Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 379 Who doesn’t like a little maid who can scream?

Night falls.

In a dark and silent room, on the bed.

A rich and ambiguous atmosphere filled the air.

Zhiyuan's voice fell on Lin Jiangnian's ears, and it seemed more like it was tempting him to do something random.

The big hands that were originally free on the girl's waist felt the beautiful touch under the girl's fabric. As Lin Jiangnian continued to stroke her, Zhiyuan's breathing became more rapid.

In the darkness, those clear eyes gradually became blurred.

A few touches of red, mixed with shame.

Then, Lin Jiangnian suddenly came closer and stood in front of the girl. In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian stared at Zhiyuan's blushing face, which was so delicate that it could almost bleed. He lowered his eyes in shame and closed his eyes, not daring to look at him.

Lin Jiangnian quietly approached the girl's ear and whispered softly: "Little Zhiyuan, last time you bullied your Highness, this time... it's my turn to take revenge!"

"You can run in the first grade of junior high school, but you can't run in the fifteenth grade!"

Lin Jiangnian's words undoubtedly made Zhiyuan feel ashamed and angry. She immediately opened her eyes and wanted to threaten the guy in front of her who was deliberately 'bullying' him to shut up.

But she just opened her eyes and didn't have time to open her mouth.

It can no longer be opened!

Her red and shiny little mouth was tightly blocked by the man in front of her in an extremely domineering and brutal way.

The water is blocked!


A long kiss, very hard, very long-lasting.

The lips parted, Zhiyuan's delicate body went limp and she lost a lot of strength.

Her face was hot pink, like a delicate peach, and she was incredibly beautiful. That cold and pure look turned into a girl's spring mood at this moment.

Zhiyuan closed her eyes, her thoughts already short-circuited. No matter how calm she was in the past, she was now gradually becoming confused and sinking.

He just subconsciously closed his eyes shyly and refused to open them.

A pair of bare hands tightly grasped the edge of the quilt to protect himself.

However, to no avail.

Her resistance was minimal and she had no difficulty at all in front of Lin Jiangnian.

Not long after, the quilt covering the girl disappeared.

Miraculously, after a while, the clothes disappeared for some reason!

Very magical!

Late at night.

Night shrouded, the sky and earth were pitch black, the moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, and the strong wind in the courtyard continued.

The cold winter wind blew in, bending the trees in the courtyard that had just experienced damage.

This night, the small courtyard was very busy!

When Lin Jiangnian woke up the next day, it was already getting late.

He sat up, and the figure of Zhiyuan had long disappeared in the room, leaving only the faint fragrance of the girl and a bit of the ambiguous atmosphere from last night.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the messy bed, and the memories of last night were recalled in his mind.

It is vivid in my mind and has endless aftertaste.

As if recalling something, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes slightly, and a meaningful look appeared on his face...

Last night, Zhiyuan was still very tough at the beginning. Faced with Lin Jiangnian's offensive, he chose to pretend to be an ostrich and pretend to be dead!

However, she overestimated her endurance and underestimated Lin Jiangnian's ability!

The Xuanyang Heart Technique is the most powerful and yang heart technique in the world. It is suitable for young people with strong qi and blood. Especially after Lin Jiangnian entered the second level of Xuanyang, his physique became stronger and stronger. , or the durability has been significantly improved.

One word!

The people of Lao Lin's family are very capable and fierce!

Zhiyuan mistakenly underestimated Lin Jiangnian's ability, and was ultimately defeated in the confrontation between the two.

Those who lose are convinced.

Zhiyuan was also tough at the beginning, but gradually softened later. At the end, he begged for mercy silently and hoarsely, obeying everything...

Lin Jiangnian sat on the bed and slowly and carefully thought about last night's experience before slowly getting up.

Push the door open.

"Your Highness, are you awake?!"

Lin Jiangnian just opened the door and saw Xiaozhu who had been waiting at the door for a long time.

When Xiaozhu saw His Highness, a blush appeared on his originally white and tender face, and his dark eyes quietly peeked into the room.

Sneaking around.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Jiangnian noticed Xiaozhu's movements and took her into his arms, ravaging her thoroughly.

"No, I didn't see anything..."

Xiaozhu, who was hugged tightly by His Highness, soon turned red, panting, begging for mercy again and again.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you today? Why did you get up so late?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled: "Xiao Zhu wants to know the reason?"

Xiaozhu noticed His Highness's half-smiling gaze and immediately shook his little head: "No, no... Xiaozhu doesn't want to know!"

She already knew it!

Early in the morning, she saw Sister Zhiyuan come out of the room in a panic. At that time, Xiaozhu noticed the flush on Sister Zhiyuan's face that had not completely dissipated, and her strange walking posture...

Can she still guess it?

Xiaozhu is so smart!

Xiaozhu hummed softly, as if he had discovered some great secret.

Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu had a warm conversation, and then asked about the whereabouts of Zhiyuan. When he learned that Zhiyuan had gone to his aunt's place, Lin Jiangnian stopped by to have a look.

When they arrived at their aunt's place, Jiang Yuxiang was not there. Lin Jiangnian was in the backyard and saw Zhiyuan instructing Jasmine Wind Chime on the martial arts of the sisters.

In the courtyard.

The sisters Jasmine and Feng Ling were wearing the attire of martial arts apprentices and practicing basic skills under the guidance of Zhi Yuan.

These sisters are very hard-working and diligent. They practiced very hard. On this cold winter day, their faces were rosy and their foreheads were covered with beads of sweat.

Not far away, Zhiyuan was dressed in a white outfit, guiding the two of them like a strict teacher.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian was a little stunned.

Almost a year ago, he was a rookie who had just started practicing martial arts. But now, he has entered the ranks of masters.

Although there is still a long way to go before becoming a top expert, he can still be considered successful.

In just one year, too many things have happened.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the white-clothed Zhiyuan, and he looked at her back quietly.

Zhiyuan, who has a cold temperament, seems to have the shadow of a strict teacher. In addition, she had a cold temperament and an aura of calmness and self-reliance, which made the pair of sisters in the courtyard cautious, diligent, and obedient. They were so frightened by Princess Lin that they were very obedient.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, was looking at Zhiyuan's back with unscrupulous eyes, looking at her graceful figure under her smart outfit.

The tight-fitting clothes wrapped her tightly, but also exposed her exquisite curves. Especially under the slender waist, you can see the proud curves of the buttocks.

This couldn't help but remind Lin Jiangnian of some of his postures last night...

Zhiyuan, who was instructing the two sisters on their martial arts, turned around as if sensing something, and saw Lin Jiangnian not far behind her, who was looking at her intensely.

Eye to eye.

There was obviously a hint of shame in Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid him.

But soon, she noticed Lin Jiangnian's fiery gaze...

Something's wrong!

With everything she knew about Lin Jiangnian, how could she not realize anything?

Realizing something, Zhiyuan glared at him angrily.


Lin Jiangnian ignored Zhiyuan's eyes and stepped forward with a smile to say hello.

"Your Highness!"

The sisters who were still practicing martial arts on the side saw Lin Jiangnian appearing and quickly saluted respectfully!

"Go on, leave me alone!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and asked the sisters to continue practicing martial arts, while he came to Zhiyuan's side.

"What are you here for?"

Zhiyuan looked coldly and glared at him.

The tone was cold.

If outsiders saw it, they might think there was a quarrel between the two.

But Zhiyuan's fair and pretty face couldn't hide the blushing color, which completely betrayed her emotions at the moment.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the kite that had begged for mercy and surrendered in front of him last night, and was now being held by the little maid, who looked cold and arrogant.

I couldn't help but want to laugh.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't expose it either.

He knew that Zhiyuan was thin-skinned and wanted to protect his face by pretending like this.

On the other hand, such paper kites also made Lin Jiangnian even more excited.

...Who wouldn't like a little maid who is cold and arrogant under the bed, but submissive and screaming in bed?

Contrast is the best.

"I don't miss you anymore!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a smile and said softly: "Come and see you."

Such straightforward words caused a blush to appear on Zhiyuan's face that she originally wanted to tense up.


Zhiyuan was ashamed and angry, a little at a loss. In this large public place, especially with Jasmine and Feng Chime present. Zhiyuan, who had always had a cold image in front of the sisters, was very ashamed at this moment.

She had the urge to leave quickly.

"No, don't say it anymore..."

She blushed, lowered her voice, and said angrily: "I, I'm very busy...get out!"

She wanted to drive Lin Jiangnian away.

Lin Jiangnian saw that Zhiyuan was so thin-skinned and was so angry that his pretty face almost turned red. Her beautiful eyes were even more embarrassed, so he stopped stimulating her.

"Okay, I'll leave first and come back to you in the evening?"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian say that he would come to see her again at night, Zhiyuan's delicate body trembled slightly and her breathing became a little faster.

Obviously, she remembered what happened last night.

Are you coming tonight?

No, no! !

Zhiyuan was about to refuse, but found that Lin Jiangnian simply ran away without giving her a chance to refuse.

Zhiyuan was left standing there, her face hot and red, and she was embarrassed.

Tonight, are you coming tonight?

Zhiyuan, whose mind was in chaos, couldn't recover for a long time.

On the side, Jasmine and Feng Ling were practicing while quietly observing the 'flirting' between His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess...

The relationship between His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess is so good!

Jasmine couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Zhiyuan, who finally calmed down and calmed down her emotions, took a deep breath and regained her coolness.

When she turned around, she saw the sisters in the courtyard quietly sizing her up.

"What are you looking at?"

When Zhiyuan saw this, his face suddenly turned cold: "Are you still distracted from practicing martial arts?"

"Practice extra today!"


"Prince Princess, we were wrong..."




A luxurious house located in the eastern suburbs of Beijing.

At this moment, in the house, in the room.

"Go, go, go, get out of here, Prince!"

In the room, the eighth prince drove the maids out with an angry look.

The Eighth Prince, who was sitting in the room, looked ugly and was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger.


What a shame!

The dignified eighth prince was actually beaten!

When he thought of what happened in Nanhu, the Eighth Prince felt inexplicably humiliated.

This is the shame of his life!

I originally wanted to trouble Lin Jiangnian, but I didn't expect to run into the imperial sister.

Princess could she be with Lin Jiangnian?

The Eighth Prince couldn't figure it out!

How could the eighth prince not be angry after receiving a beating?

Although Jiang Shaoan had been beaten to vent his anger, he still couldn't relieve his anger after all, and... he was still blackmailed by Lin Jiangnian!

This made the Eighth Prince even more unhappy!

Revenge, revenge must be taken!

The Eighth Prince sat on the ground, gritting his teeth and thinking about how to take revenge!

A vassal prince actually rode on the head of his dignified prince.

If his father hadn't been in seclusion now, he would have gone to his father to sue him severely!

But when thinking about how to take revenge, the Eighth Prince couldn't think of a way for a while.

After all, Lin Jiangnian was not only the vassal prince, but also... his imperial sister's fiancé!

His future brother-in-law.

Thinking of this, the Eighth Prince felt even more aggrieved!


How could the imperial sister fall in love with him?

How could he be his brother-in-law?

If it's really going to happen, how can we take revenge in the future?

Wouldn’t it mean that he would ride on his head for the rest of his life?

Just as the Eighth Prince was thinking hard about how to take revenge, a report from a servant suddenly came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, someone is here to visit you!"

"not see!"

The Eighth Prince gritted his teeth and said angrily.

He had just been beaten, and the redness and swelling on his face had not subsided. To save face, he would not see anyone at this time.

"Your Highness, this is the young master of the Jiang family, Jiang Shaoan is here!"

"Jiang Shaoan?"

The Eighth Prince was stunned when he heard the name, and even wondered if he heard it wrong.

Jiang Shaoan is here?

What is that boy doing here? !

He had just been beaten severely. What was that guy named Jiang doing here again?

"Let him in."

The Eighth Prince thought for a while and decided to meet Jiang Shaoan.

Let’s see what he’s doing here, and by the way, give him another beating to vent his anger!

In the courtyard.

Jiang Shaoan carefully walked into the courtyard under the guidance of the family members.

Soon, he saw the Eighth Prince sitting under the eaves in the courtyard not far away.

"His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince!"

Jiang Shaoan was excited and hurriedly stepped forward with a flattering and respectful expression on his face.

The Eighth Prince stared at Jiang Shaoan. He had just beaten him yesterday. The redness and swelling on this boy's face had not subsided, and his face looked extremely awkward!

Seeing his appearance, the Eighth Prince felt much more comfortable.

"What are you doing here?!"

The Eighth Prince sneered and stared at him.

"Eighth Prince, I, I came to see you today because I have something important to tell you!"

Jiang Shaoan was afraid, but he still forced a flattering and humble smile on his face.

"Is it important?"

The Eighth Prince snorted coldly and didn't take it to heart: "What's the matter?!"

Jiang Shaoan had a flattering look on his face and said cautiously: "I, I overheard a big secret yesterday!"

"It's related to Lin Jiangnian!"

Hearing the big secret, the Eighth Prince's originally casual expression suddenly condensed, and he immediately became concerned: "What did you say?!"

"What secret?"


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