Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 376 Confess to Auntie


Lin Jiangnian looked at Jiang Yuxiang, who looked a little menacing, and subconsciously took a step back: "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Jiang Yuxiang stepped under the eaves.

She was wearing a tassel-colored underskirt. The underskirt was elegant and restrained, but it also exposed her graceful body. The long skirt was wrapped around her body, and her voluptuous waist was looming, wrapping her plump and perky breasts.

Extremely dazzling.

Jiang Yuxiang has a delicate, delicate face and a graceful face. Her waterfall-like long hair is slightly rolled up. A phoenix hairpin inserted at an angle does not affect her nobility at all, but adds a lot of mature and lazy temperament.

Jiang Yuxiang approached Lin Jiangnian and saw Lin Jiangnian's innocent expression. She looked up with a cold face and glanced in the direction Jiang Shaoan left: "What did you say to Shaoan just now?"

Lin Jiangnian blinked, and when he saw his aunt's attitude of asking for justice, her fair and delicate face was filled with worry, and he quickly realized something.

"Auntie, did you hear everything?"

"What do you think?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him: "He is your cousin?!"

"Why did you even trap him?"

"Auntie, what you said is wrong. I am not harming him, but helping him."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. Although Jiang Shaoan received a beating today, the beating would never be in vain.

I hope this severe beating today can make him wake up.

But Jiang Yuxiang obviously didn't think so. When she came just now, she happened to hear Lin Jiangnian secretly bewitching Jiang Shaoan. She didn't hear it clearly, but she still heard something. Lin Jiangnian asked Jiang Shaoan to find the eighth prince to prepare something...

"what happened?"

Jiang Yuxiang frowned slightly.

"It's a long story..."

This matter was difficult to explain. Just when Lin Jiangnian was thinking about how to deal with it, he noticed a scorching gaze.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw Jiang Yuxiang staring at him: "Are you hiding something from me again?"

"Absolutely not!"

Lin Jiangnian immediately denied it.


Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian, obviously not believing it.

Although she emphasized many times that no matter what happened, she must tell her. But Lin Jiangnian promised, but basically didn't take it seriously every time.

This made her aunt very unhappy!

"You come with me!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's hesitation, Jiang Yuxiang immediately snorted coldly, pulled Lin Jiangnian and walked outside.

"Auntie, where are you taking me?"

"Stop talking nonsense and follow me!"

"Auntie, let me go, I will leave by myself..."

"Don't even think about running away!"

"Auntie, I don't have sex with men, you..."

"Shut up!"


Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but pull Lin Jiangnian back to the small courtyard where she lived, walked into the room, and closed the door.

He walked to the side and sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, glanced at him, and snorted: "Since it's a long story, just speak slowly and make it clear before you leave!"

Lin Jiangnian stood in the room, feeling helpless when he saw his aunt behaving in such a domineering manner.

My aunt really has a problem with him!


Young Lin Jiang coughed, walked to the table, sat down, and poured himself a cup of tea: "Auntie, what do you want to hear?"

Jiang Yuxiang's beautiful eyes fell on him, staring at him for a moment, and then asked: "What happened today?"

"Did you hit Shao An?"

It was after she heard the news that Jiang Shaoan was beaten by Lin Jiangnian today that she wanted to come over to find out the situation.

So good, how could Lin Jiangnian beat Shaoan?

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly: "I did beat him today, but... the injury on his face was not caused by me?"

"Who is that?"

"Eighth Prince."

Jiang Yuxiang was slightly stunned when he heard the name of the Eighth Prince, and his originally casual eyes suddenly became serious.

"what happened?"

"Why did the Eighth Prince hit him?!"

"When did Shao An offend the Eighth Prince?!"

Jiang Yuxiang's tone was a little nervous. No matter what happened to Shao An, he was still her brother's child. Offending the eighth prince was no small matter.

"It's a long story..."

Lin Jiangnian took a sip of tea and then slowly told his aunt what happened today.

However, Lin Jiangnian concealed the fact that he ordered the Eighth Prince to fight Jiang Shaoan. Even if he didn't say it, after what happened today, the Eighth Prince would definitely dislike Jiang Shaoan even more. Even if he didn't hit him, it probably wouldn't be much better.

After Jiang Yuxiang heard this, a look of anger appeared on his elegant and delicate face: "This eighth prince is so brutal and domineering?"

"It's obviously his own fault, so he's venting his anger on Shao An?!"

"What can be done?"

Lin Jiangnian shrugged: "Who made me a prince?"

"Can the prince act so wantonly and hit people for no reason?!"

"Is there any more royal law?!"

Jiang Yuxiang stared, thought for a moment, and said angrily: "No, this matter cannot be let go like this. I will go to the palace tomorrow and tell the Queen about this matter..."

"Calm down, aunt, please calm down first!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed. She had known that her aunt was jealous of evil and extremely defensive.

When he first arrived in the capital, he was framed at the Lu family's wedding, and it was his aunt who stood up to speak for him.

No matter what, Jiang Shao'an is still a member of the Jiang family. Today, she was beaten up by the eighth prince for no reason. Naturally, she couldn't swallow this breath.


"Don't bother the Queen with this little matter!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He knew that the Queen and his aunt had a very good relationship. If the aunt told the Queen about today's events, the Queen would probably intervene.

But the final result was that the Eighth Prince would at most apologize and be imprisoned.

A painless punishment means nothing to him. And if the matter escalates, it will be extremely detrimental to Lin Jiangnian's plan!

"What happened today may not be entirely bad!"


Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian with suspicion on his face.

"Although Jiang Shaoan received a severe beating today, for him, it may be a good thing..."

Lin Jiangnian opened his mouth to explain and analyze.

After Jiang Yuxiang finished listening to Lin Jiangnian's analysis, he was slightly stunned. It sounds like it does make sense?

Jiang Shaoan, a little brat, usually has nothing to do and is ignorant and incompetent. This time he got beaten up and stumbled. It doesn't seem to be a bad thing at all!

If he can really change his ways, this beating will not be in vain.

"But the Eighth Prince..."

Jiang Yuxiang thought of something else and frowned.

"Don't worry, auntie, it's not a loss... Didn't I also give him a good beating today?"

Jiang Yuxiang then remembered that Lin Jiangnian had mentioned before that he had beaten the Eighth Prince today.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang couldn't sit still. This kid is so courageous. He even dares to hit the eighth prince?

"By the way, you just said that you were with the eldest princess today?"

Jiang Yuxiang quickly remembered something: "What's going on? Why are you with the eldest princess? Aren't you..."

Her eyes were full of suspicion.

Didn't this brat say he doesn't like the eldest princess?

Haven't you been threatening to break off the engagement with the eldest princess before?

Why, would someone catch him and the eldest princess taking a boat cruise in South Lake today?

South Lake, cruise ship, being caught in a room... these words together don't sound right.

"It's not what you think, auntie..."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Besides the eldest princess, there is another person."


"The daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, the daughter of the Zhao family, Zhao Xi!"

Jiang Yuxiang's beautiful eyes widened slightly, and she said in shock: "You three..."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Obviously, there is something wrong with my aunt's eyes.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Auntie, do you think it's possible?"

Jiang Yuxiang was startled for a moment, then quickly came to his senses... Indeed, it seemed impossible?

Whether it is Miss Zhao or the eldest princess, they are both women with the most distinguished status in the capital. Their appearance and temperament are both rare and stunning in the world. It is indeed impossible for a woman of such status to be with Lin Jiangnian...


Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang's face turned slightly red.

"Then, what happened? Why are you with the two of them today?"

"It's a chance encounter..."

Under Lin Jiangnian's suspicious gaze, Lin Jiangnian changed his words: "It was Miss Zhao who asked me to meet in Nanhu today. Unexpectedly, the eldest princess also came with her..."

"Miss Zhao, I want to meet you in Nanhu?!"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian, looking up and down, as if catching some gossip, her beautiful eyes lit up slightly, and gradually became hot: "What's going on?"

"She asked you to visit Nanhu?!"

"Auntie, you misunderstood..."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Miss Zhao, it's to thank me for doing something for her..."

"What's the matter?"

"This is related to the death of Mi Tiansi Protector Chen Feiyang some time ago..."

Lin Jiangnian told his aunt about the Xu family's affairs again. After listening, her aunt nodded angrily: "This Chen Feiyang really deserves to die!"

Then he felt a little regretful and couldn't help but sigh: "The Xu family can be considered a loyal family, loyal to the court, but I didn't expect to be framed by an adulterer..."

But not long after, Jiang Yuxiang realized something again, "You mean, this Miss Zhao wanted to thank you for killing Chen Feiyang and avenging the Xu family, so she specially invited you to a banquet to thank you?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "You can say that."

"But why does she want to entertain you at Nanhu?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at Lin Jiangnian with burning eyes, a little suspicious: "And, a man and a woman alone are meeting you alone?"

Jiang Yuxiang has also been to Nanhu and knows where it is.

The scenery of Nanhu Lake is very beautiful, and it is a good place for talented people and beautiful ladies to have a tryst. That Miss Zhao had an appointment with Lin Jiangnian alone there. Something didn't feel right.

"You and Miss Zhao, are you..."

Jiang Yuxiang narrowed his eyes at Lin Jiangnian and asked.

She remembered that last time, Miss Zhao sent someone to call Lin Jiangnian to her house, and let Lin Jiangnian enter her boudoir during their first meeting. When Lin Jiangnian came back, he was still smelling of Miss Zhao.

Although Lin Jiangnian strongly denied it and said that nothing happened with Miss Zhao, it was obvious that Jiang Yuxiang did not believe it.

Now, combined with the behavior of Miss Zhao in meeting Lin Jiangnian alone idea quickly emerged in Jiang Yuxiang's mind.

"That's absolutely not the case!"

Lin Jiangnian immediately denied it: "Miss Zhao and I are innocent and have absolutely no shady relationship!"


Jiang Yuxiang narrowed his eyes and stared at him.

Being stared at by his aunt, Lin Jiangnian felt a little guilty.

There is no relationship yet...but the behavior has already happened!

"Auntie, what are you suspecting?"

"Of course I doubt your relationship with Miss Zhao!"

Jiang Yuxiang spoke, looked at him, and came to a firm conclusion: "There is something wrong between you and her!"

"There's something wrong."

Lin Jiangnian nodded in agreement. He also realized that Zhao Xi seemed to deliberately seduce him every time he saw him.

But every time when Lin Jiangnian took the initiative to take a step closer, she panicked.

What is this called?

She teases her very hard, but refuses to take action!

"you like her?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked into his eyes and asked.

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and denied: "I only have paper kites in my heart!"


Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "You don't need to show your loyalty to my aunt, and I won't tell Zhiyuan."

"Whether my aunt says it or not, this is my true thought!"


Jiang Yuxiang obviously didn't believe Lin Jiangnian's lies, and he only had paper kites in his heart?

So, what happened to the saint of the Celestial Sect?

You bastard, you are full of nonsense!

Although he was angry in his heart, Jiang Yuxiang understood Lin Jiangnian's character. If he really had something to do with Miss Zhao, he probably wouldn't hide it.

If you say this, it does mean that the two of them don't have a...shady relationship?

"So, that means she is interested in you?"

Jiang Yuxiang narrowed his eyes and guessed something.

Zhao Xi likes Jiang Nian?

I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing!

If Lin Jiangnian could capture the heart of Prime Minister Zhao's daughter and get the support of Prime Minister Zhao, it would be of great benefit to him.

But on the other hand, because Zhao Xi is the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, if the two really have a relationship, can they get the support of Prime Minister Zhao?

The dignified Prime Minister Zhao would let his daughter marry the prince of a feudal lord?

Jiang Yuxiang was a little worried, worrying about gains and losses.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, had never thought that far ahead. He shook his head: "This Miss Zhao is not simple. She is very smart, thoughtful, and very scheming..."

"She and I are just taking advantage of our relationship temporarily!"

"It better be so."

Jiang Yuxiang looked at him deeply, indicating something, and did not continue to ask any more questions.

Never take advantage of a relationship, take advantage of it, and use it in bed...

Sensing the strange look in his aunt's eyes, Lin Jiangnian said without changing his expression: "It's getting late. If nothing happens, aunt, I'll go back first?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced out the window, then realized that the night was getting darker, and glanced at Lin Jiangnian again: "Okay, go ahead, I'll let you go this time!"

"Thank you, auntie!"

Lin Jiangnian stood up and was about to leave when he was stopped by his aunt again.

Lin Jiangnian turned around and saw Jiang Yuxiang sitting at the table, with a graceful temperament and an indescribable coldness on his delicate features.

She took a deep look at Lin Jiangnian, hesitated, and then suddenly said, "No matter what happens in the future, you must not let Zhi Yuan down..."

"Otherwise, don't blame my aunt for killing her relatives out of righteousness!"

Jiang Yuxiang glared at him threateningly.

But the threat was very light, and instead seemed to be an instruction.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Don't worry, aunt!"

"I will definitely not disappoint Zhiyuan."

After receiving Lin Jiangnian's promise, Jiang Yuxiang felt relieved, glanced at him, and said angrily: "What are you still standing for?"

"Get out!"

Lin Jiangnian walked away quickly, left the room and closed the door.

In the room, Jiang Yuxiang was still sitting quietly at the table, staring at the door.

In the room, the atmosphere was lonely and quiet, as if it was coated with an indescribable layer of silence!

After a while, a strange look appeared on Jiang Yuxiang's face, and she sighed quietly.

"This brat is really good at messing around with women!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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