Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 353 This prince doesn’t like dead fish

Liu Su's eyes fell on the token that Lin Jiangnian had just put away, with a hint of suspicion on his face, and then moved to Lin Jiangnian's face, staring at him.

Eyes burning.


Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su suspiciously, and then realized something. He took out the token from his arms, glanced down, and chuckled: "That's what you said!"

"This token is long..."

Lin Jiangnian was about to explain, but suddenly something happened.

He looked up again and saw Liu Su staring into his eyes: "Did the eldest princess give it to you?"

Faced with Liu Su Zhuozhuo's question, Lin Jiangnian did not deny it and nodded!

This token indeed belongs to the eldest princess.

Of course, to be precise, Lin Jiangnian got it specially from the eldest princess.

Although Lin Jiangnian is the prince of Prince Lin, he is not free to move around in the capital. In addition, his identity is sensitive and special. In many cases, his identity will restrict his actions.

The last time they met alone with the eldest princess, the two initially reached a common goal plan, so they hit it off and were ready to cooperate.

Lin Jiangnian specially asked the eldest princess to get this token at that time.

As a partner, asking for a token is not too much, right?

Lin Jiangnian's move was to prevent him from encountering special circumstances. With the eldest princess's token, he could freely enter and leave the princess's mansion and the prince's mansion. He can also use the name of the eldest princess to enter and leave the capital.

Under special circumstances, you might even be able to enter and exit the palace with this token...

At present, he used the token to borrow the eldest princess' order to successfully leave the city. It did not arouse the suspicion of the city defense soldiers, but aroused the suspicion of Liu Su.

"Have you met the eldest princess?"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's personal admission, Liu Su narrowed her eyes and landed on the token in his hand. Her expression gradually became complicated. She looked away and said expressionlessly: "You guys, our relationship is so good?"

Liu Su didn't know the origin of this token, but being able to freely enter and exit the capital with this token was enough to prove the importance of this token.

If it falls into the wrong hands, the consequences will be disastrous. But such an important token appeared in Lin Jiangnian's hand?

The eldest princess actually trusted him so much?

What is their relationship now?

Thinking of this, Liu Su felt inexplicably confused.

She clearly remembered that when Lin Jiangnian was still in Prince Lin's Mansion more than half a year ago, Lin Jiangnian didn't know the eldest princess at all, and there was no interaction between the two.

Now, he has only been in the capital for a few months. Not only has he met the eldest princess, but the relationship between the two has even become so good... Can the eldest princess give him such an important thing?

What happened to them in less than two months?

Is it possible that the two of them have really...

Thinking of this, Liu Su's heart became even more congested, and an indescribable and uncomfortable emotion surged into her heart.

She tried hard to suppress this emotion, but she couldn't do it no matter what.

Lin Jiangnian also noticed something strange about Liu Su, looked at the token in his hand, and then glanced at Liu Su...

"you misunderstood!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "She and I are innocent, and nothing like what you think has ever happened..."

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, Liu Su felt inexplicably angry. She turned her head and sneered: "What happened to you and her? What does it have to do with me?!"

"Of course!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed in his heart, and said it had nothing to do with her?

The words "It's relevant" are written all over my face!

"What happened between me and her can't be explained for a while!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head softly: "However, neither she nor I agree with this marriage. As expected, this marriage will be cancelled!"

Hearing this, even Liu Su, who was originally angry, could not help but turn her head slightly and stare at Lin Jiangnian: "Break off the engagement?!"

"That's right."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"You want to break off the engagement with her?"

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian with a bit of astonishment on his face: "You want to resist the order?"

"Not that serious!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "This matter is still being planned, and I can't explain it at the moment. However, she and I did reach an agreement in some aspects, and everyone gets what they need..."

"To each his own?"

Liu Su narrowed her eyes.

"Don't think wrongly!"

From the look on Liu Su's face, Lin Jiangnian could see that she probably thought of something wrong and sighed.

"I need her to provide me with various conveniences and help in Beijing, and she wants to use me to stabilize the current situation in the court and protect her brother, the prince. We are using each other..."

Lin Jiangnian quickly explained: "This token was also taken from her to facilitate my actions...Other than that, she and I no longer have any interest entanglements!"


Liu Su said nothing and listened quietly to Lin Jiangnian's explanation.

She didn't believe it at first, but after hearing Lin Jiangnian's explanation, she gradually believed it...

It doesn't sound like he's lying!


"Are you willing?"

Liu Su Leng suddenly spoke and sneered: "That eldest princess has a beautiful appearance, unfathomable martial arts skills, and she is a majestic eldest princess... You are not tempted?"

"Are you willing to break off the engagement?"

Sure enough, it’s this problem again!

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

Why is this the first thought everyone has when they hear his decision to break off the engagement?

Is it possible that in their eyes, he, Lin Jiangnian, is such a superficial person who loves beautiful women?

...Could it be that he didn’t want to take advantage of the eldest princess?

Faced with Liu Su's questioning gaze, Lin Jiangnian remained silent for a moment.

"She's too cold!"

"Like an ice cube, it must be boring in bed..."

"You know me, I don't like dead fish!"


"Bah, hooligan, sex critic!"

A blush of shame immediately appeared on Liu Suqiao's face, and her eyes were filled with embarrassment.

This son of a bitch actually, actually...

Are you thinking of these dirty things? !

He, he actually thinks that the eldest princess is a dead fish?

Boring? !

Liu Su was ashamed and angry.

Although the eldest princess did look a bit... Liu Su had met the eldest princess several times.

It is indeed beautiful, with a charming temperament and a heavenly beauty!

But at the same time, his temperament is too cold, too cold to be like a normal person!

It's even more... not like a human being!

For such a cold beauty, it's really hard to imagine the scene when she undresses and wears a wide band.

Perhaps, it could really be like what this guy said...a cold, motionless dead fish? !

The next second, Liu Su suddenly reacted.

Bah bah bah!

What is she thinking about?

How could something like that happen?

What else... does she know him?

Don't like dead fish?

What does he mean?

Are you talking about her...

The next second, Liu Su seemed to realize something and suddenly raised her head to see Lin Jiangnian looking at him quietly. Her face became increasingly red: "What are you thinking about?!"


Lin Jiangnian denied it.

"I didn't think anything of it."

"Don't think about it!"



Liu Suqi's pretty face turned red. She knew that Lin Jiangnian said this deliberately, but she felt angry and had nowhere to vent her anger.

On the other hand, I tried my best to suppress the random thoughts in my mind, but I unconsciously thought of a question...

Are you a dead fish?

Thinking of this, Liu Su unconsciously recalled the two nights that made her most memorable...

As soon as the thought emerged, Liu Su was ashamed and annoyed. Her original cold expression could no longer be maintained, and her defense was completely broken.

Just when she was about to vent all her irritation and embarrassment on Lin Jiangnian, a voice suddenly came from beside her: "Shh!"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly made a hissing gesture and lowered his voice.



Liu Su was stunned and subconsciously raised his head, only to realize that the two of them had followed Mi Tiansi's people to a trail.

The trail is narrow, and not far away, all the horses that Mitiansi rode out of the city stayed where they were.

There was no one around.

"Where are the people?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked into the dense woods not far ahead.

"They came here in the middle of the night and were sneaky. There must be something wrong!"

"Go and have a look?"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Liu Su. Liu Su had not completely dissipated from the alcohol, and her face was flushed. I don't know whether it was because of the alcohol or because of shyness. She did not look at Lin Jiangnian, but stared ahead and said lightly: "Whatever!"

"Let's go and have a look!"

Now that they are here, Lin Jiangnian is bound to find out what dirty deeds this great protector of Mitiansi is doing in secret.

With Liu Su by his side, Lin Jiangnian felt confident.

At this time, the road between the woods is narrow and is no longer suitable for riding horses. After the two men hid their horses, they continued on foot.

In the dark night, except for the dim moonlight, there were no sparks around. The cold wind howled and rustled among the trees, which actually helped the two of them hide their figures.

After he and Liu Su walked through the woods, they came to a valley jungle. In the distance, lights appeared in the sight ahead!

Lin Jiangnian looked up and saw several figures guarding the door outside the valley not far away, and there were patrolling figures all around. Hidden in the surrounding darkness, several different auras can be detected.

There are so many masters here?


Liu Su's confused voice suddenly came to his ears.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and asked.

"these people……"

Liu Su stared at the figures in front of him with a look of surprise on his face: "How can anyone live in this barren mountain and wild ridge?"

Liu Su stared at those figures, his eyes gradually becoming serious and suspicious: "These people... don't look like people from the martial arts world. Their martial arts are not high, but they look well-trained, like..."

"The imperial court, when did you station troops here?"

Well trained?

Private army? !

An idea suddenly came to Lin Jiangnian's mind... Could this be the place where the third prince trained his private army?

Thinking of this, he quickly looked around. After scanning, the suspicion in his heart gradually became confirmed.

"I'm afraid this is not the imperial garrison!"

Lin Jiangnian whispered.

Liu Su turned to look at Lin Jiangnian: "What?"

"These people are probably the private troops raised by the third prince's recruitment account!"

"The third prince's private army?"

Liu Su was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized something: "You mean... the third prince's private army?!"

"What does he want to do?!"

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back, staring out of the valley ahead without blinking.

Liu Su was stunned. The third prince was just a prince. A prince was raising a private army outside the capital. What did he want to do?

it goes without saying!

Is he...wanting to rebel? !

Although there have been rumors in the capital that the third prince intends to compete for the heir apparent. The third prince is wooing powerful officials and looking for counselors and talents from all over the world to take under his command. It is obvious that he is preparing to compete for the heir apparent.

To the court, the third prince's move was a bit treasonous. But it's still within the acceptable range. Especially now that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fell ill and His Majesty has been unable to come out, it makes people wonder if His Majesty has the idea of ​​​​easy storage?

Under such circumstances, it is not a big deal for the third prince to fight for the throne!

But the nature of the private army is completely different!

This means that the third prince does not intend to rely on normal channels to compete for reserves, but wants to...

Do it yourself?

Instead of fighting with words, fight with force? !


After thinking about this, Liu Su didn't have much reaction except for being a little surprised.

After all, she is a saint of the Celestial Sect, and is a rebel in the strict sense. The rebellion in the imperial court's fight for the throne has nothing to do with her.

On the contrary, she would rather see this happen.

Turning around, seeing Lin Jiangnian's solemn expression, Liu Suwei frowned: "What's wrong with you?"

"Isn't it a good thing for you that the third prince is rebelling?"

"The Third Prince's rise to power is not a good thing for me!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

Liu Su was slightly startled, but then quickly realized something: "Are you afraid that the third prince will succeed?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "If I really want him to succeed, it will not be a good thing for me."

Liu Su raised her eyes and looked forward, thoughtfully.

Considering the conflict between the third prince and Lin Jiangnian, if the third prince really becomes...

I'm afraid the first one to strike is Prince Lin's Mansion!

"If this is the headquarters of the Third Prince's private army, then..."

At this time, Lin Jiangnian stared ahead and said in a deep voice: "Why is the Great Protector of Mitiansi here here? Is it possible..."

He didn't continue, but his guess was almost confirmed!

Mi Tiansi has an affair with the third prince!

To be precise, it was Eunuch Chen in the palace who had an ulterior secret with the third prince! The third prince's plan to rebel must be fueled by Eunuch Chen!

Liu Su listened thoughtfully to Lin Jiangnian's words, but soon a hint of suspicion emerged.

"Chen Zhao?"

"Why did he join forces with the three princes to rebel?"

"Who knows?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Perhaps he is afraid that after the prince ascends the throne, he will be the first to attack him!"

"It's not impossible."

Liu Su nodded thoughtfully.

Although Chen Zhao is said to be in power now, he is still just a eunuch, and he is now favored and trusted by the emperor. But if the emperor dies, the situation will be completely different.

The prince may have been dissatisfied with this powerful eunuch for a long time, and he will definitely be the first to attack him.

In this case, it is reasonable for Chen Zhao to unite with the third prince to kill the crown prince if he wants to protect himself and stabilize his position.

"By the way, can you do me a favor?"

Just as Liu Su was thinking, he heard Lin Jiangnian suddenly speak.


Liu Su turned around and looked: "What are you busy with?"

"Kill someone for me!"


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