Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 370 Help you take revenge

Although Lin Jiangnian didn't like Jiang Shaoan, he didn't like him either. But this guy is his uncle's child after all, and the only son of the Jiang family.

If he gets into trouble outside, he could easily implicate his uncle and aunt!

This kid is often away from home during this period, hanging out in Beijing all day long. Although Lin Jiangnian didn't pay attention, he knew a little bit about it.

This kid boasted that he had fallen in love with the Eighth Prince some time ago, and he has been hanging out with the Eighth Prince all day long. Do nothing all day, showing off your power.

This is not good news.

Lin Jiangnian had also heard a little bit about the eighth prince.

He is about the same age as Jiang Shaoan, about sixteen or seventeen years old. He is young, has a not simple mind, and is not a good person.

Those who can hang around in Beijing and do nothing all day long are basically like this.

Of course, the most important thing is that the eighth prince is the third prince's loyal partner!

This is worth considering!

Lin Jiangnian and the third prince had an incompatible feud. The eighth prince was the third prince's lackey. As a result, Jiang Shaoan, who was related to Lin Jiangnian, got involved with the eighth prince and the others...

This is obviously very unusual!

Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly when looking at Jiang Shaoan who was about to cry with a face full of fear and grievance.

This silly boy is probably being taken advantage of.

However, Lin Jiangnian also took it seriously for the time being.

For the Eighth Prince, Jiang Shaoan is a very useful chess piece. For Lin Jiangnian, isn't Jiang Shaoan a very good tool?

After spanking Jiang Shaoan, Lin Jiangnian turned around and left with satisfaction.

Jiang Shaoan was left in a miserable state, covering his head in grievance, his eyes fierce and angry.

The two young masters next to him finally spoke.

"Jiang Shaoan? Who was this person just now?"

"How dare he hit you?!"

"It's too much, it's just too much!"

"He'll go fast, otherwise I'll have to teach him a lesson for you!"

"That's right, it's too much to bully our brother. Let him not leave if he has the guts!"


The two young masters were filled with righteous indignation when you said a word and I said a word.

He looked very angry and wanted to stand up for Jiang Shaoan.

"Who else could it be?"

Jiang Shaoan stared at Lin Jiangnian's leaving figure, his eyes filled with anger, and he gritted his teeth: "He is Lin Jiangnian!"

"Lin Jiang..."

The two young masters were about to speak, but when they heard the name, they felt as if someone had suddenly grabbed their necks and fell silent for an instant.

The two froze on the spot, looking at each other.

Lin, Lin Jiangnian? !

Lin, Prince Lin? !

For a moment, the expressions on the two people's faces became strange.


After a while.

"He, he is Prince Lin?!"

"Why, why do they look different?"

"Jiang Shaoan, isn't he your cousin?"

"Yeah, why would he hit you when he's so good?"


Jiang Shaoan's face was red at this moment, and he became angry with embarrassment. He gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely take revenge for today's revenge in the future... Just wait and see, he and I will never live together!"

What happened today was extremely humiliating for him.

The dignified eldest son of the Jiang family was beaten in front of his friends!

He was beaten so badly that he even begged for mercy!

This made him, the eldest son of the Jiang family, lose face.

Jiang Shaoan's head was burning with anger, and he secretly clenched his fists hard!

"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, if I don't avenge this revenge, I, Jiang Shaoan, will never be a human being!"

Jiang Shaoan secretly swore in his heart.

The two young masters on the side looked at each other in confusion.


This guy also wants revenge?

Please, that is Prince Lin Wang. Why do you, a hopeless playboy from the Jiang family, have the right to seek revenge?

What's more, you are my cousin, and you two are related... You can't compare to me in terms of power, and you can't compare to me in terms of power...


Go ahead and dream!

Both of them were very lucky at this moment. When Jiang Shaoan was beaten just now, the two of them did not get involved to help, otherwise they might have been beaten as well!

Are you kidding, is that Prince Lin? !

It’s okay to laugh at everyone behind the scenes on weekdays, but if we really encounter him, who would dare to mess around?

No matter how much you look down on him, he is still the prince of a feudal lord, the only son of two kings with different surnames in the Daning Dynasty! With this identity and status, wouldn't it be just seeking death if he really provoked me?

However, these two people did not expose Jiang Shaoan's stubborn words and responded repeatedly.

"Yes, we believe you!"

"Revenge, you must take revenge. When you come back, Mr. Jiang, you will take revenge..."


After listening to the comforting words of the two people next to him, Jiang Shaoan's face improved a little. He snorted heavily and expressed his determination to come back with revenge, then turned around and left with the two of them, returning to an elegant place not far away. within the room.

In the private room, many people were gathering, in twos and threes.

Several well-dressed and well-dressed members of aristocratic families were gathering together to drink and have fun. Next to these dandy boys, there are also many disheveled women with strong rouge smells, each nestling in the arms of the dandy young master next to them, and their sweet and charming voices are endless.

The room was filled with a mixed smell of alcohol and rouge, making it look particularly depressed.

Sitting next to the soft couch in the center of the private room was a young man who looked young but had an outstanding temperament.

Wearing black brocade clothes, his young face was filled with a calmness that was inconsistent with ordinary people. He leaned back slightly on the soft couch and raised his head, with an indescribable look of comfort on his face.

Right in front of him, there was a young woman in ragged clothes, with a large area of ​​snow-white skin exposed to the air. The woman was kneeling in front of his knees, working hard up and down with a charming and flattering look on her face.

The scene is unsightly!

When Jiang Shaoan returned to his private room and saw the scene in front of him, he felt his face blush and his heart beating violently, and he didn't know where to focus his eyes at all.

"came back?"

The young man sitting on the soft couch opened his eyes and landed on Jiang Shaoan. Soon, he noticed Jiang Shaoan's embarrassed look and wondered: "What's going on?"

Before Jiang Shaoan could speak, the two people next to him stepped forward to explain.

"Your Highness the Eighth Prince, we just met Lin Jiangnian!"

"That's Jiang Shao'an's cousin, Prince Lin. He is also here...just now, he beat Jiang Shao'an..."


When he heard the name Lin Jiangnian, the eyes of the Eighth Prince, who originally looked casual, suddenly narrowed slightly.

"Lin Jiangnian?"

"He's here too?!"

The Eighth Prince was very familiar with this name. Otherwise, this person had a grudge against his Third Emperor brother!

As a die-hard supporter of the Third Brother, the Eighth Prince has always had a close relationship with the Third Brother. Since he is the enemy of Brother Three Emperors, he is also the enemy of Li Ping.

The eighth prince had known before that the third prince brother had a lot of grudges with Lin Jiangnian. The Eighth Prince had always kept it in mind. He had secretly made trouble for Prince Lin and secretly tipped off the Third Prince.

Speaking of which, the Eighth Prince has never really met the Prince Lin!

Thinking of this, the Eighth Prince suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Shaoan: "Just now, Lin Jiangnian hit you?!"

At this time, Jiang Shaoan's face turned hot and humiliated as he heard the Eighth Prince exposing his scars in front of so many people. This feeling of shame was passed on to Lin Jiangnian.

He gritted his teeth and said, "That's right!"


"He's so brave!"

The Eighth Prince suddenly snorted coldly: "You are mine now, how dare Lin Jiangnian hit you for no reason, just because he doesn't take me seriously?"

"Let's go, I'll help you get revenge and get back on your feet!"

Jiang Shaoan was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed: "Your Highness, you..."

"What? Don't want to?"

"Yes, yes, of course!"

When Jiang Shaoan heard this, he was so moved that he almost cried.

I originally thought I was getting another spanking in vain today. Although it didn't hurt much, it was extremely humiliating.

I wanted to continue to swallow my anger, but I didn't expect His Highness the Eighth Prince to suddenly say that he would stand up for him and avenge him?

Very good!

Jiang Shaoan was so moved that he was indeed not with the wrong person. His Highness the Eighth Prince indeed regarded him as one of his own.

"Your Highness is so kind and kind that I will never forget it..."


The Eighth Prince looked at Jiang Shao'an, who was acting like a dog licking in front of him, and sneered in his heart, his eyes becoming more and more contemptuous.

He never took this guy seriously and kept him by his side, but he only liked his relationship with Lin Jiangnian. Keep him so you can use him anytime.

As for helping him out?

The eighth prince just wanted to use this excuse to go see Prince Lin and cause trouble for him!

The son of a vassal king actually overshadowed his prince in the limelight in the capital!

It is simply contrary to Tiangang!

He wanted to see what Lin Jiangnian was capable of!

Look at him, the prince of the vassal, what kind of posture will he look like when he meets his prince?

As for Jiang Shaoan?

It's just a useless tool with some value!

After giving Jiang Shaoan a good beating, Lin Jiangnian left the cabin with satisfaction and came to the deck.

In the afternoon, the sun sets warmly on the deck, and people can be seen everywhere on the deck.

Not far away, the lake surface was calm, with several boats floating around. Faintly, the sweet singing voice of a singer could be heard in the distance.

Lin Jiangnian lazily basked in the sun for a while, listened to the singer singing an unknown ditty, and admired the gorgeous young ladies not far away who were showing their faces.

But after admiring it for a while, Lin Jiangnian became bored.


Not as good as Miss Zhao!

Recalling the charm he had with Zhao Xi under the table not long ago, Lin Jiangnian felt an inexplicable excitement.


There was quite a lot of movement between him and Zhao Xi under the table just now. Did Li Pianmiao notice it?

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows. Judging from the reaction of the eldest princess just now, it seemed that she was completely unaware.


Lin Jiangnian knew very well that the eldest princess's martial arts strength was unfathomable, so how could she not notice this little move under her nose?

If you find out, you pretend not to know?


Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful and stayed outside for a while, then turned around and planned to go back.

There's no point in staying here. It's better to go back and continue teasing Miss Zhao.

at the same time.

inside the room.

Zhao Xi, who was hiding in the attic after putting on his shoes and socks, quietly looked at the calm lake not far away. It was not until a long time later that he gradually calmed down the complicated and chaotic thoughts in his heart.

She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down.

But even so, there was still a bit of ruddy color in those beautiful eyes that would not fade away, as if they were full and extremely alluring.

She bit her lower lip tightly, her delicate face still showing an expression of embarrassment.

"You're a scoundrel, you're a scoundrel, you're audacious..."

Miss Zhao searched for her few curse words and greeted Lin Jiangnian fiercely.

She had mixed feelings.

She was indescribable emotions, and even she didn't know what state she was in at the moment!

But she was a little worried that Li Miaomiao would detect something unusual, so she quickly adjusted her mood and returned to the room.

Although she usually talks about competing for a man with Li Miaomiao, on this day, she secretly flirts with her fiancé in front of her good sisters... the impact on Zhao Xi is still extremely great!

Especially, in front of his best sister, she was stripped and touched by her fiancé...

It is difficult for Zhao Xi to describe the complicated mood at this moment, the strange excitement, and... the deep guilt?


Zhao Xi adjusted his mood and returned to the table.

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes slightly and looked at her: "Huh?"

His expression was as usual, with no changes on his face.

Zhao Xi carefully observed it and made sure that she didn't find anything strange, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that she didn't notice?

That's good……

Zhao Xi, who breathed a sigh of relief, soon became inexplicably weird again.

Doesn't her thinking and behavior like this... look like that kind of vixen who destroys other people's families?

For a time, Zhao Xi's mind became more complicated and heavy.

She obviously didn't have such an idea, but why did things come to this point?

Zhao Xi took a deep breath and calmed down again before speaking cautiously again.

"The weather outside is nice, why don't we go for a walk?"

Li Piaomiao raised his eyes to look at her and said, "Don't wait until he comes back?"

Hearing Li Pianmiao mention him, Zhao Xi suddenly looked a little embarrassed: "No wait, what are you waiting for him to do? Let him go as he pleases..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong with his emotions. Zhao Xi quickly calmed down and said, "By the way, Miao Miao..."

"Why are you suddenly willing to go out for a walk today?"

Zhao Xi changed the topic and asked about it.

The eldest princess who never likes to go out, why would she be willing to go out with her today?

Hearing Zhao Xi mention this matter, Li Miaomiao's eyes were as calm as water. After a moment, he said, "I'm in a bad mood."

When she said she was in a bad mood, there was still no emotion on her face.

"Bad mood?"

Zhao Xi was a little surprised and a little stunned. She rarely heard Li Miaomiao say such things.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Zhao Xi quickly asked.

Li Piaomiao was silent and did not speak.

Zhao Xi quickly realized something from her face: "Is it about the Crown Prince and the Third Prince?!"

Li Piaomiao glanced at her, and after a moment, nodded.

Sure enough!

Zhao Xi smiled bitterly in his heart.

Based on her understanding of the eldest princess, this was probably the only thing that could make her feel bad.

"How is the prince?"

Zhao Xi asked softly: "Are you feeling well?"

"not too good."

"not too good?"

Zhao Xi's heart skipped a beat: "Prince, he...has something wrong with his body?"

"I have no idea."

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes, and there was a hint of confusion in her calm eyes.

"He said he might die!"


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