Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 351 It’s useless for you to regret it

The capital of the Daning Dynasty, as one of the most economically prosperous capitals of the dynasty, gathered guests from all over the world, from all over the world, singing and dancing night after night.

Even though it was late at night, the busy streets near the moat in central Beijing were still busy.

The shops are brightly lit, the streets are full of traffic, and every house is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, beaming with joy. The cold weather cannot stop people's enthusiasm. From time to time in the brightly lit romantic place, the charming and gentle voices of women soliciting guests can be heard.

There is nothing better than this to live in a state of dissipation and wealth!

In a restaurant located by the moat, the lights were brightly lit, and people gathered in the restaurant in twos and threes, drinking and chatting.

The cold wind whistled outside the door, but inside the restaurant it was as warm as spring, and the aroma of alcohol filled the air.

The waiter in the restaurant was busy entertaining customers in the restaurant, and he was very busy.


The door of the restaurant was pushed open, and the cold wind rushed in from outside.

The waiter quickly raised his head, walked towards the door, and greeted: "Guests, please come in, who are you..."

The next second, the waiter was slightly startled.

A flash of bright red appeared in his sight.

A woman dressed in red was walking in from the door.

The red clothes looked like blood, which looked particularly mysterious on this late winter night.

Especially when the waiter looked up and saw the appearance of the woman in red, he froze on the spot and took a breath.

Her cool temperament and stunning appearance are particularly eye-catching at this late night moment.

Even the many people in the restaurant who were still drinking and chatting looked over. For a moment, the sounds in the restaurant suddenly became much quieter.

"Both of you!"

Just as the atmosphere solidified at this moment, another voice broke the silence.

Behind the woman in red, a handsome young man walked out from nowhere. He is a talented person with a graceful demeanor. He is dressed in a brocade robe, has a delicate appearance, red lips and white teeth, and a majestic air.

Especially when the young man and the woman in red stood together, they seemed like a couple of gods and gods, and they felt inexplicably perfect for each other.

"Boy, find a good private room!"

The young man's words made the waiter who was in a daze come to his senses and nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, you two come with me!"

With that said, the waiter shouted and quickly led the two of them upstairs.

It wasn't until the two figures left that the originally quiet surroundings gradually recovered and began to whisper.

"Isn't this woman so beautiful just now?"

"When did the capital have such stunning beauty again? In terms of appearance and temperament, this woman is probably comparable to the eldest princess, right?"

"That's impossible. No one in the world can compare to the eldest princess!"

"Brother Li, are you not tempted by this?"

"So what if you are tempted? Can you afford to provoke me? Didn't you see that the woman in red just now had a restrained aura and a steady pace? She is clearly a master of the family who has traveled the world, and her martial arts is not weak..."

"Brother Li is considered a fourth-level master after all. Is it possible that this woman's martial arts skills are higher than Brother Li's?"

The young man known as Brother Li had a flushed face and was obviously a little drunk. However, his eyes were clear and he was obviously still sober.

He looked up at the stairs on the second floor, his eyes slightly solemn: "This woman is not simple... I can't see through her strength!"

"How do you know if you don't try? Such beauty is rare in the world. Even if you have high martial arts skills, it doesn't matter. This is the capital, so why not..."

"You've drunk too much, haven't you? Didn't you see that there is a young man next to the woman in red? He has a good temperament, and his clothes are either rich or expensive. His identity is by no means simple. I can't guarantee that he is a relative of the emperor. , the son of a powerful minister, this woman in red is obviously his woman, how dare you act recklessly?"

"Oh, these damn dandies are like flowers stuck in cow dung!"

"Wake up, I look like a talented man, but you are a cow dung!"


In the restaurant, after a brief amazing discussion, things gradually returned to normal.

Although there are still people who can't forget the red dress just now, few people dare to think about it.

After all, this is the capital, a place with the strictest laws in the Daning Dynasty. Ordinary people do not dare to mess around. Even the children of powerful people know what they are doing when they go out.

The woman in red is dressed in a fashionable fashion and her martial arts skills are not weak. The man next to her was either rich or noble, and no one with a little bit of brain would look for trouble.

Second floor, private room by the window.

The room was as warm as spring.

Lin Jiangnian took off his coat, sat at the window table, and looked up at the woman opposite.

Liu Su, dressed in red, sat there quietly with a calm expression and no emotion on her face.

Not long ago, Liu Su suddenly said that she wanted to drink!

No reason!

Lin Jiangnian knew this well.

Liu Su likes wine, especially spirits.

Since she said she wanted to drink, Lin Jiangnian naturally accompanied her.

However, it is not easy to find spirits in a place like the capital. Late at night, the two wandered around Beijing for a long time before finally finding such a restaurant selling spirits.

At this time, there were several bottles of signature liquor brought by the waiter on the table.

Opening the jug, a scent of wine filled the air. Liu Su picked up the wine bottle, leaned in and smelled it, frowned slightly, and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

"How about it?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.


Liu Su gave an evaluation.

She poured a bowl of wine, held it up and took a sip, her pretty brows frowning even more tightly.

Lin Jiangnian also poured a bowl, took a sip and tasted it.

"It's really average!"

"The strength of the wine is just okay, but the taste is too bad and the taste is not good..."

Lin Jiangnian gave a pertinent evaluation, and when he was about to continue saying something, he saw Liu Su staring at him.

"What do you see me doing?"

Liu Su suddenly said: "Where is your wine?"


Only then did Lin Jiangnian remember that when he was in Prince Lin's Mansion, in order to curry favor with Senior Li in Ruyi Building, Lin Jiangnian used Xu Lan's cover to secretly brew some spirits.

I wanted to give it to Senior Li, but Liu Su saw it and drank a lot secretly. After that, Liu Su seemed to fall in love with the spirits brewed by Lin Jiangnian.

Hearing Liu Su's question, Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "There are still some in Linjiang City. Before I left, I asked Xu Lan not to forget to continue making wine, but I didn't bring much to the capital..."

At this point, he seemed to realize something: "You want to drink?"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "If you want to drink it, I'll find someone to make some more later?"

Liu Su did not answer Lin Jiangnian's words, but just picked up the wine bowl in his hand and drank it all in one gulp.

After a bowl of wine, her expression remained as usual. But there was an indescribable softness on that fair and delicate face, and even the cold temperament seemed to have weakened a lot.


After a while, Liu Su said something inexplicably.

"It's really not as good as the wine I brew."

Lin Jiangnian nodded in agreement: "Wait, I will brew it for you later, and I will ensure that you can drink enough in the future!"

Liu Su glanced at him and didn't respond.

However, there was no denying it.

She just calmly poured another bowl of strong wine and drank it in one gulp.

Although the liquor was indeed not too strong, how could anyone drink it like she did?

"Drink slowly and get some food first!"

Lin Jiangnian advised.

Liu Su ignored him and drank another bowl of strong wine.

A flush finally appeared on that fair face, which was particularly cold and charming.

"I am not drunk!"

Her voice was cold and inexplicably gave people a feeling of anger and stubbornness.

Lin Jiangnian watched quietly and sighed in his heart.

They are indeed sisters...even their angry looks look alike.

Lin Jiangnian did not persuade her again. He knew that Liu Su was not in the right mood tonight. If she was not given a channel to vent, it might not be a good thing for her if it accumulated in her heart!

Maybe being drunk is the best way to vent!


If she was drunk, it didn't seem to be a bad thing for Lin Jiangnian!

The night is getting deeper.

The cold wind outside the window slapped on the window paper and howled.

The room was warm and dull.

The strong smell of alcohol filled the room, making him feel inexplicably stuffy.

Lin Jiangnian stood up and walked to the window. He opened the window slightly and let the cold wind pour in. The cold wind blew in, and everyone seemed to wake up a lot.

Looking back, I saw Liu Su still sitting at the table. In front of her, there were already several empty wine jars.

In a short period of time, she had drank several bottles of strong liquor. The fair face gradually turned red, and the originally cold eyes seemed to be a little more confused and drunk.

This scene is particularly stunning!

Lin Jiangnian only took a few glances and felt a little unsatisfied in his heart.

I have to say that Liu Su, who had drank wine at this moment, seemed to look more attractive.

At this moment, Liu Su leaned back slightly and raised her eyes to stare at Lin Jiangnian.

There was some indescribable emotion in those bright eyes.

It seems a little complicated, but also like...

What are you struggling with?

"What's wrong?"


Liu Su looked at him quietly, wondering what kind of emotion had surfaced, and then she suddenly spoke angrily.

"You are a bastard!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

If you're fine, just drink. Why are you scolding people?

When did I provoke you?

"you're drunk?"

"I'm not drunk!"

Liu Su shook her head, her beautiful eyes seemed to be even more blurred, with a hint of drunkenness twinkling in her eyes.

She half-closed her eyes and said bitterly: "I don't like you at all!"

"You're really drunk!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

"I'm not drunk!"

"How could you say such nonsense when you're not drunk?"

"I'm not talking nonsense!"

"That's nonsense!"

"No, it's not!"

"How can you prove otherwise?"


Liu Su's red lips opened slightly, her mind was overwhelmed by alcohol, and she seemed to be unable to react for a while.

I don’t know how to prove it!

At this time, Lin Jiangnian approached her and sat down.

"what are you doing?!"

Liu Su stared at him with alert eyes.

"Why do not you like me?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

"No, if you don't like it, you just don't like it..."

Liu Su gritted her teeth: "Do you still need a reason?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Everything in the world has a reason. You need a reason to like me, and you also need a reason to dislike me."

"If you don't like it, why don't you like it?"

Liu Su looked slightly stunned and stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes. After a while, she looked away and gritted her teeth: "No, there is no reason!"

“If you don’t like it, you don’t like it!”


Lin Jiangnian still looked at her quietly: "Do you regret it?"


Liu Su's eyes were blank.

"Do you regret that when you were in Prince Lin's Mansion, you shouldn't have been soft-hearted and helped me remove the poison?"

Hearing this, Liu Su was in a trance, as if he remembered something from a long time ago, and it seemed like it happened just yesterday.

Little by little, scenes quickly flashed through my mind.

Soon, a look of embarrassment appeared on her face.

Do you regret it?

She couldn't tell herself.

The mood is very complicated.

It was like there was something suppressed in her heart, it was dull and uncomfortable!

Lin Jiangnian stared into her eyes and asked softly but clearly: "If you were given another chance to come back, would you do this again?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice seemed to have some kind of bewitching power, lingering in Liu Su's ears, making her feel a little warm inexplicably.

It's hot!

The room suddenly seemed to become extremely hot. It was so hot that she couldn't breathe, her breathing was rapid, and her whole body felt inexplicably hot.


Liu Su panicked and avoided Lin Jiangnian's burning eyes, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Give me another chance, I, I will never..."

"You are lying!"

However, Lin Jiangnian saw through the Saint Liu in front of him at a glance.

She is lying.

She feels guilty!

"I, I didn't..."

Perhaps she was really drunk, but at this moment, Saintess Liu seemed a little cute inexplicably when she spoke!

As if in a hurry.

"Okay, you didn't lie."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, changed his style again, and sighed: "It's just..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped.

Liu Su, who was still listening, saw Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped talking, and subconsciously raised his head: "But what?"

As soon as she asked, she realized that she shouldn't have spoken.

Looking up, she saw Lin Jiangnian looking at her with a smile on his face: "But..."

"It's useless for you to regret!"

"Things have already happened. You, my dear Saint Liu, you cannot escape from the hands of this prince."

Liu Su was startled suddenly, and then she realized what she was doing. Her pretty face immediately turned red with embarrassment, and she said angrily: "You..."

Just as she said a word, Lin Jiangnian suddenly lowered his head and blocked Liu Su's mouth with lightning speed, blocking all the words she originally wanted to say.


Liu Su's delicate body trembled and her head was confused. Under the stimulation of alcohol, her mind went blank for a short time, and she even forgot how to resist.

It wasn't until after a while that her delicate body suddenly trembled, and then she seemed to regain some sense!

In panic, he subconsciously bit it.


Lin Jiangnian suddenly screamed and backed away quickly: "You bite me?"

A bloody smell came from his mouth, and he couldn't help but look down and saw that Liu Su's face was red at the moment and she looked at a loss, like a little girl who was at a loss.

But his eyes were stern, and he gritted his teeth angrily: "You, you...who asked you to kiss me?!"

Although she looked vicious, she was drunk at the moment, and her flushed face became even more alluring.

My heart is pounding!

"Because you look good!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a smile on his face and said sincerely: "I just want to kiss you!"

He just wanted to kiss her!

No reason!

"You, shut up!"

Liu Su's face was red and hot, and she was a little angry.

Her beautiful eyes were panicked: "You, are you really brave? Dare, dare to bully me like this again and again?!"

"Do you still take me seriously?!"

"Of course!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Not only do I put you in my eyes, I also always keep you in my heart."


How could Liu Su hear such disgusting words?

Her delicate body trembled slightly, and she became angry and said: "You, you are not allowed to say any more!"

"I'm going to say it!"

Of course Lin Jiangnian would not let her go like this. The more this happened, the more she wanted to escape, and the more Lin Jiangnian would not let her escape!

If she were allowed to escape and run away again tonight, it would be difficult to have such an opportunity next time!


"You seem to have really made a difference, you really don't take me seriously anymore!"

Liu Su was furious.

"I, I have to teach you a lesson!"


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