Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 378 Night conversations

He heard Lin Jiangnian leaning close to his ear and exhaling softly. The ears of the paper kite are smeared with a layer of pink, visible to the naked eye.

The little face that was originally cold and slightly stretched was now slightly red, and it was extremely beautiful.

She looked a little embarrassed, as if she was not used to Lin Jiangnian's disgusting words.

But there was a faint flash of joy in those smart and beautiful eyes.

Seems to be in a good mood.

"I, I didn't..."

Zhiyuan looked away, not daring to look into his eyes. Her tone was even slightly flustered, making her lose the domineering temperament she had in the past.

She wanted to say something to retort, but she didn't know what to say.

Finally, he pursed his lips lightly and said nothing.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he felt even more cute.

Zhiyuan, who was slightly shy, looked pleasing to the eye with every move she made.

Lin Jiangnian gently tapped his chin on the girl's slender shoulder. With a slight sideways glance, he could see the girl's slightly overwhelmed expression in Zhiyuan at this moment.

Seeing her rosy complexion and such charming eyes, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but move closer and kissed her on her pink and rosy cheek.


There was a slight sound on the smooth and elastic skin.

Zhiyuan's already rosy face became even more rosy, her eyes were filled with shame, and she started to struggle.

"You, what are you doing?!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said confidently, "Kiss you!"

", don't kiss me anymore!"

Zhiyuan's voice was slightly trembling, and she was embarrassed.

Seeing her struggling, Lin Jiangnian remained unmoved. He wrapped his big hands tightly around her bare hands and asked with a chuckle: "Why are you not allowed to kiss me anymore?"

Zhiyuan blushed and turned to glare at him in embarrassment.

He snorted coldly and said nothing, as if he was a little angry.

"Okay, I'm just kidding you, I won't kiss you anymore..."

Seeing that Zhiyuan stopped talking, Lin Jiangqing smiled and slightly let go of the girl in his arms.

Feeling Lin Jiangnian's reaction and her delicate body regaining some movement, Zhiyuan felt slightly relieved.

But at this moment, Lin Jiangnian's tone suddenly changed again.

"It's getting late, let's get some rest early and go to bed!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhiyuan's eyes widened slightly.

No more kissing?

Change, change to sleep? !

In an instant, Zhiyuan just breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, her pretty face turned red again.

Before she could recover, Lin Jiangnian suddenly approached from behind, bent down, reached out and picked her up.


Zhiyuan's face turned red and she was extremely embarrassed.

She knew...this guy must be thinking about this.

"You, put me down!"

Zhiyuan struggled immediately.

But Lin Jiangnian didn't give Zhiyuan a chance to struggle. He picked up Zhiyuan, strode across the screen, and placed Zhiyuan on the bed.

Then she took off her shoes and socks, put down the mosquito net, pulled the quilt, and covered Zhiyuan. Immediately, Lin Jiangnian quickly jumped on the bed, got under the quilt, and with a wave of his hand, turned off the lights that were originally on in the room.

Done in one go!

The movements are skillful and capable, without any sloppiness.

It’s completely practice that makes perfect.

on the bed.

Zhiyuan's body was wrapped in the quilt, her face was red with embarrassment, her head was dazed, and she was still a little unresponsive.

Now, was he tricked into going to bed again? !

Zhiyuan came back to her senses and soon felt the familiar hot breath coming from next to her.

She was suddenly a little flustered and at a loss.

Zhiyuan has a cold personality. Although the two have been honest with each other and have reached the last step, she still has a little understanding of the affairs between men and women. In addition, Zhiyuan, who had made up his mind under the "bewitchment" of his aunt a few days ago, inexplicably self-defeated, and that ridiculous night happened...

After that night, Zhiyuan, who felt deeply ashamed and uneasy, had no face to see Lin Jiangnian again. She was worried that Lin Jiangnian would come to her to 'settlement accounts' afterwards. The frightened and overwhelmed Zhiyuan subconsciously chose to escape.

She hid at her aunt's place and pretended nothing happened!

After gradually calming down, Zhiyuan slowly figured it out.

Now that the decision has been made, and the two of them have already cooked the rice, she really shouldn't escape anymore.


That's what I thought until I got to this point. Zhiyuan was still shy and uneasy.

Especially at this moment, in the darkness, she turned her head slightly and could look into the familiar eyes of Lin Jiangnian next to her.

In the darkness, it did not affect the sight of the two people. With their martial arts levels, they can still see each other clearly even in the dark.

Lin Jiangnian's slightly hot and unscrupulous gaze, mixed with a bit of... aggression, fell on her.

Zhiyuan noticed it and realized something...

I was hiding at my aunt's place some time ago. I was hiding.

But what is owed must be repaid.

She could escape for a while, but not forever.

Thinking of this, Zhiyuan's face turned red as hot as fire. She shyly tried to avoid Lin Jiangnian's sight and tried her best to wrap herself in the quilt.

The slightly trembling eyelashes in her lowered eyes fully revealed her panic and shy mood at the moment.

Lin Jiangnian quietly watched Zhiyuan's reaction at this moment, his eyes became brighter and brighter when he saw her panicking like a little girl at a loss.

He liked Zhiyuan's reaction.

When we first met in the past, the maid who had a cold and aloof temperament was no longer cold and aloof now. And the contrast she showed now made Lin Jiangnian extremely excited.

How do you say that?

The more you resist, the more excited I will be!

Lin Jiangnian admired it quietly for a while, and then moved slightly closer. Zhiyuan retreated in a panic, staring at Lin Jiangnian nervously and warily.

"Are you still afraid of me?"

Seeing her reaction like this, Lin Jiangnian was happy and smiled brightly.

"Little Paper Kite, you can't escape from the clutches of your Highness!"

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Zhiyuan's face turned redder and redder. She quickly turned her face away, but she felt a bit like she was deceiving herself. He simply pulled the quilt up and put it between the two of them.

Block the invasion of Lin Jiangnian's hot and malicious gaze.

With visual aggression blocked, Lin Jiangnian changed his attack method and switched to action aggression.

Under the quilt, Lin Jiangnian reached out and hugged Zhiyuan, who was almost curled up into a ball, huddled in the innermost part of the bed.

"We are already an old married couple, why are you so shy?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and spoke.

Zhiyuan lowered her head, her black hair covering her pretty face, and did not retort.

Didn't say anything either.

Of course, there was no resistance.

Seeing how nervous she was, Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry. The night is long and it’s still early. He hugged Zhiyuan and spoke softly, soothing the girl in his arms.

Atmosphere is important!

Under Lin Jiangnian's soft soothing voice, Zhiyuan, who was extremely nervous at first, gradually relaxed.

She let Lin Jiangnian hold her, her breathing still a little rapid, but she was no longer as nervous as before.

She rested her head on Lin Jiangnian's chest. Not knowing what she was thinking of, she raised her head slightly and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian hugged the girl, placed his big hands on the girl's flat and soft belly, and gently touched her through her clothes. Seeing Zhiyuan suddenly looking up at him, Lin Jiangnian smiled and said.

Zhiyuan, who gradually calmed down, was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "What are your plans next?"


Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, wondering why Zhiyuan suddenly mentioned this?

Zhiyuan didn't explain. She knew that Lin Jiangnian knew what she was talking about. She stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes quietly. Seeing his hesitation, Zhiyuan gritted her teeth again.

"Don't lie to me!"

Seeing Zhi Yuan questioning like this with a slightly aggrieved expression, Lin Jiangnian quickly realized what Zhi Yuan meant.

Does Zhiyuan have any objections? !

No matter whether Chen Fei or Zhao Changyuan were killed before, she was not able to participate. At the moment, she doesn't know Lin Jiangnian's next plan.

Obviously, this is the paper kite expressing dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian quickly comforted her, gently touched her head, and sighed: "How could I lie to you?"

"However, I actually haven't thought about what to do next..."

Lin Jiangnian had a rough plan in mind, but it was not completely determined yet.

"The situation in the capital is very chaotic, and everyone knows that the third prince is fighting for the throne. He is waiting for an opportunity to take action, but... I won't let him get his way!"

The third prince's delay in taking action proved that the time was not yet ripe. What Lin Jiangnian wanted to do was to disrupt his plan and deployment.

"Chen Changqing came to see me today. He has now gained Chen Zhao's trust and has officially taken over the power of Mitiansi. He revealed a piece of news to me!"

Lin Jiang said in a young voice: "He used his power to read through all the files of Mitiansi, and indeed found out the inextricable relationship between the third prince and Mitiansi, which confirmed the suspicion that the third prince and Mitiansi colluded. …”

If it was just speculation before, now that Chen Changqing has gained power, he can find out some secrets that he could not grasp in the past.

After listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Zhiyuan frowned slightly and looked a little solemn. After a moment, she glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Third Prince, what is the probability of success?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and sneered: "He can't make it."

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's confident words, Zhiyuan was slightly surprised and raised her eyes to look at him.

There was a trace of doubt in Mingliang's slightly shy beautiful eyes.

Lin Jiangnian hugged Zhiyuan in his arms, reached out and gently pinched her tense face.

It feels delicate and smooth.

Zhiyuan, whose face was pinched, was a little dissatisfied. She leaned back slightly and glared at him.

Lin Jiangnian then said with a smile: "Your Highness has planned the strategy and has anticipated this!"

All the movements of the third prince were carried out under Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and Lin Jiangnian calculated every step he took. In this case, how likely is the third prince to succeed?

Even if you take ten thousand steps back, even if the third prince really becomes...

"I still have something in my hand that can completely ruin the third prince's reputation!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Zhiyuan was slightly stunned. She looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes.


Lin Jiangyoun gently stroked Zhiyuan's hair, while his other hand still wandered over the girl's snow-white skin.

Zhiyuan noticed it, her face turned slightly red, her body was slightly stretched, and her expression was unnatural. She tried to grab Lin Jiangnian's mischievous hand and prevent him from moving.

"Remember our experience when we were trapped in a secret room outside Xunyang City, right?"

Lin Jiang asked in a young voice.

Zhiyuan's eyes were watery, seeming to have some strange emotions. She bit her lower lip and nodded slightly.

It had only been a few months since she was trapped in the secret room in Xunyang City, so she naturally couldn't forget it. It was also from that time that the relationship between her and Lin Jiangnian changed drastically.

"Didn't I find evidence that the Wang family had colluded with foreign countries to rebel in the secret room of Xunyang City?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling what happened at that time.

After leaving the secret room, Lin Jiangnian took action and uprooted the entire Wang family.

"At that time, I had already made some guesses. Later, with the fall of the Wang family..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Zhiyuan: "Do you still remember the transaction I made with Wang Changjin after leaving Xunyang City?"

Zhiyuan's face was reddish and her breathing was a little rapid.

Of course I haven’t forgotten it!

After the Wang family fell and was exterminated, everything settled and when everyone was preparing to continue their journey north, Lin Jiangnian lured Wang Changjin out by threatening Wang Qin's life.

At that time, Wang Changjin had something on his hand that Lin Jiangnian was very interested in. Wang Changjin tried to use that thing to exchange Wang Qin's life.

Lin Jiangnian agreed and successfully exchanged Wang Qin's life for what Wang Changjin had.

However, although Lin Jiangnian spared them, Zhiyuan did not.

The last bloodline of the Wang family finally died in the hands of Zhi Yuan, which can be regarded as allowing Zhi Yuan to avenge his parents with his own hands!

Zhiyuan quickly realized something: "Is it something in Wang Changjin's hand?!"

"That's right!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded and chuckled: "What Wang Changjin has in his hands is enough to ruin the third prince's reputation..."

After getting something like that from Wang Changjin, Lin Jiangnian kept silent. Once such a thing is taken out, it can deal a fatal blow to the third prince at a critical moment!

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian has been waiting for an opportunity!

"Before, I was still wondering who was responsible for the murder of the Wang family. After getting the things, I probably guessed it!"

Lin Jiang young spoke.

At that time, the Wang family tried to kill Lin Jiangnian to silence him, but Lin Jiangnian and the governor of Yanzhou caught the Wang family by surprise.

The whole Wang family was thrown into jail!

But on the night when the Wang family was imprisoned, the entire Wang family was silenced by killers in the dungeon!

No one survived.

This matter is extremely unbelievable.

At that time, the Wang family was in ruins. With the testimony of the governor of Yanzhou and the conclusive evidence of the Wang family's rebellion, there was almost no chance of a comeback!

But someone happened to show up at this time to wipe out the Wang family. It was undoubtedly like... silencing them? !

At that time, Lin Jiangnian could not guess the killer's purpose. It was not until he got the things in Wang Changjin's hands that he vaguely understood it.

It is indeed silencing!

The Wang family knows too much!

And the person those killers want to destroy is probably Wang Changjin who has control over these things. However, Wang Changjin was lucky enough to survive at that time. And these evidences also fell into Lin Jiangnian's hands by accident.

Lin Jiangnian was thinking, his hands under the quilt still not stopping.

Zhiyuan listened quietly and said nothing. Her face turned slightly red, and her breathing became more and more rapid. The originally cold and bright eyes were slightly watery.

Under the quilt, her delicate body tensed, and after a moment, her head suddenly buried into Lin Jiangnian's chest.

The voice was slightly trembling and embarrassed.

"Don't, don't touch it!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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