Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 364 Well-groomed Miss Zhao


The cold wind rushed into the front hall, and a chill lingered between heaven and earth.

Fierce and penetrating!

Chen Changqing knelt down in the front hall, his body was in a mess, his clothes were stained with a lot of blood, and he looked very weak.

But his eyes were extremely firm.

He raised his head and looked directly at the looming figure behind the screen in front of him.

The tone was firm and decisive.

Haunting the halls!

The surroundings suddenly fell into dead silence.

No response for a long time!

It wasn't until an unknown amount of time passed that the cold, hoarse voice came from behind the screen again.

"You want to do something for our family?!"


Chen Changqing spoke in a deep voice, raised his head, and said word by word: "Subordinate, I would like an opportunity to work for my father-in-law!"

"My subordinates will also prove to my father-in-law that they can do better than them!"

After a moment of silence, a voice without any emotion came from behind the screen again: "How do you prove it?"

Chen Changqing's voice was loud and clear: "My subordinates will solve my father-in-law's problems and solve all my father-in-law's troubles in the capital. I will safeguard the interests of my father-in-law and Mitiansi, so that my father-in-law can be safe in the palace and in the court!"

"Let those who have secretly insulted me, Mi Tiansi, pay a heavy price!"

"If my father-in-law is willing to trust me, I will definitely not let my father-in-law down!"

Chen Changqing's expression was very calm, his tone was very calm, and his words did not hide his greedy purpose at all... He wanted to be loyal to Eunuch Chen, he was not willing to stay under others for a long time, he wanted power, and he wanted to be successful!

And this is also the situation that Eunuch Chen wants to see the most!

There was silence again behind the screen. After a while, the rickety figure finally slowly walked out from behind the screen.

This is an old man in his fifties, with a stooped figure and a staggering look.

This man has a plain appearance and a withered face. He is wearing a black robe. He looks as if he is extremely weak and can be blown away by a gust of wind.

However, on this slightly older face, the piercing eyes hidden under the eye sockets were vaguely glowing.

It gives people an indescribable temperament!

The person in front of me is Chen Zhao!

The Daning Dynasty, the most powerful eunuch in the dynasty!

He was favored by the emperor and played an important role in the court, making countless people fear and fear him.

Perhaps it was the habits he had developed over the years that gave him an indescribable air of femininity.

Especially when the eyes are fixed on people, it makes people feel numb and shuddering.

"Your name is Chen Changqing?"

Chen Zhao stared at Chen Changqing who was kneeling in the hall, stared at him, and asked coldly.

"Back to father-in-law, exactly!"

Chen Changqing replied: "My subordinate Chen Changqing is the leader of the Mitian Division whom my father-in-law personally appointed in the past!"

"The leader of the Mitian Division..."

Chen Zhao narrowed his eyes slightly, seeming to recall the scene when he accepted this person's fate.

After a moment, he stared at Chen Changqing coldly, with a trace of murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "You have killed your colleagues and are full of evil. Aren't you afraid that we will kill you?"

Chen Changqing said calmly and calmly: "A few years ago, my father-in-law once taught his subordinates that those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. Once they achieve great success, their bones will wither... Everyone who stands in front of you should die!"

"They are not as skilled as others, but they can do things for my father-in-law!"

"So, they deserve to die!"

Chen Zhao stared at him and said coldly: "What if one day, our family stands in front of you?"

"My subordinates dare not!"

Chen Changqing lowered his head, "My father-in-law is a popular person around your majesty and holds a high position. There is no way that my subordinates can threaten my father-in-law's status. My subordinates only want to do things for my father-in-law, get ahead, become prosperous, and return home in good clothes in the future..."

Chen Zhao did not speak, but stared at the person in front of him with a cold expression, hesitating.

Chen Changqing?

He had some impression that he had promoted this person single-handedly. Although he is not a close confidant, this person is quite capable, and he is indeed a talent...

Right now, Mitiansi is suffering heavy losses!

The four guardians under him and the four closest confidants all died tragically. Suddenly, Chen Zhao was left with no one available.

Chen Zhao has been running Mitiansi for many years and has it under his control, which has become a powerful tool for him to eliminate dissidents in the capital.

Naturally, he would not give up Mitiansi to others easily!

Now that Zhao Changyuan and Chen Feiyang are dead, his control over Mi Tiansi has been greatly weakened. If you want to re-support and cultivate close confidants, it will be difficult to do so in a short time.

In this way, Chen Zhao's only choice is Chen Changqing in front of him!

At this moment, Chen Zhao realized the purpose of the person in front of him.

What a good idea!

Chen Zhao sneered in his heart and stared coldly at the person in front of him. After a while, he said coldly: "You harmed your colleagues, how can our family trust you?"

"My subordinates are loyal to my father-in-law!"

Chen Changqing's face remained as usual and he said calmly: "How can my father-in-law trust his subordinates?"

"You are very ambitious, and our family likes people like you."

Chen Zhao stared at him: "But..."

With that said, Chen Zhao reached into his arms, took out a small porcelain bottle, and threw it in front of Chen Changqing.

"Eat it!"

Chen Changqing stared at the porcelain bottle on the ground, looked up at Chen Zhao, and saw Chen Zhao staring at him coldly.

Chen Changqing picked up the porcelain bottle on the ground, opened it, and poured out a black pill.

The pills exuded an indescribable stench.

Chen Changqing frowned, a trace of hesitation and confusion flashed in his eyes. But in the end, without any expression on his face, he stuffed the pill into his mouth and swallowed it!

When Chen Zhao saw Chen Changqing taking the pills, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

The original cold look in his eyes also weakened slightly: "Okay!"

"If that's the case, then our family will give you a chance!"

Chen Zhao stared at him: "From now on, our family will hand over Mitiansi into your hands. Your words represent our family's wishes. I hope you will not let our family down!"

Hearing this, Chen Changqing's heart was shocked, and he immediately said respectfully: "Don't worry, father-in-law, my subordinates are willing to go through fire and water for my father-in-law. I will devote myself to my life and die!"

Seeing this, Chen Zhao nodded with satisfaction.

Right now, he has no one available, and Chen Changqing in front of him is the best choice.

Although this person's methods are a bit harsh, he is obedient, honest, and ambitious, and that is enough!

Although he killed two of his guardians, it didn't matter to Chen Zhao. Those guardians were just a few dogs under his hands.

If it's dead, it's dead, just get another batch!

He likes ambitious people!

He was very satisfied with the sharp methods and loyal attitude of the person in front of him!

"Our family will give you all the glory and wealth, make you prosperous, and will never let you down. But..."

At this point, Chen Zhao's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his tone was cold: "If you dare to betray our family, the poison you just took will cause thousands of insects to attack your heart, and you will die miserably in pain!"

Chen Changchang trembled slightly, with a look of horror on his face. But soon, he said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, father-in-law, I will never have second thoughts!"

"There is no best!"

Chen Zhao looked away expressionlessly, glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "Now that several of them are dead, Mitiansi's prestige has been greatly damaged. Those officials in the court are eyeing our family. Do you know what to do?"

"Don't worry, father-in-law!"

Chen Changqing said solemnly: "My subordinates will find out those officials who are harmful to my father-in-law behind the scenes and deal with them!"

Chen Zhao nodded with satisfaction: "Also, the deaths of Zhao Changyuan and Chen Feiyang..."

"Has the murderer been found?"

"My subordinates are doing their best to investigate, and the results will be available soon!"

The expression on Chen Zhao's face gradually became serious, and a murderous intention flashed across his face: "Find the murderer and kill him without mercy!"

"I would rather kill by mistake than let go!"

"I obey my orders!"


Chen Zhao left and returned to the palace!

Such a big thing happened to Mitiansi, and almost all his followers were wiped out. Naturally, he had to go out of the palace to appease Mitiansi's people.

Now that the matter has been dealt with and the power of Mitiansi has been handed over to Chen Changqing, he has returned to the palace!

After Chen Zhao left, Chen Changqing still knelt in the front hall and did not move for a long time.

Until a long time later, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Then he became unstable and fell to the ground.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands. There was a hint of confusion in his calm expression!

And an indescribable trance!

He succeeded!

He gained the trust of Mr. Chen and successfully held the power of Mitiansi in his hands.

From now on, he will be the true leader of Mitiansi. He has power in his hands that he has never had before!

And this was what he had dreamed of when he first entered Mitiansi.

Now that he finally got it, he was not as relaxed as he imagined.

Instead, his expression became more solemn.

If you want to gain something, you must lose something.

Chen Changqing knew very well how much he had paid to gain the trust of Mr. Chen!

He made a risky move!

Very dangerous!

If there is a slight mistake, he will die without a burial place at any time!

Chen Changqing admitted that he was gambling!

But he won the bet!

With the death of the four guardians, Mr. Chen has no confidants available and has almost no control over Mitiansi. He will definitely not be able to sit still!

And there was only one choice left for him!

Chen Zhao wants to regain control of Mitiansi, but his only choice is the leader of Mitiansi, Chen Changqing!

And this is why Chen Changqing dared to kill the remaining two guardians so forcefully.

Once Zhao Changyuan and Chen Feiyang died, the remaining two guardians could no longer pose any threat to him. Chen Changqing killed them all and used a move on Mr. Chen to kill them first and then show them off.

Completely cut off Mr. Chen's escape route!

On the other hand, Chen Changqing did not hide his purpose.

He fully demonstrated his purpose, ambition for power, and unwillingness to live under others for a long time!

Mr. Chen is suspicious by nature and will not trust him easily. But Chen Changqing still chose to take this step.

If he hadn't shown his greed for success and success, Chen Zhao would have definitely doubted his purpose and would never have trusted him easily.

But Chen Changqing's frank purpose and unabashed ambition actually made Mr. Chen less suspicious.

But even so, Chen Zhao was still very cautious and forced Chen Changqing to take the poison!

Chen Changqing closed his eyes and felt the pill he just swallowed.

Chen Zhao poisoned him to control him so that he would not dare to act rashly.

After a while, Chen Changqing opened his eyes. He could not feel the presence of poison, but he knew that he must have been poisoned.

But it doesn't matter!

Chen Changqing slowly got up from the ground!

When he decided to take this step, he had already put life and death behind him.

He got the power he had always wanted, and he finally had the opportunity to display his ambitions for so many years.

Chen Changqing turned his back to the hall and looked into the darkness ahead, his face full of determination. After a moment, he took a step and strode into the darkness.

early morning.

Zhao Mansion!

The cold wind blew, making the trees in the courtyard rustle.

Inner courtyard, under the eaves.

Xiaoyue quickly came to the door of her young lady's room and knocked on the door.


"come in."

Zhao Xi's soft voice came from the room.

Xiaoyue then opened the door and walked into the room. He closed the door and took off his shoes again.

Looking up, he saw a figure sitting quietly beside the dressing table by the window not far away.


Xiaoyue slowly walked up behind the young lady, and through the bronze mirror, she saw a face with a heavenly appearance and stunning beauty. She couldn't help but exclaim: "Miss, you look so good today?"

Zhao Xi was sitting quietly at the table, looking at himself in the bronze mirror, his beautiful eyes flowing: "When will I not look good?"

"Young lady will look good any day!"

Xiaoyue smiled playfully and said, "Young lady is the most beautiful woman in the world!"

"Don't, I don't have the ability yet!"

Zhao Xi rolled her beautiful eyes, but she hadn't grown to that point yet.

But Xiaoyue didn't think so. She looked at the young lady in the bronze mirror and couldn't help but admire her.

In the bronze mirror, a beautiful and delicate face was reflected, with eyebrows like distant daisies, eyes like autumn water, with clarity and transparency. Under the tall and straight nose, the bright cherry mouth was slightly pursed.

Today, Zhao Xi also wore a little light makeup on her face, and a faint blush appeared on her fair cheeks, which made her whole person look more graceful and luxurious, with an indescribable sense of beauty!

Her fair and slender neck is as elegant as a swan. Between the rolled up hair, a jade-white hairpin is inserted diagonally into it. A few strands of hair that are not bound fall down on her chest, while the rest are simply tied up. scattered behind.

Such an appearance, ethereal and cold, with an elegant temperament is hard to find in the world!

"In my eyes, Miss is the most beautiful woman in the world, no one can compare with her!!"

Xiaoyue praised her repeatedly.

Zhao Xi looked at himself in the bronze mirror, with an indescribable look of joy on his face, and his beautiful eyes were lively.

"Is it really that beautiful?"

"It's true!!"

Xiaoyue nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, stop boasting!"

Zhao Xi looked back at her: "Are you ready?"

"Don't worry, miss, the carriage is ready!"

Xiaoyue nodded repeatedly, but soon thought of something again, and a look of doubt appeared on her face: "Miss..."


"Aren't we going to visit Nanhu Lake today? Miss, why are you dressed up so beautifully?"

Zhao Xi asked back: "What day did I not dress up well?"

"No, just, just..."

Xiaoyue hesitated, not knowing how to describe it for a moment.

"Shouldn't you dress up better when you go out to play?"

"But, but..."

Xiaoyue didn't know what to say, but it just felt strange.

The lady today is different from before!

Today's young lady rarely paid attention to her own image. She put on a light make-up and dressed herself up carefully.

It feels like the young lady is not going to visit Nanhu Lake, but is planning to have a secret tryst with her lover...

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