Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 369 Miss Zhao who was ‘humiliated’

Under the table, just when Zhao Xi was about to fight back, Lin Jiangnian's hands fell on Zhao Xi's legs with ease and accuracy.

Just this moment suddenly interrupted all Zhao Xi's thoughts and rationality. Just when her body was stiff and her mind was blank, Lin Jiangnian, who was already familiar with the way, landed on her warm and fragrant jade legs through the hem of her skirt.

When you touch it, you can still feel the white, tender and smooth skin, as if it were boneless, even through the clothes.

So soft, so soft!

It feels smooth!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't put it down because of the familiar feeling.

He raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of a delicate and pretty red face. Her fair skin seemed to be dotted with embroidery, and her eyes were looking at him with shame and annoyance.

Shock, astonishment, disbelief, embarrassment, shame and anger...

Many emotions suddenly appeared on Zhao Xi's face. Her red lips were slightly opened, she was shocked and angry, and for a moment she didn't come back to her senses.

She never expected that Lin Jiangnian would dare to touch her...

Still, are you still so daring? !

Piaomiao, is Piaomiao still there? !

He, isn't he afraid of being discovered? !

Zhao Xi looked panicked, completely panicked. He glanced at Li Mianmiao next to him and saw that she was lowering her head, as if she was completely unaware of the two people touching quietly under the table.

For some reason, Zhao Xi felt relieved subconsciously.

Then, he realized something, his face turned red, as if he had applied a layer of rouge, and he stared at him with warning in his eyes.

At the same time, I wanted to pull back the 'violated' leg under the table.

However, facing the threat from Zhao Xi's eyes, Lin Jiangnian chose to turn a blind eye.

Today, this Miss Zhao provoked him again and again, deliberately trying to control the situation. It was time to teach her a little lesson, or else do you really think she has no temper?

Of course, more importantly...

It feels good in hand.

Anyway, I’ve already touched it, so why not touch it a little longer.

Anyway, she was the one who provoked him first, so Lin Jiangnian had no pressure.

Ignoring Zhao Xi's embarrassed, vicious and threatening eyes, Lin Jiangnian gave her a harmless smile.


Under the table, Lin Jiangnian skillfully grabbed Zhao Xi's 'sneak attack' leg in his hand, grabbed her ankle with one hand, took off her small and delicate embroidered shoes, and slightly lifted the hem of her skirt...

When I started, I saw a jade foot covered with snow silk white socks, which felt so delicate and smooth that I couldn't put it down.

Although he couldn't see it with his own eyes, Lin Jiangnian could still picture the white and crystal-clear touch in his hands.

Separated from the snow silk white socks, these stockings are as thin as cicada wings, which does not affect the feel at all, but has a special sense of fun.

This made Lin Jiangnian extremely surprised. The feel... wasn't it just stockings?

Is there such a thing in this era?

Just when Lin Jiangnian felt strange, Zhao Xi next to him was completely confused!

When she was 'violated' by Lin Jiangnian, she was already panicking. Lin Jiangnian's sudden bold move caught her off guard.

However, she just thought that Lin Jiangnian was deliberately retaliating for her previous provocation.

At most, he could only touch it like this, and he didn't dare to do anything else... After all, Miao Miao was still around?

But Zhao Xi never expected that this guy would be so courageous!

Just when Zhao Xi was still rejoicing, he suddenly felt a chill on the soles of his feet. When he came back to his senses, he realized that his legs had fallen into the opponent's hands at some point.

Moreover, this guy took off his shoes, exposed himself under the table, and caressed and played with him unscrupulously...

At this moment, Zhao Xi's head was completely short-circuited.

Feeling the hot breath coming from the soles of his feet, Zhao Xi almost fainted from shame on the spot. Her whole body was tense, her delicate body was trembling slightly, her face was red, and her eyes were filled with mist.

The rapid breathing and the strange touch on the soles of her feet made her almost silent.


There was a faint buzz and a pleasant muffled sound.

Zhao Xi quickly lowered his head, his whole body was as tight as a shrimp, his hands subconsciously rested on the side of the table, and his fingers tightly grasped the edge of the table corner.

But even so, she still couldn't hide her increasingly panicked look and rapid breathing.

She never expected that Lin Jiangnian would be so courageous...

He, he actually dared to humiliate her in front of Miao Miao like this, like this? !

At this moment, Zhao Xi finally retreated!

She struggled to pull her legs back, but they didn't move. Compared with Lin Jiangnian, her strength was completely uncompetitive.

Zhao Xi finally panicked!


If this continues, I'm afraid she may die...

Such an embarrassing and thrilling scene almost made her faint.

She finally raised her head and turned to look at the 'culprit' next to her. She showed an angry expression and stared at this daring guy 'viciously'.

"let me go!"

She opened her mouth slightly, but made no sound. She used her lips to warn the guy next to her who was already so bold.

Let him let go of himself quickly!

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows. Hey, it's already this time. How dare you threaten him?

He squinted slightly.

When Zhao Xi saw his reaction like this, his heart suddenly staggered.

not good!

Sure enough, at this moment, Zhao Xi suddenly felt a chill in the soles of his feet.

She realized something in an instant, and her eyes widened in disbelief, her beautiful eyes filled with rosy colors of shame.

Under the table, Lin Jiangnian skillfully took off the cloud socks wrapped in snow silk. Without the obstruction of stockings, Lin Jiangnian could smoothly feel the beautiful touch of the girl's snow-white legs.

Snow-white and delicate skin, jade feet as round as goose eggs, and slender ankles that feel great to the touch.

Further up, there are the well-proportioned, slender and voluptuous calves. As Miss Zhao tensed into a straight line when she was frightened, the touch was even more amazing, tight and delicate.

So beautiful!

Further up...

No, no! !

At this moment, Zhao Xi, who was already extremely embarrassed, felt the hot and mischievous big hand on her leg, slowly moving up under her skirt, and was about to 'invade' her.

Zhao Xi was so excited that she finally panicked!

She never expected that things would turn out like this.

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian's actions were becoming more and more bold and excessive, she finally panicked, her face turned red, and she held the other man's hand that wanted to continue exploring through the hem of her skirt to prevent him from continuing.

At the same time, he looked up at Lin Jiangnian, and finally there was a bit of pleading in his eyes.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhao Xi in front of him, breathing rapidly, his face flushed, and his eyes as charming as silk. A flush of shame almost covered his entire face, and there seemed to be a bit more of a pitiful look in those watery eyes.

It makes people have the urge to ravage her!

Very beautiful!

Especially her panic look at this moment, her scared and weak eyes, and her slightly pleading eyes made Lin Jiangnian have the urge to bully her severely...

No wonder those dandies like to tease women from good families!

A beauty as beautiful as a flower, so touching that I feel pity for you, looking at you pitifully with pleading eyes...

It’s hard not to be tempted!

However, Lin Jiangnian still held back.

He is not a playboy, and the Zhao Xi in front of him is not a decent woman who can be teased casually.

He just wanted to teach her a little lesson, and by the way... take advantage in the name of teaching her a lesson.

Think of it as interest!

Seeing Zhao Xi finally begging for mercy and admitting defeat, Lin Jiangnian stopped going too far. Just give her a small lesson, and if she continues... it won't be a simple matter of touching her.

Besides, Li Pianmiao is still there. Although Lin Jiangnian didn't care, he couldn't go too far.

Seeing that Zhao Xi had begged for mercy and admitted defeat, Lin Jiangnian took back his hand and let go of her.

On the other side, Zhao Xi, who had regained his freedom, quickly retracted his hand as if he was frightened. That blushing face could not recover for a long time.

"I, I'm full, let's go out for a walk!"

Zhao Xi forced himself to calm down and spoke softly.

Then, he stood up and walked out of the attic on the side.

She needs to quickly find a place to put on her shoes and socks and calm down.

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything and watched her standing up, stumbling slightly. Under the hem of her skirt, she could still catch a glimpse of her snow-white ankles.

So beautiful!

Outside the attic.

Zhao Xi hid in the attic and finally breathed a deep sigh of relief after making sure that neither Lin Jiangnian nor Li Miaomiao could see her.

At this moment, she only felt that her whole body was hot and weak, and she could hardly raise any strength.

The hot feeling was like a fire on his face, and the feeling of shame and anger could not subside for a long time.

She lowered her head and lifted up the hem of her skirt, exposing the snow-white and crystal clear jade feet under the skirt to the air.

Visible to the naked eye, there are faint red marks on the jade feet with white skin. The delicate skin seemed to have been smeared with some seals.

Zhao Xi's face became even redder and hotter when he saw this scene.

As if she could still recall the hot touch just now, she bit her lower lip tightly, not daring to look again, and shook her head hard to get rid of the embarrassing scene just now.

Then, she put on her shoes and socks with shaky movements, and after wrapping them tightly again, she seemed to be deeply relieved.


But the weird and embarrassing emotion in my heart never went away for a long time.

She was ashamed and annoyed, and secretly gritted her teeth. Her face, which was originally cold, elegant, and distinguished in temperament, was now filled with the unpredictable thoughts of a girl.

She raised her eyes and looked at the calm lake not far in front of her. For a moment, her eyes were stunned.

I don’t know what I was thinking about.

inside the room.

Seeing Zhao Xi go outside the attic, Lin Jiangnian took a few glances and realized that he had gone a little too far.

No matter what, this Miss Zhao is still a young lady who has not yet left the court, and she was touched by him out of nowhere...

And twice!

Right now, she really needs to calm down first!

Lin Jiangnian also felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little strange, so he said: "I'm full too, I'm going to go for a walk first!"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian glanced at Li Mianmiao and saw that she had no response, so he stood up and left the room.

After Lin Jiangnian left the room, Li Mianmiao, who had been eating silently, finally put down the chopsticks in his hands.

She raised her eyes and glanced in the direction of the door, then turned to look outside the attic. When she looked back, her eyes fell on the table in front of them.

Staring for a moment, there was a long silence without saying a word.

It was noon, and there were still many talented people and beauties gathered on the deck not far from the cabin, making it very lively.

Not long after Lin Jiangnian came out of the room, he ran into several people.

Almost hit!

"Who doesn't have eyes?!"

Arrogant and cursing voices sounded.

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes. Those who could appear on this ship were either rich or noble. The dandies in the capital seem to have bad tempers.

When Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the three people in front of him, he suddenly became happy!

An acquaintance!

"If you take a closer look, who am I?"

The young man at the head, who smelled of alcohol and was cursing, raised his head and was about to scold the man in front of him for not having eyes.

The next second, when he saw Lin Jiangnian's appearance clearly, he suddenly felt a thrill all over his body. His original drunkenness dissipated in an instant, and he was mostly sober.

"Lin, Lin, Lin Jiangnian?!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "What did you call me?!"

"elder brother……"

Lin Jiangnian's words frightened the man to the point where he completely lost his alcoholism and became completely sober: "You, why are you here?!"

"Why can't I be here?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly, looked at the person in front of him, and sneered: "It's you, why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't expect that he would meet Jiang Shaoan here!

I haven't seen this kid for a while since last time. This kid is at home in Jiang Mansion all day long. He sees no one all day long and hangs out all day long.

So today...

Lin Jiangnian glanced behind him in the direction he came from not far away.

At this time, the two people next to Jiang Shaoan, who looked like playboys in the capital, looked at Lin Jiangnian doubtfully: "Jiang Shaoan, who are these?"

"Why do you speak so arrogantly?"

"He He……"

Jiang Shaoan hesitated and didn't know how to explain.

"What? Don't you recognize me?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly stepped forward, and Jiang Shaoan was so frightened that he subconsciously took a few steps back: "You, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Shaoan never expected that he would meet Lin Jiangnian here!

What a hell!

"I, I came out to play!"

Jiang Shaoan gradually calmed down, mainly because he still had fresh memories of Lin Jiangnian's previous methods. Plus, meeting Lin Jiangnian here made him subconsciously nervous.

But then I thought about it, so what if he was here?

He is his cousin, he can't dare to kill him, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Shao'an suddenly felt that his behavior was a bit embarrassing, especially in front of his friends. He was a little angry: "What does it have to do with you here? Do you care so much about me?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly narrowed his eyes: "What did you say?"

Jiang Shao'an was slightly intimidated by Lin Jiangnian's momentum and immediately shrank his neck, but with his friends here, he couldn't be cowardly even if he had to bite the bullet at this time: "You care about me so much? You are old... Ouch, what are you doing? Well?"

Lin Jiangnian slapped him on the head accurately and sneered: "Who am I?"

"I'm going to show you today who I am!"

", you dare to hit, please stop...oh, don't hit me, I was wrong...Brother, brother, stop hitting me...I was wrong..."


After spanking Jiang Shaoan, Lin Jiangnian stopped with satisfaction, glanced at the two dandy boys next to him who were dumbfounded and did not dare to come forward to help, and sneered.

He glanced behind the group of people again and narrowed his eyes slightly.

His cousin has gone astray?

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