Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 360 Who is the sister?

The girl in brocade clothes in front of her was slightly stunned, and then a look of anger and resentment appeared on her face.

She spoke in a faint tone: "Your Highness is really a noble person who forgets things. It's been so long since we last met, and you don't even recognize the slave anymore?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the familiar appearance, tone and temperament of the girl in front of him, and immediately came to a conclusion.

This is undoubtedly beautiful!

Appearance can be disguised, but temperament is difficult to imitate.

The tone and expression of the girl in front of him were undoubtedly the Jinxiu that Lin Jiangnian was familiar with.


Who was the person I met earlier?

"Jinxiu, do you have a sister who looks exactly like you?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked.

Jinxiu was still aggrieved at first, but when Prince Lin saw her, he actually asked her about her identity?

...It’s been so long since they last met, and he has forgotten what she looks like?

Don't recognize her?

It's true, Prince Lin is a heartless and heartless man!

Love the new and hate the old!

Some time ago, he teased her in various ways and tricked her into going to the Jiang Mansion. He even told the eldest princess to give her to him!

In the blink of an eye, he didn't even recognize her?

Jinxiu was angry and angry, and an inexplicable feeling of grievance emerged in her heart. At this moment, she suddenly heard Lin Jiangnian's sudden words.

I was stunned for a moment!

Sister, sister? !

Jinxiu froze on the spot, blinked and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Have you ever seen An Ning?"


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and seemed to understand: "Do you really have a sister?"

"That's right..."

Only then did Jinxiu realize, why did His Highness the Crown Prince in front of her just ask her if she was Jinxiu?

The feeling is that he has already seen An Ning?

"You, don't you think she is me?"

Jinxiu realized something and said suspiciously: "Your Highness, are you taking advantage of her?!"

"what are you thinking?"

Seeing Jinxiu's nervous look, Lin Jiangnian said angrily: "When I came to the Princess Mansion just now, I met a girl who looked exactly like you. I thought it was you, but she was cold and ignored me... …”

At this point, Lin Jiangnian's tone changed: "When did you have a sister? Why didn't I hear you tell me about it?"

"Your Highness, you didn't even ask?"

Jinxiu looked innocent, paused, breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained: "Her name is An Ning, and she is my compatriot sister."


"We are indeed sisters, but she doesn't admit it very much..."

Jinxiu sighed quietly and looked up at Lin Jiangnian: "Although she looks the same as me, her personality is completely different. She is withdrawn, unsociable, mute who doesn't like to talk, and her temper is not good at all..."

Speaking of this, Jinxiu seemed to think of something and said nervously: "Your Highness, if you are fine, don't provoke her!"


"She's not very smart!"

Jinxiu pointed to her head and said with a serious face: "Forget it if you have a bad temper, you still like to hit people..."

Lin Jiangnian was stunned: "Are you sure you didn't have a grudge against your sister and deliberately said bad things about her?"

"That's absolutely not the case!"

Jinxiu denied it.

After a moment of silence, she said quietly: "However, she is indeed very lonely, doesn't like to see people, and hardly goes out... After the princess brought us back to the palace from the sword, she never left here much."

"Your Highness, you thought she was me before, so you probably scared her... But don't worry, Your Highness, she knows you and won't hurt you."

Listening to Jinxiu's endless explanation, Lin Jiangnian nodded thoughtfully. He didn't expect that Jinxiu actually had a twin sister!

Of these two sisters, one has a warm personality and the other is as cold as ice.

Don't tell's interesting!



After knowing the whole story, Lin Jiangnian nodded and prepared to leave.

Jinxiu blinked, a little surprised: "Your Highness, are you leaving?"

Lin Jiang glanced at her: "What? You can't bear to leave me?"

"That's not the case."

Jinxiu immediately denied it.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Miss Jinxiu, do you want to sit at my house?"

"No need!"

Jinxiu looked embarrassed and took a step back.

"Your Highness, please go slowly, this servant will not send you off!"

Originally he wanted to tease the maid who was teasing the eldest princess, but after thinking about it, Lin Jiangnian gave up.

"See you next time!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled brightly at her, turned and left.

Jinxiu stood there, her face slightly red, looking at Lin Jiangnian's leaving figure with a little shame.

It wasn't until Lin Jiangnian's figure completely disappeared that she gradually came back to her senses. There seemed to be a somewhat complicated expression in those bright and clear eyes.

Then, she gathered her thoughts and turned around to the other side of the inner courtyard.

The side courtyard is deserted and quiet.

Jinxiu walked to the door of one of the rooms, opened the door and walked in.

"Why are you hiding here?"

Jinxiu looked at the figure in the room.

"I heard that you just met Prince Lin Wang?"


"Did he mistake you for me?"


"You look so delicate and delicate, were you bullied and taken advantage of by him just now?"


Cool room.

A woman with the same appearance as Jinxiu stood there quietly, crossing her arms and staring at her coldly.

Not a word was spoken.

There was shame and anger in those cold eyes.

Although they look exactly the same as Jinxiu, their temperaments are worlds apart.

She has a beautiful and graceful temperament, and is mixed with a bit of girlishness in her elegance, with a sweet smile. But her face was expressionless and her appearance was cold, like an ice sculpture, as cold as ice.

Her beautiful eyes were full of meaning, and her tone changed: "By the way, you saw him just now, what do you think?"

An Ning still didn't speak.

"Isn't he pretty?"


"Do you think he is worthy of our princess?"

This time, she finally reacted, glanced at Jinxiu, and said silently: "Not worthy!"

"Why don't you deserve it?"

Jinxiu blinked and asked, "He's not bad looking either. Doesn't his appearance match our princess perfectly?"

"He is too weak!"

There was no expression on An Ning's face: "He can't even beat me... He's not worthy of a princess!"

Listening to her determined voice, Jinxiu had a headache and sighed: "Why are you so narrow-minded in your views of people like the princess?"

"What age are you in, and you still think about fighting and killing?"

Jinxiu couldn't help but complain: "I am the prince of Prince Lin, with a noble status and overwhelming power. With just a wave of my hand, there are countless masters in the world who are willing to sacrifice their lives for him...Does he still need to fight you personally?"

An Ning's cold face seemed to be a bit stubborn.

not talking!

Seeing this, Jinxiu was helpless. She knew that her sister was resigned to death. As long as she believed in something, she couldn't explain it to her at all.

"Look at you, you look so cold all day long. What can't you learn? Learn from the princess..."

Jinxiu couldn't help but sigh: "No one will like you like this."

An Ning: "No need."

Jinxiu said: "You can't get married like this."

An Ning stared at her expressionlessly: "I don't want to get married!"

"What will happen if the princess gets married?"

Jinxiu said: "When the princess marries Prince Lin, you will be his dowry and serve as his maid. You have a cold face every day, like a lump of ice. Will Prince Lin like you then?" "

"Why don't we kick you out and drive you back to Kendo?"


An Ning's face became colder and colder. She stared at Jinxiu with a slightly annoyed expression: "The princess said she would not marry him."

"How do you know it won't happen again?"

"No way!"

"You are not a roundworm in the princess's belly. What if the princess falls in love with him in the future?"

"The princess doesn't have tapeworms."

“Is the point about roundworms?!”

"Princess no!"


Jinxiu was so angry, why couldn't he explain to her?

No matter what she said, she just looked so indifferent... She looked so much like a princess!

"An Ning, do you still think of me as your sister?!"

Jinxiu said angrily: "Have you ever talked back to your sister like this?!"

An Ning looked at her expressionlessly: "I am the sister!"

"You're talking nonsense, I'm your sister!"

"I was born before you!"

"But you've always called me sister since you were a kid!"

"That's because you lied to me."

"Do you have evidence?"


Seeing An Ning's silence, a proud smile appeared on Jinxiu's face: "I have been your sister since I was a child. Besides, I am taller than you, so I am your sister. You have to listen to me!"

An Ning stopped talking, glanced at her, and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Ask the princess."

Jinxiu stood there, blinking, her beautiful eyes flowing, and a trace of pride appeared on her delicate face.

What's the use of asking the princess?

The princess can’t make the decision either!

"Hmph, anyway, I am your sister, older than you!"

As she said that, Jinxiu inadvertently puffed up her chest with a bit of pride.


East Palace.

In the warm and fragrant attic room, the current prince Li Cunning sat cross-legged in front of the chopping board, looking down at the memorial, frowning from time to time with a solemn expression.

In the meantime, there were a few coughs.

This frail-looking, slightly pale-faced Crown Prince coughed a few times, and a flush appeared on his face.

"Your Highness, take care of yourself and don't tire yourself out!"

The old slave next to him reminded him with a worried face.

"It doesn't matter!"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince shook his head slightly and sighed: "The end of the year is a troubled time, and all kinds of affairs in the court are piling up. My father ordered me to supervise the country, how can I neglect the government!"

Speaking of this, Li Cunning's frown deepened.

After a long time, Li Cunning put down the last memorial in his hand, took a deep breath, stretched, and stood up.

Walking outside the attic, breathing in the fresh air, looking towards the capital in the distance, you can see most of the prosperous capital city.

He felt at peace.

With such a prosperous world entrusted to him by his father, how could he live up to his father's trust?

"Your Highness, be careful of catching a cold!"

The old slave came up from behind and put a thick fur coat on His Highness.

Li Cunning looked forward and spoke softly: "Has anything major happened in the capital recently?"

The old slave stood behind him, lowered his head and said respectfully: "No big things have happened in the capital recently. The only two things that have happened are related to Mitiansi!"


Mentioning Mitiansi, Li Cunning's eyes narrowed slightly. He thought of something: "The assassination of the protector of Mitiansi?"

"What's your name, Chen Feiyang?!"

Li Cunning had some impressions of this matter.

As the prince of the prison country, the death of a small Mitiansi Dharma Protector would not attract much attention from him.

The old slave behind him said in a deep voice: "Last night, the great protector of Mitiansi was also assassinated outside the capital!"

Hearing the news, Li Cunning's expression changed slightly: "The Great Protector of Mitiansi?"

"Zhao Changyuan?!"

"he died?!"

Li Cunning was slightly stunned. He had some impressions of this great protector. This man was a loyal general under his father in the past. He was ruthless and had extremely high martial arts skills!

Unexpectedly, even he died?

The old slave nodded and said: "Mitiansi has sealed off the outside of the city this morning and ordered a thorough investigation of the murderer..."

Listening to the old slave's words, Li Cunning's eyes were slightly deep: "Is he the same murderer who killed Chen Feiyang?"

The old slave lowered his head and said: "It's very possible!"

"What is the purpose of these people?"

Li Cunning frowned and murmured to himself: "Are you targeting Mi Tiansi, or are you coming for the imperial court?"

The old slave raised his head and glanced at Li Cunning: "Your Highness, there is one more thing..."


"The people from Mitiansi found out that when their great protector left the city overnight last night, a man and a woman followed him out of the city..."

"I heard that he is from Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Li Cunning looked stunned, and then a look of astonishment appeared on his face.


"This matter has something to do with Piaomiao?!"

The old slave lowered his head: "I don't know, but Mi Tiansi may indeed doubt Her Highness the Princess."

Li Cunning's face looked slightly solemn, originally thinking it was just an unusual assassination case. Unexpectedly, his imperial sister might be involved!

At this moment, the palace maid's voice came from outside the attic.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess is here!"

"Piaomiao is here?!"

Li Cunning was stunned and turned around.

Not long after, Li Miaomiao, dressed in white, appeared in the attic.

"Piaomiao, why are you here?!"

A look of surprise appeared on Li Cunning's face: "It's so nice of you to come. I just have something serious to tell you."

Li Pianmiao looked at him quietly: "I also have something serious to tell you."

Li Cunning glanced at the old slave beside him: "You guys go down first!"


The old slave and the palace maid and eunuch in the attic immediately left.

"Piaomiao, come and sit!"

Li Cunning called her to come and sit down, poured two cups of hot tea himself, and said with a chuckle: "It's rare, Miao Miao, that you would take the initiative to come here to find me!"

He put down the teapot in his hand and looked up at her: "Gugang heard about the Great Protector of Mitiansi, was it you who killed him?"

Li Piaomiao shook his head.


Li Cunning was stunned for a moment, then chuckled: "I'm just telling you, Miao Miao, why are you killing him so well?"

"The person who left the city under your name last night..."

"He killed it!"

Li Cunning was startled again, a little confused: "What do you mean?"

Li Miaomiao said calmly: "He used my name to leave the city and kill Zhao Yuanyuan!"


Li Cunning immediately realized, Miao Miao knew who the murderer was?


Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment and said, "Lin Jiangnian."


Li Cunning looked slightly stunned and was stunned for a while before coming back to his senses.

"He killed him?!"

"Why did he kill Dharma Protector Mi Tiansi when he had nothing to do?"

"who knows?"

Li Piaomiao's eyes were indifferent and his face was expressionless.

"Maybe he wants to rebel!"

Li Cunning: "???"


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