Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 374 Losing his wife and losing his troops

at dusk.

Inside the Jiang Mansion.

A sneaky figure was entering Jiang Mansion from the small door, passing through the corridor, and was about to return to his room. Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind.


This sudden sound immediately made the sneaky figure freeze in place.

Not far away, at the entrance of the courtyard.

Looking at the sneaky people in the courtyard, Jiang's mother suddenly became angry.

"Where have you been again?!"

"What kind of behavior would it be to hang out outside all day long?"

"One day at a time, can you do something serious?!"

Jiang's mother's face was full of sullenness. She was disappointed with her incompetent son and hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

I am just such a child, and I have raised him as a treasure since I was a child. As a result, he developed a domineering character. He has been stubborn since he was a child, and now he is even more rebellious!

He hangs out all day long, hanging out with shady people, and is often away from home.

This makes Mother Jiang angry!

I don’t know how many times I have been educated, but to no avail. Instead, I have become more rebellious.

This makes Mother Jiang very headache and angry.

Now, seeing Jiang Shaoan's sneaky behavior, Jiang's mother couldn't help but darken her face. I haven't seen him for another two days. Where did this traitor go to hang out again?

Did you get into trouble again? !

Suddenly caught by his mother, Jiang Shaoan was obviously panicked. He didn't dare to look back: "Mom, I, I didn't..."

"If nothing happens, I, I will go back to the room first..."

Jiang Shaoan's voice was a little unclear and he wanted to run away.


Mother Jiang stopped him in a stern voice: "Who told you to leave?!"

"Where have you been these past two days?"

When Jiang's mother was asking, she suddenly found that the rebellious son in front of her was a little strange. There was something wrong with her back to him and her secretive look.

"You turn around and let me see?"

Mother Jiang spoke up.

But Jiang Shaoan became more and more uneasy, and his voice was still vague: "Mom, I'm fine, I, I'm really a little tired, I'm going back to my room first..."

"Don't leave!"

Jiang's mother spoke sharply. Seeing Jiang Shao'an was about to run away, Jiang's mother immediately glared: "Stop him!"

Immediately afterwards, two servants appeared in the courtyard and stood in front of Jiang Shaoan: "Master, my wife is calling you!"

Jiang Shaoan was blocked by his servants and suddenly panicked.

"Mother, mother, what are you doing..."

Mother Jiang's eyes became more and more suspicious as she stared at him: "Shao'an, turn around and look at mother!"

Under Mother Jiang's questioning gaze, Jiang Shaoan trembled slightly, but finally turned around reluctantly.

Mother Jiang's eyes fell on Jiang Shaoan's face. The next moment, her expression changed slightly: "You, what's wrong with you?!"

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan looked miserable, his face was bruised and swollen, and his face, which was not handsome in the first place, looked even more... ugly!

With this look, it was obvious that he had just been beaten?

"Shao An? What's wrong with you?!"

Mother Jiang was startled, her eyes immediately serious.

what happened?

Why does Shaoan look like this?

Who hit him?


Seeing his mother's worried and nervous look and tone, Jiang Shaoan, who had been aggrieved all day, finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Mom, you have to make the decision for your child!"

Jiang Shaoan ran to Mother Jiang with a plop, knelt down and hugged her thigh, and cried loudly: ", you want to avenge the child..."



When Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the house.

"What happened?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't go back to the courtyard first and asked about Lin Qingqing at home.

Lin Qingqing hesitated to speak, and then whispered: "Your Highness, would you like to go and see Mrs. Jiang?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was slightly stunned, and then he seemed to realize something, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "What about Jiang Shao'an?"

Lin Qingqing nodded and said with a slightly worried expression: "Young Master Jiang came back with a bruised nose and swollen face to complain to Mrs. Jiang, saying that Your Highness you beat him today..."


Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was happy: "Is this guy still framing me?"

As he said that, he nodded: "Okay, I'll go over and take a look!"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and came to the small courtyard where Jiang's mother lived. The usually deserted courtyard was a little lively today.

In the hall not far ahead, Mother Jiang was sitting in the front hall, frowning.

Jiang Shaoan sat aside, with a look of grievance on his face and red eyes, like a child who had been wronged.

Lao Gao's face was swollen, blue and red, and he was in a miserable state.

It looks like he suffered a lot.

Next to her, Zhiyuan sat with cold eyes, but a trace of worry could be vaguely seen in her eyes.

Xiaozhu stood behind Zhiyuan, equally worried, until she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw a figure outside the courtyard not far away.

"Your Highness?!"

Xiaozhu spoke excitedly.

At the same time, all eyes in the hall fell outside the courtyard.

"Is everyone here?"

Lin Jiangnian walked in with a smile on his face and glanced at Zhiyuan first. Zhiyuan also looked at him quietly without saying anything, but there was some worry in his eyes.

Lin Jiangnian gave her a reassuring look, and then glanced at Jiang Shaoan. He saw that his eyes were a little evasive, but there was still a look of hatred in his eyes. It was obvious that he hated and feared Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian ignored him and looked at Mother Jiang ahead.


Lin Jiang young smiled and said: "Why are you all here today?"

When Jiang's mother saw Lin Jiangnian, a kind smile appeared on her face: "Jiang Nian, you came just in time. Auntie has something to tell you!"

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew what Jiang's mother wanted to ask: "Jiang's mother wanted to ask about my cousin?"


Mother Jiang nodded, a little worried and a little confused: "Shao'an said, Jiang Nian, did you hit him today?"

"What exactly is going on?"

Not long ago, when she found that Nizi came back with a bruised nose and face, Jiang's mother was worried and surprised, and quickly asked why.

Jiang Shaoan burst into tears and started crying, saying that Lin Jiangnian beat him today!

Jiang's mother didn't quite believe her son's accusation.

First of all, Jiang Shaoan often deceives people, and Jiang's mother knows the character of this rebellious son very well. On the other hand, Jiang's mother also knew that Lin Jiangnian had a sense of proportion and would not beat him for no reason, and beat Shao An so badly...

Now that Lin Jiang is here, she naturally wants to ask clearly.

"Shaoan came to complain to you?"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Jiang Shao'an and saw that he shrank his neck and his eyes were a little evasive, feeling guilty.

Lin Jiang young laughed and nodded: "Yes, aunt, I did beat my cousin today!"

Hearing this, everyone else present was stunned.

It seems that I didn’t expect that, is this really happening? Your Highness, did you really beat Master Jiang? !

Mother Jiang was also a little surprised. Did Jiang Nian really hit Shaoan?

However, Mother Jiang reacted quickly and frowned: "What's going on? Jiang Nian, did Shaoan do something bad again?"

Jiang Shaoan on the side: "..."

He was confused!

No, mother, your own son was beaten, and the culprit admitted it, but what was the first thing you asked?

You didn't question the culprit, but your first thought was that your son had done something bad?

Who is your biological son? !

"He didn't do anything bad!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Jiang Shaoan and shook his head slightly.

Just when Jiang Shao'an breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Lin Jiangnian's tone change: "I just saw him on the Nanhu cruise ship today. My cousin spoke rudely to me and made angry remarks... By the way, aunt!"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have just remembered something: "I saw Shaoan drunk on a cruise in Nanhu Lake today. He still smelled like a woman's rouge. I don't know what he was doing..."

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that there was a sudden silence in the hall.

Zhiyuan's expression remained unchanged and she stared at Lin Jiangnian quietly, wondering what he was thinking. Xiaozhu behind him opened his eyes slightly.

Master Jiang... drinking in Nanhu?

Does your body smell like women's rouge?

Isn’t Master Jiang...

The hall was silent for a second.

Jiang Shaoan, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, immediately changed his expression when he heard this!

not good!

Sure enough, the next second!

"Jiang Shaoan?!!"

Jiang Shaoan was startled by the sudden and sharp sound. He raised his head and met his mother's cold and stern eyes.

"Are you in Nanhu today?!"

"Still drinking?"

"Still hanging out with women outside?!"


Facing Jiang's mother's questioning, Jiang Shaoan was completely panicked.

He didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian would reveal everything about what happened to him today... He has no martial ethics!

"Mother, mother...that's not what happened..."

Jiang Shaoan tried his best to defend himself, but he hesitated and couldn't come up with a reason.

Mother Jiang, on the other hand, was about to explode with anger, her face gloomy and cold.

She had long been dissatisfied with Nizi hanging around outside all day long. But Jiang Shaoan never caused any big trouble, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But no matter what, Jiang Shaoan is only fifteen or sixteen years old now. At such a young age, he has already learned to drink wine and hang out with women outside? !

Is this okay?

The Jiang family's family tradition will be completely ruined by him!

The more Jiang's mother thought about it, the angrier she became. She wanted to get up and slap the traitor.

"Ma'am, calm down and calm down!"

The maid on the side quickly comforted him.

Jiang Shaoan was almost frightened: "Mother, mother, you need to calm down... don't be impulsive..."

Mother Jiang was about to be furious and said in a cold voice: "You still have the nerve to come and complain?! Why didn't Jiang Nian beat you to death today? If I had known, I would have beaten you to death... lest you ruin the Jiang family's family style in the future... …”

Jiang Shaoan was extremely anxious and aggrieved!

its not right!

Mom, who is your son?

Why are you facing an outsider?

"Mom, don't just talk about me..."

Jiang Shaoan was anxious and angry. When he saw Lin Jiangnian looking at him playfully, he immediately pointed angrily at Lin Jiangnian: "He's not much better..."

"I, I also saw him on the South Lake cruise ship today, with Her Royal Highness the Princess and another woman..."

Jiang Shaoan immediately complained!

I obviously didn't do anything today, but I still got scolded!

Where is Lin Jiangnian?

This guy was on a cruise in Nanhu Lake with two women today, and he was hiding in his room for who knows what...

"The eldest princess?"

Jiang's mother was stunned for a moment and glanced at Jiang Nian subconsciously. Then she reacted and angrily reached out and hit Jiang Shao'an on the head: "Can you compete with Jiang Nian?!"

"He's older than you!"

"What happened to Jiang Nian and Her Royal Highness the eldest princess?"

"The eldest princess is Jiang Nian's fiancée. Isn't it normal to be together?"

"You still dare to quibble? Tell me, what did you do on the Nanhu cruise today? If you don't tell the truth, wait until your father comes back and see how he deals with you!!"

"Mother, mother, I was wrong...Mother, ouch...stop fighting..."


Jiang Shaoan obviously didn't expect that his frame-up today would end up costing his wife and losing his troops.

After learning that he was drinking flower wine in Nanhu today, Jiang's mother was furious and gave Jiang Shaoan a lesson. If it weren't for his miserable appearance, he would have been beaten severely.

But even so, Jiang Shaoan was still miserable.

Afterwards, Jiang's mother took Lin Jiangnian and told her, "Jiang Nian, if you see him hanging around outside in the future, just take action... educate him well for your aunt!"

"Don't show mercy!"

Jiang's mother was obviously a little too angry, and she was dizzy with anger. Lin Jiangnian nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Auntie, I will educate Shaoan well for you and make him get back on the right track... Auntie, don't be so angry. Now that you have recovered, go down and rest first!”

Mother Jiang was so angry that her body almost broke out from the anger. With the help of her servants, she went back to her room to rest.

Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu left first with Jiang's mother, but before leaving, Zhiyuan gave Lin Jiangnian a meaningful look.

Just this glance made Lin Jiangnian realize...he was in trouble!

Jiang Shaoan revealed that Lin Jiangnian met the princess in Nanhu today. Mother Jiang would not find it strange, but Zhiyuan... it was hard to tell!

While talking about breaking off the engagement with the eldest princess, he met with the eldest princess in private...

I'm afraid Zhiyuan needs a good explanation!

Maybe, I will be kicked out by the paper kite again tonight.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian looked at the 'culprit' on the side of the hall!

At this time, Jiang Shaoan, who realized that the frame-up had failed and that something was not going well, had long wanted to sneak away.

Just after taking two steps away, Lin Jiangnian glanced at him coldly: "Where do you want to go?!"


When Jiang Shaoan was caught escaping, he immediately froze: "I, I'm tired... I'm going back to my room first!"

"Who allowed you to leave?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Come here!"

Jiang Shaoan shook his head like a rattle: "No!"

This is going to pass, or will I have to be beaten again?

He won't go there!

"If you don't go over, believe it or not, I will whip you?" Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes.

Jiang Shaoan frowned and said, "I've been there, why don't you still want to whip me?"

Lin Jiangnian is happy, is this kid smart?

"Come here, I won't slap you!"

"I do not believe!"

Jiang Shaoan will not be fooled.

"If you don't come over, I'll whip you twice today and you won't be able to get out of bed for a month. Do you believe it?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Hearing this, Jiang Shaoan was shocked all over.

Of course he believes it!

The cousin in front of him was not merciless at all... If he didn't go over, he might be beaten to the point where he wouldn't be able to get out of bed for a month.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shaoan was reluctant and cautiously moved closer.

"You, what do you want to do?!"

"What do I want to do?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Shouldn't I ask you?"

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian glanced at the injuries on his face: "Did I inflict the injuries on your face?"

"No, it's not..."

"Then why did you frame me?"


Jiang Shaoan hesitated and couldn't explain why.

"Who hit you?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again.

Jiang Shaoan still said nothing.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he immediately raised his hand.

Jiang Shao'an suddenly squatted on the ground in fear, holding his head: "No, don't hit me!"


"Yes, it's the Eighth Prince..."

Young Master Jiang spoke aggrievedly.

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