Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 356 I don’t want to hear it

"Is he really the great protector of Mitiansi?"

Lin Jiangnian looked closer and saw an unfamiliar face.

Very few people have seen the true face of this great protector, even Chen Changqing has no chance.

Lin Jiangnian expressed doubts about this.

"believe or not."

Liu Su's face was expressionless.

"Of course I believe you!"

Lin Jiangnian naturally did not suspect that Liu Su would lie to him, but he felt a little surprised. He always felt that everything happened too easily?

This great protector of Mitiansi, such a powerful person, was killed so easily? !

According to Lin Jiangnian's previous plan, killing this great protector would require long-term planning, and I'm afraid it would take a lot of effort.

Lin Jiangnian didn't even feel involved in killing this person so easily. The death of this great protector had almost nothing to do with him!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh, he was eating soft food again!

However, it smells delicious!


Lin Jiangnian turned his head and was about to say something when he heard Liu Su suddenly speak softly.

"Go back, I'm tired!"

Lin Jiangnian was startled. He heard that Liu Su's voice was a little weak. He looked up and saw Liu Su taking a step. His feet suddenly became weak and his body became unstable and he staggered.


Lin Jiangnian quickly supported him and looked down, only to see that Liu Su's face was pale and there was an indescribable weakness all over her body.

Visible to the naked eye, her face was full of fatigue.

Realizing something immediately, Lin Jiangnian grabbed Liu Su's hand and placed it on her pulse. As soon as he touched it, he noticed something was wrong!


Lin Jiangnian understood instantly!

This woman is showing off her strength again!

It was clear that her internal strength was severely depleted, but she still held on. Although she was not injured, if she killed Zhao Yuanyuan tonight, she would still cause some damage to her body.

Realizing this, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "You still said you were fine? Look at you now..."

Liu Su seemed to want to say something and defend herself, but she was too tired to speak.

Being held in Lin Jiangnian's arms, there was an indescribable feeling of comfort all over his body. The hot breath on Lin Jiangnian's body drove away the cold wind on her body.

It was so warm that she couldn't help but close her eyes comfortably.

Very comfortable!

Very relaxing!

At this moment, she thought how nice it would be to just sleep like this...

Liu Su, who was feeling tired and sleepy, rested her head on Lin Jiangnian's arms and fell asleep in a daze.

Looking down at the sleeping Liu Su in his arms, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel heartbroken. He couldn't even say any words of blame. After all, Liu Su did all this for him.

Inexplicably, I feel like I owe her a lot more.

Sighing, Lin Jiangnian took off his coat, wrapped it around Liu Su, picked her up by the waist, and turned around.

"Your Highness!"

Not far away, several black shadows appeared quickly.

"Take care of the scene and evacuate before dawn. Don't leave any traces!"



Lin Jiangnian paused, glanced at Zhao Changyuan's body not far away, and said, "Take the body back to the capital and throw it outside the city. The more conspicuous the better!"

"Your Highness, don't worry."

After giving the instructions, Lin Jiangnian held Liu Su in his arms, turned around, mounted his horse, and rode away.

Behind him, several black shadows quickly launched intensive aftermath operations.

After dawn, everything that happened last night will be quietly erased.

It’s as if nothing has happened!

early morning.

The sky is bright.

The people living in the outer city of Beijing, near the city gate, were still sleeping when they were awakened from their dreams by bursts of rapid footsteps.

"what happened?!"

The sleeping people still didn't know what was going on. They got dressed in panic and got up to open the door. They saw on the gray street ahead, figures wearing black robes with knives on their waists and solemn faces hurried towards the city. outside the door.

This scene caused many people to talk and point fingers.

"Aren't these people from Mitiansi? Where are they going?"

"Who knows? Why are everyone in such a hurry? Is there something big happening outside the city?"

"Is it possible that things are going to change in the capital?!"


Outside the capital.

Next to the official road, the originally empty official road has been surrounded since this morning.

Countless heavily armed city defense soldiers sealed off the surrounding areas tightly. There were countless figures of Mitiansi all around the official road.

The atmosphere was solemn.

There was a bit of silence, and a bit of indescribable confusion and panic on everyone's face!

Something big happened!

Just a few hours ago, an old farmer outside the city found a body abandoned on the roadside on the official road outside the city. The old farmer was so frightened that he hurriedly reported the matter to the authorities.

When the people from the government arrived, they thought it was just an ordinary murder at first, but when they saw the clothes on the body, the officer's expression immediately changed.

Although the clothes on the corpse are in tatters, you can still tell at a glance...this is the official uniform of Mitiansi!

For a moment, the government detective panicked and hurriedly reported to his superiors.

Someone from Mitiansi died again? !

A few days ago, I heard that an agent of Mitiansi was assassinated. The murderer has not been caught yet.

During this period, Mitiansi almost overthrew the entire capital, causing panic among the people. Now that the matter has not come to an end, another person from Mitiansi has been killed!

The matter was so serious that the government officials simply did not dare to take care of it. The news spread back to Mitiansi quickly like the wind. When Mi Tiansi's people arrived, their expressions suddenly turned frightened.

Things are far more serious than imagined!

The people of Mitiansi were horrified to find that the dead person... was their great protector!

When Chen Changqing arrived in a hurry, the outside of the city had already been sealed off, and even the old farmer who first discovered the body had been controlled.


A road separated in the crowd, and many people looked solemn. When Chen Changqing appeared, everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, as if they were grasping the last life-saving straw.

Chen Changqing walked towards him quickly with no expression on his face.

Not far ahead on the official road, there was a corpse lying on the ground. The corpse was randomly discarded on the roadside, but no one dared to touch it.

Chen Changqing's breathing was slightly heavy, his whole body was tense, and he walked closer with a gentle pace. When he saw the familiar robe and familiar figure, Chen Changqing's heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, he was suddenly very nervous, so nervous that he almost forgot to breathe.

He walked closer slowly, squatted down, lowered his head, stretched out a slightly trembling hand, and turned the body over.

Soon, the face of a middle-aged man in his forties appeared in his sight.

This was an extremely ordinary face, pale, stiff, stiff from the cold, without a trace of life.

Very common, very common!

But Chen Changqing's heart suddenly twitched!

Almost stopped breathing!

It's him!

Although Chen Changqing had only met the great protector a few times, he had already memorized his appearance...

it's him!

Chen Changqing is determined!

Really, dead? !

In an instant, countless thoughts poured into Chen Changqing's mind. He froze on the spot in a trance, feeling like he was dreaming!

It had only been a few days, but the two most powerful and powerful guardians of their Mitiansi had died like this?

Die quietly!

Death is uneventful!


Vague thoughts flashed through Chen Changqing's mind, and the next second, an unconcealable emotion of joy rose in his heart.

I can't hold it back no matter what!


Really dead? !

Mi Tiansi, the two guardians who were the most threatening to him are dead!


At this moment, Chen Changqing's eyes were dark, deep and cold. The aura all over his body also changed vaguely.

From then on, no one in Mitiansi could tell him what to do!

Thinking of this, Chen Changqing suppressed his excitement. He stood up expressionlessly and turned to look aside: "What's going on? What happened last night?!"

At this moment, all the experts from Mitiansi were feeling uneasy. One of them stood up and explained in a deep voice: "Someone reported the case this morning... When our people arrived, they discovered..."

"Judging from the traces on the scene, this is not the scene of the first crime... The Great Protector was probably killed somewhere else and his body was dumped here..."

When he said this, many people felt a chill in their hearts, and they all had the fear of dying from cold lips and teeth.

Their great protector is dead!

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Mitiansi! During this period of time, two guardians were lost in a row, and the losses were heavy enough to make their Mitiansi completely unable to recover!

More importantly, their great protector martial arts are unfathomable and they are already the top masters in the world.

But he was still killed!

How can this not make other Mitiansi masters afraid?

Will the person behind it attack them next time? !

Next time, who is it? !

Chen Changqing's face was expressionless, and his eyes swept across the faces of everyone present. He knew that people were panicking right now. The more this is the case, the less chaotic it is.

"Today's matter must be sealed, and no rumors are allowed to spread!"

Chen Changqing said coldly: "I will report the matter of Mi Tiansi to His Majesty and Duke Chen, and ask the imperial court to send experts to support and assist. If this matter is thoroughly investigated, the murderer will be found and the two guardians will be avenged!"

"Please be patient. This is the most difficult time for Mitiansi. But you don't need to panic. Mitiansi is the Emperor's personal guard. With the protection of the Emperor, anyone who dares to kill Mitiansi will be killed." It’s rebellion!”

"Those who conspire against us will be killed without mercy!"

Chen Changqing's cold words quickly aroused the long-suppressed grievances of many people present!


They are Mitiansi, the emperor's personal guards, and the emperor is behind them!

Killing them is treason!

Conspiracy, this is going to take away the nine tribes!

"Don't worry, leader, we will keep it secret! Now that the protector is away, my subordinates are willing to obey the leader's orders, and they will be on the front and back of the horse!"

Someone in the crowd shouted. There was silence in the crowd for a moment, and soon others rushed to respond!

"My subordinates are also willing to listen to the leader's orders!"

"My subordinates are also willing!"

"This subordinate has been wandering for half his life... If the leader does not give up, the subordinates are willing to worship the leader as..."


The death of two guardians in succession has frightened many people. It also made some people realize that things might change in Mitiansi now!

Many people suddenly discovered that the leader who had been suppressed by the protector in the past had now become the only person they could rely on. Without the pressure of the protector, this Mitiansi is the leader in name. I am afraid that in the near future, it is very likely to become a reality...

The one in power!

Outside the capital.

A farm, a house.

In the simple, clean and dark room, Liu Su slowly opened her eyes.


This is where? !

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar environment. His instinctive vigilance made Liu Su suddenly sit up and look around.

There was a hint of cold vigilance in his eyes!

In the dim room, she was on a simple bed.

There is no one around!

She, where is she? !

The moment he woke up, the memories in his mind gradually came to mind.

What happened last night...

Liu Su's last memory was that after killing Zhao Changyuan, her internal energy was severely depleted, her body was weak, and she was comatose in Lin Jiangnian's arms...

Thinking of this, Liu Su's originally worried heart relaxed slightly.

So, where is this?

Where had he taken her? !

Liu Su lowered her head and saw that her clothes were neatly dressed. When she first woke up, her whole body felt weak and there was an indescribable pain.

Very weak!

The last time I had this feeling was the time when Lin Hengzhong was assassinated in Prince Lin's Mansion.

She was not injured in killing Zhao Yuanhua this time, but it also cost a lot of money. The loss is too great and it will take a while to recover.

Liu Su was in a daze on the bed for a while. Just when Liu Su was about to get up, the door was pushed open.

"woke up?"

A familiar and gentle voice came, Liu Su raised her eyes, and Lin Jiangnian appeared at the door, walking in carrying something.

Lin Jiangnian walked to the bed and asked with concern: "How are you feeling? Are you feeling well?"

Liu Su said nothing, looked up at him, and shook her head gently.

Then, he glanced outside the door: "Where is this?"

"A residence outside the city!"

Lin Jiangnian explained: "It was too late last night. I didn't have time to go back to the city and couldn't find an inn, so I just found a local house to stay overnight..."

Lin Jiangnian's explanation was very brief, and of course the process was also very simple.

As for why it was so easy to stay overnight, there was a clue... In the middle of the night last night, Lin Jiangnian knocked on the door of this resident's house. Being woken up in the middle of the night, the residents of this house were so angry that they opened the door and cursed.

Then, Lin Jiangnian took out a piece of silver!

The other person woke up immediately, and the curse words were stuck in his throat. His attitude suddenly changed, he smiled brightly, he was busy packing his things and became enthusiastic and flattering!

Lin Jiangnian specially checked Liu Su's body and made sure that she was just a little weak and had no other problems, so he felt relieved.

"are you hungry?"

Lin Jiang said in a young voice: "I cooked some porridge, can you drink some?"

Liu Su was startled for a moment, glanced at the bowl Lin Jiangnian was holding, then raised her eyes and stared at his face for a while, then fell silent and said, "No appetite."

"Okay, let's drink later."

Lin Jiangnian put the porridge aside, sat next to Liu Su, and looked at her.

Liu Su also looked at him, and the two looked at each other. For a moment, they were silent.

"I have something to tell you."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke, his expression slightly serious.

Liu Su seemed to realize something and looked away slightly. There seemed to be a touch of emotion on her cold side face.

She spoke calmly.

"I do not want to hear."

"..." (End of this chapter)

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