Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 377 Cultivating power

Jiang Yuxiang's faint sigh came from the cold room.

She raised her eyes, and there was an indescribable strange emotion in her eyes.


Jiang Yuxiang muttered to himself, a little puzzled: "Everyone knows that Lin Hengzhong is devoted to love, and he is a majestic and powerful king. Regardless of his status, his reputation is resounding throughout the world, but he is like this, but there has only been one person like him from beginning to end. princess……"

"My sister and Lin Hengzhong are lovers. Even though my sister has passed away for so many years, Lin Hengzhong still loves her and has never married again. Even a concubine has never appeared in Prince Lin's palace..."

"Because of this, Prince Lin's Mansion now has only a few people, but how come it's different when it comes to a brat like Jiang Nian...?"

Jiang Yuxiang was a little confused. Both her sister and Prince Lin could be considered dedicated people, single-minded.

But why did Lin Jiangnian learn how to flirt with others?

Is there some genetic deviation?

He had only been in the capital for a short time, and he already had an unclear relationship with Miss Zhao and the eldest princess. Before that, Zhiyuan, who had been with Jiang Yuxiang for many years, could not escape his clutches. By the way, there was also the saint of the Celestial Sect...

Even his personal maid, Xiaozhu, was not spared...

Jiang Yuxiang was convinced when he thought of this.

This brat has no other skills, so he only picks beautiful ones!

The women she just thought of were, without exception, stunningly beautiful in this world.

The vision is really good!

But this brat...

I really don’t know how high the sky is!

Thinking of this, a trace of worry appeared on Jiang Yuxiang's face. Everyone else is fine, but Miss Zhao's identity is too special after all. If this brat is really provoked, he will be in a lot of trouble in the future.

With the character of this brat, I'm afraid it's really possible... After all, this brat dares to even...

At this moment, Jiang Yuxiang seemed to remember the two things that happened some time ago. A blush immediately appeared on his originally fair face.

His face was a little hot, and his expression was quite unnatural.

There was a bit of shame and anger in her eyes, and she spoke with a hum.

"This brat..."

"It needs to be cleaned up!"

He muttered viciously, but soon after, Jiang Yuxiang's eyes gradually became trance-like again.

She looked up at the door, dazed, wondering what she was thinking.

It was quite lonely in the cold room.

The other side.

After Lin Jiangnian left his aunt's place, he returned to the small courtyard where he lived.

The courtyard was deserted, with lights on under the eaves and corridors not far away. Xiaozhu was sitting boredly on the threshold, his little face stretched out in a daze.

"Your Highness?!"

Hearing the footsteps, Xiaozhu raised her eyes, and then a smile appeared on her cute little face, and her big round eyes were full of energy. She stood up excitedly and ran to Lin Jiangnian: " Your Highness, are you back?!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded, hugged the little maid into his arms, and gently stroked her little head: "Why are you sitting at the door? It's so cold, go back to the room!"

"Waiting for you, Your Highness!"

Xiaozhu's face was flushed, his eyes were filled with excitement, his head was buried in Lin Jiangnian's arms, and he greedily breathed in the hot and delicious scent of his Highness.

Lin Jiangnian bent down, put his hand through Xiaozhu's legs, picked her up and walked into the room.

"It's cold outside, just wait in the room from now on!"


Xiaozhu nodded obediently, and the dim light in the room illuminated her face with a blush.

Instantly blushing and cute!

"By the way, where is the paper kite?"

Lin Jiangnian remembered something and asked.

"Sister Zhiyuan is in the next room!"

Xiaozhu spoke, then thought of something, and rolled his eyes slightly: "Your Highness, you... went to see the eldest princess today?!"

Xiaozhu heard it clearly when she was with Jiang Mu.

Your Highness had a dispute with Young Master Jiang in Nanhu today. Your Highness, are you secretly meeting the eldest princess?


Lin Jiang young smiled and nodded: "What's wrong?"

"You're done!"

Xiaozhu showed some sympathy on his face. He looked up at the indifferent expression of His Highness and said seriously: "Sister Zhiyuan is angry!"


Lin Jiangnian had expected it.

He originally planned to come back to appease Zhiyuan after deceiving Jiang Shaoan, but he didn't expect to be caught by his aunt, and he didn't come back until now.

"How do you know Zhiyuan is angry?"


Xiaozhu made a serious face and said seriously: "Your Highness, the eldest princess is your fiancée. If you go to see the eldest princess, Sister Zhiyuan really has no right to interfere. But... Sister Zhiyuan will definitely be angry!"

Xiaozhu was very determined.

No one knows Sister Zhiyuan better than her!

Sister Zhiyuan is very small-minded... When Sister Zhiyuan discovered her relationship with His Highness, she looked at her with a very unkind look, which scared Xiaozhu for a long time.

Therefore, Sister Zhiyuan must be angry today when she learns that Your Highness secretly met with the eldest princess.

So after coming back, Xiaozhu didn't dare to go to the courtyard next door, for fear of being affected by the angry sister Zhiyuan.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu sighed deeply. She was indeed a pitiful and helpless little maid.

It's like walking on thin ice!

Listening to Xiaozhu's serious analysis, Lin Jiangqing laughed and said, "Zhiyuan is not as narrow-minded as you think? Xiaozhu, you are talking bad about her behind her back, are you careful if I tell her later?"

When Xiaozhu heard this, his face turned pale with fright, and he quickly covered his mouth: "I, I'm talking nonsense, Your Highness doesn't want it, don't tell Sister Zhiyuan..."

She just said it casually. If Sister Zhiyuan knew that she was talking bad about her behind her back, she would definitely deal with her severely!


Lin Jiangnian stopped scaring Xiaozhu, touched her head and said: "Go and prepare hot water, I want to take a shower and change clothes!"


Xiaozhu quickly trotted out of the room obediently.

I went to Nanhu today and met with Chen Changqing. After coming back, I was really tired after a lot of hard work.

Xiaozhu prepared hot water, and Lin Jiangnian took a comfortable hot bath, changed into clean clothes, and went to the courtyard next door.

Under the eaves not far away, the doors and windows were closed, and light shone through the windows.

Lin Jiangnian came to the door of the room and knocked on the door.

"Paper Kite?"

After calling softly, he opened the door and walked in.

In the past, every time Lin Jiangnian came to see Zhiyuan, he would never be so polite. He would just open the door and go in.

But since I had the previous two experiences, I pushed the door open and entered the room. I was filled with joy and prepared to find the paper kite to keep me warm, but then I touched it...

After discovering that someone was wrong, Lin Jiangnian was so frightened that he almost lost his soul!

Since then, Lin Jiangnian has become extremely polite!

Every time I come here, I knock on the door and say hello in advance, for fear of scoring another three goals... If the first two times can be explained by misunderstandings, if it happens three times, there is really no way to explain it!

After all, the first time was just an accidental hug.

But the second time...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's heart suddenly moved slightly. Several days had passed, but the still familiar full feeling suddenly came to his heart...

Trembling, smooth!

This damn memory is so good!

Lin Jiangnian shook off the messy thoughts in his mind and walked into the room.

In the cold room, Zhiyuan stood quietly by the window sill not far away, looking at the backyard through the window.

It was pitch black in the backyard, and in the distance was a dark place where you couldn't even see your fingers. The cold wind poured in along the window sill, blowing her fallen hair into a mess, revealing a cold and delicate face.

It's a little less sharp and cold than before, and a little more indescribably soft.

She leaned quietly against the window edge, wearing a homely nightgown, a loose nightgown, but it could not hide the graceful and mature figure of the girl.

It seemed that she had just taken a bath, and the room was still filled with the unique fragrance of petals after a woman's bath, mixed with the body fragrance of paper kites, which was extremely intoxicating.

As Lin Jiangnian came closer, he could vaguely see the heat on the girl's fair skin. Her fair and rosy skin was delicate and smooth, and she was extremely beautiful.

"It's cold, be careful of catching a cold!"

Lin Jiangnian walked up behind Zhiyuan and gently put a coat on her.

Zhiyuan turned around, looked into his eyes, and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian closed the window, blocking out the cold wind and making the room a little warmer.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes, stretched out his arms to hug the girl, pulled her into his arms, lowered his head slightly, and gently smelled the fragrance from her hair. He hugged the girl's waist with both hands and felt the delicate skin of the girl through her dress.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly, her expression seemed a little unnatural, and an indescribable shyness flashed through her eyes.


The voice was neither cold nor indifferent, and no emotion could be heard.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at her deserted appearance. He couldn't help but lower his head slightly and kissed her smooth jade face.

Caught off guard!

Zhiyuan's face was visibly blushing, she struggled unnaturally and turned her head away.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan's little reaction and chuckled, then lowered his head and leaned into the girl's ear: "I heard from Xiaozhu, are you angry?"

Zhiyuan was startled for a moment, and then she seemed to remember something. She was silent for a moment, not looking at Lin Jiangnian: "Why am I angry?"

"Xiao Zhu said, I secretly went to see the eldest princess today, so you are jealous and angry?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and said while paying attention to Zhiyuan's reaction.

Hearing this, Zhiyuan remained silent. There was no emotion on his cold face.

"so what?"

She spoke.

The tone is neither sad nor happy.

"So, I'm here to explain it to you."

Lin Jiangnian hugged the girl's waist from behind, took her hand, placed her delicate green hands on his palm, and held them tightly.

Lowering his head, he quietly admired the girl's palm and the majestic mountain peaks that his eyes passed through.

"The appearance of the eldest princess today is an accident..."

Lin Jiang young spoke.

The version he explained to Zhiyuan was different from his aunt's.

Jiang Yuxiang didn't know Lin Jiangnian's plan against Mi Tiansi, so his explanation to his aunt centered on Chen Feiyang's death.

But Zhiyuan knew Lin Jiangnian's plan goals best, so there were some small changes in Lin Jiangnian's explanation.

For example, he did go to see Zhao Xi today, and the appearance of the eldest princess was a complete surprise. But Lin Jiangnian's purpose of meeting Zhao Xi was based on the transaction plan between the two and based on mutual use.

Lin Jiangnian did not hide this.

Zhiyuan didn't say anything and listened quietly to Lin Jiangnian's explanation.

After all, she is not an ordinary woman. She will not make a fuss when she hears that her man is having a tryst with another woman.

She also believed that Lin Jiangnian would not lie to her. If he said he would not marry the eldest princess, he would definitely not go back on his word.


After listening to Lin Jiangnian's explanation, Zhiyuan finally raised her head and glanced at him.

"Why did she make an appointment with you in Nanhu?"

Zhiyuan's question hits the nail on the head!

Lin Jiangnian broke into a cold sweat.

I'm sweating profusely!

Indeed, this question is difficult to explain.

After all, the place in Nanhu is different. A man and a woman alone appeared there, which seemed a bit ambiguous!

"Perhaps that Miss Zhao likes the scenery of Nanhu?"

Lin Jiang young coughed.

Seeing Zhiyuan's thoughtful expression, Lin Jiangnian immediately changed the subject: "By the way, Xiaozhu said, are you letting those sisters practice martial arts with you?"


Zhiyuan nodded slightly.

After a moment of silence, he said: "The two of them have good martial arts skills and are suitable for practicing martial arts."


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "How good is it?"

If Zhiyuan can personally train and give guidance, I'm afraid his martial arts talent will not be low!

"It's rare in this world."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and gave such an evaluation.

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised that Zhiyuan could give such an evaluation. Is this incredible?

Rare in the world?

"How does it compare with you and me?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Zhiyuan glanced at him and said softly: "There is no comparison, but..."

After a pause, she said: "The two of them are extremely talented in martial arts and have very good understanding. With good guidance, within two years..."

Having said this, Zhiyuan glanced at him: "We can make Linwangfu have two more top masters!"

Lin Jiangnian quickly understood something as he looked at Zhiyuan.

It's not that Lin Wangfu will have two more masters, but Lin Jiangnian will have two more top masters by his side.

No wonder Zhiyuan decided to personally teach and train the sisters!

Zhiyuan, are you helping him cultivate his power? !

First of all, having a master like Zhi Yuan personally train and give guidance is undoubtedly the best choice for the sisters. Secondly, the sisters are still young, which is the age when it is best to control the brainwashing.

When Zhiyuan taught martial arts to the two of them, he also poured the thoughts of loyalty to Prince Lin into their minds.

In this way, in a few years, Lin Jiangnian will have two more loyal masters like Lin Qingqing around him.

In fact, the martial arts talents of these two people are much higher than Lin Qingqing!

Lin Jiangnian was deeply moved when he wanted to understand this.

"Thanks a lot!"

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the girl in his arms and held her tightly in his arms. Zhiyuan's face was slightly red, and she seemed a little shy and unnatural.

She seemed to have thought of something, her eyes lowered slightly, and she shook her head slightly: "I can't help you with anything."

She was nominally Lin Jiangnian's maid, but since entering the capital, she had not been able to help Lin Jiangnian with anything. No matter whether she killed Chen Feiyang or Zhao Yuanyuan, she couldn't help at all!

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be aware of Zhiyuan's emotions, looking down at her cold face, he couldn't help but feel more and more moved.

He hugged the girl in his arms tighter, lowered his head, leaned into the girl's ear, and spoke softly.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"You are doing me the greatest favor by staying with me!"

"I can't live without you by my side."

"..." (End of this chapter)

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