Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 368 Sneaking in front of the princess

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged and he glanced at Li Miaomiao opposite him. Her expression was indifferent. When she heard Zhao Xi's words, her hand movements paused for a moment, and then she regained her composure. He raised his eyes and glanced at Zhao Xi without saying a word.

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Zhao Xi, who was sitting on her left. She was looking at him with a smile, her bright eyes were clear and moving, like the clear spring water rippling under the moon, and the mist was full of softness.

Smart and a bit naughty.

The shallow smile fully revealed Miss Zhao's elegant and lively temperament.

Obviously, judging from all the signs in front of him, the person who stepped on him just now was Zhao Xi!

Why is she stepping on him?

What are you reminding him of?


Is it simply intentional?

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes slightly, casting a doubtful look, but saw that Zhao Xi was still smiling, and his smart eyes seemed to be filled with curiosity.


The atmosphere at the dinner table seemed to suddenly freeze for a moment.

"Why don't you speak?"

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, Zhao Xi spoke again. Her eyes glanced back and forth at Li Miaomiao and Lin Jiangnian, and the smile on her face grew wider, like a curious baby full of curiosity.

"Your Highness, when do you plan to marry sister Piaomiao?"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing and looked up at Li Miaomiao opposite him. Li Miaomiao was indifferent, as if she didn't hear Zhao Xi's words, and continued to eat with her head down.

She also completely ignored Lin Jiangnian's gaze, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

Obviously, Zhao Xi did this on purpose.

She mentioned the marriage contract between Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao at this time, which seemed to be stirring up trouble.

Lin Jiangnian's expression did not change and he said calmly: "Miss Zhao, why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"I'm curious!"

Zhao Xi moved closer slightly, with a smile on his face, as if he was extremely interested: "Sister Pianmiao and I are good sisters, so I will naturally take an interest in her marriage..."

"Your Highness's engagement with Piaomiao was made by the Emperor. Now that sister Piaomiao has reached the age to get married, isn't it possible that His Highness came to the capital this time... not to marry sister Piaomiao?"

Zhao Xi's eyes were filled with smiles and he smiled softly.

From the look of pride that flashed in her eyes, Lin Jiangnian was sure...she did it on purpose.

Want to deliberately embarrass him in front of the eldest princess?

Lin Jiangnian looked indifferent and ignored Zhao Xi's little thoughts.

He said calmly: "Speaking of age at marriage, Miss Zhao is two years older than the eldest princess, right?"

"Miss Zhao, do you have a wife?"

The smile on Zhao Xi's face condensed slightly, as if she didn't expect that Lin Jiang's annual meeting would suddenly turn the topic to her.

"Of course not."

Zhao Xi shook his head.

"Shouldn't it?"

Lin Jiangnian had a look of surprise on his face: "Miss Zhao is beautiful, has outstanding temperament, and has a noble status, which is rare in the world. Those who want to marry Miss Zhao in this world will probably queue up from the capital to Linzhou..."

"Could it be that Prime Minister Zhao has not found a good husband for Miss Zhao?"

The smile on Zhao Xi's face gradually disappeared.

Lin Jiangnian's words obviously touched on some of her... shortcomings.

Indeed, she is two years older than Li Miaomiao!

She has just turned twenty this year, and is at her most youthful age. But in this era when ordinary people get married and have children at the age of fifteen or sixteen, at her age, the children of her friends of the same age have already run away, but she has not yet been married. In the eyes of many people, she is indeed an 'elderly leftover girl' Got it!

It’s not like the Zhao family didn’t find a good husband for her. Even as a minister of the imperial court, Prime Minister Zhao, apart from being busy with court affairs, spent his little free time choosing a good husband for Zhao Xi!

However, those carefully selected 'good gentlemen' were all rejected by Zhao Xi without exception.

There is no other reason - I don’t care!

But the Zhao family has not given up on choosing a husband for Zhao Xi. As he gets older, the Zhao family becomes more and more anxious, and Zhao Xi is naturally troubled by this.

She had no favorable impression at all of the so-called children of aristocratic families in the capital, those who were high-ranking officials, or those talented people who were famous all over the capital.

A group of children from aristocratic families who have lived in a greenhouse since childhood, some dandies who only rely on their power to make friends all day long, and a group of pedantic talents who only worry about the country and the people all day long, and talk on paper...

It is normal for Zhao Xi to look down on him.

Now, Lin Jiangnian suddenly mentioned this matter, which really hit Zhao Xi's shortcomings.

In the past few years, she has been forced to tire of this tedious 'blind date' and the pressure at home. He even hid in his house all day long without going out, closing the door to see no one.

"Look down!"

She said in a bad mood.

"You don't like it?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do you mean, Miss Zhao?"

"literal meaning!"

Zhao Xi obviously had no intention of arguing with Lin Jiangnian about this issue, and quickly changed the topic to him: "I'm not in a hurry... But Your Highness, you haven't said when you plan to marry sister Piaomiao?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Miss Zhao is older than Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess. If Miss Zhao is not in a hurry, then the eldest princess and I will be even less anxious... Hiss..."

Before Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, he felt someone stepped on his foot again.

This time, very hard!

The previous kick was very light, so light that it was even naughty and frivolous, like teasing.

Then this kick is very hard!

Lin Jiangnian's expression did not change. He raised his head and looked to the side. Seeing Zhao Xi staring at him coldly, he said with a smile: "Your Highness, do you mean to say that I am old?"

"Of course not!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and denied: "However, Miss Zhao is indeed older than me and Her Royal Highness the Princess..."

In terms of age, the Zhao Xi in front of him was indeed older than Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao.

Lin Jiangnian is telling the truth!

But obviously, sometimes, telling the truth isn't the right thing to do.

From ancient times to the present, age seems to be a sensitive matter for women.

For example, right now, after Lin Jiangnian spoke, he could clearly see a look of deep anger in Miss Zhao's beautiful eyes.

Obviously, when Lin Jiangnian said that she was old, he was just saying that she was old. If she couldn't get married at such an old age, wouldn't he be saying that she was an old woman that no one wanted?

As a result, Zhao Xi, who became angry and embarrassed, raised his foot under the table and stepped hard on Lin Jiangnian next to him again.

However, this time, Lin Jiangnian was on guard and retracted his foot in advance.

As a result, Zhao Xi stepped on the air and landed on the floor.


A crisp, loud and dull voice sounded, immediately echoing in the room.

At the same time, the heavy force of stepping on the floor shocked Zhao Xi with pain in her soles, which was so painful that she almost cried.


At this time, Li Mianmiao, who had been eating silently and not participating in the meal, raised his head and looked at Zhao Xi next to him with confusion.

"My feet, my feet are a little numb..."

The numbness and pain in the soles of her feet made Zhao Xi's eyes almost burst into tears. She could only break her teeth and swallow it into her stomach, forcing a smile on her face.

"Eat, eat!"

Li Piaomiao frowned slightly, glanced at her, and then at Lin Jiangnian next to her.

Lin Jiangnian looked as usual, as if he didn't know anything.

Li Piaomiao looked away and said nothing more.

Seeing that Li Miaomiao didn't find anything unusual, he secretly took a few deep breaths. After the pain in the soles of his feet subsided, Zhao Xi quietly turned his head, staring at Lin Jiangnian with shameful and angry eyes.

Lin Jiangnian looked innocent.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's innocent expression, Zhao Xi felt ashamed and angry.

Is he still pretending to be innocent? !

After taking a few deep breaths and calming down, Zhao Xi's expression gradually returned to normal, with a sneer on his face: "Yes, I am older than His Highness, indeed older than His Highness... Is this what Your Highness means?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't know why this woman's expression could change so quickly, but he still shook his head: "Miss Zhao misunderstood, Miss Zhao is indeed older than me, but she is not old either..."

"Ms. Zhao is now in the most beautiful season of a woman's life. She is in the best age of her life. How can she grow old?"

After hearing these words, the shame and anger in Zhao Xi's heart weakened a bit.

"You can talk."

She snorted coldly.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief.

But before she could say anything, she suddenly felt her feet being kicked again under the table.

Looking up, he saw Zhao Xizheng looking at him with a hint of provocation, as if he was showing off.

He looked a little proud!

As if he had succeeded!

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

This Miss Zhao is so naive!

So vindictive and childish!

Lin Jiangnian was too lazy to argue with her and was about to continue eating.

But it seemed that Miss Zhao next to her was addicted to playing. When Lin Jiangnian didn't respond, she kicked him a few more times.

"Your Highness, you haven't answered my question yet?"

Zhao Xi stared at him eagerly: "His Royal Highness has been talking about him and refused to answer directly. Does it mean that he doesn't plan to marry sister Miao Miao?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Miss Zhao, you seem to be very interested in my engagement with the princess?"


Zhao Xi nodded, half-smiling: "My sister Pianmiao and I are as close as sisters. As a sister, I am not allowed to care about my sister's marriage?"

Lin Jiangnian's face was expressionless.

He really wanted to ask Miss Zhao in front of him, then...

As a sister, I step on my sister's fiance's feet in private in front of my sister. What's going on with such frivolous and sneaky behavior?

Lin Jiangnian remained calm and said calmly: "You have to ask Her Royal Highness the Princess about this matter..."

"I listen to Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Lin Jiangnian directly threw the question to Li Miaomiao, who had not participated in the conversation.

Li Miaomiao, who was eating, was slightly startled. She didn't seem to expect that Lin Jiangnian would drag her in. She raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian. She was silent for a moment and said expressionlessly: "I don't know."

Obviously, she didn't want to answer this question.

Lin Jiangnian knew well that he and the eldest princess had reached certain agreements. But the two of them had no intention of explaining to Zhao Xi.

But Zhao Xi was surprised when he heard this!

She had always known that Li Miaomiao was determined not to marry Lin Jiangnian. Every time I asked before, she denied it outright, but this time...she actually said she didn't know?

Although he still didn't admit it, from the categorical rejection in the past, to the sudden and unclear answer today.

Obviously, something is very wrong!

Zhao Xi squinted her eyes, and she smelled something unusual in it.

Her beautiful eyes glanced at the two people in front of her, trying to see something.

"have no idea?"

Zhao Xi stared at Li Miaomiao, but the eldest princess fell silent after she finished speaking. She had no intention of continuing to speak, and there was nothing on her face.

Zhao Xi knew her well and knew that he couldn't get anything out of the question, so he could only turn his attention to Lin Jiangnian.

His eyes were burning: "Your Highness, do you have a good relationship with sister Piaomiao...?"

Facing Zhao Xi's temptation, Lin Jiangnian calmly said: "It's okay!"

Zhao Xi narrowed his eyes: "Is it just okay?"

"What else does Miss Zhao think?"

"Something's wrong!"

Zhao Xi opened his mouth and looked at the two of them, his expression gradually becoming suspicious: "Are you two hiding something from me?"

It was only at this moment that Zhao Xi gradually realized something.

Although Li Miaomiao rarely spoke today, for some reason, Zhao Xi felt that there was an indescribable sense of understanding between him and Lin Jiangnian in front of him!

Something must have happened between the two of them!

Zhao Xi felt confident.

Lin Jiangnian naturally denied it: "Miss Zhao is overthinking. The eldest princess and I are innocent and have not hidden anything from Miss Zhao."


Zhao Xi obviously didn't believe it. She looked at Li Miaomiao, then at Lin Jiangnian, but said nothing.

However, Lin Jiangnian was kicked again under the table.

Judging from the foot feel, it is neither light nor heavy. It was like... waking up Lin Jiangnian or something.

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged and motionless.

Seeing his unmoved expression, Zhao Xi became more confident. Something must have happened between this guy and Li Piaomiao that she didn't know about.

There might even be something between the two of them...

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi felt a little indescribable anger in his heart!


This guy actually hid it from her?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi wanted to kick him again!

But this time, just when Zhao Xi wanted to take his legs back, he suddenly felt unable to move.

It was as if it was caught by something and couldn't move.

Zhao Xi was slightly startled. She quickly realized something and used force on her legs to pull out.

However, it didn't move at all!

Zhao Xi's eyes widened slightly, as if he didn't expect that the other party would fight back. He looked up and saw Lin Jiangnian giving her a harmless smile.

In the smile, there was something familiar...with bad intentions!

For some reason, Zhao Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he had an ominous premonition.

She looked slightly red and glared at him in embarrassment, warning him to let go of her quickly. However, Lin Jiangnian remained unmoved and ignored the threat in her eyes.

The other party clamped his legs. Such a frivolous movement made Zhao Xi very angry. He was so angry that he wanted to lift his other foot and kick him a few more times.

But before Zhao Xi had time to move, he suddenly felt that his immobile foot under the table was suddenly covered by a familiar hot touch.

Zhao Xi froze in place, as if thinking of something, his whole body trembled. His face looked like it was congested, and it turned red rapidly to the naked eye, and even his breathing almost stopped.

This, this familiar feeling!

He, how dare he...

Zhao Xi's whole body was tense, and his head went blank at this moment.

I was stunned on the spot!

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