slightly.

Lin Jiangnian, who noticed this, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough...she was telling the truth.

If he had really followed the kite just now and said he wanted to bring Miss Zhao into the house, Lin Jiangnian would have been blown by the cold wind outside the door at this moment.

"Why are you so jealous?"

After dispelling the suspicion in Zhiyuan's heart, it was Lin Jiangnian's turn to file a complaint first.

He held Zhiyuan in his arms, put his arms around her slender waist, and with a gentle hug, he sat her on his lap.

Zhiyuan's face turned red, her eyes averted, and she wanted to struggle to get up, but Lin Jiangnian tightened his waist tightly, and whispered in her ear: "Then Zhao Xi is the daughter of the current Zhao Prime Minister, what can I do with her? Can people think highly of me?"

Zhiyuan blushed, a little flustered and embarrassed: "Who, who knows?"

"Are you still being stubborn?"

When Lin Jiangnian heard this, he became even more angry: "That's how you make random guesses about your highness, right?"

"Your Highness stands upright, sits upright...and behaves openly and honestly throughout his life!"


Zhiyuan snorted and turned his head away.

Lin Jiangnian deliberately straightened her pretty little face and stared at her embarrassed look: "What? You have nothing to say?"

"Do you know that Your Highness has been wronged?"

"Tell me, how should you compensate me?"

Upon hearing the word "make up", Zhiyuan's pretty face immediately turned red and she struggled to get up.

Obviously, based on her understanding of Lin Jiangnian. This word "compensation" is definitely not a good thing.

It’s definitely not serious!

But Lin Jiangnian didn't let her break free and finally seized the opportunity. Why not quickly suppress her arrogance and take her down hard?

Just when Lin Jiangnian wanted to get angry and continue to 'condemn' Zhiyuan from the moral high ground, Zhiyuan struggled for a while, as if suddenly remembering something, he suddenly raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

"Are you following her..."


"You and her..."

Zhiyuan's face was still slightly red, but there was a strange brilliance in her eyes.

"Didn't I say that? Miss Zhao and I are innocent..."

"It's not Zhao Xi."

"Not Zhao Xi?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned: "Then who are you talking about?"

"Liu Su!"

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian, with a complicated expression on her red face. She stared at Lin Jiangnian: "You and her...are also innocent?"



Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Which pot should not be opened?

Zhiyuan was fine, why did she suddenly mention Liu Su?


But it’s hard to explain!

Lin Jiangnian could confidently tell Zhiyuan that he and Zhao Xi were innocent because the two of them were barely innocent.

But Liu Su...

This is really unclear!

Not only is it unclear, it’s even...

Quite intense!

"Why did you suddenly mention her?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice was obviously much weaker. He coughed and tried to change the subject: "That happened a long time ago... remember, I can't remember clearly!"

"Hey, why are your hands so cold?"

Lin Jiangnian held Zhiyuan's soft and cold hands and asked worriedly, "Why are you wearing so little? Don't catch a cold!"

"I'll get you some clothes..."

Zhiyuan remained motionless, staring at Lin Jiangnian.

"Have you and her already..."

Zhiyuan did not continue.

But the question has been asked clearly.

Seeing that the topic could not be deceived, Lin Jiangnian fell silent for a moment, sighed and nodded.

For a smart person like Zhiyuan, when she asked, it was obvious that he had already come with the answer.

When Lin Jiangnian and Liu Su were in Prince Lin's Mansion, they got along day and night, and even lived alone in the same room...Zhiyuan was already aware of something at that time.

Asking now is obviously just to confirm what I have in mind.

When she saw Lin Jiangnian nodding, the redness on Zhiyuan's face disappeared, and her face gradually turned pale.

Although it is just a guess, seeing it with your own eyes will still give you an indescribable taste.

Zhiyuan took a deep breath and still stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes. There seemed to be a little more uneasiness and inexplicable stubbornness in those smart and beautiful eyes.

"you like her?"

"Is it right?"

Lin Jiangnian looked into Zhiyuan's eyes. He squeezed the plain hand under Zhiyuan's sleeve, remained silent for a moment, and nodded: "That's right."


“Not at first, but I realized it later.”

"When did it start?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and said, "Probably, it started from the day she left Prince Lin's Mansion..."


At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the yard outside the house.

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