Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 362 Lies won’t hurt anyone

Xu Chaoge picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, and glanced at him: "Where did you get the news?"

Xu Xuan said proudly: "You don't even know who I am? Is there anything in the capital that you can hide from me?"

Xu Chaoge curled his lips and said nothing.

Obviously, after so many years, she has become accustomed to Xu Xuan's virtue.

"Do you think Li Yuan is a little confused?"

Xu Xuan shook his head and sighed: "It's not good for him to win over anyone, but he wants to win over Prime Minister Zhao... How can Prime Minister Zhao be so easy to win over?"

As the elder of the three dynasties of the Daning Dynasty, Prime Minister Zhao has a high prestige among the people in the court and the world. Such a big man must be cautious in his words and deeds. How could he be too close to a prince like him?

What's more... taking sides with a prince?

Xu Chaoge played with the wine glass in his hand, his clear and beautiful eyes moved slightly, and he said casually: "He has no choice!"


Xu Xuan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"He has to do it."

Xu Chaoge said lightly: "He is just a prince after all. In terms of status, he has a prince above him. After all, his name is not justified..."

"If he wants to be justified, he must get the support of Prime Minister Zhao. Even if he knows that Prime Minister Zhao will refuse, he must do this."

"As you said, I'm afraid the time left for him is running out!"

Hearing this, Xu Xuan was slightly startled, and then a meaningful expression gradually appeared on his face: "Chao Ge, when do you think he will be unable to sit still?"

Xu Chaoge asked, "What do you think?"

"Within three months!"

Xu Xuan analyzed logically: "Three months is the limit. This is his best and last chance. If he misses this opportunity, he will never succeed again!"

"It won't take that long!"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him and shook his head slightly.

"When do you think Chao Ge will be?"

"have no idea."

Xu Chaoge answered simply and neatly, with an indifferent expression: "However, it should be within a month, or even earlier..."

She squinted her eyes slightly, as if she thought of some possibility.

"Now, there's something good to watch!"

Xu Xuan looked a little excited: "It's not like we came here in vain, we can encounter such a good show when we come to the capital!"

"The crown prince seizes the heir, how exciting it is!"

Xu Xuan was very excited. It seemed that he had been in Xuzhou for too long and was a little bit depressed.

"Chaoge, tell me, who among them will win?"

"Is it important?" Xu Chaoge asked.


Xu Xuan was slightly startled: "No, isn't it important?"

Xu Chaoge shook his head gently: "No matter who loses or wins, it is a good thing for our Prince Xu's Mansion!"

As she spoke, she looked out the window and into the distance.

From this direction, you can vaguely see the Daning Palace not far away, shrouded in clouds and mist.

Majestic, spectacular!

It looks like the imperial city shrouded in the aura of a real dragon. Looking from a distance, it gives people an indescribable sense of oppression.

Xu Xuan followed Xu Chaoge's gaze, was silent for a moment, and nodded: "Sister, what you said makes sense. Whoever wins or loses among them is indeed a good thing for us!"

"The internal fighting in the court is a good thing for dad and Prince Xu's Mansion!"

Speaking of this, Xu Xuan couldn't help but sigh: "The imperial court is really in decline. Officials are fighting among themselves and forming cliques. The emperor also lost his mind and let a eunuch monopolize power, and his power is overwhelming..."

Listening to Xu Xuan's sigh, Xu Chaoge did not look back and said calmly: "Our opponent has never been the imperial court."

Hearing his sister's words, Xu Xuan's eyes showed something strange, and he murmured: "Linwangfu?"

Immediately, Xu Xuan shook his head slightly: "Linwangfu is nothing more than this."

"Lin Hengzhong is indeed a figure, but as for Lin Jiangnian..."

As if he thought of something, a strange look appeared on Xu Xuan's face: "I heard that he is a dandy prince like me?!"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him: "Are you?"

Xu Xuan immediately shook his head and denied: "Of course I am not."

"Then do you think he will be?"

Xu Xuan thought thoughtfully and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Indeed, it shouldn't be the case. He has a reputation as a playboy, and has made a lot of noise. It's quite a deliberate and poor disguise..."

But at this point, Xu Xuan sneered again: "Lin Hengzhong is indeed a person. As for him, forget it..."

"Let's wait until Lin Hengzhong dies in the future and he can take over the position of Prince Lin... The four masters under Lin Hengzhong, as well as many close associates in Prince Lin's army, may not necessarily recognize him as Prince Lin's son."

Xu Xuan was sighing with emotion, and Xu Chaoge looked at him expressionlessly: "Do you think many people in King Xu's army will recognize you?"

The smile on Xu Xuan's face immediately stiffened.

"Do you think there is a big difference between you and him?"

Xu Xuan was silent!

Being completely fucked and silenced!

After a while, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Sister, I'm your brother, you wouldn't hit me like this!"

Xu Chaoge said: "I'm just stating the facts!"

"But this fact is not pleasant at all..."

Xu Xuan sighed deeply.

Chaoge was indeed right. Prince Lin was not recognized, and Prince Xu was not much better either.

Of course, his situation may be better than Lin Jiangnian's.

Lin Hengzhong built his current status with his bare hands. The masters and cronies around him are loyal subordinates who follow Lin Hengzhong. It is difficult to get them to agree to surrender to Lin Jiangnian!

But his Xu family was different. The Xu family was a major contributor to the founding of the Daning Dynasty, hereditary and irreplaceable vassal kings. By the time it reached this generation, earth-shaking changes had already occurred.

Xu Xuan's father is a hereditary and irreplaceable prince, and the same will be true when he comes to Xu Xuan in the future.

His situation is indeed better than that of Lin Jiangnian, but it may not be much better!

"It seems that he and I are brothers in need!"

A somewhat meaningful look appeared on Xu Xuan's face: "I heard that he is now living in the Jiang Mansion on Jingcheng West Street. Do you think we should pay him a visit?"

"You want to go?"

"Want to take a look!"

Xu Xuan nodded and pondered: "I want to see what that guy looks like and see if he is worthy of being compared with this prince!"

Xu Chaoge narrowed his eyes: "Are you sure?"

"if not?"

"You are obviously jealous that he is Li Pianmiao's fiancé!"

Xu Chaoge exposed him directly.

Xu Xuan immediately denied: "This is absolutely not the case!"

"My prince needs to be jealous of him?!"

"What is my identity and status, and what kind of woman do I want? Do I need to be jealous of him?!"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him: "I'm just talking, don't worry!"

"I'm not in a hurry!"

Xu Xuan glared and said angrily: "Do I need to be anxious? In what way is he comparable to me?!"

"So what? He is Li Piaomiao's fiancé."

Xu Chaoge looked at him and said expressionlessly: "You are not."

Xu Xuan: "..."

"Are you my sister?!"

Xu Xuan was furious and asked.

Xu Chaoge glanced at him indifferently: "If you don't want to, you don't have to admit it."

"I'll tell dad later that I'll sever the brother-sister relationship with you!"

Hearing this, Xu Xuan immediately became scared.

"Hey...sister, I'm just kidding, we are brothers and sisters, shouldn't you help me?"

"I'm just telling the truth!"

"Can you try a more tactful way?"

"You don't have to listen."


Xu Chaoge looked away from the window, drank the wine in his hand, and stood up slowly.

"time to go!"

Xu Xuan quickly climbed up and said, "Sister, where are we going?"

"Zhao Mansion!"


After leaving the Princess Mansion, Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion.

The days of running around during this period were indeed exhausting for him!

It's the end of the year, and it will be the New Year in a few days. He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to rest for a few days.

As for other things in Beijing, it’s come to an end for now!

The emperor is still in retreat, and it seems that he has no plans to summon Lin Jiangnian this year.

The third prince's conspiracy to rebel was almost a conspiracy in Lin Jiangnian's opinion. What he can do now is to tell the eldest princess this secret, and Li Miaomiao will naturally tell it to the prince.

The rest has nothing to do with him!

If the cards are revealed, the Third Prince will still be able to succeed...

Then Prince Li Cunning really lost unjustly!

On the other side, with the death of the Great Protector Mi Tiansi, more than half of Lin Jiangnian's plan has been completed. Next, just let the bullets fly for a while!

He has done everything he can do, and the rest depends on whether Chen Changqing will disappoint him!

Success or failure all depends on him.

Not long after returning to Jiang Mansion, Lin Jiangnian received a message from the family members.

"Your Highness, someone outside the door gave you a gift!"


Lin Jiangnian was a little confused. Who could give him a gift?

When he saw the gift, Lin Jiangnian quickly knew who the gift was from!

"Gao family?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the boxes of heavy gift boxes placed in the yard and suddenly understood.

Gao Boyan, that old fox, has never changed his evil intentions? !

The last time Gao Boyan hosted a banquet, Lin Jiangnian came to visit. He was trying to please him, and he also gave him a house, treasures, and flowers for his twin sisters...

Except for the twin sisters who were forcibly sent to stay by the Gao family, Lin Jiangnian confiscated everything else. Unexpectedly, Gao Boyan refused to give up, so he blatantly sent those treasures over again.

When he saw boxes of gold placed inside the box, Lin Kong, who was following Lin Jiangnian, couldn't help but gasped and said in surprise: "Your Highness, who sent this?! "

"Such an expensive gift?!"

"Can't you see?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "The person who wants to curry favor with my son!"


Lin Kong was stunned and quickly reacted.

His Highness is in the capital, and there are many people who want to curry favor with His Highness. But being able to use such a precious gift to please His Highness is obviously not an ordinary person.

This gift seems expensive, but in fact it is also very hot.

"Then Your Highness, should I accept this gift?"

"Accept it, why not accept it?!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and said inexplicably: "Someone else brought it to your door, why don't you want it?"

Just kidding, these are boxes of gold, their value is immeasurable!

Although Prince Lin's Mansion is rich, no one would object to having too much money.

When he rejected the Gao family last time, Lin Jiangnian was worried that it was a scam, so naturally he would not take the bait easily.

But this time, the other party took the initiative to send it to his home!

It was delivered to your door, why not?

Once the money is in his hands, it is his.

As for whether we will do something at that time and whether we will protect the Gao family, that is another matter...

If the Gao family is dissatisfied, they can complain to the emperor...if he has the courage.

Ask Lin Kong to sort out the money, and then send someone to escort him back to Linzhou. As Lin Jiangnian's private property, this treasure may be put to great use in the future.

After accepting the money with peace of mind, Lin Jiangnian returned to the inner courtyard with satisfaction.

The room in the inner courtyard was empty, Xiaozhu was missing. Lin Jiangnian went to the courtyard next door, but he didn't see the kite either. After some thought and hesitation, Lin Jiangnian went to his aunt.

Sure enough, I saw Xiaozhu in my aunt's backyard.

Xiaozhu was squatting under the eaves, looking at the courtyard.

In the yard, not far away, there were two figures practicing martial arts.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, he turned around subconsciously, his eyes brightened obviously, and he stood up excitedly: "Your Highness, are you back?!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded, walked closer to Xiaozhu, and touched her head: "Why are you here? Where is Zhiyuan?"

"Sister Zhiyuan just went to find Aunt Xiang and she hasn't come back yet!"

Xiaozhu explained.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the courtyard and saw the twins Gao Boyan had sent standing in the courtyard.

"See Your Highness!"

Seeing His Highness the Crown Prince, Jasmine quickly pulled her sister Feng Ling forward and bowed respectfully.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and saw the twin sisters wearing tight-fitting outfits, with beads of sweat on their foreheads.

When Lin Jiang came just now, he saw from a distance that the two of them seemed to be practicing martial arts in the courtyard...?

"You guys, what are you doing?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little confused.

Jasmine lowered her head and quickly explained: "Go back to Your Highness, my slave and my sister are practicing!"


How did the two of them learn martial arts?

At this time, Xiaozhu on the side helped explain: "It was Sister Zhiyuan who let me!"

Xiaozhu looked a little envious and said: "Sister Zhiyuan said that the two of them have martial arts skills, good talents, and are suitable for practicing martial arts, so she asked them to follow her and guide them in martial arts practice."

Do you have any martial arts skills?

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. From Zhiyuan's point of view, she could praise him and train him personally. I'm afraid these two people are not low in martial arts talent.

Did you find a treasure?

At this time, Jasmine secretly observed the reaction of the young Crown Prince in front of her. Seeing that His Royal Highness did not show any displeasure on his face, she felt slightly reassured.

"Okay, then you continue to practice!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, indicating for them to continue.

He didn't care much about this sister, and he always followed Zhiyuan after taking her in. Since it was Zhiyuan's intention, Lin Jiangnian would naturally not object.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Jasmine and Feng Ling both breathed a deep sigh of relief and quickly bowed their heads to express their gratitude.

"Your Highness!"

At this time, Xiaozhu's slightly envious tone came from the side: "I also want to practice kung fu."

"But Sister Zhiyuan said that this slave has no bones and no talent... Your Highness, is Xiaozhu stupid?"

Seeing that Xiaozhu was in a low mood, Lin Jiangnian touched her head and comforted her softly: "Of course not. Xiaozhu is so smart, how can he be stupid?"

Xiaozhu pouted: "Your Highness, you lied to me again!"

She doesn't believe it!

I have always been stupid, not smart at all.

"how come?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and chuckled: "Your Highness is telling the truth. In fact, Xiaozhu, your kung fu is not bad at all!"

"How can there be? This slave obviously doesn't know any martial arts..."

While Xiaozhu was talking, Lin Jiangnian suddenly came to her ear and whispered something. The next second, Xiaozhu's fair and tender face suddenly turned red, and she was filled with shyness.

"Your Highness, you, you... are so evil!"

Xiaozhu stuttered, his face was hot and blushing.

what the hell!

Bed, bed...

Can that be called Kung Fu?

Your Highness is so evil! !

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