Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 357: If you can’t beat me, drug me

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Seeing a hint of indifference on Liu Su's cold face, she had obviously guessed what Lin Jiangnian was about to say and interrupted him in advance.

Seeing this, Lin Jiang young sighed: "Forget it, I won't say anything anymore."

After a pause, he continued: "But don't act so recklessly next time!"

Liu Su raised her eyes and glanced at him, and said with a cold face: "I'm not reckless."

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything, just looked at her quietly.

Seemingly being a little unnatural by Lin Jiangnian's gaze, Liu Su turned her face away coldly, "You asked me to help you kill him!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I asked you to kill me, not you to kill me so directly!"

When he was about to analyze the details between the two, he was interrupted impatiently by Liu Su: "What's the difference?"

Liu Su's cold eyes fell on him, and she slightly raised her delicate and round chin: "I won't kill, but you can?"


We can't continue talking about this topic!

Indeed, Liu Su was right. If she didn't take action, with Lin Jiangnian's strength, even if he summoned the prince's personal bodyguards, he would never be able to kill the great protector.


It was obvious that this was not what Lin Jiangnian wanted to express.

But Liu Su's words immediately blocked all his words.

For a moment, Lin Jiangnian was a little angry.

"You look down on people, don't you?"

Liu Su glanced at him and said lightly: "So what if I look down on you?"

"Stop looking down on people!"

"Then don't ask me to help you kill him?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

I can't continue talking today.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's deflated appearance, Liu Su felt inexplicably relaxed and happy, and the corners of her mouth raised a slight arc.

"Just wait, sooner or later I will surpass you."

Seeing Liu Su's proud expression, Lin Jiangnian said 'viciously': "When the time comes, you see how I will deal with you!"

"Let's wait until you can surpass me."

Liu Su's tone was relaxed and her expression was indifferent.

Obviously, she didn't take Lin Jiangnian's words to heart.

Admittedly, Lin Jiangnian's rapid progress in martial arts surprised her.

But after all, his time to practice martial arts was too short and too late! With his talent, he may indeed become a top player in the future, but wanting to surpass her... is not that simple!

He is making progress, so why isn't she?

The further the martial arts realm goes, the more precipitation and accumulation are needed. Naturally, she didn't believe that the few years of martial arts cultivation of the guy in front of her could compare to her more than ten years of hard training?

"Then you wait."

Lin Jiangnian's face was still full of 'viciousness'.

He was not sure whether he could surpass Liu Su in the future. But no matter what you say, you can’t be timid with your words.

As the saying goes, thirty years in Hedong...

The improvement in martial arts in the past year makes Lin Jiangnian quite confident. He may not be able to catch up with Liu Su in the future, but at least...

Lin Jiangnian is confident that he can become a master with similar strength to her, even if he still cannot compare with her, but...

Who said that the level of martial arts is simply a competition of martial arts skills?

Of course not!

In Jianghu, strength is very important. But sometimes, the brain is just as important!

For example, he can...drug? !


Who says drugging can't be considered a form of strength?

Why can't the medicine given by one's own ability be considered as one's own strength?

Liu Su didn't take Lin Jiangnian's harsh words to heart.

However, when Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, Liu Su quickly noticed his scorching 'malicious' gaze, which immediately made her wary.

"what's on your mind?"

Liu Su was keenly aware of the evil intention in Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

Is he fantasizing about something unhealthy? !

"Of course I'm thinking about when I will surpass you in martial arts and how I will deal with you."

Lin Jiangnian did not hide his purposeful behavior at all.

Facing Lin Jiangnian's confident tone, Liu Su said calmly: "Let's wait until you surpass me!"

At this point, Liu Su paused and glanced at him again: "If you can beat me, do whatever you want. If you can't win, don't talk nonsense!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes lit up: "Don't regret it?"

"This girl never regrets!"

"It's a deal!"

Lin Jiangnian was overjoyed. Didn't she deliver it to her door herself?

He immediately became energetic and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Go back, practice in seclusion, and then I will surpass... you!"

Liu Su: "..."


Apart from being a little weak, Liu Su's body was fine and she just needed to rest for a period of time.

So, not long after Liu Su woke up, the two left the farm and returned to the capital.

Outside the capital, the atmosphere was tense, and the city gates had already been controlled by officers, soldiers and experts from Mitiansi. The people passing by were trembling and talking about what big event had happened!

Lin Jiangnian had naturally expected it. He asked his men to dump the body of the great protector outside the capital. This was what he wanted.

Mi Tiansi's two guardians died in succession, which will definitely cause discussion in the capital. As for Mitiansi's desire to block the news, it is naturally unrealistic!

Once the big news gets out, it will be a major blow to Mitiansi. Once the great protector dies, Mr. Chen in the palace will definitely not be able to sit still.

And this is also the scene Lin Jiangnian hopes to see.

There was a strict inspection at the city gate. Lin Jiangnian and Liu Su disguised themselves and successfully entered the city.

Liu Su was weak and needed to rest for a while. Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to invite her to Jiang Mansion to rest.

Liu Su responded with a 'haha' sneer, staring at Lin Jiangnian's back with cold eyes!

"No need, I don't want to see her."

Lin Jiangnian was also expecting this answer.

He deliberately tried to ease the relationship between the sisters, but obviously, he failed!

Very difficult!

The two of them had never dealt with each other, and now Lin Jiangnian was among them. It is not that easy to ease the relationship between the two of them.

Liu Su has almost made it clear that she will not ease the relationship with Zhiyuan. As for Paper Kite...

Although I didn’t say it, I guess it’s not too different.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply.

It seems that they want the two sisters to have a harmonious relationship, live together peacefully, live under the same roof, and even share the same bed...


Liu Su left alone. Lin Jiangnian felt a little regretful. After sighing, he returned to Jiang Mansion.

After not returning home all night, everyone in the Jiang family was worried about Lin Jiangnian.

When Lin Jiangnian returned to the small courtyard, under the eaves, Xiaozhu, who was sitting by the threshold with his face propped up in boredom, was immediately excited and trotted forward with a bit of worry.

"Your Highness, why did you come back?!"

"Where did you go last night? Why didn't you come back all night?!"

"Your Highness, are you okay?!"


Lin Jiangnian hugged the little maid into his arms, gently stroked her head, and explained with a chuckle: "Your Highness went to do something, and he came back just after he finished it!"


Xiaozhu blinked his eyes in confusion. His Highness said he was going out for a walk last night. Why did he go to do errands while walking? !

At this moment, Xiaozhu seemed to realize something. He blinked his big and smart eyes, and subconsciously sniffed at His Highness's collar. Soon, a look like this appeared on his little face.

Then, she raised her head angrily: "Your Highness, you, you last night..."

"Which girl are you looking for again?!"

What work?

So he was going to date another girl? !

Seeing the angry look on Xiaozhu's face, Lin Jiangnian was stunned and surprised: "You can smell this too?"

"if not?!"

Xiaozhu puffed up his little face with bulging cheeks and stared, "Your Highness, you smell like another woman... Your Highness, last night, last night..."

Xiaozhu's face turned red.

Very angry!

How could His Highness lie to her?

Knowing that she would be tight-lipped, His Highness lied to her and said she was going to do something... so bad!

His Highness smells like another woman, so he is clearly on business?

He was obviously here to deal with someone!

Seeing that Xiaozhu had obviously misunderstood, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I really went to do business last night."

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangnian remembered that he hugged Liu Su last night, and her breath seemed to remain on him.

This could be smelled by Xiaozhu, which also reminded Lin Jiangnian that if Xiaozhu could smell it, Zhiyuan might also be able to smell it.

"Xiaozhu doesn't believe it, Your Highness is lying!"

Xiaozhu was still angry.

"When did Your Highness lie to Xiaozhu?"

"Your Highness often cheats!"

"But this time I definitely didn't lie."

Lin Jiangnian vowed: "Your Highness can swear!"

"That's pretty much it."

Xiaozhu only believed it when he heard His Highness wanted to swear. He didn’t ask His Highness to swear: “Then what big event did Your Highness do last night?”

"A very important event!"

Lin Jiangnian touched her little head: "Where is the paper kite?"

"Sister Zhiyuan is in the room."

"I'll go over and take a look!"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian went back to the room first, changed his clothes, and after making sure that there was no residual smell on his body, he turned around and went to the courtyard next door.

Xiaozhu stood quietly at the door, blinking his eyes as he watched His Highness change clothes skillfully and check the details. Inexplicably, he felt that His Highness was a bit like...a heartless man? !


Xiaozhu shook his head quickly, His Highness was not a heartless person. Your Highness is the eldest son of Prince Lin. As the eldest son, it is not normal to have three wives and four concubines...

But soon, Xiaozhu thought of something again.

Xiaozhu, what are you thinking about?

Is this worthy of Sister Zhiyuan? !

Sister Zhiyuan was so kind to you, bringing you back to Prince Lin's Mansion and keeping you fed and clothed. How could you stab Sister Zhiyuan in the back now and help His Highness hide Sister Zhiyuan...

Doesn't your conscience hurt?

At this moment, Xiaozhu stood at the door with a troubled face. He inexplicably felt that his conscience had been tortured and tested like never before.

The courtyard is cold. The cold wind last night blew down the leaves all over the courtyard. They haven't been cleaned yet, which makes it quite cold.

There was no other figure in the courtyard, so Lin Jiangnian quickly came to the door under the eaves.

After hesitating for a moment, he gently reached out and knocked on the door.

"Paper Kite?"

Last night Zhiyuan suddenly asked about Liu Su, and Lin Jiangnian answered truthfully. Although Zhiyuan was not angry, she was indeed unhappy. He drove Lin Jiangnian out on the pretext of wanting to calm down.

Now that one night has passed, I wonder how she is doing now?

There was no response in the room, so Lin Jiangnian pushed the door open and walked in.

The warm and quiet room was filled with a light fragrance, which was very similar to the body fragrance of Zhiyuan.

It smells good.

On the other side of the room, Zhiyuan sat quietly by the window as usual, lowering his head and reading a book.

In the room, it was peaceful and peaceful.

"Paper Kite."

Lin Jiangnian smiled, walked over slowly, and sat down next to her.

Zhiyuan raised her head and glanced at him. He said nothing and continued to read with his head down.

Lin Jiangnian was thinking that since Zhiyuan didn't go out today, she probably didn't know what happened in Mi Tiansi, right?

Mi Tiansi wants to block the news. Although the news cannot be hidden, it may take some time for it to spread.

"I have something to tell you...last night, I went out."

Lin Jiangnian spoke loudly: "Kill someone."

Hearing this, Zhiyuan's movements paused slightly. She put down the book in her hand and raised her eyes to fall on Lin Jiangnian's face.


"Great Protector of Mitiansi, Zhao Changyuan!" Lin Jiangnian said in a young voice.

Zhiyuan's expression changed slightly, and then her beautiful eyes sharpened: "Who are you talking about?!"

The tone seemed a little shocked.

"The great protector of Mitiansi, Zhao Changyuan!"

Lin Jiangnian repeated it.

After confirming that he heard correctly, Zhiyuan's face turned solemn and he stared at Lin Jiangnian: "Is he dead?"


"Did you kill him?" Zhiyuan stared into his eyes.

"Forget it, right..."

The person was killed by Liu Su, but if he proposed it, rounding it off... it would be considered his killing, right?

Lin Jiangnian paused and explained softly: "Last night, I discovered in the city that people from Mitiansi secretly left the city. The leader was the great protector of Mitiansi..."

"So I followed him all the way out of the city to see what he was doing at night... As a result, I found out that he was secretly in contact with the private army supported by the third prince..."

"This great protector rarely appears outside the city, so I decided to strike first..."

Lin Jiangnian told Zhiyuan everything about last night in detail, very carefully. However, he cleverly concealed Liu Su's existence and removed her from what happened last night.

After listening to Lin Jiangnian's narration, Zhiyuan's expression became more solemn.

Obviously, after learning that the third prince was raising a private army and colluding with Mitiansi, she realized the seriousness of the problem. This almost confirmed the third prince's intention to collude to rebel!

Zhiyuan looked solemnly and said coldly: "Does the third prince want to rebel?"

"Unsurprisingly, he must have had this idea."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "I just didn't expect that the third prince would really be connected with Mi Tiansi... It seems that the third prince has cultivated a lot of influence in Beijing over the years."

Zhiyuan mused thoughtfully. Although the struggle for imperial power in Beijing was not directly related to Prince Lin's Mansion, Prince Lin's Mansion would inevitably be affected.

This news is indeed important.

She thought carefully for a moment, and then suddenly seemed to remember something. She raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian, with a look of confusion on her face: "Did you just say that you killed the Great Protector of Mitiansi?"

Lin Jiang young coughed: "Yeah...what's wrong?"

"The great protector's martial arts is not weak, at least third grade or above..."

Zhiyuan stared at him with burning eyes, her expression became more and more suspicious and asked: "How did you kill him?"


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