Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 358 He also has a sister?

Zhiyuan knew Lin Jiangnian's martial arts prowess very well, and naturally knew that it was absolutely impossible for Lin Jiangnian's martial arts to kill the Great Protector Mi Tiansi.

Even with the help of the Crown Prince's personal bodyguards, it is absolutely impossible!

The prince's personal bodyguards were almost brought out by Zhiyuan single-handedly. How could she not know the details?

Even if there is a surprise attack or siege, with the strength of the great protector, it is not difficult to escape and survive.


How did Lin Jiangnian kill Zhao Changyuan last night?

Facing Zhiyuan's sudden question, Lin Jiangnian's expression remained as usual. He had already prepared his words.

Naturally, it is impossible to tell Liu Su!

When she killed Chen Feiyang last time, Zhiyuan had said angrily that next time such a dangerous thing happens, she must be told first.

As a result, not only did Lin Jiangnian not tell her last night, he was even with Liu Su! If Zhiyuan knew that Zhao Changyuan was killed by Liu Su, what would be the consequences... Lin Jiangnian didn't dare to think about it.

Therefore, Liu Su must not be confessed.

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian has already thought of his words this morning!

I accidentally bumped into the Great Protector last night. The situation was urgent and I didn't have time to come back to inform Zhiyuan... This is completely understandable!

As for Zhiyuan's current question about last night, Lin Jiangnian was already prepared. Looking into Zhiyuan's questioning cold eyes, Lin Jiangnian said without changing his expression: "Actually, I didn't kill the person myself!"

Zhiyuan stared at him and continued to ask: "Who is it?"

She had expected it and didn't react much.

Lin Jiangnian's martial arts would never be able to kill Zhao Changyuan. There must have been other helpers around him last night.

As for who are the other helpers?

In Zhiyuan's mind, he quickly thought about the people Lin Jiangnian knew who could kill Zhao Changyuan.

In a daze, two figures gradually appeared in her mind...

"It's Dongfang Guanshan!"

Lin Jiangnian's words interrupted Zhiyuan's thoughts.

"Eastern View Mountain?!"

Hearing this name, Zhiyuan was obviously startled and looked up at Lin Jiangnian: "Did he look for you last night?"

"That's right!"

Lin Jiangnian naturally blamed Dongfang Guanshan for killing Zhao Yuanyuan last night.

Didn't Dongfang Guanshan say yesterday that he was loyal to the Lin family and also loyal to him, the prince of Prince Lin? So, as a loyal subordinate of the Lin family, it is reasonable to take the blame for the master, right?

Very reasonable!

After hearing the name, Zhiyuan looked slightly startled and thoughtful.

She didn't continue to ask any more questions, obviously she already believed it!

Early yesterday morning, she had learned that Dongfang Guanshan had arrived in the capital, but she didn't know his whereabouts. Dongfang Guanshan is one of the four masters under Prince Lin. When he arrives in the capital, he will come to see Lin Jiangnian regardless of emotion or reason.

In addition, this man's martial arts strength is indeed very good. With him taking action, it is not surprising that Lin Jiangnian was able to kill Zhao Yuanyuan last night...

Everything makes perfect sense!

No flaws!

"Where are the others?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and asked.


Lin Jiangnian said: "I went north to Xuzhou."


Zhiyuan frowned slightly: "What did he go to Xuzhou for?"

"I said I was going to clean up Zheng Zhiming's mess."

Lin Jiangnian spoke, glanced at Zhiyuan again, and asked, "Zheng Zhiming, what did you do in Xuzhou?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, was silent for a moment, and glanced at him: "Revenge!"


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "What do you mean?"

Zhiyuan looked at Lin Jiangnian and said in a cold tone: "That day, that night at the temple, the person who assassinated Prince Lin was closely related to Prince Xu's Mansion..."

Listening to Zhiyuan's explanation, Lin Jiangnian gradually realized what

"Prince's Mansion, have you found any clues?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Is it related to that King Xu?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and nodded: "It may not have been done by Prince Xu, but it probably has something to do with Prince Xu's Mansion!"

"Isn't that what he did?"

Lin Jiangnian curled his lips.

After the assassination in the temple that night, Prince Lin's Mansion had always suspected that it was related to Prince Xu's Mansion.

No matter what, Prince Xu’s Mansion cannot escape suspicion!

"The prince sent Zheng Zhiming to Xuzhou for revenge and as a warning!"

Zhiyuan spoke coldly.

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful. No wonder he heard that Zheng Zhiming went on a killing spree in Xuzhou and killed many people. In the end, Prince Xu's palace didn't even fart...

Turns out it was a guilty conscience?

Is Prince Xu's acquiescence in Zheng Zhiming's murder in Xuzhou a way to calm Lin Hengzhong's anger?

"Then what trouble did Zheng Zhiming get into in Xuzhou? Does Dongfang Guanshan need to help him solve it?"

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly: "I don't know."

She didn't know exactly what happened in Xuzhou. But it is no small matter to have two of the prince's trusted masters gathered in Xuzhou.

"And one more thing……"

Zhiyuan seemed to remember something and looked up at Lin Jiangnian.


"That Prince Xu, I heard that he has also come to the capital!"

"Prince Xu?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned and almost forgot that there was such a person!

The Xu family is entrenched in the north of Xuzhou and has always been very low-key, so low-key that many people even forget the existence of the Xu family.

Prince Xu, like Lin Jiangnian, is the only two sons of different surnames in the Daning Dynasty!

The same prince status, the same heavy troops, and noble status.

Lin Jiangnian didn't know much about this person, but he had heard that Miss Shen mentioned it before. It is said that Prince Xu loves the people like a son, is gentle and elegant, and is an out-and-out good man...

It is not clear whether he is a good person, but from various hearings, it can be inferred that Prince Xu is probably a bit hypocritical.

As a playboy who grew up in fine clothes and fine food, he has a gentle and approachable personality... This is obviously unrealistic!

Mostly just pretending!

"What is he doing in the capital?"

Lin Jiangnian was slightly surprised and turned to look at Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan glanced at him, was silent for a moment, and then said: "He is here for you."


Lin Jiangnian became more and more confused and immediately became alert: "Is that guy as good as Long Yang?"

"Do you like men?!"

What the hell?

Coming for him? !

Zhiyuan's face looked a little unnatural, and turned slightly red as she looked away.

After a moment of silence, he said: "I don't know his purpose, but he is indeed here for you."

"After knowing that you entered the capital, he came from Xuzhou and just arrived in the capital a few days ago..."

Are you really here for him?

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't believe that Prince Xu was just here for him. That boy's purpose in coming to the capital at this juncture is certainly not simple!

Now that Beijing is in chaos, Prince Xu's intervention will bring many more variables to the already unclear situation.

"He came alone?"

Lin Jiangnian asked: "Who else is following you?"

Zhiyuan said: "In addition to him, his sister is also here!"

"younger sister?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "He also has a sister?!"


Capital City, Princess Mansion!

There are many children today, but not many are favored. And like the eldest princess, she was the only one who was granted the title of eldest princess at a young age and was given a princess mansion.

The eldest princess has been favored since childhood, and she did not disappoint. She was sent to Kendo at a few years old and accepted the inheritance of Kendo. She soon showed her amazing martial arts talent and became famous all over the world.

The capital is becoming increasingly prosperous and lively, but the front door of the Princess's Mansion is extremely deserted.

A carriage slowly stopped outside the gate of the princess's mansion. The guards outside the princess's mansion were immediately alert, and someone stepped forward quickly.

"Who is here?!"

The curtain of the carriage opened, Lin Jiangnian jumped out of the carriage, looked up at the guards in front, and took out the token in his hand: "I want to see your princess!"

The guard at the door was shocked when he saw the token in Lin Jiangnian's hand. His tone softened and he quickly said respectfully: "Wait a moment, my subordinate will go and report it right now!"

The guard at the door quickly ushered Lin Jiangnian into the princess mansion, and then hurried forward to report.

Lin Jiangnian stepped into the princess mansion and looked around.

This is his first time here.

I have seen the eldest princess several times in the past, either at the house in Beijing or in the palace. This is the first time I have come to the princess mansion!

It has to be said that as a princess's palace, it is indeed rich and luxurious. Both the decoration and furnishings are quite grand and graceful. The rows of palace lanterns under the eaves and the luminous pearls inlaid on the door curtains are priceless!

After seeing the token, the guards in the house all respected Lin Jiangnian. The guard didn't know who the young man in front of him was, but he had the princess's token and must be someone very important to the princess, so he didn't dare to neglect him.

While Lin Jiangnian was waiting for the guards to report, he looked around in the front hall boredly. At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in the line of sight ahead.


Lin Jiangnian shouted.

The figure who was about to leave not far away stopped when he heard Jinxiu's name and subconsciously turned around, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.

It is indeed Jinxiu!

"Why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian stepped closer and said with a smile, "You princess..."

As he approached, he saw Jinxiu looking at him expressionlessly, without any emotional reaction on his face. In those cold eyes, there is still a bit of... at a loss?

"What’s wrong with you?"

Lin Jiangnian quickly noticed something was wrong with her and asked doubtfully, "Are you unhappy?"


She spoke coldly, without any emotion in her tone.

A little cold!


Lin Jiangnian blinked, this doesn't look like Jinxiu? !

I haven't seen her for a while. Why did she look like this when we met?

"What's wrong with you?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little puzzled. He walked forward and got closer to her. He chuckled: "Why, after not seeing each other for a few days, are you starting to show off to me?!"

"Could it be that you are still remembering the grudge against this prince?"

When the Jinxiu in front of her noticed Lin Jiangnian approaching, a look of panic immediately appeared in her cold eyes, and she subconsciously took two steps back.

"You, don't come over..."

His tone was panicked and slightly stammered.

A look of panic appeared on his fair face, as if he had been frightened by something.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian finally realized that something was wrong.

He stared at the 'Jinxiu' in front of him for a few seconds, then frowned: "Aren't you Jinxiu?!"

The 'Jinxiu' in front of him said nothing, biting his lower lip, staring at Lin Jiangnian warily and panicked, with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

The next second, she turned around and ran away without looking back.

Disappears quickly.

Lin Jiangnian did not chase him, but stood there with a suspicious look on his face.


This girl, it seems, is really not Jinxiu?

Although she looks exactly like Jinxiu, her temperament and behavior are completely different from Jinxiu's.

Jinxiu has a lively and naughty personality, and loves to laugh. Her smile is sweet and cute, very contagious, and even her words are sweet.

But apart from the fact that he looked similar to Jinxiu, there was no other similarity between him and me!

It's obviously a completely different personality.

This beauty cannot be faked.


I have never heard Jinxiu mention that she has twin sisters?

Lin Jiangnian was puzzled. At this moment, a voice came from behind him.

"Your Highness, please follow me."

A maid appeared behind her and spoke respectfully.

Lin Jiangnian recovered his mind, nodded, and followed the maid.

Pass through the pavilion and corridor and come to the inner courtyard of the princess's mansion.

"Your Highness, please come in!"

Lin Jiangnian stepped into the inner courtyard.

The courtyard was deserted, and there was a three-story attic not far ahead.

In the open space in front of the attic, there is a piece of grass with a pavilion on the grass. There are also some unknown flowers and plants placed in the corners of the courtyard. Since it was winter, the flowers and plants were almost withered, making it quite lonely.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw a figure in white standing quietly in that lonely pavilion.

The white clothes are dancing gracefully, and they are independent from the cold.

The cold figure stood in the cold wind, with an indescribable coldness. It seems to be integrated with the heaven and earth, giving people an indescribable sense of breath.

As if hearing footsteps behind him, the figure in the pavilion slowly turned around. A stunningly beautiful face appeared in Lin Jiangnian's sight.

The face without makeup and the delicate and beautiful facial features are so charming that they are incomparable!


This cold expression as always cast a layer of frost on this beauty.

It's so cold that people dare not look directly at it!

it's too cold!

Every time I see the eldest princess, I feel like she is a body without any emotions at all.

Like a walking zombie!

Is this the price of becoming a genius?

Lin Jiangnian sighed in his heart, calmed down, and stepped forward slowly: "Greetings to the eldest princess!"

The eldest princess placed her hands behind Lin Jiangnian's body indifferently, looked at her for a long time, and then said, "Are you looking for me?"


"What's the matter?" Her voice was cold and calm.

As expected of the eldest princess, she is never sloppy and neat.

Lin Jiangnian thought about it and said, "Just last night, I accidentally learned a secret. I feel that the princess would be interested in this secret..."

He came to see the eldest princess today because of the third prince's raising of a private army. Lin Jiangnian was not interested in the struggle for imperial power, but he was very interested in demolishing the third prince.

The third prince was training a private army in private, clearly for the purpose of treason, so Lin Jiangnian naturally could not just sit idly by.

Anyone can become this emperor, except the third prince.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was thinking about how to mention this matter to the eldest princess and get some benefits from her.

When the eldest princess heard the word last night, she suddenly raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian as if she remembered something.

"What did you go out of the city to do in my name last night?!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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