Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 361 Prince Xu and the Princess

Li Cunning reacted and immediately smiled bitterly: "Piaomiao, this joke is not funny!"

Li Piaomiao glanced at him, stepped into the attic, and looked up at the front. There was no emotion on his cold face, and it was impossible to tell whether he was joking or...


"Jiang Nian wants to rebel, so why bother to kill a little Mitiansi Dharma Protector?"

Li Cunning seemed to have thought of something, and sighed softly: "Perhaps, he should come to kill Gu Gu!"

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao turned to look at him.

There was a moment of silence.

"How do you know he doesn't have this idea?"

"I really don't know."

Li Cunning chuckled: "However, at least for now, Gu's future brother-in-law should not think about killing Gu."

Li Piaomiao's face was expressionless when she heard the word brother-in-law. She said coldly: "How can you see it?"

Li Cunning said with a smile: "If Gu Ruo dies, it shouldn't be a good thing for him?"

"On the contrary, he would rather hope that Gu can live well."

Li Piaomiao remained silent and did not speak.

She understood the meaning of the prince's words, and after a while, she asked again: "How is your health?"

"same as usual!"

Li Cunning sighed softly, his face pale and slightly weak: "I haven't been home since I got better last time, but it's not getting better either..."

"The medical skills of those quack doctors you hired are just like that. They may not be much better than the imperial doctors in the palace."

I don’t know what he was feeling, but a trace of emotion appeared on Li Cunning’s face: “Third brother, he is really much more ruthless than Lone Shang!”

Mentioning this matter, a hint of indifference flashed in Li Miaomiao's cold eyes.

Although there is no evidence, His Royal Highness suddenly fell ill mysteriously and almost lost his life. Such a strange disease is definitely not ordinary.

Obviously, it was probably someone who did it on purpose!

It goes without saying who is it that dares to do such a cruel thing to the prince, and who has such ability...

"You are still too soft-hearted towards him!"

Li Piaomiao said coldly.

Li Cunning coughed slightly, and a sickly blush appeared on his face: "No matter what, he is Gu's biological brother..."

Li Miaomiao interrupted him coldly: "He has never treated you as a brother, and he deliberately wants to kill you!"

Li Cunning was silent for a moment and smiled bitterly: "How could I not know?"

"But after all, he has the same blood as you and me. Gu was born with weak bones. His father, the emperor and his mother took great care of him and neglected his third brother. The father and mother felt that they had wronged him, and later they wanted to compensate him more... …”

Speaking of this, Li Cunning seemed to remember something, and a look of emotion appeared on his face: "I still remember when I was a child, my third brother liked to follow me the most..."

"At that time, you and I, my three brothers and sisters, had a very close relationship..."

Li Cunning recalled some memories from the past, with a bit of emotion and reminiscence on his face.

Li Piaomiao's face was expressionless.

I don't have the slightest sympathy for the prince's memories and emotions in front of me.

She had a cold personality since she was a child and did not hesitate to have contact with anyone. She had no impression of the close relationship Li Cunning mentioned.

She was sent to Kendo when she was only a few years old, and when she returned to the palace, it was already ten years later. There is no fetters to the so-called family and bloodline.

"He wants your life now!"

Li Miaomiao interrupted his recollection with a cold voice: "He wants your position as crown prince, and he wants you dead!"

Li Cunning fell silent.

The smile on his face gradually disappeared, and after a while, he finally spoke: "Actually, I don't know how long I can live..."

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao suddenly raised his head and stared at him.

"Although I was lucky enough to survive this time, my current physical condition is not optimistic!"

Li Cunning sighed softly.

He is now very aware of his physical condition, which is very serious.

This serious illness destroyed his body and laid the root of his illness. Even he himself doesn't know how long he can sustain it now.

Maybe a few months, maybe a year, maybe a few years!

Even he doesn't know.

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao's eyes instantly turned cold, and murderous intent suddenly filled the attic. In an instant, Li Cunning felt only the breath around him, and the blood in his body almost solidified.

But after a moment, it suddenly returned to normal.

Li Cunning couldn't help but sigh: "Pianmiao, your martial arts... seems to have improved again?"

"Have you now reached the level of a first-grade grandmaster?"

Li Piaomiao did not answer his question, but said coldly: "He deserves to die!"

Li Cunning shook his head slightly and sighed: "Actually, I can't blame him entirely!"

"Even without him, I may not be able to live long..."

Li Cunning sighed: "You also know, Miao Miao, Gu Gu has been weak since he was a child, and he might one day... Perhaps, my father had taken this into consideration, so he allowed his third brother to stay in the capital..."

His body bones are already weak, and this serious illness has damaged his foundation. His current physical condition is indeed not optimistic.

Li Piaomiao looked at him silently: "I will find a way."

Li Cunning sighed softly: "What can be done? The top imperial doctors in the world are all in the palace, and even they can't help... I have tried all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, isn't it still the same?"

As the current Crown Prince, he possesses the best resources in the world. Under such circumstances, we are still helpless, what else can we do?

Li Piaomiao's eyes narrowed slightly: "There is another place!"



Li Cunning was slightly startled when he heard this name.

Only then did he react.

The Ruyi Tower located in Prince Lin's Mansion in Linzhou collects the best materials and treasures in the world, including countless rare herbs and pills.

Rumor has it that there used to be a small country in southern Xinjiang, which inherited ancient mysterious medical books and possessed the magic of bringing the dead back to life. There are even rumors that countless fairy grasses are planted in that dangerous swampy tropical area.

And all of this was taken away by Prince Lin during the war that destroyed the country more than ten years ago.

When it comes to the quantity and quality of treasures, there is no place in the world that can compare with the Treasure Pavilion in the Royal Palace, and the only one is the Ruyi Pavilion in Linwang Mansion. And the mysterious medical skills and the existence of rare medicinal herbs in the southern border area may still have a glimmer of hope for the Crown Prince!

"Piaomiao, are you going to Ruyi Tower?"

Li Piaomiao looked forward and said calmly: "You can give it a try."


Li Cunning seemed to realize something and smiled bitterly: "The Ruyi Tower is the most precious treasure of Prince Lin's Mansion. How can Prince Lin allow outsiders to enter?"

Li Piaomiao didn't explain much, but said calmly: "I have my own way!"

Li Cunning seemed to realize something, "Pianmiao, are you planning to... find your brother-in-law?"

There is no chance for outsiders to enter the Ruyi Tower. The only person in the world who can enter and leave the Ruyi Tower openly and at will is Prince Lin, the only one left!

And if Piao Miao wants to enter Ruyi Tower, the only way is to go to Lin Jiangnian!

But, how could Lin Jiangnian agree without any reason?


Li Cunning seemed to have thought of something, with a look of surprise on his face, and couldn't help but said: "Pianmiao, you are not planning to... follow your brother-in-law, are you?!"

Li Piaomiao turned to look at him.


From the misty eyes, Li Cunning saw her thoughts.

Obviously, this sister of mine has no intention of sacrificing her beauty and committing herself to Prince Lin for the chance of entering Ruyi Tower!

"Forget it, just don't mention it!"

Li Cunning waved his hand and brought up this topic. The atmosphere became a little more solemn. He chuckled: "I am still alive and well now. Everything is uncertain. Maybe I can live for more than ten or twenty years? "

As he spoke, Li Cunning smiled, as if remembering something: "By the way, Pianmiao, didn't you say before that you had something to find me alone? What was it?"



Outside the imperial city, there is a bustling place a few streets away.

It's only a few days since the New Year, and Beijing is becoming more and more lively these days. The streets are full of lanterns and colorful decorations, shouting and selling, and people are coming and going.

A prosperous scene.

As the most prosperous capital of the Daning Dynasty, it gathered people from all three religions and nine streams from the south and the north.

On the street, in a teahouse, next to a window seat.

Looking from the window here, one can almost see the prosperity of most of the capital city.

"This capital is really much more prosperous than Xuzhou!"

In the private room, a sigh of relief came from the room.

Just inside the private room, two figures were sitting.

A young man of about twenty-three or four, with a fair face, handsome appearance, extraordinary appearance, dressed in white brocade clothes, with a good temperament, and a noble and graceful temperament pervading his whole body.

The person who spoke was none other than this young man.

He looked at the bustling scene outside the window and couldn't help but sigh.

Just opposite this young man, there is also a "man" sitting!

Said to be a man, the other person is also wearing a gorgeous brocade robe. He has a delicate appearance, clear eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and his eyebrows are somewhat similar to those of a young man.

But in comparison, it is much more delicate and delicate!

Obviously, this is a woman disguised as a man!

She was also dressed in brocade clothes, but it could not hide her delicate temperament. Instead, it added a bit of capable, free and heroic appearance. But her fair skin and beautiful appearance showed that the girl disguised as a man in front of her was obviously also a very beautiful woman!

"I have long wanted to come to the capital. This time I finally got the chance, but it was not in vain!"

The young man's face was full of emotion. He raised his eyes and looked forward, with a meaningful smile on his face: "As early as when I was in Xuzhou, I heard people often say that the women from the south of the Yangtze River are gentle and graceful, and that there are outstanding people in the capital. No worse than that girl from Jiangnan, much better than our Xuzhou..."

"I don't know, how is this brothel in Beijing better than the one in Xuzhou?"

"Xu Xuan!"

The woman sitting opposite the young man glanced at him and said, "Cut in your quirks. This is the capital. Don't forget what you are here for this time?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten it, but this isn't my first time in the capital, so I'm curious!"

Xu Xuan's face showed a hint of embarrassment, and he winked at her: "Chaoge, aren't you curious?"

The woman's eyes were indifferent: "What am I curious about?"

"Didn't you always look down on the eldest princess before? You think she has been over-hyped and does not deserve her reputation..."

Xu Xuan said, "Aren't you going to meet her when you come to the capital this time?"

"Or challenge her?"

"Not interested in!"

The woman pouted.

"I heard that this eldest princess is also very beautiful. I wonder if I will have a chance to meet her..."

Xu Xuan sighed.

The woman glanced at him: "What? Do you like her?"

"how come?"

Xu Xuan came to his senses and immediately promised: "I am firmly on your side, sister. If you don't like her, sister, of course I will never like her!"


The woman sneered and glanced at him: "It's useless if you like it. His fiancé is Prince Lin, not Prince Xu like you!"

Xu Xuan: "..."

Which pot should not be opened?

"Can Prince Lin be as good as me?"

Xu Xuan was unconvinced and said angrily: "In terms of appearance, talent, reputation, and family background, in what way is my son not better than him?"

"so what?"

The woman's face was expressionless: "He is still Li Piaomiao's fiancé, and you are nothing!"

Xu Xuan: "..."

"No, are you really my sister?"

Xu Xuan couldn't help but said angrily: "Whose side are you on?"

Xu Chaoge ignored Xu Xuan's expression. After so many years, her brother had always behaved like this.

Be polite and gentle in front of outsiders. But privately, she knew best... that he was not a good person!

Xu Chaoge looked out the window into the distance, his beautiful eyes slightly deep, thoughtfully: "How is the situation in Beijing?"

"There's nothing happening at the moment."

"Where is the third prince?"

Xu Chaoge asked.

"Hard to say!"

When it came to business, Xu Xuan put away the joking look on his face and shook his head gently: "However, I guess he won't be able to sit still for too long!"

"He is now in a very worrying situation in Beijing. There is no way out. There is only one way left!"

At this point, Xu Xuan's eyes became meaningful: "Speaking of which, it's his fault for being too stupid!"

Xu Chaoge raised his eyebrows: "Why do you see that?"

"If he wants to compete for the throne, he can't act too hastily, let alone be reckless... But what did he do?"

Xu Xuan shook his head and sighed: "Not long ago, he couldn't help but wanted to frame and retaliate against Prince Lin, but instead he was defeated by an army and had an affair with Prince Lin. As a result, his situation became even more dangerous. Already..."

Speaking of this, a look of contempt appeared on Xu Xuan's face: "These three princes really succeed more than they fail. If such a person could become the emperor, he would really make the world laugh out loud!"

Xu Chaoge thought thoughtfully, "If I remember correctly, the third prince has a grudge against the Prince Lin?"


Xu Xuan nodded and said regretfully: "If he could tolerate it for the time being and wait until he figures out a big plan before taking action, I would still look down upon him. I didn't expect that he didn't even have the forbearance. How could such a loser be forced to do anything? The current prince has reached this point..."

"It seems that the prince is nothing more than that!"

Obviously, Xu Xuan did not pay attention to the drama of competing for the heir apparent in Beijing.

In his eyes, it's just a child's play!

Xu Chaoge frowned slightly and glanced at him: "Don't be arrogant and arrogant, things are not as simple as you think!"

"Don't worry, sister, I know what's going on!"

Xu Xuan was confident, with a look of pride on his face: "However, speaking of the third prince, there is one more thing..."

"I heard that he went to the Zhao Mansion to visit Prime Minister Zhao two days ago. He wanted to win over Prime Minister Zhao, but he declined..."

"I was thinking, it seems like he really can't sit still."

"I'm afraid, it's true!"


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