Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 349 I’m jealous of her

At night, darkness enveloped the capital, swallowing up the world like a bloody mouth.

In this bustling capital city, there are sparks in the distance and densely packed figures moving like ants. From time to time, people shouting and shouting can be heard in the distance.

Mixed with the drunken and loud noises of the rough men, and the charming and charming laughter of the Yingying women.

As far as the eye can see, it is extremely prosperous.

Just outside the bustling streets, it is located on the roof of a teahouse in central Beijing.

There was silence.

The roof was extremely high and shrouded in darkness. From here, you can have a panoramic view of most of the capital.

At this moment, it’s late at night!

The cold wind was sharp, and the biting cold wind fell on the skin, causing pain.

Gusts of dark wind seemed to blow people away.

A beautiful figure in a thin red dress was sitting quietly on the roof, looking ahead.

She stared blankly into the distance, not knowing what she was thinking about.

The thin red dress seemed unable to withstand the cold wind, and the skirt fluttered, revealing her cool temperament in the cold night.

Her long black hair was blown away, and a strand of hair fell in front of her eyes, giving her a different kind of coolness.

At this moment, in the dead of night, an incredibly beautiful woman in red appeared on the roof.

While stunning, it also has a sense of mystery and weirdness!

She sat alone on the roof, curled up her legs, gathered up the hem of her skirt that was blown by the cold wind, knocked her chin lightly on her knees, and stared blankly ahead.



It added a bit of indescribable loneliness.

Until not long after, Lin Jiangnian's appearance broke all this!

He climbed up to the roof with great agility, sat down next to her, and turned to look at her face that was still stunning in the cold night.

It's cold and beautiful!

I really want a kiss.

On the roof, Liu Su turned her head slightly and faced Lin Jiangnian's slightly cynical smile.

He was looking at her quietly with a slight smile on his face, looking harmless.

She looked at him for a while, then turned away: "How did you know it was me?"

She didn't deny it.


Lin Jiangnian sighed: "There are not many people who can avoid all the guards of the Jiang Mansion and break into the inner courtyard. You, Heroine Liu, are one of them."

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangyoun smiled and said: "For you, Jiang Mansion should be able to come and go freely, right?"

Liu Su said nothing, she did not deny this.

It is true that for her, there are very few places in the world that she cannot go to.


Lin Jiangnian looked at her, "Were you looking for me just now?"

Liu Su said nothing.

But from her face, Lin Jiangnian got the answer.

Liu Su came to Jiang Mansion late at night for no other reason than to look for him.


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "Why did you come to me suddenly?"

I clearly remember that in the afternoon, Saint Liu was still angry and left angrily. Why in the blink of an eye did she sneak up to look for him again at night?

Is it possible that his words are too honest for his body?

Liu Su raised her eyes and stared at him. After a while, she calmly said: "Fourth Elder, have you sent someone to kill you?"

"how do you know?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled for a moment, then chuckled: "Did the news spread so quickly?"

Liu Su looked away from his face and said silently: "Why don't you tell me?"

"Didn't you run away?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "You ran too fast this afternoon, I couldn't catch up..."

Liu Su looked a little angry and unnatural: "Who told you to talk nonsense?"

Then, he stared at Lin Jiangnian again, looked him up and down, bit his lip, and asked, "Are you okay?"


Lin Jiangnian was about to say it was okay, but then he thought of something, and a look of pain appeared on his face. He covered his chest and said miserably: "Something happened. I had a bloody battle with the masters sent by your fourth elder this afternoon and suffered serious internal injuries... Please help me touch it..."

Liu Su didn't move. The exaggerated expression on Lin Jiangnian's face made her feel that her intelligence was being humiliated.

She stared at Lin Jiangnian coldly: "You can just die!"

"You are so heartless."

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but said: "I almost died at their hands this afternoon. If I hadn't been more skilled, I might have been killed this afternoon... You don't care, and you still curse me?"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's questioning, Liu Su knew she was in the wrong, snorted lightly and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I took the blame for you!"

"Obviously it was you who killed the person, but the person who came to take revenge came to me... I have helped you so much, why don't you make up for it?"

Liu Su ignored Lin Jiangnian's request for compensation. His cold face grew colder, and his eyes were deep, vaguely mixed with a hint of murderous intent.

"I will take revenge on you!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "You want to kill your fourth elders too?"

Liu Su had a cold face and said nothing.

But it's obvious that's what she planned.


Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "This is the capital, and your leader is here. Killing him at this juncture will easily make you angry."

Although she knew that Liu Su was very courageous, and knowing that the Tianshen Sect strictly prohibited internal fighting, she still killed the chief elder of the Tianshen Sect over a disagreement.

A small fourth elder is naturally nothing. But the risk of Liu Su's action now is very high. Once exposed, it will cause too many unnecessary troubles.

"so what?!"

Liu Su's answer was crisp and clear.

She wanted to kill people and never cared about this.

more importantly……

Liu Su glanced at him.

"I brought you back, and you are mine. The Fourth Elder dared to touch you, but he didn't take me seriously. Naturally, I have to settle this account with him."

Lin Jiangnian was happy: "You admit...I am yours?"

Liu Su was startled, and then she realized what she was doing, and immediately said angrily: "What are you thinking about? I didn't mean that!"

"That doesn't matter..."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Just tell me, am I yours?"


Liu Su immediately denied it without thinking.


Lin Jiangnian stared into her eyes and suddenly came closer.

Liu Su was startled by Lin Jiangnian's sudden movement. She subconsciously leaned back and stared at him warily: "What do you want to do?"

"return to!"

It's quiet at night.

Lin Jiangnian stared at Liu Su's beautiful eyes, which were deep, dark and bright. At this moment, he was inexplicably cute because of his nervousness!

"It's useless even if you don't admit it!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said, "You have to take responsibility for sleeping with me!"

"Shut up!"

Liu Su spoke angrily, her pretty face suddenly turned red: "If you mention this again, I, I will kill you!"

"You kill!"

Lin Jiangnian moved closer, with an expression as if he had killed his son.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's rogue attitude, Liu Suqi's pretty face turned red, ashamed and annoyed. She gritted her teeth bitterly: "I have paid back what I owed you, and we no longer owe each other anything!"

"We have nothing to do with each other anymore!"

"Who said we no longer owe each other any more?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I haven't agreed yet!"

"What does it have to do with me if you don't agree?!"

Liu Su looked away with a cold face: "In short... we have no relationship anymore!"

Seeing Liu Su's appearance, Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply: "You are so heartless!"

Liu Su said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian sat back down again and looked up at the night view of Beijing in front of him.

Liu Su gathered up her clothes and breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and glanced at Lin Jiangnian warily. He was a little silent because he didn't know what he was thinking of.

She looked at the dark night sky in front of her, feeling the cold wind wrapping around her body, but her thoughts became increasingly messy.

There was an indescribable emotion that made it difficult for her to calm down and think.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian's voice came from next to him: "Actually, you don't have to be like this..."

"You came here to see me tonight. You were actually worried that I would get hurt, so you came here specifically, right?"

Bai Tian had just separated from Liu Su. When they left, Liu Su was still full of anger and said that she no longer cared about Lin Jiangnian's life and death. As a result, only a few hours later, she came to the door again.

The answer is obvious.

Liu Su subconsciously wanted to deny it, but Lin Jiangnian interrupted the spell in advance: "You don't have to deny it. Of course, even if you deny it, I won't believe it."

Liu Su was stunned and glanced at him angrily.

Since when has this guy become so domineering?

When she was in Prince Lin's Mansion, she didn't know who was respectful to her... How long had it been?

"You obviously care about me, why don't you want to admit it?"

Lin Jiang young sighed: "You haven't left here, are you waiting for me?"


Liu Su's voice was still cold and a bit muffled. There is even a bit of imperceptible... irritation!

"I do not believe."

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at her.

With Liu Su's martial arts, if she didn't want to attract anyone's attention, almost no one in the entire Jiang Mansion would be able to discover her existence.

Likewise, if she doesn't want to be found by Lin Jiangnian. Even if Lin Jiangnian searched the entire capital tonight, he would never be able to find her.

The fact that she didn't leave just proved one point...she was waiting for him.

Liu Su had a cold face, obviously not admitting it.

"I am very happy!"

Lin Jiangnian stared at Liu Su's cold and aloof profile and chuckled: "You can come to me tonight."

"Although you don't admit it, I know you..."

"Shut up!"

Before Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liu Su.

Her beautiful eyes were embarrassed, her face was red, and her expression was flustered: "Don't say any more!"

The red cheeks were hot in the cold night wind and would not go away for a long time.

Obviously, she guessed what Lin Jiangnian wanted to say next.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he didn't speak again. He moved closer to Liu Su and got closer to her.

Liu Su was about to glare when she heard Lin Jiangnian speak again.

"Did you hear everything just now?"

She was sure that the noise she heard in the room before was caused by Liu Su. Then, she also heard the conversation between Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan, right?

Liu Su glanced at him: "Why, are you afraid that I will hear some ugly noise?"

"Of course not."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and was about to speak when he saw a sneer on Liu Su's lips: "Of course I heard it... I heard you and her having sex in the room, you and me, right?"

"how come?"

Young Lin Jiang coughed and was about to explain: "Zhiyuan and I..."

"No need to explain, it has nothing to do with me."

Liu Su interrupted him and said expressionlessly.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

After a while, Lin Jiang young sighed: "Didn't you agree that you won't argue with her?"

"When did I say that?"

"Just last time..."

"I regretted it."

Liu Su's voice was crisp and clear.


It turns out, never believe a woman’s lies!

Liu Su's combination of punches caught Lin Jiangnian off guard and rendered him speechless.

He was silent, thinking about how to speak. Next to him, Liu Su suddenly spoke again.

"you like her?"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and saw that Liu Su was not looking at her, but was staring at the dark night ahead with deep beautiful eyes.

The black hair is flying, and there is an indescribable ethereal feeling.

Lin Jiangnian was slightly stunned. Although he had never said it, Liu Su might have already guessed his relationship with Zhiyuan.

When they met for the first time in the capital, Liu Su had obviously noticed the clues.

So now she suddenly asks again...what does it mean?

Lin Jiangnian didn't hesitate too much and nodded: "Yes."

He didn't deny it or defend it.

He does like paper kites.

After hearing this answer, Liu Su was not as angry as he imagined.

She had indeed guessed it!

On the way to Beijing, she began to doubt the relationship between Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan. When they met for the first time in Beijing, they were even more certain that something was wrong with their relationship.

I asked tonight just because I wanted to get a definite answer!

Now that she got the answer she wanted, Liu Su was not as angry as she imagined.

She originally thought she would be very angry!

She will severely condemn this heartless man and a swindler, and will not spare any of the maids and maids around him. She can't wait to castrate him with a sword...

But Liu Su soon realized that she didn't seem to be qualified...

What is her relationship with him?

Who was she to condemn him?

It was just an accident between the two of impulsive accident!

She herself said that the two of them would not owe each other any more and there would be no more entanglements.

Then why should she condemn him again?

Asking him to protect himself like a jade?

It all sounds pretty funny.

Thinking of this, Liu Su's heart tightened, and there was a strong emotion that seemed to be suppressed in her heart, so much that she couldn't breathe.

She took a deep breath, still staring ahead, and continued to ask in a cold voice: "When did it happen?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her quietly, as if he could read her thoughts: "After you leave Prince Lin's Mansion."

Liu Su's delicate body trembled slightly and she remained silent. After a while, a self-deprecating smile appeared on her face.

"So, I gave you to her myself?"

Lin Jiangnian did not express any opinions on Liu Su's self-aware behavior.

Indeed, if Liu Su had not chosen to leave Prince Lin's Mansion and stay with Lin Jiangnian.

With her character and her relationship with Zhi Yuan, I am afraid that Lin Jiangnian will never have the opportunity to get close to Zhi Yuan again, let alone a series of things that happened later.

Therefore, maybe Liu Su was right.

Her departure gave Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan the opportunity to get along day and night.

Speaking of which, she must be considered half a matchmaker!

The cold wind on the roof was fierce, and Lin Jiangnian felt the coldness of Liu Su's delicate body next to him, and his face turned slightly pale.

He grabbed her bare hand and felt a biting coldness in his palm.

Liu Su rarely struggled, looking down at her tightly held hand, feeling the hot breath from Lin Jiangnian's body slowly pouring into her body, gradually driving away the cold wind.

In this cold winter night, she felt a long-lost warmth as if she was wrapped in a warm stove.

Liu Su lowered her eyes and remained silent for a long time before speaking: "Do you know why I don't like her?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, looked into Liu Su's eyes, and shook his head.

He really didn't know why Liu Su didn't like Zhiyuan. Maybe it was the instinctive hostility between beautiful women?

Or is it the pride among masters?

Or maybe, both?


Liu Su looked forward, her beautiful eyes were deep, and her voice was very soft and soft.

"I'm jealous of her."


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