Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 363: Trapping and voluntary admission

Beijing, Mitiansi.

Mitiansi, which is usually bustling and bustling, suddenly became deserted during this time.

In the past, there were far fewer people coming and going in and out of Mitiansi.

Outside the main gate of Mitiansi, the cold wind howled sharply, as if it was shrouded in a shadow.

It gives people an indescribable chilling air.

As the largest organization in Beijing, Mitiansi has a transcendent status and is under the jurisdiction of the emperor. It has a very high status. The common people and officials in the capital are all wary of this. In the past, people from Mitiansi acted in a high-profile and arrogant manner.

However, during this period, Mitiansi changed his past high-profile style and became low-key in vain.

The reasons are self-evident.

During this period, accidents occurred one after another in Mitiansi. First, Chen Feiyang, the protector of Mitiansi, was suddenly attacked and killed in Beijing. Mitiansi launched a vigorous search for the murderer, but not only failed to find the murderer, but Chen Feiyang's body was found. It is hung outside the gate of Mitiansi in an upright and fair manner.

This is a provocation!

A naked provocation.

This move will undoubtedly severely damage Mitiansi's prestige!

Such arrogant behavior made countless people in the outside world laugh and made everyone in Mitiansi feel extremely aggrieved.

But before they could find out the murderer, something big happened again!

This time, it was their great protector who died!

This news is undoubtedly shocking.

In just a few days, two of their Mitiansi guards died in succession. One of them is still the most mysterious and the most powerful protector of Mitiansi!

The Great Protector was not only the most powerful being in Mitiansi, but also the person with the strongest martial arts in Mitiansi.

Now that he is dead, Mi Tiansi's strength will be greatly weakened.

Once this news comes out, Mitiansi will definitely be disgraced. The former prestige of Mitiansi in Beijing will completely fall to the bottom!

Therefore, Chen Changqing issued a death order and was determined not to let the news spread.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world!

Even if Mitiansi is blocking the news, the body of the Great Protector was dumped outside the capital. After all, it is impossible to completely conceal it.

The news has gradually spread in Beijing and has been known to some interested people.

At this moment, Mitiansi was extremely deserted.

Occasionally, a few figures appeared, passing by in a hurry, with solemn expressions on their faces.

The atmosphere was depressing.

Just inside the front hall, Chen Changqing, dressed in black robe, stood quietly in the hall.

"The murderer hasn't been found yet?"

"It's been so long and you don't even know about the murderer? How did you become the leader?!"


At this moment, two figures were standing not far in front of Chen Changqing.

The two were about thirty years old, with ordinary looks, and were wearing clothes similar to Chen Changqing's.

These two people are the remaining two among the four great protectors of Mitiansi!

After the deaths of Zhao Changyuan and Chen Feiyang, these two men, as the only remaining guardians of Mi Tiansi, finally had to come forward.

At this moment, the two of them were coldly lecturing Chen Changqing with impatient tone.

Facing the accusations from these two people, Chen Changqing lowered his head and said calmly: "I will try my best!"

"Try your best?"

One of them stared at him coldly: "It's been so long, what have you found out? Chen Feiyang is dead, Zhao Yuanhua is also dead, do you know how serious the matter is?!"

"Mr. Chen already knew about this and was furious in the palace!"

"If we don't find the murderer and give everyone an explanation, you and I will both be waiting to die!"

Facing the two men's aggressive and threatening words, Chen Changqing's face was neither sad nor happy, and he said: "Hufa Zhao and Hufa Chen were attacked, and the murderer on the other side did not leave any traces. I have sent people to search the area around Beijing. Still haven't found any clues..."

At this point, Chen Changqing suddenly paused and said, "However, I have some doubts!"


Chen Changqing was silent for a moment, then looked up at the two guardians in front of him, and slowly said: "Prince Lin, Lin Jiangnian!"

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that the expressions of the two guardians suddenly changed.

A look of panic and astonishment appeared on their faces.

The two looked at each other and saw the look in each other's eyes. One of them stared at Chen Changqing: "Do you have evidence?!"


Chen Changqing nodded.


"It's in the west of the city, where the protector Chen Feiyang was attacked and died."

Chen Changqing said calmly: "The place where Protector Chen was attacked is the place where Prince Lin lives..."

The eyes of the two guardians changed slightly.

Prince Lin? !

The two of them naturally knew who Prince Lin Wang was and how valuable this title was.

In fact, Mi Tiansi did doubt the Prince Lin.

However, there is no direct conflict between Mi Tiansi and Prince Lin. There was almost no interaction in the capital, so how could Prince Lin kill their protector for no reason?

This doesn't make sense!

But now hearing Chen Changqing's words made the two of them slightly suspicious.

Did he find something?

"Since you have evidence, why didn't you find it?"

Chen Changqing said calmly: "I am just making a rough guess. There is no conclusive evidence... If we want conclusive evidence, we need the help of the two guardians!"

"How can I help you?"

Chen Changqing spoke slowly: "I need the two Protectors to follow me to the west of the city, where Protector Chen was attacked. We will know in one try. By then, the two Protectors will naturally have evidence!"

As soon as these words came out, the two guardians looked at each other again, and both saw hesitation in the other's eyes.


Prince Lin?

The two men's eyes intertwined, and their expressions were solemn.

After all, it was not someone else, but Prince Lin! Unless there are special circumstances, this is someone they simply don't want to mess with.

But right now...

Two guardians died in succession. Chen Gong was extremely angry and ordered them to solve the case as soon as possible and find the murderer.

If he fails to do so again, Mr. Chen will be furious, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, the two of them already had the answer in their minds.


West of the city.

Jiang Mansion, in a house two streets away.

The house has long been sealed off, and there are traces of the fight not long ago in the courtyard.

Since Chen Feiyang was attacked, this place has been sealed off by Mitiansi.

At this moment, outside the house.

Chen Changqing and the two guardians appeared at the door. In addition, there were several masters of Mi Tiansi following them.

Chen Changqing had no expression on his face, walked forward, opened the door, and stepped into the house.

"Go and have a look!"

A guardian glanced at the companion next to him. The other party understood and followed Chen Changqing into the house.

It was cold inside the house.

The protector followed behind Chen Changqing and asked in a cold voice: "Where is the evidence?"

"In the backyard."

Chen Changqing stepped into the backyard, stopped and looked back.

The protector also walked in, looked around, and frowned: "Where is the evidence? Where is it?"

Chen Changqing said nothing, and quietly looked at the protector in front of him and the two masters following him.

"Why didn't you say..."

Seeing that Chen Changqing didn't speak, the protector's tone immediately became impatient and he was about to speak angrily. But the next second, his words were stuck.

The expression on his face also turned to panic in an instant.




A sharp scream came from inside the house.

As soon as this voice came out, the expression of another guardian outside the house immediately changed, and his eyes suddenly became focused.

what happened? !

what's going on? !

"Go and see!"

The protector's voice was low and he shouted coldly.

Then several figures poured into the house and headed towards the backyard.

At the same time, a figure ran out of the backyard in a panic.

"No, we were ambushed and killed by Prince Lin..."

The person who ran out of the backyard was Chen Changqing, who was in a mess and covered in blood.

At this time, with a look of horror on his face, he ran out of the house as if he were fleeing, and said in panic: "Dharma Protector, Lin, Prince Lin has set up an ambush, I, we have fallen into a trap, hurry, run... "

Upon hearing this, the face of the protector outside the door suddenly changed.

He didn't follow him in, he was just cautious.

When he heard Chen Changqing say that Prince Lin had set up an ambush, his expression immediately changed.

This prince, Prince Lin, is simply too deceitful!

He was shocked and angry, and at the same time a deep fear surged into his heart.

The deaths of Chen Feiyang and Zhao Changyuan had already made the protector wary. As soon as he heard that there was an ambush, he subconsciously wanted to retreat and run away, without any intention of staying.

In his panic, the protector had no time to think about why Prince Lin set an ambush here.

There was no need to doubt the truth or falsehood of Chen Changqing's words. He immediately turned around in anger.


"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

While giving the order, the protector turned around and wanted to escape from this place.

Just as he turned around, Chen Changqing, who was standing next to him with a 'panic' and embarrassed look on his face, suddenly turned cold.

A dagger emitting cold light flashed out from under his sleeve.

At this moment, the protector who had just turned around suddenly sensed danger. His back was cold and numb, and his whole body was stiff!

not good!

He was frightened and angry, and had a premonition that something was wrong.

But, it's still too late!

Such a close distance, without any precautions.

The dagger, which exuded cold light, pierced his body accurately from behind.

Severe pain struck instantly!


A mouthful of blood suddenly spit out.

The protector turned around, his eyes fierce and angry, staring at Chen Changqing with deep disbelief: "You, you dare?!!"

However, what he looked at was Chen Changqing's cold, emotionless eyes.

At this moment, Chen Changqing lost the submissiveness he had when facing him in the past. Some are just extremely cold and murderous!

It was so cold that it made this protector tremble all over!

The protector's eyes were horrified. At this moment, he finally realized something: "Yes, it's you?!!"

He realized a terrifying possibility!

A terrifying possibility!

"You, you traitor, you, how dare you..."

The protector was furious and his eyes were frightened.

"You know it's too late!"

Chen Changqing looked at him expressionlessly and coldly. He suddenly took action, shrouded in black robes, and appeared in front of the protector like a ball of cannonballs, grabbing his neck.

"you you……"

The protector's eyes were frightened, and he wanted to struggle and dodge.

But under the sneak attack, he had no strength to resist. Chen Changqing easily grabbed his neck and twisted it off with no expression on his face!


With a crisp sound, the last protector of Mitiansi died!

All around, silence!

The remaining Mitiansi masters were all stunned on the spot.

He looked at the scene in front of him blankly, a little unbelievable, a little... doubtful about life.

The leader actually killed the protector, killed him? !

"You, are you crazy?!"

"Chen Changqing, how dare you kill the protector? Do you want your life?!"

"You are dead!"


After being stunned for a moment, angry voices came from all around.

and deep terror.


It's crazy!

Why did Chen Changqing even kill the protector?

Is he going to rebel? !

Chen Changqing stood there, looking at the various voices in front of him expressionlessly, his voice cold and as indifferent as ever.

"Who said I only kill law protectors?!"


Night falls and the cold wind howls.

Jiang Mansion, in the courtyard.


Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked at Lin Qingqing, who was reporting to him in the courtyard, and was a little surprised: "When did it happen?"

"Just this afternoon and evening!"

Lin Qingqing said: "Chen Changqing led the two guardians of Mi Tiansi to the west of the city and attacked them one by one..."

"Except for the two guardians, none of the close associates who accompanied the two guardians survived..."

Listening to Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, then gently shook his head and sighed: "He is a little reckless and impulsive!"

"Such an honest killing may arouse suspicion."

The deaths of Chen Feiyang and Zhao Changyuan were enough to arouse others' suspicion. Now the remaining two guardians were killed again. This time, even a fool would realize the problem.

Damn it, why are they all the protectors of Mitiansi?

As the highest-ranking leader of Mitiansi, why is he still safe and sound?

"He was indeed a little impulsive."

Lin Qingqing nodded in agreement. She also thought that the leader was a little too anxious to take action.

"If some time passes, it will be more appropriate to find a good time to strike! If he does this, I am afraid it will arouse the suspicion of Chen Zhao in the palace."

"But that's okay!"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and shook his head slightly: "Now that all four guardians of Mitiansi have been eradicated, Mr. Chen's control over Mitiansi will become extremely low..."

Chen Zhao's ability to control Mitiansi relies on the minions and power of these four protectors in Mitiansi. Now all four of them have been uprooted.

For Chen Zhao, it is undoubtedly a heavy blow!

Having said this, a sneer appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face: "Then, it won't be a big deal even if he suspects that Chen Changqing killed the person!"

Lin Qingqing was puzzled: "Your Highness, what do you mean?"

"Chen Zhao, he has no choice!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were deep and he was vaguely aware of Chen Changqing's purpose.

He probably did this on purpose!

Late at night.

Inside Mitiansi, the lights are brightly lit.

Chen Changqing, who was in a state of embarrassment and covered in blood, knelt down in the Mitiansi Hall.

There was silence all around and the lights flickered!

Behind the screen in front, a rickety figure could be vaguely seen.

It looks rickety, but it gives people an invisible sense of oppression.

A low, somewhat angry and oppressive voice came from behind the screen.

"Did you kill this person?!"

Questioned coldly.

Chen Changqing's expression remained as usual and he spoke slowly.


From the moment he decided to take action, he knew that the matter would not be hidden.

He didn't intend to hide it either.

"Do you feel guilty for killing your colleagues?!"

The voice behind the screen was cold and angry.

"This subordinate is guilty!"

"Now that you know your guilt, why are you still so bold?!"


Chen Changqing slowly raised his head and looked at the figure behind the screen. His eyes were firm and he said word by word: "Subordinate, I want an opportunity to do things for my father-in-law!"

"They are alive, and my subordinates are not qualified to do so!"

"So, they must die!"


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