Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 367 Something is wrong

At this moment, Li Piaomiao's expression was still cold. However, those eyes that were always calm now seemed a little more suspicious.

She looked at Lin Jiangnian and then at Zhao Xi, frowning.

The conversation between the two of them... wasn't quite right!




Li Piaomiao's eyes became increasingly suspicious as they wandered over the two of them.

You two, what happened?

"This matter is a long story..."

Lin Jiangnian hesitated, glanced at Zhao Xi, and asked her opinion.

Zhao Xi also adjusted his mood at this time, took a deep breath, and said softly: "Pianmiao, you still remember the Xu family tragedy, right?"

Li Piaomiao frowned slightly, expressionless, and nodded.

She had some impression of this matter, and it was a bigger fuss a few months ago.

Mi Tiansi suddenly discovered that Xu Zheng, the Minister of War, had colluded with foreign countries and had the intention to rebel. The evidence was conclusive. The Xu family was imprisoned. After an imperial edict came out, the entire Xu family was executed.

This incident caused a great impact some time ago.

As an official of the Six Ministries, Xu Zheng, the Minister of War, had a high status in the court, but he still could not escape from the clutches of Mitiansi! From the time the Xu family was ransacked to the execution of everyone in the family, the time between them was so short that no one could react.

As for the evidence of the Xu family's rebellion, although it does seem to be conclusive, after careful consideration, there seem to be many things worthy of scrutiny!

However, before any of this was found out, the Xu family was wiped out!

This incident gave a little shock to many people in the capital, and also made countless officials increasingly fearful of Mitiansi!

Many people understood that this was Chen Zhao's way of killing chickens to scare monkeys and frighten the court.

Chen Zhao was trusted by the emperor, held the imperial decree given by the emperor, and controlled a terrifying iron-blooded organization such as Mi Tiansi. Almost no one in the capital dared to oppose him.

Even if the officials of the six departments were told to kill him, they would kill him. The other officials, large and small, had already been frightened out of their wits. Who would dare to provoke him?

No one wants to accidentally end up with a tragic death and the destruction of the family one day!

At this time, Li Miaomiao heard Zhao Xi suddenly mention the Xu family, her expression was slightly condensed, and she gradually realized something. She turned to look at Lin Jiangnian, her cold eyes gradually becoming more suspicious.

He hesitated to speak.

In the end, nothing was said.

But Lin Jiangnian understood what she wanted to express from her eyes.

When they met two days ago, the eldest princess asked Lin Jiangnian why he wanted to kill Zhao Changyuan. Lin Jiangnian's answer at that time was very perfunctory, and the eldest princess didn't take it to heart.

But today, after hearing Zhao Xi's words, the eldest princess couldn't help but wonder if she thought carefully... Was it because of Zhao Xi that Lin Jiangnian killed Zhao Yuanhua and Chen Feiyang?

He has no grudge against Mi Tiansi, but he took such a risk to kill Zhao Yuanhua and Chen Feiyang... This is very unreasonable!

Is he helping Zhao Xi get revenge? !


"The Xu family is full of loyal and loyal people, but they were framed by that castrated dog Chen. As a result, everyone in the Xu family was executed. Even the only remaining daughter of the Xu family did not escape the poisonous hands of Mi Tiansi!"

Mentioning this matter, a look of indignation appeared on Zhao Xi's face. She gritted her teeth and said: "I originally wanted to avenge Sister Xu, but unfortunately my personal ability is too weak..."

Although she is the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, it is difficult to seek justice for the Xu family.

Even her father would be a little afraid of Mi Tiansi. What's more, Chen Yungou has many masters under his command, and even Mi Tiansi's accomplices and protectors are not weak in martial arts.

On her own, it would be impossible to take revenge.

"Fortunately, with the help of His Royal Highness, I have the opportunity to avenge Sister Xu with my own hands. Sister Xu's spirit in heaven can rest in peace!"

With that said, Zhao Xi looked at Lin Jiangnian. There was gratitude in those slightly red eyes.

At the same time, Li Piaomiao's cold eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian. Lin Jiangnian had an ominous premonition when he was suddenly stared at by the two women.

Especially Li Piaomiao's eyes, although they still lacked any emotion.

But I don’t know why, but it always feels like... something isn’t right!

Young Lin Jiang coughed and waved his hand: "Miss Zhao, there is no need to be polite, it's just a small effort!"

After a pause, Lin Jiangnian continued: "Chen Feiyang has done many evil things and deserves death. As the protector of Mitiansi, he will threaten my prince sooner or later. My prince's purpose of killing him is just to nip it in the bud. ...As for avenging Miss Zhao, it is just a casual thing, Miss Zhao does not need to take it to heart..."

"Even if Miss Zhao has no grudge against him, this prince will still kill him!"

Lin Jiang young spoke.

Lin Jiangnian's real purpose is to help Chen Changqing control the power of Mitiansi. As for Zhao Xi, it was just a personal favor given to her by the way!

Zhao Xi is grateful. If he wants to repay his time!

Not a good day today!

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Li Mianmiao and saw that she was still looking at him calmly without saying a word.

Cold, calm eyes.

It's like seeing through everything, giving people an indescribable chill.

"Eat, eat!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and changed the topic.

At this time, Zhao Xi took a few deep breaths and gradually adjusted his emotions.

The tragedy of the Xu family was something she had always been worried about. It is extremely difficult to take revenge now.

All four protectors of Mitiansi died. Mitiansi suffered heavy losses and its prestige was greatly reduced. This was a heavy blow to Chen Zhao in the palace.

Of course, Zhao Xi didn't forget it either. The real murderer behind the destruction of the Xu family is Chen Zhao!

He is the source of all this tragedy.

But, wanting to kill Chen Zhao... isn't that simple.

As if thinking of something, Zhao Xi suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

"His Royal Highness?"


Lin Jiangnian looked up.

"Miss Zhao, what's wrong?"

"I heard from sister Piaomiao, did you enter the palace last time?"

Zhao Xi suddenly spoke.


Lin Jiangnian was puzzled as to why Zhao Xi mentioned this matter.

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Li Miaomiao, only to see Li Miaomiao look at Zhao Xi expressionlessly.

"It does happen!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded and did not deny it.

"Your Highness, have you seen Chen Zhao in the palace?"

Zhao Xi asked.

"not at all……"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. The last time he entered the palace, he went to see His Highness the Crown Prince. After meeting him, he left the palace directly without seeing Chen Zhao.

However, I did see Chen Feiyang who hurriedly entered the palace at that time. It was also that day that Lin Jiangnian set up an ambush and captured Chen Feiyang alive.

Zhao Xi suddenly sighed softly, his eyes a little gloomy: "It seems that His Highness has indeed forgotten what he promised me."

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled when Leng Buding saw Zhao Xi's sudden change in expression and tone. Some people didn't realize it. Why did this Miss Zhao suddenly become resentful and aggrieved?

"Miss Zhao, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Jiangnian was thinking, what did he promise Zhao Xi?

But Zhao Xi sighed quietly: "Your Highness, it seems that you have really forgotten!"

Looking into Zhao Xi's faint eyes, his cold face was fair and delicate, his eyes were slightly red, and he looked so charming that I felt pity for him.

I have to say, it's very exciting.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, thinking about what he had promised her?

In the impression, the only thing he promised to Miss Zhao was... to kill Chen Zhao?


At this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind. Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked at Zhao Xi, as if realizing something: "Last time...could it be you?"

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Li Miaomiao who was standing aside: "Your Highness the Princess, last time Your Highness the Crown Prince..."

Lin Jiangnian always had a question in his mind.

Last time, His Royal Highness the Prince suddenly wanted to see him. Logically speaking, he only wanted to see Lin Jiangnian once, and there was no need to go into a big fight. When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince receives the Prince of the feudal lord, it should be in the East Palace.

As the son of a feudal lord, Lin Jiangnian was not qualified to enter and leave the palace at will.

But His Highness the Crown Prince went through the trouble of summoning Lin Jiangnian into the palace. However, after entering the palace, except for meeting the Queen, nothing else happened.

This is something Lin Jiangnian has always found strange.

Hearing Zhao Xi's words now, Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered the day before meeting His Highness the Crown Prince. He had just met Zhao Xi, and at that time, Zhao Xi happened to mention... that he would find a way to let him meet Chen Zhao!

Could it be...

Was all this done by Zhao Xi?

Sure enough, when Li Miaomiao heard Lin Jiangnian's question, she turned to look at Zhao Xi next to her and said nothing.

And Zhao Xi also said quietly at this time: "Yes, I begged sister Pianmiao to let her bring you into the palace..."

"I thought you would take this opportunity to find out the details about Chen Zhao, but I didn't expect you to completely forget about it... After all, the little girl made the wrong payment..."

Zhao Xi's faint voice was like that of a miserable little daughter-in-law who had been let down by a heartless man. Her tone was soft and resentful, and Lin Jiangnian almost got goosebumps when he heard it.

He also didn't expect that Zhao Xi could really get him into the palace.

He was not notified in advance!

Lin Jiangnian did not react when he was called into the palace. He did not expect this. In addition, Chen Feiyang's appearance at that time gave Lin Jiangnian the idea of ​​​​taking action, so much so that he indeed forgot his previous agreement with Zhao Xi.

Seeing Zhao Xi's gloomy look, Lin Jiangnian felt a little apologetic. He nodded: "It is true that I didn't react to this matter, and I didn't think it through well!"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's apologetic words, Zhao Xi didn't hold on to him anymore. She wasn't really angry, but just felt a little regretful. Now that Lin Jiangnian had just avenged her, she naturally would not blame Lin Jiangnian.

After all, it was she who begged Lin Jiangnian to kill Chen Zhao.

"Now that I can't find out who Chen Zhao is, I want to kill him..."

Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something, frowned and sighed softly.

As long as Chen Zhao was not removed, she would feel uneasy.

"Miss Zhao, don't worry too much, Chen Zhao won't make any big waves in the near future!"

Lin Jiangqing shook his head softly: "Mi Tiansi is seriously injured now, and there are many people in the court who want to add insult to injury. He can't get up for the time being."

"Having said that, Mi Tiansi is still in his hands after all..."

Zhao Xi frowned slightly. The death of four of Chen Zhao's cronies was indeed a great loss to Mi Tiansi. But Mitiansi is still in his hands after all. Given time, once he recovers, all Lin Jiangnian's hard work will be in vain.

Lin Jiangnian seemed calm about Zhao Xi's worries.

Can Chen Zhao still take control of Mitiansi again?

Then we have to see how capable Chen Changqing is.

Lin Jiangnian believes that Chen Changqing will not let him down!

A man with a righteous heart and an ambitious and far-sighted talent. He has been suppressed and depressed, but he can still maintain his true heart.

Now he finally has the opportunity to show off his skills. For Chen Changqing, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Lin Jiangnian has helped him remove all the obstacles in front of him, and the rest is up to Chen Changqing himself.

When he takes over the power of Mitiansi, it will be equivalent to eliminating Chen Zhao's minions who show off their power in the court and are proud of it. No matter how powerful Chen Zhao is, he no longer has the deterrent power to make officials in the DPRK and China tremble in fear.

Once this layer of deterrence is missing, his power in the DPRK will also be weakened.

Of course, Lin Jiangnian was not worried that Chen Changqing would rebel.

First, he believed in Chen Changqing.


Nowadays, Chen Changqing and Lin Jiangnian are on the same rope. If he has different intentions, not to mention that Lin Jiangnian cannot spare him, if Mr. Chen in the palace learns the truth, he will definitely kill him immediately. Life!

On the boat, whispers occasionally came from the window, accompanied by clear singing voices in the distance, floating on the South Lake.

The sun is shining brightly, and the warm winter sun shines on people, making them feel warm.

In the private room.

at the table.

Li Piaomiao ate her meal without any distractions. She rarely spoke, or almost never. She just ate her food calmly and elegantly, her movements were very graceful, and her every move and chewing showed the temperament of a royal goddess.

The same goes for Zhao Xi on the side. In comparison, Lin Jiangnian, the Prince Lin's eating movements, are much vulgar.

During the meal, Lin Jiangnian and Zhao Xi basically had a conversation, and the topics they talked about almost all revolved around how to kill Chen Zhao.

Zhao Xi originally wanted to discuss this topic with Lin Jiangnian in more depth, but due to the presence of Li Miaomiao, he could only hesitate to speak, so he held back for now.

She glanced at Li Miaomiao next to her and saw that she had hardly spoken since the meal. Her beautiful eyes wandered over her body and then fell on Lin Jiangnian beside her.

For some reason, Zhao Xi suddenly felt a strange feeling.

The two people, who were nominally engaged, were now able to sit and eat together inexplicably.

The picture actually looks... somewhat harmonious!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes turned, as if he thought of something interesting, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

She still remembered that before Lin Jiangnian came to the capital, there was always a story about Li Miaomiao circulating in the capital!

I heard that Li Miaomiao once threatened in public that if Lin Jiangnian dared to come to the capital, he would break his legs!

Although it has not been confirmed that this is what Li Miaomiao said, this matter has been rumored in Beijing. Now seeing the strange and harmonious relationship between these two people, Zhao Xi felt a little interesting inexplicably.

"His Royal Highness."

Zhao Xi suddenly spoke.


Lin Jiangnian looked up again and saw Zhao Xi suddenly looking at her, his beautiful eyes narrowing slightly.

Lin Jiangnian immediately became vigilant...

There's something wrong with this bitch, what do you want to do?

Sure enough, the next second, Zhao Xi smiled and asked with a chuckle: "When do you and Mian Miao plan to get married?"


Lin Jiangnian became a little strange and said nothing.

Just when Zhao Xi finished speaking, he suddenly felt something moving under the table.

Someone stepped on him lightly!

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