Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 350 Heart to Heart on the Rooftop


Hearing Liu Su's words, Lin Jiangnian was slightly stunned and a little surprised. Looking down at Liu Su's delicate and indifferent face, he was slightly stunned for a moment.

The reason why she doesn't like Zhiyuan is because she is jealous of Zhiyuan? !

This answer surprised Lin Jiangnian.

Why is she jealous of Zhiyuan?

Lin Jiangnian thought carefully.

In terms of martial arts, Liu Su is no worse than Zhiyuan. Although it is not clear who is more powerful between the two of them, they are very close and both are already among the top experts at such a young age.

The two half-mothers are both talented in martial arts.

And no matter in terms of appearance, figure, or temperament...the two of them are almost the same, there is not much difference!

On this point, Lin Jiangnian has the most say.

Under such circumstances, Liu Su is already considered rare in the world in terms of martial arts, appearance, and other attributes, and as a saint of the Tianshen Sect... Although the Tianshen Sect is not a powerful organization, at least it is As a saint, Liu Su can be considered inferior to one person.

Why is she still jealous of Zhiyuan?

What's there to be jealous of?

Facing Lin Jiangnian's puzzled eyes, Liu Su looked back at him and then looked away. As if relieved, there was a hint of indescribable emotion on his face.

"She has much better luck than me!"

Liu Su looked into the distance and chuckled as if she was self-deprecating, "She was born into a famous family, and she was a favored official eldest daughter when she was born... Even though her family was in decline, she still met your mother and was... Adopted into the Jiangnan Jiang family!"

"She was raised by Princess Lin as her own daughter. Even before Princess Lin died, she specifically asked the people in the house to take good care of her..."

"Princess Lin's sister is your aunt. She was only a teenager that year. She inherited her sister's last wish and took her with her..."

"Although Jiang Yuxiang is the daughter adopted by Mr. Jiang, no one in the Jiang family dares to look down upon her. After the death of Princess Lin, Mr. Jiang was particularly interested in this adopted daughter. In addition, Jiang Yuxiang's hot and tough temperament led to her growing up. The Jiang family has a lot of momentum. With Jiang Zhiyuan by her side, no one dares to provoke bullying..."

At this point, Liu Su paused, looked deeply, and said calmly: "You see, she was born as a noble lady. Even though her family was in decline, she was still favored by the Jiang family since she was a child, and she never suffered any grievances..."

"Even though she was later taken to Prince Lin's Mansion by Lin Hengzhong and became Prince Lin's maid... On the surface, she was a maid, but her status in Prince Lin's Mansion was no lower than that of Prince Lin. Even Lin Hengzhong I trust and love her very you know why?"

Lin Jiangnian listened quietly and heard Liu Su suddenly ask a question.

He was silent for a moment and nodded.

Why is Zhiyuan so trusted by Lin Hengzhong, but as a maid, she has so much power in Prince Lin's palace?

There are actually many reasons, but the most important reason is...

"Because, Princess Lin once said before she died that Zhiyuan was her child bride..."

A sneer appeared on Liu Su's face: "What Princess Lin did back then, whether she really had this idea or simply wanted to protect her. But at least, in Lin Hengzhong's eyes, he took it seriously!"

"Lin Hengzhong never treated her as a maid since he brought her back to Prince Lin's Mansion... From the very beginning, Lin Hengzhong treated her completely as his future daughter-in-law and the crown prince's concubine."

"That's why she has such a high status and such great power in Prince Lin's Mansion. Even everyone in Prince Lin's Mansion respects her..."

"Because, she is the candidate chosen by both Prince Lin and Princess Lin for the crown prince's concubine!"


Lin Jiangnian didn't speak. He looked at Liu Su's face quietly.

When Liu Su said these words, the expression on her face was always very calm. Like a bystander saying something as if it was nothing.

But there was another emotion brewing in her eyes.

It's like trying to suppress something.

"But what about me?"

Liu Su suddenly spoke again, her tone seemed a little confused.

A bit more self-deprecating.

"I'm different from her, and I can't compare to her..."

"I have been in the Tianshen Sect since I was born. My mother passed away inexplicably a few years ago. It was some kind-hearted old ladies in the sect who brought me up..."

"Ever since I can remember, others have said that I am the future saint of the Celestial Sect. At that time, I didn't know what a saint meant. I only knew that this title brought me great danger..."

"Many people want me dead. They want to kill me and replace me... In order to protect me, those old ladies who raised me died one after another..."

"Growing up, I have faced all kinds of cruel and dangerous situations. In order to survive, I have to work hard and work hard. I practice martial arts diligently, become stronger, and kill all those who want to harm me. Kill those who want to harm me. Those who have grudges against me must be dealt with one by one..."

"Luckily, I survived and killed them all..."

Having said this, Liu Su lowered her eyes and stretched out her other hand.

Under the sleeve of the red dress, there is a slender and slender hand, very white and very thin.

Liu Su sneered: "Do you know how much blood has been stained on my hands?"

"Do you know how many people I have killed?"

She was sneering, but there was a touch of indescribable pain on her face.

Lin Jiangnian watched quietly, with a heavy heart and an indescribable pity.

Everyone only knew that she was a saint under one person in the Celestial Sect, but no one thought that she could reach this point and what she had experienced.

"I have worked hard for so many years and finally got to where I am today and achieved what I am today..."

"But what about her? She didn't have to do anything, and she got everything easily."

"Do you think her luck is much better than mine?"

Liu Su suddenly turned her head and stared at Lin Jiangnian, an indescribable smile appearing on her face.

He was obviously smiling, but his smile gave people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

"We obviously have the same father, but we have completely different destinies... Do you think I should be jealous of her?"

"If it were you, wouldn't you be jealous?"


Faced with Liu Su's sudden question, Lin Jiangnian couldn't answer for a while.


Put yourself in his shoes, if it were him... he would be jealous and very unbalanced, right?

If the original Prince Lin hadn't died, and if it hadn't happened that night six months ago, Lin Jiangnian would still be living in exile.

At that time, would he have been jealous and thinking that we were obviously twins, so why was one of them the lofty Prince Lin, while he could only live among the people, living a miserable and precarious life?

The answer is actually quite obvious!

Liu Su and Zhi Yuan are half-sisters.

But their fates are completely different.

Zhiyuan was undoubtedly lucky. Even though the Jiang family in Xunyang was wiped out that year, at least Zhiyuan had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child since he was rescued by Princess Lin.

But Liu Su was completely different. After her mother passed away, how could she, a child without a father or mother, survive in a cult that was full of open and covert conflicts and extremely dangerous at a young age?

it goes without saying.

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian nodded heavily.


"If I were you, I would definitely be very jealous, so jealous that my face would be distorted!"

Liu Su was stunned for a moment, raised her eyes, and met Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with gentle eyes, full of heartache, and sighed: "Jealousy is human nature, not to mention that you are..."

"If you hadn't forced me to pretend to be Prince Lin that night in the temple, maybe my fate would have been the same as yours..."

"To be precise, maybe my previous fate was the same as yours."

Liu Su was stunned, and finally seemed to realize it belatedly.

The guy in front of her seems... really similar to her?

His fate, to be precise, was changed by her.

If it weren't for her erroneous decision, maybe he would have died in the temple that night.

For a moment, Liu Su was in a daze.

After a while, she calmed down her emotions slightly, looked away, and said calmly: "So, you know why I don't like her, right?"

"Completely understand."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and held her hand tightly. That soft and delicate skin is as soft and boneless.

Very light and very cold.

There is an indescribable chill.

Originally, she should have had a better life.

At that time, Jiang Cheng, the former prefect of Xunyang County, met Liu Su's mother and later gave birth to Liu Su.

If Jiang Cheng had not died and the Jiang family had not been wiped out, Liu Su would have had a better fate.

Even if Jiang Cheng was a strict henkeeper and could not give Liu Su a motherhood, he would never let the mother and daughter stay alone in the Tianshen Cult, let alone Liu Su grow up alone.


The initiator and culprit that caused all this to happen, is the Xunyang Wang family? !

Speaking of which, fate is really interesting sometimes.

The Wang family's frame-up led to the Jiang family being exterminated, causing Zhiyuan and Liu Su to lose their parents at an early age, and causing Liu Su to grow up alone.

More than ten years later, Zhiyuan also personally destroyed the Wang family.

And Liu Su personally silenced everyone in the Wang family in the Xunyang City Heavenly Prison.

More than ten years ago, the Wang family killed everyone in the Jiang family. More than ten years ago, the descendants of the Jiang family exterminated the Wang family.

Probably, this is karma, right?

"So, sometimes fate is really weird!"

Lin Jiang young sighed, glanced down at Liu Su, and gently stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms.

Liu Su did not resist.

Perhaps Lin Jiangnian had almost the same experience, which gave her an inexplicable identification.

Or maybe she was confused and a little at a loss when she said these words tonight.

"However, although we cannot determine our origins, we can determine our future destiny."

Lin Jiangnian looked down at her face and chuckled: "Now you are a famous saint of the Tianshen Sect, and I have become Prince Lin... At least, our future destiny is in our own hands."

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Liu Su was slightly startled.

After a while, he muttered to himself: "Control your destiny?"

I don't know what she thought of, but Liu Su's eyes were a little more relieved.

"Yes, at least now I... have the ability to decide my own destiny!"

She is no longer the pitiful little girl who struggled to survive in the Celestial Sect more than ten years ago. She now has absolute ability and power.

Even the great elder who threatened her the most in the Celestial Sect had already died at her hands.

In this world, few people can stop her. She indeed has the ability to control her own destiny!

"Speaking of which, Zhiyuan cannot be blamed for what happened back then..."

At this time, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I can understand that you are jealous of her. It's not just you, I was actually quite jealous before..."

"But she did nothing wrong. Even counting, she is also a victim..."

"Although she looks beautiful, she has also suffered a lot of grievances behind her back..."

A noble lady whose family had been wiped out was living under someone else’s roof. No matter what, it is impossible to have no objections at all.

Inevitably, you will also encounter a lot of strange looks and gossip.

Compared to Liu Su, Zhiyuan really doesn't have to worry about safety. But to some extent, the pressure she encountered was not small.

Even though Princess Lin had her last wish, she still had Jiang Yuxiang's protection. But Princess Lin passed away after all at that time, and Jiang Yuxiang herself was only a teenage girl. No matter how hard she protects her, can she really protect a younger little girl?

What's more, Jiang Yuxiang is not Mr. Jiang's biological daughter!

Because of this, perhaps no one understands Zhiyuan's feelings better than her.

"If we really think about what happened back then, it was the Wang family who was at fault, and it should also be your father who was at fault..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

If Jiang Cheng hadn't been so merciful back then, this situation wouldn't have happened. Even if Jiang Cheng had been tougher and not afraid of his wife at home and had brought Liu Su and her daughter back, maybe the situation would have been completely different...

Lin Jiangnian naturally threw the blame on his late future father-in-law without any pressure.

"Yes, she is indeed not wrong."

Liu Su stared forward, "But I just don't like her."

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "But she is your half-sister after all."

"I didn't admit that she was."

Liu Su raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian. After speaking, she struggled to get up from his arms.

She stood on the roof, letting the cold wind hit her.

The figure-hugging red dress was flying on the roof late at night. At this late night, there was an indescribable mysterious coolness.

Increasingly fascinating.

She glanced back at Lin Jiangnian, her voice cold and ethereal.

"I don't hate her, but I don't like her at all either!"

After a pause, Liu Su said expressionlessly: "I won't admit her relationship with me either."

"I don't have a sister, and I won't have a sister!"

"Less likely……"

When he said this, Liu Su suddenly stopped, and a trace of anger appeared on his cold face.

She turned around and glared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely.

"I am leaving!"

After saying that, Liu Su turned and left.


Lin Jiangnian quickly stopped her: "Where are you going?"

Liu Su did not answer Lin Jiangnian's question. She jumped up from the roof and landed lightly on the roof not far away.

In the dark night, that red dress is mysterious and stunning!

"go drinking!"

A cold voice came, followed by her figure, and quickly dissipated into the dark night.

"drink wine?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, then smiled.

"Take me one!"


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