Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 354 You owe me a favor


Hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, Liu Su was slightly startled.

"Kill who?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked at the valley not far ahead. After a moment, he slowly opened his mouth and said a name: "Great Protector of Mitiansi!"

"Zhao Changyuan!"

Hearing this name, Liu Suwei was stunned for a moment, subconsciously raised her eyes and looked forward, and then her eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian's face.

"You want to kill him?!"

Liu Su looked suspicious: "Do you have a grudge against him?"



Lin Jiangnian glanced at Liu Su and said calmly: "If there is no hatred, can't we kill him?"

Liu Su's eyes narrowed slightly and she said expressionlessly: "Do you know the consequences of killing him?"

The great protector of Mitiansi is not a simple person.

He is the actual person in charge of Mitiansi and a close confidant of the old gelding in the palace. What's more important is that this great protector's martial arts are not weak!

"What will be the consequences?"

Lin Jiang asked back with a young smile.

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian's face for a while, suddenly thought of something, and squinted: "So, not long ago..."

"Chen Feiyang was also killed?!"

Liu Su quickly remembered the assassination that had occurred in Beijing a few days ago. Mi Tiansi was attacked and killed in the west of the city, causing heavy casualties. Chen Feiyang, a protector of Mi Tiansi, was also assassinated.

These days, Mi Tiansi dug deep into the capital to look for clues about the murderer, causing a stir in the city. Liu Su naturally heard about it and paid a little attention to it.

At first, she did not associate these with Lin Jiangnian. After all, there was almost no dispute between Lin Jiangnian and Mi Tiansi. But now she suddenly heard Lin Jiangnian saying that he wanted to kill the Great Protector Mi Tiansi, Liu Su immediately thought of it...

He even wanted to kill the Great Protector, so wouldn’t Chen Feiyang...

More importantly, as the emperor's personal guard, Mi Tiansi had great power and prestige in the capital. Ordinary people wouldn't dare to provoke him at all, for fear of getting angry, let alone assassinating him in the street?

Even killed a very high-status protector? !

This move is extremely arrogant!

Also extremely arrogant!

And this seems to be something that the guy in front of me can do...

Faced with Liu Su's sudden question, Lin Jiangnian did not hide anything and nodded: "I killed him."

Liu Su suddenly realized, squinting her eyes and staring at him with stern eyes: "Why do you want to kill them?"

"Mitiansi, there seems to be no conflict with you, right?"

"If there is no conflict, can't we kill?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled harmlessly at Liu Su.

Liu Su's face was expressionless, so she naturally didn't believe it.

She knew Lin Jiangnian. This guy was very thoughtful and very calculating. He would never do anything useless that would make him angry.

"Stop guessing!"

Seeing Liu Su staring at him with a suspicious look on his face, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "If I kill them, you can think of it as doing justice for heaven. Of course, you can also think of me as eradicating dissidents and striking first to gain strength!"

Acting for heaven?

Liu Su naturally didn't believe it.

She didn't believe that this guy had such a good mind.

Eliminate dissidents?

This is... not impossible!

"Eunuch Chen in the palace is not simple. If there is a conflict between me and him in the future, Mitiansi will become a big trouble. Instead of doing that, it is better to strike first and break Mitiansi's wings." !”

Lin Jiangnian did not mention to Liu Su his plan to attack Chen Zhao.

There is no rush to kill Chen Zhao for the time being, and it needs to be planned slowly. Before that, we must first eradicate almost all of Chen Zhao's gangsters in Beijing.

And killing the great protector of Mitiansi was the most important part of the plan.

After making sure that Lin Jiangnian was not lying, Liu Su slowly withdrew his gaze, looked not far ahead, and said in a deep voice: "It's not easy for you to kill him!"

"This great protector of Mitiansi is not weak in martial arts."

She has fought against the other party before and knows the details of the other party.

Not a simple person!

"How strong?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Liu Su thought for a moment: "When I fought him a year ago, his strength was at least level three."

"Now, it will only be stronger!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian took a deep breath.

Something unexpected!

He already knew from Chen Changqing that this great protector's martial arts were not weak, but he didn't expect that he was so strong? !

A year ago, he was at level 3 or above, but now he is probably even stronger! For a master of this level of strength, it would be much more difficult to kill him than to kill Chen Feiyang.

Originally, tonight was a rare encounter with this great protector who had never seen the dragon before it was seen. Lin Jiangnian thought about whether he could join forces with Liu Su beside him to kill him. After hearing Liu Su's words, Lin Jiangnian immediately became cautious. It seemed that this matter could not be rushed!

He didn't know Liu Su's martial arts strength, but based on previous inferences, he probably shouldn't be much different from the great protector. The winning rate of the two of them joining forces is not high. If their identities are exposed, they may lose more than they gain!

"Forget it then!"

After hesitation, Lin Jiangnian immediately chose to give up: "Go back first and think of a solution later."

Liu Su glanced at him: "Don't you want to kill him?"

"How to kill this?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Didn't you say that he is at least a third-level player? He may even be a second-level player... Even if we join forces, we may not be able to win for sure!"

Liu Su glanced at him and said calmly, "If you don't give it a try, how do you know it won't work?"

"Are you sure?"


Liu Su looked forward with cold eyes, her tone was soft but firm: "But, you can give it a try!"

"Don't be brave!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched, and he immediately remembered the heroic feat of Lady Liu who overestimated her own ability to assassinate Lin Hengzhong, and quickly advised: "Don't be impulsive when you are not sure. You can kill him anytime, but you can Don’t mess around.”

Liu Su glanced at him and said coldly: "You think I can't beat him?!"

"It's not a question of whether we can beat him or not..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed and said, "I don't want you to get hurt, and I don't want you to take this risk because of me!"

Liu Su looked slightly startled and was in a daze for a moment.

Then, when he came back to his senses, he turned his head slightly unnaturally, avoided Lin Jiangnian's sight, and said dullly: "I can't!"

"A little protector, it's easy for me to kill him!"

Did she even blow it? !

"You really don't have to..."

Lin Jiangnian was about to say something more when he saw Liu Su's expression turned cold again. He stood up slowly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

"Remember, you owe this saint a great favor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Su's figure was seen hiding in the jungle.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment. She was...

Are you really ready to kill him?

"You, wait first..."

Lin Jiangnian reacted with a solemn expression. He raised his head and glanced at the valley not far ahead. He immediately turned around quickly and caught up with Liu Su's leaving figure.


In the valley.

There was silence.

Except for the cold wind howling among the trees, there was no movement.

There is a chilling atmosphere filling the world.

There is a residence in the valley, brightly lit. Outside the residence, several figures appeared.

"How's the situation?"

"I have already prepared myself and will wait for His Highness to give orders at any time!"

"Guardian Zhao, I wonder how the situation is over there?"

"Also ready!"

"Recently, some strange figures have appeared outside Beijing City, and their movements are strange. I wonder if they are targeting you. You should be careful..."

"At this critical juncture, we must not allow any more accidents..."

"Whether the big plan can come true depends on now!"


Several figures were shrouded in the night, whispering and exchanging something. After a while, these figures dispersed quietly.

There was no movement in the valley.

After a while, a figure shrouded in black robes walked out of the valley. The black robe covers the whole body, revealing only a pair of deep and vicissitudes of eyes!

After this black robe left the valley, it quickly disappeared into the woods. Not long after, from the other side of the woods, a man in black robe slowly walked out. He looked up and looked ahead. Not far away, the horses that had been left there were grazing leisurely.

Everything seems harmonious!

However, the black robe glanced around, and his eyes became deep and cold in an instant.

"Since you're here, why don't you show up?!"

He spoke hoarsely and coldly.

He raised his head and glanced around. The surrounding jungle was overgrown with weeds and the cold wind was howling, hiding all movement under the sky.

The black robe frowned, then relaxed again the next second.

"Pretending to be a ghost, it's just a small trick!"

He sneered, waved his sleeves, and the wind blew out of his sleeves, and the majestic wind swept forward. The jungle weeds were blown away by the strong wind in an instant, and there was an open space in front of the sight.

Still empty!

"Do you think you can hide?!"

The deep eyes in the black robe sneered more and more. He took a step forward, then suddenly turned his head to look at the jungle on the other side.

"Got you!"

The black robe waved its sleeves, and the majestic aura in the sleeves swept away again.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At the same time, several sharp sounds piercing the air suddenly came from the air.

Accompanied by fierce murderous intent, it suddenly approaches!

The black robe snorted coldly and waved his robe to stop the hidden weapon that was coming from behind.

"Little tricks!"

The black robe snorted coldly, but before he could feel proud, he realized something and his expression changed slightly.

The robe that had just touched the hidden weapon of the silver needle began to rot at some point, emitting a dark and rich flame.

The black robe's expression changed, and he immediately waved his sleeves and pulled off all the remaining half sleeves, only to keep his robe.

After all this was done, his face suddenly turned ugly, and he raised his head and looked forward: "Sneaking around, using hidden weapons to poison, such despicable means, how can a gentleman do it?!"

Under the darkness of night, a figure slowly appeared in the distance in front of the black robe.


"Zhao Changyuan, you are right, this girl is indeed not a gentleman!"

The cold and ethereal voice floated in the wind, giving people an indescribable ethereal indifference.

Hei Pao's expression changed slightly when he heard this voice.

The other party actually knows his real name? !

who is it? !

Just when he wanted to raise his head to see clearly what the other party looked like, murderous intent struck him again. The strong wind continued, blowing wild grass all over the sky, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire world.

Under the dim sight, the cold light is revealed!

Zhao Changyuan's expression changed slightly. He didn't have time to think too much. Facing the murderous intent in front of him, he waved his robe and jumped up, trying to break out of this world.

But just as he took action, a cold light approached above his head, blocking his way. Zhao Changyuan was shocked and immediately retreated quickly.


The cold light of the sword seemed to separate the heaven and the earth.

Where Zhao Changyuan was just now, there were weeds all over the place. On the ground, the jungle was swept away by the terrifying momentum of this sword, and a long sword energy filled the air.

The sky is filled with murderous intent!

Zhao Changyuan looked embarrassed and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Such power, such strength...

Could it be that the eldest princess is here?

There are only a handful of women in the world who have such terrifying strength, and the most likely one is the eldest princess of the current dynasty!

Even he was afraid of the terrifying martial arts talent of the eldest princess.

If the eldest princess appears, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him tonight!

But soon, Zhao Changyuan realized something again.

No, not the eldest princess!

He suddenly raised his head and looked forward. This time, he finally saw clearly where the other person was coming from.

Under the dark night, I saw a woman holding a sword standing quietly on the grass not far ahead.

Wearing a long red dress, veiled face!

The temperament is cool and the momentum is amazing!

The cold wind roared between heaven and earth, and she stood in the cold wind, motionless.

Her long hair is flying and her skirt is swaying.

Zhao Changyuan's expression changed slightly: "Liu, Liu Su?!"

Even though the other party was masked, Zhao Changyuan still recognized the identity of the woman in front of him at a glance!

Wearing a red dress, she has a cold temperament, and her martial arts skills are equally unfathomable... Who else could it be if she wasn't the saint from the Celestial Sect? !

A year ago, he had fought with this woman.

This woman's martial arts skills should not be underestimated either!


In the cold wind, Liu Su stared at Zhao Changyuan with indifferent eyes: "Do you still recognize this saint?!"

"Saint Liu, what do you mean?!"

Zhao Changyuan spoke in a deep voice, and felt slightly relieved when he recognized the other party's identity.

"kill you!"

Liu Su's answer was concise and concise, but filled with murderous intent.

Zhao Changyuan's expression changed slightly again: "Sage Liu, I have no enmity with you, why did you kill me today?"

"Does this saint need a reason to kill someone?"

The cold and unreasonable voice was blown away by the cold wind.

Zhao Changyuan was shocked and angry, and was about to continue speaking. The red dress in front of him disappeared in an instant.

Between heaven and earth, an afterimage approaches.

Zhao Changyuan's expression changed drastically and he said angrily: "Liu Su, do you really want to fight me to the death?!"

"Do you, the Celestial God Sect, really want to break up with me, Mi Tiansi?!"

What answered Zhao Changyuan was the cold light and the sword energy that filled the sky.

Zhao Changyuan's heart sank. He knew that the saint from the Celestial Sect in front of him was serious!

She really wanted his life!

The Celestial Sect, are you crazy? !

A cold look appeared on Zhao Changyuan's face, his robes surged and his breath condensed.

When he fought against this Lady Liu a year ago, her martial arts skills were weaker than his. Since she is seeking death, don't blame him for being rude!

Zhao Changyuan's eyes were cold and murderous, filled with the vicissitudes of his face.

Not far away, Liu Su stood there, looking at the growing momentum of Zhao Changyuan in front of him, with a cold expression on his face.

Without any emotion.

The next second, she moved!

At the same time, a cold light flashed between heaven and earth!

The cold light cut through the sky, illuminating the world instantly.

And Zhao Changyuan's expression also froze at this moment. The next second, he was shocked, horrified, appalled...horror appeared!

"Second, second grade..."

"Heavenly Profound Realm?!"


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