Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 375: Deceiver, gonghuo!

Lin Jiangnian had already expected it, and his eyes were playful: "Why did he hit you?"


Jiang Shaoan hesitated and was secretive, but in the end he finally confessed under the power of Lin Jiangnian.

It turned out that a group of them ran to find trouble for Lin Jiangnian, but were frightened by the appearance of the eldest princess and ran back in despair, leaving the eighth prince alone.

When the Eighth Prince came back looking miserable, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Eighth Prince had been wronged!

After coming back from being wronged, the Eighth Prince angrily smashed everything he could. Jiang Shaoan hid behind the crowd, but was caught out and was severely beaten by the Eighth Prince.


Naturally and very simple!

If it hadn't been for him today, the Eighth Prince would not have suffered such a humiliation. In the final analysis, the culprit is Jiang Shaoan.

Jiang Shaoan felt aggrieved and aggrieved. It was obviously the Eighth Prince and you took the initiative to stand up for him and trouble Lin Jiangnian. As a result, instead of finding trouble, he got beaten instead.

Turn around and throw all the blame on him?

However, Jiang Shaoan felt aggrieved, but he did not dare to refute.

After all, he was the eighth prince, how could he offend him? I can only take the beating honestly and swallow my anger.

The Eighth Prince beat him up and warned him not to tell the story. Jiang Shaoan didn't even dare to fart and ran back dejectedly.

He wanted to go back to the room quietly, but he didn't expect to be caught by Jiang's mother. Under Jiang's questioning, Jiang Shaoan did not dare to betray the eighth prince, so he could only subconsciously blame Lin Jiangnian. At the same time, he also He wanted his mother to teach Lin Jiangnian a lesson and make him feel bad.

Unexpectedly, it backfired...

Instead of teaching Lin Jiangnian a lesson, his mother taught him a lesson... If he hadn't looked so miserable, he would probably have been beaten today!

At such a young age, Jiang Shaoan had never experienced such a dark world.

It's so miserable to cry!

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly. He knew in his heart that he secretly instigated the Eighth Prince to beat Jiang Shaoan.

However, the Eighth Prince was beaten by him today. He felt wronged and had nowhere to vent his anger. Although he was ordered by Lin Jiangnian, the beating Jiang Shaoan must have been sincere.

What a fight!

It’s clear when you look at Jiang Shaoan’s behavior.

After listening to Jiang Shaoan's explanation, Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually turned regretful: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so miserable!"

Jiang Shaoan, who was already feeling extremely wronged, suddenly became furious when he heard Lin Jiangnian's seemingly sinister words: "You, you..."

He gritted his teeth and said angrily: "If it weren't for you, would I have ended up like this today!?"

"Don't worry yet!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the angry Jiang Shaoan and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you sure it's because of me?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't you?!"

Jiang Shaoan gritted his teeth. If Lin Jiangnian hadn't appeared today, how could he have been beaten for no reason?

"It's hard to say!"

Lin Jiangnian looked him up and down regretfully: "Do you think the Eighth Prince really regards you as a friend and a good brother?"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, Jiang Shaoan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say before that the Eighth Prince regards you as his confidant?"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's playful tone, Jiang Shaoan's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

The last time he said in front of Lin Jiangnian that the Eighth Prince regarded him as his confidant, he was naturally bragging. When Lin Jiangnian asked, his tone was so sarcastic that he immediately became angry.

"Guan, what does it have to do with you?!"

"You don't have to worry about my relationship with the Eighth Prince!"

Seeing him like this, Lin Jiang young sighed and said: "I won't say whether it is true or not, but have you ever thought about a question?"

"Wha, what?"

"If the Eighth Prince really regarded you as a friend, why would he hit you today?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him and said regretfully, "Think about it carefully, the Eighth Prince, does he really regard you as his friend?"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, Jiang Shaoan was slightly startled. Just as he was about to retort, Lin Jiangnian interrupted him again: "Even if you step back ten thousand steps, the Eighth Prince does not treat you as a friend, but only treats you as a subordinate... "

"But where in the world are there people who beat and scold their subordinates without any reason?"

Seeing Jiang Shaoan's expression gradually solidifying and thinking, Lin Jiangnian continued: "Moreover, today's matter is originally a problem of the Eighth Prince..."

"It's the Eighth Prince who wants to cause trouble for me. After he was defeated, he vented all his anger on you when he got back... Do you think he went too far?!"

Lin Jiangnian's words completely touched Jiang Shaoan's heart.

His aggrieved eyes were full of tears and he was about to cry!


Today is not his problem at all!

It was clearly the Eighth Prince who had his own way, how could the responsibility be shifted to him?

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan felt warm in his heart after hearing Lin Jiangnian's words.

Unexpectedly, at this time, it was the person he had always hated who spoke for him.

"Then do you know why he vents his anger on you?"

At this time, Lin Jiangnian asked again.

"Why, why?"

Jiang Shaoan asked subconsciously.

"Because he never regards you as a human being!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "In his eyes, you are nothing more than a loser, a licker, and a waste... When he is happy, he can manipulate you and use you. When he is unhappy, he will hit you when he wants to, and even attack you. Being so cruel...what does this mean?"

"Does it mean that he doesn't take you seriously at all? You lick your face to flatter him, but he doesn't take you as a human being at all..."

Lin Jiangnian's words were like thunder in Jiang Shaoan's ears.

His eyes were dull, and he stood there in a daze, his face pale, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

He couldn't believe it!

But, I have to admit that what Lin Jiangnian said... makes some sense!

He even had such a premonition in his heart, but he never wanted to believe it.

He always believed that as long as he was loyal enough and pleased the eighth prince, he could successfully enter their circle.

But now, Lin Jiangnian's words made him wake up like a bolt from the blue.

It also reminded Jiang Shaoan of the days he spent with the Eighth Prince during this period. He tried hard to cater to him, but the Eighth Prince really had an attitude of coming and going when he asked.

It seems that you really don't regard him as one of your own?

"No, it's impossible..."

Jiang Shaoan's face turned pale. He stared at Lin Jiangnian with a panicked tone: "You, you must be lying to me. How could the Eighth Prince..."

"If the Eighth Prince really regards you as a human being? Why would he beat you in public? He wouldn't give you any face at all?"

Lin Jiangnian's questioning words made Jiang Shaoan's face become even paler.

"Do you know what the Eighth Prince's behavior of beating and scolding you looks like?"

Seeing Jiang Shaoan's face pale and lost, Lin Jiangnian gave him a final dose of strong medicine.

"Let me tell you this, our Emperor has this kind of attitude towards the eunuchs around him in the palace..."

"Those eunuchs and eunuchs are the lowest-level servants in the palace. Your Majesty will come and go as soon as you call them. They will be beaten when asked and killed when asked... The eighth prince grew up in the palace and was deeply affected by it. Influence..."

"Do you understand now?"

Jiang Shaoan's face turned completely pale and he froze on the spot. His voice was trembling in disbelief: "Eighth, the eighth prince, do you want me to be a eunuch?!"

The power of the words eunuch was so great that Jiang Shaoan's whole body trembled with fear.

He is still young and he does not want to be a eunuch!

"Don't worry, the Eighth Prince will not really let you enter the palace as a eunuch."

Lin Jiangnian was very satisfied with Jiang Shaoan's reaction at this time. Children who have not experienced too many human relationships are easy to deceive.

"However, in the eyes of the Eighth Prince, there is not much difference between you and the eunuch..."

"Even in the eyes of your so-called dandy friends, they will think that you are originally an eunuch of the Eighth Prince!"

Shrimp and pork heart!

Young Master Jiang usually spends his time in the capital calling out friends and fawning over the Eighth Prince. Isn't it just for reputation?

Didn't he just want to make a name for himself in front of his friends and prove to his parents who hated him that he was by no means a good-for-nothing loser?

But Lin Jiangnian's words pierced the depths of his soul.

Tai, eunuch?

So in their eyes, they all thought he was an eunuch of the Eighth Prince?

Jiang Shaoan tried his best to refute, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't find any words to refute.

Yes, he groveled in front of the Eighth Prince, was careful to fawn over, and was obedient. Even if he was beaten for no reason today, he did not dare to complain... What was the difference between him and the eunuchs in the palace?

When he thought that in front of those friends who usually called friends, they all thought that he was the eunuch of the Eighth Prince, Jiang Shaoan turned pale and was so ashamed that he wished he could die on the spot!

Jiang Shaoan fell to the ground, his eyes were blank, and he was slightly doubtful about life.

Seeing Jiang Shaoan's heart broken, Lin Jiangnian was satisfied.

This is his purpose.

This kid must be made aware of the humiliation of his daily actions before he can feel heartbroken.

Lin Jiangnian walked up to him, squatted down, and said with a smile, "So, you know what's going on now, right?"

"Thank you for fawning over people all day long, but they don't take you seriously at all. You said you are the eldest son of the Jiang family after all, but you insist on licking a prince with a shameless face. Don't you feel ashamed? I will do it for you. You feel ashamed!"

Lin Jiangnian clicked his tongue and spoke.

His words were full of ridicule in Jiang Shaoan's ears.

"He, he is the eighth prince..."

"What happened to the Eighth Prince?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "A prince who is not yet under age and is not necessarily favored is caught by a lot of people in the capital. What's so strange about it?"

"Look, I slapped him today. Does he dare to say anything?"

Jiang Shaoan looked at Lin Jiangnian in confusion and shock, and then he remembered that his cousin in front of him had beaten the eighth prince today!

Well, that's the eighth prince? !

He, how dare he? !

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan's worldview collapsed inexplicably.

"Are you wronged? Are you angry?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Jiang Shaoan happily and suddenly said: "Do you want to take revenge?"

"Revenge, revenge?"

"The Eighth Prince beat you for no reason today. Aren't you angry? Don't you want to take revenge? Don't you want to pay back today's humiliation?"

Lin Jiangnian began to confuse.

Hearing this, Jiang Shaoan's head jumped. Revenge, revenge?

He, he had never had such an idea, but now that he heard Lin Jiangnian talking about it, the idea came to his mind involuntarily.


He was beaten for no reason today, how could he not be angry?

He was furious!

How much he wants revenge...

"Don't you want to be able to push the eighth prince to the ground and beat him one day, just like he beat you today, and teach him a lesson in front of all your friends?"

Jiang Shaoan's breathing gradually became faster, and his eyes gradually became excited.

Push the eighth prince to the ground and beat him?

In front of everyone? !

That, that is simply...

So cool! !

Jiang Shaoan's eyes were excited, but then he reacted suddenly, his eyes dim: "But, but, how to take revenge?"

"He, he is the eighth prince..."

How dare he, the son of a petty minister, want to take revenge on the prince?

"so what?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a smile: "If you want, I can help you!"


Jiang Shaoan looked at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief: "You, you help me?!"

"of course!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed and said: "Although I beat you often, but if you think about it carefully, when was it that you didn't deserve a beating? Besides, although I beat you several times, but when did I beat you? Face? I'm very measured in my actions, isn't it different from the Eighth Prince's deadly actions?"

Jiang Shaoan was stunned when he heard Lin Jiangnian's words.

It seems that this is indeed the case?

Every time Lin Jiangnian hit him, it was indeed him who provoked him first. Moreover, Lin Jiangnian didn't strike hard and never hit him in the face. By comparison, he was much better than the Eighth Prince...

Thinking of this, for some reason, Jiang Shaoan felt a little grateful.

Thank you... Lin Jiangnian was beaten lightly?

"No matter what, you are my cousin. We are related by blood. We are a family. As your brother, I should teach you a lesson every day, don't you think?"

Lin Jiangnian continued to lie: "But now that you have been bullied by outsiders, I, as the elder brother, naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore it. As a family, I naturally have the responsibility and obligation to help you avenge you!"

After saying this, Jiang Shaoan felt warm in his heart and almost cried without being moved.

So touching!

He looked up at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief, with tears in his eyes: "You, are you really willing to help me take revenge?!"

"of course!"

"You, you don't blame me for...then, treating you like that?"

"Of course not. You are my cousin, why would I care about you?"

"Cousin, I..."

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan was so moved that he burst into tears.

Unexpectedly, at this time, his cousin was actually willing to stand up for him regardless of past grudges.

This moved him so much!

"Cousin, cousin..."

Jiang Shao'an grabbed Lin Jiangnian excitedly, with runny nose and tears: "Cousin, you will be my cousin from now on!!...I was the one who was sorry for you in the past, wuwuwu..."



After all, Jiang Shaoan is young and has never experienced the dangers of the world. Today, he was beaten up by the Eighth Prince, and he had nowhere to vent his grievances. Coupled with Lin Jiangnian's deliberate guidance and deception, the child was soon confused and confused.

A little more kindness, and he was so moved that he almost knelt down on the spot and worshiped Lin Jiangnian as his adoptive father!

After today, it is unclear whether Jiang Shaoan can change his ways, but there is definitely a gap between him and the eighth prince. What Lin Jiangnian has to do is to widen this layer of estrangement and contradiction.

Now that the third prince is holding back, he is probably waiting for an opportunity! Lin Jiangnian planned to use Jiang Shaoan's name to help the third prince.

Help him and add fuel to the fire!

After Jiang Shaoan left, Lin Jiangnian stood there and squinted in thought.

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind.

"Lin Jiangnian!!"

Lin Jiangnian turned around subconsciously, and an elegant and graceful figure appeared in his sight, with a beautiful face that was slightly angry.


Looking at Jiang Yuxiang who seemed to be angry, Lin Jiangnian blinked.

Auntie, why are some of the visitors unkind?

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