Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 372 The Eighth Prince Who Suffered a Cruel Education

The proud and proud look on the face of the Eighth Prince Li Ping disappeared when he caught a glimpse of the familiar figure in the room.

He froze on the spot, staring blankly at the cold figure in white clothes in front of him, with a look of panic on his face.

"Emperor, imperial sister?!"

His voice was slightly stuttered, trembling with nervousness and sudden shock.


How could it be the imperial sister? !

Imperial sister, why is she here? !

Why are you hanging out with Prince Lin?

At this moment, the Eighth Prince's mind went blank and he was stunned.

The dandy boys who gathered around the door and were originally prepared to watch the fun were all stunned when they heard the Eighth Prince suddenly calling out to Sister Huang!


The eighth prince’s sister?

As we all know, the eighth prince does have several sisters.

The eighth prince's sister is here today? !

For a moment, the eyes of everyone at the door fell on Li Miaomiao and Zhao Xi in the room.

These two people are stunning in appearance and even more impressive in temperament.

Especially that figure in white, as cold and charming as a fairy, otherworldly.

Such a temperament...

In an instant, some of the dandy boys at the door seemed to have realized something, and their expressions suddenly became extremely frightened.

"Princess, eldest princess?!"

Someone spoke in a slightly trembling voice.

There are indeed several sisters of the Eighth Prince, but there is probably only one who can make the Eighth Prince so panicked...

And the figure in white clothes in front of me seems to completely match the image of the legendary eldest princess?

For a moment...


When they heard the name of the eldest princess, there was an uproar at the door. The dandy boys present all took a breath and looked gradually shocked!

The eldest princess?

The eldest princess is actually with Prince Lin? !

At this moment, in the room.

The eighth prince's face was pale and he looked uneasy, and he no longer had the arrogant and domineering arrogance he had just now.

He looked at the figure sitting at the table not far away in the room. At this moment, he was looking at him expressionlessly, without any emotion.

Such cold eyes made the Eighth Prince feel numb all over and terrified in his heart.

He has been afraid of this imperial sister since he was a child!

Not only because of this imperial sister’s strong martial arts skills and cold and unkind personality, but also because he was ignorant when he was a child. He once used his status as a prince to provoke the emperor’s sister, and she was almost beaten to death by the emperor’s sister...

The Eighth Prince’s memory is still fresh!

If the imperial guards in the palace had not stopped him in time, he would have been beaten to death by the imperial sister!

The imperial sister didn't hold anything back when she started, and she didn't care who he was! Although the imperial sister was punished by her father and imprisoned afterwards, the eighth prince also had a lifelong fear of the imperial sister from that time on.

On weekdays, he avoided the imperial sister, and the imperial sister lived deep in the palace and rarely went out. These years have been uneventful, with almost no interactions.

until today……

Seeing the imperial sister again brought back some long-standing shadows in the eighth prince's life.

At this moment, fear resurfaced.

"Emperor, imperial sister..."

The Eighth Prince's legs were weak and his face was pale. A friendly smile appeared on his face: "Why are you here?"

At the table, Li Miaomiao, dressed in white, looked at him coldly, expressionless: "What are you doing here?!"


At this moment, the Eighth Prince was sweating profusely and his tone was panicked.

What is he here to do?

Of course they are here to trouble Lin Jiangnian!

But who would have thought that the imperial sister would be with Lin Jiangnian?

What exactly is going on?

Didn’t he say that the imperial sister would not marry Lin Jiangnian?

Why...are we still meeting in private?

The Eighth Prince, who had not expected this to happen at all, had an extremely unnatural smile on his stiff face: "I, I'll just come over and take a look..."

"No, if nothing happens, I, I won't disturb you, Sister Huang!"

Saying that, the Eighth Prince wanted to run away.

This imperial sister was the person he least wanted to mess with.

At the moment, he couldn't care less about causing trouble for Lin Jiangnian, he just wanted to get out of here quickly.

But just as he turned around, he happened to see Lin Jiangnian standing behind him at some point, looking at him with a half-smile.

"The Eighth Prince is already here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian blocking his way, the Eighth Prince immediately became furious: "What are you doing?!"

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the serious-looking eighth prince in front of him and sneered: "The eighth prince broke in here for no reason today and ruined the tryst between my son and the eldest princess. Do you just want to leave?"

"Yu, tryst?!"

Hearing this, the Eighth Prince's eyes widened in disbelief.

He, he was having a tryst with the imperial sister? !

Not only the Eighth Prince, but also many people present took a breath.

Didn't it mean that the eldest princess didn't like Prince Lin?

How do you feel...the situation is different?

Zhao Xi, who was not far away, was slightly startled when he heard this. His eyes suddenly became a little strange, and he subconsciously turned to look at Li Miaomiao next to him.

But he saw that she still looked calm and had no reaction.

Zhao Xi seemed to think of something, so he moved slightly closer and whispered: "Pianmiao, are you having a tryst with him?"

Li Piaomiao did not answer her boring question.

Zhao Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at her, and then at Lin Jiangnian not far away, wondering what he was thinking.


The eighth prince was astonished and immediately didn't believe it: "How could it be possible for my imperial sister to have a tryst with you?!"


Lin Jiangnian looked at him with a smile: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Her Royal Highness the Princess!"


Where does he have the courage?

Although I don't believe it in my heart, the imperial sister and Lin Jiangnian are indeed here now, and they do seem to be having a tryst...

For a moment, the eighth prince was inexplicably panicked.

"Then, what do you want?!"

"How about it?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him: "I would like to ask His Highness the Eighth Prince what he wants to do when he suddenly comes here today?!"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's questioning, for some reason, the eighth prince felt a sense of fear in his heart.


The eighth prince stammered, unable to explain. His face immediately turned red and he said angrily: "What does my coming here have to do with you? You have nothing to do with it!"

The Eighth Prince snorted coldly and was about to leave immediately.

He is afraid of the imperial sister, but he is not afraid of Lin Jiangnian!

The imperial sister didn't say anything, what could Lin Jiangnian do to him?

Then, the Eighth Prince had just taken two steps when he suddenly felt his collar being grabbed. Immediately after his feet were empty, his clothes and person were dragged back again.

The eighth prince staggered and almost fell to his knees.

"You, what are you doing?!"

Being grabbed by the collar, the Eighth Prince turned around in shock and anger, only to meet Lin Jiangnian's sneer eyes.

"Did I let you go?!"

The Eighth Prince's heart trembled and he looked panicked: "You, what do you want to do?!"

"You let me go?! You are a little prince, how dare you touch me?!"

Faced with the childish threat from the Eighth Prince, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Your Highness, the Eighth Prince, have you forgotten something?"

"Although I am just a small prince, I have another identity!"

As he spoke, Lin Jiangnian suddenly sneered and stared at the eighth prince: "Am I still your future brother-in-law?"

The Eighth Prince's pupils dilated and he was stunned.

Sister, brother-in-law?

This guy……

"It's fine that your brother-in-law doesn't say hello when he sees his brother-in-law. He's still so young... As your future brother-in-law, I have the right to teach you a lesson for your sister!"

"You, you dare?!"

The Eighth Prince's eyes widened in shock and anger, with a look of panic.

He, he dares to teach himself a lesson?

"Who do you think you are?! You are not my brother-in-law, don't even think about it..."

The eighth prince spoke angrily, but Lin Jiangnian ignored his incompetent rage and turned to look at Li Miaomiao on the other side.

"Your Highness, this boy is not very obedient. He came here to cause trouble today. Do you need me to help you teach this boy a lesson?"

"Sister Huang, don't listen to his nonsense...Sister Huang, please save me. You, don't you dislike him? He takes advantage of you, please kill him..."

The Eighth Prince couldn't care less at this time, and kept struggling and calling for help.

Li Piaomiao glanced at the Eighth Prince and then at Lin Jiangnian. After a moment, he said expressionlessly: "Don't beat him to death."

The understatement made the eighth prince completely stunned.

My head is confused!

Wait, don't kill me?

What does this mean?

Princess, she...

Princess, what does she mean by this? !

The Eighth Prince's heart suddenly went cold!

Before the eighth prince could react, he saw Lin Jiangnian looking toward the door and glanced at those people: "You guys, why don't you get out?!"

The cold voice immediately made the dandy boys at the door wake up from a dream, and they hurriedly ran away to say goodbye!

Something big happened!

Prince Lin actually has a close relationship with the eldest princess, as if... they are in the same group!

In this way, today's matter becomes a private matter of the royal family!

The Eighth Prince is finished!

Now the Eighth Prince has stepped on the iron plate, and he is probably going to explain it here!

The remaining people ran away quickly, fearing that they would be implicated.

Soon, everyone at the door ran away.

The dandy in the room who had been slapped by Lin Jiangnian didn't even bother to cause trouble for Lin Jiangnian anymore. After realizing that something was wrong and the Eighth Prince couldn't save himself, he ran away in a hurry. .

When he ran out of the room, he even closed the door in case Lin Jiangnian chased him out!

The room became completely quiet!

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at the dumbfounded Eighth Prince, and sneered: "Okay, no one else can see it now..."

The Eighth Prince immediately shuddered and looked horrified, "You, what do you want to do?!"

"You, let me"

It has to be said that this eighth prince does have some martial arts skills.

As a prince, the eighth prince received royal education from an early age and did learn some martial arts moves.

However, his three-legged cat skills are obviously not enough in front of Lin Jiangnian today. Before Shi could do anything, Lin Jiangnian slapped him to the ground, screaming and wailing.

"You, you dare to hit me... Ouch, you are dead... Ouch, don't... you... don't, don't hit..."

"I was wrong, brother-in-law, I was wrong... don't hit wuwuwu..."


The eighth prince's ability to withstand beatings was no better than Jiang Shaoan's.

Lin Jiangnian had just warmed up, and he had already apologized and admitted his mistake with tears in his eyes... As a usually pampered prince, except for the time when he was almost beaten to death by the imperial sister, he had never suffered any grievances since he was a child.

Where have you ever been treated like this?

Especially the words of the imperial sister, ‘Don’t beat him to death’ were enough to scare him!

Don't kill me?

It long as you don't die, anything else will do?

Broken arms and legs?

Disfigured and paralyzed?

The eighth prince was frightened at the thought of this possibility. How could he dare to speak harshly?

After all, the Eighth Prince is just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child who has been spoiled since he was a child. Even if he is indeed not a good person, his mental quality is not good after all!

Seeing the Eighth Prince crying like a teenager, Lin Jiangnian clapped his hands with satisfaction and looked down at the Eighth Prince lying on the ground: "Now, I ask you, you answer... ... If you dare to lie or speak harshly, I will continue to whip you, do you understand?"

"Ming, I understand..." The eighth prince's voice was weak and aggrieved.

"Let me ask you, what are you doing here today?"

Hearing this question, the Eighth Prince hesitated, "I, I'm here to help Jiang Shao'an regain his position..."


Lin Jiangnian knew he would make this excuse, slapped him on the head and sneered, "How dare you lie?"

"to be honest!"

"Don't, don't fight, I, I said..."

The Eighth Prince screamed and then told the truth: "I, I'm coming to find you!"

"What do you want from me?"

"Looking for, making trouble for you..."

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Do I have a grudge against you?"

"No, no..."

"Then why did you come to trouble me?"

"You, you have a grudge against the Third Emperor Brother..."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Did the Third Prince ask you to come?"

"No, no..."

The Eighth Prince shook his head: "Yes, I did it myself..."


Lin Jiangnian slapped him on the head again: "How dare you lie?!"

"No, no...I, I didn't lie..."

The eighth prince's tears of grievance fell down in large pieces.

When Lin Jiangnian saw him crying like this in grievance, he also guessed the boy's true purpose.

Come here to trouble him?

To regain some ground for the Third Prince?

It has to be said that this eighth prince is indeed somewhat mentally retarded.

"But, can you let me go?"

The eighth prince burst into tears and cried miserably.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "It's not impossible if you want me to let you go, but you have to do something for me!"

"Wha, what's the matter?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and moved closer: "Jiang Shao'an, are you following me?"

The Eighth Prince was slightly startled and nodded subconsciously: "Yes, yes?"

"That'll be easy..."

After hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, the Eighth Prince's eyes widened in disbelief: "Really, do you really want to do this?"

"has a problem?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's narrowed eyes, the Eighth Prince shuddered and shook his head quickly: "No, no!"

"That's fine, just do as I say, do you understand?"

Lin Jiangnian let go of him: "You can leave now!"

The Eighth Prince then struggled to get up from the ground, backed away in horror, and looked at Lin Jiangnian in horror before gritting his teeth.

Then, he turned around and left the room without looking back. He ran very fast, as if escaping from a dragon's pond or a tiger's den.

After the Eighth Prince escaped, Lin Jiangnian slowly turned around, only to see the eyes of Zhao Xi and Li Piaomiao both falling on him.

Especially Zhao Xi's gaze was very strange.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised.

"You are really a bad person!"

Zhao Xi obviously heard what Lin Jiangnian said to the Eighth Prince just now and couldn't help but sigh.

This guy is full of bad ideas!

Li Miaomiao on the side didn't say anything, but judging from the look in Lin Jiangnian's eyes, it was obvious that he had the same idea.

"What do you know?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I am helping a young man who has gone astray to get back on the right path!"

"Is it necessary to do this to return to the right path?" Zhao Xi curled his lips.

"Of course not necessarily!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said: "However, I don't like that kid, so I specifically plan to make him suffer more!"

Zhao Xi: "..."

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