Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 373 The eldest princess regrets

Lin Jiangnian has been living in Jiang Mansion since he entered Beijing. Jiang Ningkang and Jiang's mother were also very concerned about their nephew. He always greets Lin Jiangnian with greetings and takes great care of him.

Lin Jiangnian originally didn't care about Jiang Shaoan's life and death, but for the sake of his uncle and aunt, Lin Jiangnian decided to help him a little.

Give him a chance to return from his lost ways!

As for whether he wanted it or not, Lin Jiangnian didn't care.

In addition, Lin Jiangnian didn't have a good impression of Jiang Shaoan. So on the road to letting him find his way back, he naturally planned to make him suffer a little.

On the other hand, Jiang Shaoan was too close to the Eighth Prince, which was indeed a hidden danger.

The eighth prince belongs to the third prince. Once the third prince rebels... no matter whether he succeeds or not, the Jiang family will be implicated.

Due to emotions and reasons, Lin Jiangnian could not let his uncle and aunt be affected.

Then, we can only find a way to start with this kid Jiang Shaoan.

After the Eighth Prince fled, Lin Jiangnian and others had no idea of ​​continuing the cruise.

Lin Jiangnian originally came to Zhao Xi's appointment today and wanted to see what Miss Zhao's purpose was. As a result, there was an extra eldest princess, which made the atmosphere a bit weird.

The same was true for Zhao Xi. She originally wanted to meet Lin Jiangnian alone, but she didn't expect Miao Miao to get involved. In addition, not long ago, the two of them secretly pulled each other behind Miao Miao's back under the table, which made Zhao Xi always feel a little weird and no longer interested in playing.

As for Li Piaomiao...

From beginning to end, she showed no interest at all.

Ever since, being disturbed by the Eighth Prince, the three of them lost their spirits. After leaving Nanhu, Lin Jiangnian said goodbye to the two of them and turned to leave.

However, before leaving, he glanced at Zhao Xi a few more times, and saw that Zhao Xi's eyes were complicated and looking at him with a hint of shame and anger.

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hands and left gracefully.

After Lin Jiangnian left, Zhao Xi and Li Miaomiao got into a carriage and headed back to Zhao Mansion together.

On the carriage.

Zhao Xi sat there, silently in a daze, his eyes blank. I don't know what is going on in my mind, and my eyes are a little confused.

It wasn't until a long time later that he seemed to come back to his senses. A flash of red flashed across his face, mixed with a bit of embarrassment. Biting her lower lip, her fair and delicate face showed a bit of a girl's complex thoughts.

She took a deep breath and sighed softly. Looking up, she saw Li Piaomiao sitting opposite her staring at her.

His cold eyes were a little deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Zhao Xi's heart skipped a beat: "What, what happened?"

Li Piaomiao kept staring at her with cold eyes and said nothing.

Calm and unruffled.

But Zhao Xi felt inexplicably uneasy for some reason.

has a problem!

Li Pianmiao looked at her quietly and suddenly said, "You originally wanted to see him today, right?"

A cold tone without any emotion.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes widened slightly, with panic on her face.


It was like he had done something shameful.

In fact...she really felt that she had done something wrong today!

But after a short while, Zhao Xi calmed down again. Looking at Li Piaomiao's expressionless expression, she blinked: "How do you know?"

Li Piaomiao was silent.

Zhao Xi sighed softly and said helplessly: "I didn't expect that I couldn't hide this from you..."

She underestimated the eldest princess's sensitivity!

Obviously, she may have realized a long time ago... How could such a coincidence happen?

However, Zhao Xi was still a little unconvinced: "How did you find out?"

She thought she concealed it well, but she didn't expect that she would still see the flaw.

Li Piaomiao still didn't speak.


Seeing that she was silent, Zhao Xi spoke quietly and admitted: "Yes, I came to see him was it? Is it surprising?"

Li Pianmiao looked at her quietly and said lightly: "It's not surprising."


Li Piaomiao looked out the car window, calmly.

To her, the news seemed to come as no surprise.

The disguise of these two people in front of her today was indeed a bit clumsy. If she can't see it, then there's something really wrong.

"You're angry?!"

Seeing that Li Pianmiao didn't speak, Zhao Xi suddenly stared at her with stern eyes and spoke.

Li Piaomiao glanced at her expressionlessly.

"Are you really angry?!"

Li Piaomiao said calmly: "Why should I be angry?"

"Why aren't you angry?"

Zhao Xi spoke decisively: "He is your fiancé..."

"I asked your fiancé out alone today without telling you. Aren't you jealous? Aren't you angry?!"

Faced with Zhao Xi's sudden question, Li Miaomiao remained calm: "I told you before that I would not marry him!"

Zhao Xi stared at Li Pianmiao, trying to see some flaws in her face.

However, she failed!

"You really don't care?!"

Zhao Xi still didn't believe it: "No matter what, he is your fiancé now... I am so close to him, do you really feel nothing at all?"

She didn't believe that Li Miaomiao could really be completely calm?

Even if she doesn't get married, Lin Jiangnian is still her fiancé. Is she really completely indifferent?

Hearing Zhao Xi's words, Li Miaomiao raised his eyes, glanced at her, and said lightly: "You mean, he touched you under the table?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xi's originally burning gaze froze instantly.

"You, how do you know?!"

Zhao Xi was caught off guard and looked embarrassed.

She didn't expect that Li Miaomiao would suddenly mention this, let alone... she would actually find out? !

She actually discovered the little moves between the two of them under the table not long ago?

Did she even know that Lin Jiangnian touched her? !

For a moment, Zhao Xi's face turned red and hot, and he suddenly had the urge to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

However, she still held back!

Looking at Li Pianmiao's cold and emotionless expression, it seemed as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her and was insignificant.

At this moment, Zhao Xi felt inexplicably melancholy.

"Since you knew he was... bullying me? Why didn't you stop him?"

Zhao Xi bit his lower lip lightly, stared into Li Pianmiao's eyes, and asked.


Li Piaomiao glanced at her and said lightly: "You didn't take the initiative?"

Zhao Xi: "..."

"You...are really not angry?!"

Zhao Xi's face turned red with embarrassment, and he gritted his teeth and asked.

"He has nothing to do with me, why should I be angry?"

Li Piaomiao's answer was still watertight and calm.

This made Zhao Xi inexplicably discouraged. It seemed that she had never seen through this good sister whom she had known for such a long time.

Does she really not care at all?

Li Piaomiao's expression remained as usual. She looked at Zhao Xi and suddenly asked, "Do you like him?"

As soon as this question came up, Zhao Xi was stunned for a moment.

like him?

Like that guy?

As soon as this thought came to mind, Zhao Xi blushed and immediately denied it: "Of course not..."

But before he could say "no", Zhao Xi suddenly stopped again. Her beautiful eyes rolled, and she suddenly squinted and stared at Li Pianmiao: "This is a good question."

"You have to say you like it, but that's not enough..."

"But if you don't like him... don't mention it. Prince Lin has a good appearance and outstanding temperament... You know, I have always admired him!"

"Talented, capable, well-born, and good-looking... It's unreasonable to say that I don't like such a rare good husband at all..."

Zhao Xi came a little closer, her beautiful eyes narrowed, and her face showed a bit of constriction: "What a pity, he is your fiancé!"

Li Miaomiao looked at her calmly: "If you like it, after I break off the engagement with him, I can ask my father to marry you to him!"

Zhao Xi's face was reddish and there was a slight burning sensation, but she still stared into Li Pianmiao's eyes: "Are you really willing to give up?"

Li Piaomiao lowered her eyes slightly, calmly.

For her, there seems to be nothing in the world that she cannot give up.

And this is just a fiancé in name who has nothing to do with her!

She has never admitted it.

"Is this what you said?"

Zhao Xi looked at Li Miaomiao's always cold face, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

She smiled slightly: "If one day, he really falls in love with me. Don't you regret it then?"

"When that time comes, even if you beg me, I won't give him back to you..."

"up to you."

Li Piaomiao's voice was devoid of any emotion.

Her expressionless gaze fell outside the car window again, her eyes full of frosty coldness that could not be dispelled.


She would never beg for a man in her life!

There is no word 'begging' in the dictionary of this eldest princess's life!

the other side.

After separating from the eldest princess and Zhao Xi in Nanhu, Lin Jiangnian did not return to Jiang Mansion and came to an old place.

Outside Jiang Mansion, inside a teahouse a few streets away.

The elegant room by the window has a quiet environment!

Lin Jiangnian opened the door and walked in. There was a figure waiting in the room for a long time.


Lin Jiangnian looked at the figure in the room and smiled: "Isn't it time to congratulate you now that you finally got what you wanted?"

The figure in the room stood up, looked at Lin Jiangnian, and said respectfully in a deep voice: "All this is thanks to His Highness's help. Everything I have now is given by Your Highness."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "I just paved the way for you, it's up to you to decide how to go next!"

"I will not let His Highness down!"

Chen Changqing's eyes were deep and cold, as if he had made some kind of determination.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, went to the table next to him, poured a cup of tea, and raised the glass: "Then I will use tea instead of wine, and congratulate Chief Chen on his new power?"

Chen Changqing said nothing, but also raised his tea cup.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Chen Changqing sitting opposite. After not seeing each other for a while, Chen Changqing has changed a lot.

Wangri's dejected temperament has changed, his aura is restrained, his eyes are sharp and deep, and his energy is exuding. Now he is like a leader who truly holds great power and can turn his hands into clouds and rain!

Power can really change a person's temperament.

"Chen Zhao, have you ever doubted you?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Chen Changqing said solemnly: "I didn't hide anything!"


Under Lin Jiangnian's doubtful inquiry, Chen Changqing told exactly what happened.

It has to be said that Chen Changqing's plan of killing her first and then showing her off was indeed successful. Even Lin Jiangnian had to admire his methods and determination. Being able to achieve this step is enough to illustrate his ability.

"Chen Zhao has no choice. With the four guardians behind him, he must be eager to regain control of the power of Mitiansi. But now, except for me, he has no choice in Mitiansi..."

"He will definitely choose me!"

"But he will never completely believe me... In fact, he will definitely be wary of me..."

Chen Changqing is very clear about his situation, and it is difficult for him to fully gain Chen Zhao's trust.

But for him, it's enough!

"In order to control me, Chen Zhao also poisoned me..."

Speaking of this, Chen Changqing said in a deep voice: "However, I haven't found out what kind of poison it is... Come to think of it, I'm afraid it's not simple!"

Hearing that Chen Changqing had been poisoned, Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly: "Let me see!"

Chen Changqing nodded and stretched out his hand. Lin Jiangnian put his finger on Chen Changqing's pulse and checked it. Sure enough, he could not find any signs of poisoning in his body.

This couldn't help but make Lin Jiangnian frown even deeper!

what happened?

Lin Jiangnian possesses the Tai Gu mind method taught by Liu Su. After breaking through the first level, he has become extremely sensitive to most poisons in the world.

But even so, he still couldn't detect any signs of poisoning from Chen Changqing's body.

In this case, things may become a bit tricky!

It is unlikely that Chen Zhao would do something like scare him without poisoning him. In this case, there is only one possibility left...

The poison given by Chen Zhao was so powerful that even Lin Jiangnian couldn't notice it.

Then this poison... I'm afraid it's not simple!

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's frowning expression, Chen Changqing said, "I've already tried it, and I couldn't detect it at all. I even suspected that I wasn't poisoned at all..."

"Chen Zhao, this person's methods are indeed not simple!"

However, Chen Changqing's eyes became firm again: "However, it doesn't matter even if I am poisoned. Now that I have the power of Mitiansi, I can finally use my hands and feet to do things..."

"When I eradicate all of them, even if I die, I will die with no regrets..."

Chen Changqing's eyes were calm, and he had already prepared to face life and death.

"It's a bit tricky indeed!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded thoughtfully. He indeed could not detect any signs of poisoning on Chen Changqing.

Very weird!

“However, it’s not necessarily completely impossible!”

Lin Jiangnian spoke slowly, although he could not detect any signs of poisoning on Chen Changqing.

But there is someone who might be able to do it!

In Lin Jiangnian's mind, that graceful and graceful figure in red clothes quickly appeared.

Lin Jiangnian's Tai Gu mind technique was taught to him by Liu Su.

The Supreme Gu Mind Technique, practiced to the highest level, can be immune to almost all poisons in the world, and it is also so sensitive that almost no poison can hide it.

With Liu Su's strength, he might be able to see the clues.

However, after the last separation, Liu Su was seriously exhausted and needed to find a place to rest.

I wonder, where is she in Beijing now?

Counting the time, the leader would probably come to Lin Jiangnian again soon after he understood the first level of Xuanyang's Mind Technique.

So, by then, we should be able to see her again, right?

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