Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 352 Leaving the city, following


Outside the backyard of the restaurant, in a dark and cold alley.

There was no one around.

Along with a figure, he fell to the ground in a panic, and the dust settled.

"I won't come, I won't come, I lose!"

Lin Jiangnian was lying on the ground, his whole body aching. The strong alcohol he drank not long ago gradually evaporated with the vigorous exercise, and his whole body was a little numb.

He just lay flat on the ground, looking embarrassed, with his eyes wide open, looking towards the alley not far ahead.

A figure in cool red clothes was standing quietly in the cold wind, her graceful figure stretched very long under the moonlight.



The thick black hair was messy and fluttering in the cold wind.

"stand up!"

A cold voice came, a bit drunken.

"I won't come, I give up!"

"Don't admit defeat!"

"I'm no match for you, I can't beat you."

"Then don't admit defeat!"

"... Then beat me to death!"


Lin Jiangnian was lying on the ground in a panic, with an attitude that even if he beat me to death, I wouldn't come back.


Revenge from Saint Liu!

But he just kissed her and suffered such a tragic end in revenge.

Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply.

Not long ago, the two of them were drinking wine and chatting happily in a warm private room in a nearby restaurant. Taking advantage of the atmosphere and getting drunk, Lin Jiangnian took advantage of the situation and kissed her.

I thought that Liu Su would be annoyed because of her shame, but after all, the relationship between the two had reached this point, and she would not resist too fiercely. If Lin Jiangnian continues to comfort him, he might be able to win tonight...

As a result, Lin Jiangnian was too naive and naive.

After being forcibly kissed and secretly kissed, Liu Su became furious. Under the stimulation of alcohol, under the guise of testing Lin Jiangnian's martial arts, she acted openly and openly...

When Lin Jiangnian first started practicing martial arts in Prince Lin's Mansion, Liu Su was indeed Lin Jiangnian's guide. Under Liu Su's guidance, Lin Jiang took many detours at a young age and successfully stepped into the path of martial arts from a playboy with no strength.

Now more than half a year has passed, and the two have not seen each other for a long time. Lin Jiangnian's martial arts has also improved rapidly. In less than a year, he has entered the ranks of masters.

Liu Su was surprised and surprised!

Therefore, the idea of ​​testing Lin Jiangnian's martial arts was proposed.

Of course, Lin Jiangnian was not given a reason to refuse.

While it was said to be a test, in fact... it was a one-sided beating!

Lin Jiangnian, who has entered the fifth-level realm, is indeed considered a master. But in front of this Lady Liu, it was still not enough.

All the martial arts moves and routines that he was proud of were full of flaws in Liu Su's eyes. Within a moment, Liu Su was about to be beaten until she cried for father and mother.

Lin Jiangnian thought about it carefully. The gap between him and Liu Su was probably the same as the gap between him and Jiang Shaoan, right?

When he taught Jiang Shaoan a lesson before, he was just as effective as Liu Su was teaching him tonight...!

A cold wind blew through the alley.

Liu Su stood in the alley, staring down at Lin Jiangnian who was lying on the ground not far away, looking like a rogue, with an increasingly irritated look on his face.

Her flawless and pretty face was filled with blush, like alcohol, making her feel dizzy.

I had drunk a lot of wine, but after the strenuous exercise just now, the alcohol evaporated, and the alcohol was strong. Now I was hit by the cold wind, and I felt even more dizzy.

"Do you think I really don't dare to kill you?"

Liu Su gritted his teeth.

Lin Jiangnian had given up treatment: "You can kill him, I won't resist!"


Liu Su's eyes were full of anger. This bastard is really confident, right?

He really thought he...

Thinking of this, Liu Su resented angrily.

What annoyed her was not the bastard's arrogant attitude, but...this bastard was emboldened, but she couldn't do anything about him.

Could it be possible to really kill him?

Although he said so, Liu Su never had such thoughts from beginning to end.


Seeing Lin Jiangnian's attitude, Liu Su took a deep breath, gradually put away her dizzy thoughts, and glanced at him coldly: "Next time you dare to kiss...kiss me casually, I will never forgive you!"

After speaking, Liu Su turned around and walked out of the alley.

Seeing that Liu Su was about to leave, Lin Jiangnian got up from the ground and dusted himself off.

Although my body was sore, it was nothing serious. Liu Su seemed to be very cruel, but she never thought of hurting Lin Jiangnian from the beginning to the end.

Maybe this is just a way for her to hide her irritation?

"Wait for me!"

Seeing Liu Su's figure appearing at the entrance of the alley, Lin Jiangnian quickly caught up with him.

Outside the alley is a bustling street.

It was late at night now, and the streets that had been bustling all day were finally quiet. There are far fewer pedestrians, and even fewer people are soliciting customers in nearby shops. Some shops have finally closed.

The two appeared on the street. Liu Su glanced at Lin Jiangnian, who was following behind him. His face was red from alcohol, and he glared at him: "Why are you following me?"

"Where are you going?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "Shall I give it to you?"

"Need not!"

Liu Su refused.

"You're drunk and it's not safe to go home alone."

"I'm not drunk!"

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian stubbornly, with a straight face, as if he wanted to show that he was not drunk.

But her blushing and shy face now revealed her hazy drunkenness.

"That's not possible. It's so late and it's not safe for you to go back alone. I'll send you away!"


Liu Su glanced at him and suddenly sneered: "Isn't it safe for you to send me back?"


"Who do you think I am?!"

Lin Jiangnian was very angry. Is he that kind of person in her eyes?

Liu Su sneered: "Anyway, he is not a serious and good person."

"How am I not a good person?"

Lin Jiangnian wants to change his image.

But he saw the sneer on Liu Su's rosy face getting worse: "How can a deceiver who forcibly kiss a woman without her permission be a good person?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"If you say that, then I will have something to say!"

Seeing that Liu Su was still holding on to this, Lin Jiangnian immediately said: "Then I want to ask, if you don't consider a good person by forcefully kissing a woman, then what is a saint who forces a man to sleep with..."

"Shut up!!"

The smug sneer on Liu Su's face froze the moment Lin Jiangnian spoke, and then became angry and interrupted Lin Jiangnian in a panic to continue speaking.

"If you dare to mention it again, I, I will kill you!!"

Her pretty face was red and she looked especially stunning late at night. Her breathing was rapid, her chest was rising and falling violently, her pretty face was almost bleeding, her beautiful eyes were ashamed and unforgivable.

She is anxious!

"Okay, okay, no more talking!"

Seeing Liu Su's intense emotions, Lin Jiangnian's tone suddenly changed and became gentle. He walked slowly to Liu Su's side and took Su's hand under her sleeve.

"Let's go, it's getting late, shall we go back?"

Liu Su's face was still red, and she struggled and tried to break free twice, but failed.

Stare at him.

Lin Jiangnian spoke softly and chuckled: "I was joking with you just now. It's very cold outside. Let's go back first?"

Liu Su didn't say anything, just stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, stunned.

After a while, she came back to her senses and glanced at the hand held by Lin Jiangnian. No more struggling, no more talking.

He snorted softly and turned his head away.

He didn't speak or resist.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian chuckled again. This woman's level of arrogance is no less than that of Zhiyuan.

Although he had already accepted it in his heart, he still refused to admit it. Even when he is angry, he will do many strange things to cover up.

It's obviously already...

Why don't you just want to show your heart?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiang young sighed.

However, he can understand it.

Liu Su grew up in the Tianshen Sect and lived in a dangerous and deceitful living environment. Growing up in such an environment, what she is best at is disguising.

For example, when Lin Jiangnian first met her, during the time they spent together day and night in Prince Lin's palace, Liu Su at that time was always a mysterious woman with a smile on her face, as if she had everything in hand.

Mysterious and unattainable!


It wasn't until the two of them got to know each other gradually, that after that...

Liu Sucai seemed to be gradually changing.

Thinking about it again, the arrogance, tough talk, and reluctance shown by Liu Su now when facing Lin Jiangnian... Isn't this another form of revealing one's heart?

Is this the only side of Saint Liu from the Celestial Sect that she would show in front of Lin Jiangnian?

In the eyes of outsiders, she is still the aloof saint!

His martial arts skills are unfathomable, cold-blooded and ruthless, and he kills like crazy!

Late at night.

Lin Jiangnian held Liu Su's hand and walked slowly down the street. Liu Su was one position behind Lin Jiangnian and looked a little reluctant.

But her eyes were always lowered, staring at Lin Jiangnian's hand holding hers, in a daze. It wasn't until she approached the brightly lit shops on the street that Liu Su pulled her hand back in a panic.

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything. Just when he was about to ask where Liu Su lived, there was a sudden sound of horse hooves not far away.


It's so late, why is there still the sound of horse hooves in the middle of the night?

Lin Jiangnian raised his head in confusion and saw several figures in black robes riding horses through the street not far ahead.

Oncoming, the leader was a masked man in black robe!

From the clothes on these people, Lin Jiangnian quickly recognized their identities.

People from Mitiansi? !

These people galloped through the streets on horseback, heading towards the city gate.

"It's so late, and the Mitiansi people still want to leave the city?"

Lin Jiangnian was confused. After Chen Feiyang's death, Mi Tiansi was indeed in chaos during this period. But it's a bit strange to have to leave the city in the middle of the night.

Just as he was saying something, he saw Liu Su standing behind him, staring at the backs of Mi Tiansi and his group with beautiful eyes, staring for a long time without saying a word.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

"That one..."

Liu Su narrowed her eyes slightly: "It seems to be the great protector of Mi Tiansi!"

"Great Protector?!"

Upon hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian quickly recalled the masked black-robed figure who was leading the group just now.

He is the great protector of Mitiansi? !

"you sure?"

Liu Su turned to look at Lin Jiangnian and said calmly: "I have played against him, so I have some impressions!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned. This was something he didn't expect. Liu Su had actually fought against the great protector of Mi Tiansi?

This is...


Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered that this person just now was the Great Protector of Mitiansi?

That great elder who never sees the end of the divine dragon?

As the most mysterious figure in Mitiansi, this person is also the person who actually holds power in Mitiansi. There must be something wrong with him going out of town late at night!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes moved slightly.

Liu Su seemed to know what he was thinking: "You want to go?"

"are you going?"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at her.

“I don’t really want to go!”

Liu Su looked away expressionlessly and looked towards the city gate not far away.

After a pause, he spoke again.

"But, it's boring anyway... I just reluctantly go with you to see it!"


late at night.

A column of black figures rode through the city and appeared outside the city gate.

It was late at night and the city gate had long been closed. Hearing the sound of horse hoofbeats, the general guarding the city at the city gate raised his head. When he saw the person coming, his expression changed slightly and he quickly stepped forward respectfully.

"My lords..."

Just as the general who was guarding the city was about to speak, a dark figure on horseback took out a token from his arms and said in a hoarse and cold voice: "Mitiansi is out of the city to do business according to His Majesty's order. Open the door!"

The general who defended the city trembled, Your Majesty's will? !

This is nothing to be careless about!

He nodded respectfully, not even daring to check the token carefully... Just kidding, how could he have the courage?

Besides, even if the token is fake, is it possible that he, a general guarding the city, can still offend Mi Tiansi's people?

One of the bad guys was killed by Mi Tiansi on the charge of obstructing the work, and he had nowhere to redress his injustice.

The general who defended the city quickly and respectfully called for people to open the city gate, and Mitiansi and his party rode out of the city and left.

After sending this group of people away, the general who defended the city just breathed a sigh of relief and was about to close the city gate when two more figures came on horseback not far away.


The general who defended the city quickly waved his hand and stopped the two men with a serious and vigilant look on his face.

Just kidding, that was someone from Mitiansi who couldn't be offended just now. But if it were someone else, it wouldn’t be that easy to talk to!

Now that the city gate is closed late at night, anyone who dares to break in is committing treason and will be shot without mercy!

Two figures approached on horseback, a man and a woman. The man was dressed in brocade clothes and looked handsome. The woman was wearing a long red dress and veiled face.

Stopped by the city defense army, Lin Jiangnian reached out and took out a token from his arms and threw it to the city defense general.

"On the order of the eldest princess, I am leaving the city for business and make way!"

The eldest princess? !

Hearing the name of the eldest princess, the city defense generals suddenly became excited.

This is a Lord who cannot afford to offend!

However, the city defense general was still more cautious. He carefully took the token and observed it carefully, and then, his heart was shocked.

That's right, it's the token of the Princess's Mansion!

Ordinary people are not qualified or able to imitate this kind of token!

Is he really the eldest princess? !

Thinking of this, the city defense general shuddered, the original serious expression on his face disappeared, he put on a bright smile, and respectfully sent the token back.

"It turns out that it is the eldest princess who is disrespectful and disrespectful. Since it is the eldest princess who is handling the case, my subordinates should cooperate!

"Open the city gate!"

The city defense general quickly waved his hand, motioning for the people to get out of the way, and watched the two people leave.

After the two people left the city, the city defense general breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Damn it, why did you meet two groups of people who couldn't afford to offend in one night? !

How could he doze off and be lazy?

Could it be that something big happened?

Thinking of this, the city defense general quickly scolded his subordinates: "Don't be lazy tonight, cheer up!"



outside the city.

Lin Jiangnian and Liu Su easily left the city. He put away the token and was about to say something when he turned around and saw Liu Su riding a horse, staring at him.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little strange.

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian for a while, then looked away, looked forward, and said expressionlessly.

"Why do you have the eldest princess's token?!"


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