Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 380 Lure the snake out of its hole

When he heard that Jiang Shaoan had learned a big secret about Lin Jiangnian, the eighth prince couldn't sit still.

Having just received a humiliating beating, the eighth prince had nowhere to vent his anger and was worried about how to take revenge!

If there was any hostility toward Lin Jiangnian before, it was because of the third prince and his innate sense of superiority towards the heir apparent from the southern barbarian land.

So now, the Eighth Prince simply hates Lin Jiangnian!

Since childhood, except for the severe beating he received from the imperial sister when he was a child, he has never suffered such great humiliation.

After all, the imperial sister was her eldest sister. Her martial arts skills were unfathomable and she was deeply loved by her father. Even if the eighth prince felt unhappy, he could only endure it honestly.

But Lin Jiangnian is different!

You are the prince of a vassal, why should you attack my prince? !

If this revenge is not avenged, how will the eighth prince survive in the capital in the future? !

How can he establish his prestige in front of the dog-leggers who are following him?

Therefore, when Jiang Shaoan suddenly revealed the secret about Lin Jiangnian, the Eighth Prince was immediately tempted.

However, the eighth prince was not stupid after all. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Jiang Shaoan in the courtyard, and sneered: "What secret?"

"tell me the story!"

At this moment, in the hospital, Jiang Shaoan's face was bruised and swollen, and he looked a little miserable. But even so, he still had a somewhat flattering attitude on his face.

He has absolutely no dignity as the eldest son of the Jiang family, and looks like a groveling dog.

"That's what happened..."

Jiang Shaoan took two steps closer and spoke in a low voice.

"Eighth Prince, after I went back yesterday, when I passed by the courtyard where Lin Jiangnian lived, I happened to see Lin Jiangnian and his subordinates plotting something there... Out of curiosity, I eavesdropped for a while..."

"In the end, I actually overheard a secret!"

Jiang Shaoan looked attentive: "I heard from Lin Jiangnian that he seemed to have sent people to look for something outside the city during this period... I also heard from the woman under him named Lin Qingqing that he found a weapon outside the city. Private armies of unknown origin..."

Private army?

Hearing this, the Eighth Prince frowned, showing displeasure.

Is this a secret?

What does this secret have to do with him?

He doesn't care whether he has a private army or not!

Seeing the impatience on the Eighth Prince's face, Jiang Shaoan's head jumped, and he quickly said: "I, I also heard that Lin Jiangnian said that he suspected... that the private army was related to His Highness the Third Prince..."

Brother Three Emperors? !

The Eighth Prince, who was originally looking impatient, suddenly turned his eyes attentively when he heard that it was related to the Third Emperor Brother: "Third Emperor Brother?"

"What does it have to do with my Third Emperor Brother?!"

"No, I don't know..."

Jiang Shaoan shook his head and said cautiously: "I was hiding in the distance and couldn't hear clearly, but I probably heard the name of His Highness the Third Prince... I also heard from Lin Jiangnian that he planned to report this matter to the eldest princess in two days. …”

"At that time, I felt that this matter might not be simple, so I hurriedly came to report to you, the Eighth Prince, today..."

After Jiang Shaoan finished speaking, he felt very uneasy.

Is this really possible?

He followed Lin Jiangnian's instructions exactly, displaying this groveling and flattering posture to the fullest.

Of course, it doesn’t look like an act!

However, he always followed Lin Jiangnian's instructions...really, can it be done?

Just as Jiang Shaoan became increasingly uneasy, the Eighth Prince's eyes gradually brightened.

Is it related to Brother Sanhuang?

Private army?

What private army? !

The Eighth Prince didn't think about it for a moment. After all, he was only a teenager now, at his most playful age, and he was an out-and-out playboy in the capital.

He obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, but after hearing that it was related to the third prince, he thought for a moment and decided to tell the third prince about the matter.

By the way, let's see if we can get Brother Three Emperors to stand up for him and teach Lin Jiangnian a lesson!

Thinking of this, the Eighth Prince glanced at Jiang Shaoan in the courtyard and said coldly: "You have done a good job. In this case, I will not care about what happened yesterday!"

When Jiang Shaoan heard this, he felt aggrieved!

What do you mean you don't care about me anymore?

You hit me and you said you don’t care about me anymore? !

Is there any royal method?

Although he felt aggrieved in his heart, Jiang Shaoan did not dare to say anything more, and said with a flattering face: "Thank you so much, His Highness the Eighth Prince!"

"get out!"

The Eighth Prince waved his hands, originally in a bad mood and wanted to beat Jiang Shaoan again. However, seeing that he was so loyal in reporting the information, the Eighth Prince decided to spare him once.

Let him go!

As for Jiang Shaoan's lowly attitude, it was extremely normal in the eyes of the Eighth Prince! In his eyes, Jiang Shaoan was just a dog beside him, so what if he was beaten?

Even if a lowly servant is beaten, he still has to put on a smile and praise this prince for a good fight!

As for whether Jiang Shaoan would lie?

With the eighth prince's IQ, he would naturally not think about this level. He would not suspect that a dogleg who had always been subservient to him in the past would suddenly lie.

He's not that brave!

Capital City, in another secluded house in the East District.

In the courtyard, the cold wind howled sharply.

The room was as warm as spring.

The third prince, Li Yuanzheng, was dressed in white robes and was lying quietly on the soft couch with his eyes half-closed.

In the room, the military advisor Situ Yan, who was following the third prince across from him, stood there respectfully.

"Your Highness, the situation in Beijing is becoming increasingly tense, which may not be good for us!"

Situ Yan spoke in a deep voice.

A few days ago, the Third Prince went to the Zhao Mansion to visit Prime Minister Zhao. Prime Minister Zhao seemed to have anticipated the third prince's purpose, and this visit ended on an unpleasant note.

And Prime Minister Zhao’s attitude is also extremely determined!

Without the support of Prime Minister Zhao, it is not good news for the third prince.

On the other hand, Mi Tiansi's frequent accidents during this period also gave them a hunch that something was not quite right!

The four great protectors of Mitiansi were assassinated one after another in just a few days. Who dares to attack the emperor's personal guards so openly at the emperor's feet?

This force hiding in the dark has become a variable and must be guarded against.

The third prince did not speak. He squinted his eyes and looked a little gloomy. It was obvious that he was not in a good mood.

"This is a critical moment and we have no retreat."

The third prince spoke in a deep voice, with a bit of viciousness in his falcon-like eyes.

"How is Li Cunning?"

"There's no movement at the moment."

Upon hearing this answer, the third prince's eyes flashed with a fierce murderous intent.

"Why isn't he dead yet?!"

"He should have died a long time ago!"

Li Cunning is still alive, which is not good news for the third prince.

He had trouble sleeping and eating.

Although the situation in Beijing is still chaotic, it has not really reached that point.

The third prince needs a chance!

But now, the opportunity has not come yet.

He has waited too long!

"How are our preparations going?"

The third prince asked coldly.

"Everything is going according to the normal plan, and the private army trained by His Highness outside the city is already ready to go."

"Where is the north?" The third prince raised his eyes and asked coldly.

"There is no news yet, but..."

Situ Yan said: "Calculating the time, it should be here soon!"


The third prince took a deep breath, with a hint of impatience on his gloomy expression.

"I don't want to wait any longer!"

"Your Highness, please be patient and don't be impatient. The more this is the case, the less urgent it is!"

Situ Yan opened his mouth to persuade.

The third prince said nothing and looked out the window with cold eyes.

Why doesn't he know this truth?

It’s just that he has waited too long and prepared for too long!

He didn't want to wait any longer!

At this moment, a servant's report suddenly came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, the Eighth Prince is here!"

Hearing the voice outside the door, the third prince's eyes narrowed: "Li Ping? What is he doing here?"

"His Royal Highness, the Eighth Prince, has come to say that he has something very important to report to Your Highness?"

"important things?"

After hearing this, the third prince was silent for a moment, "Let him in!"


Not long after, footsteps were heard outside the door, the door opened, and the eighth prince in brocade clothes quickly walked into the room.

"Brother Royal!"

The eighth prince walked in and hurriedly ran to Li Yuan.

The third prince stared at the eighth prince in front of him and quickly noticed his face: "What's wrong with you?"

"Brother Emperor, you have to make the decision for me..."

When the eighth prince heard this, he immediately started crying.

When he heard that Li Ping was beaten by Lin Jiangnian yesterday, the third prince's eyes suddenly froze. After hearing that Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao were together, his expression changed slightly.

When did Lin Jiangnian get together with Li Piaomiao? !

"You mean, Lin Jiangnian beat you yesterday?!"

"That's right!"

The Eighth Prince nodded aggrievedly: "Brother, you have to make the decision for me!"

The third prince's face twitched slightly, gloomy, and said nothing.

Call the shots?

How to make the decision?

The humiliation he suffered last time is still vivid in his mind, and he hasn't had time to take revenge yet.

Naturally, the eighth prince didn't know. He shouted that he wanted the third prince to avenge him. But his Third Emperor Brother was slapped in the face by Lin Jiangnian in public not long ago...

"Don't worry, Brother Huang will definitely make the decision for you and help you get revenge when the time comes."

The third prince gave him a perfunctory look and looked at him again: "What are you doing here today?"

"Just to talk about this?"

"Of course not, brother Huang, I have something very important to tell you..."

The eighth prince then told everything in detail what he had learned from Jiang Shaoan not long ago.

After the eighth prince finished speaking, the room suddenly fell silent.

The expressions of the third prince and Situ Yan in the room suddenly changed.

"What did you say?!"

The third prince stared at him.

The Eighth Prince's back felt a little cold when his brother stared at him, and he stuttered subconsciously: "What, what's wrong?"

"Did he really say that?"

"Yes, yes!"

The eighth prince stammered and spoke, somewhat confused.

The third prince's eyes were as fierce as a man-eating beast, staring at him coldly. It wasn't until a while later that he finally took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

"I see."

The third prince nodded: "You should go back first."

The eighth prince looked confused, not knowing what happened.

But seeing the ugly expression on Brother Sanhuang's face, he still realized that something big might have happened and nodded.


The third prince stopped him again and said in a cold voice: "Today's matter is not allowed to be mentioned to anyone. Do you understand?"

"Okay, okay!"

The eighth prince nodded blankly.

When the eighth prince left the room, the third prince remained silent without saying a word.

"Lin Jiangnian, actually already knew?!"

In the room, Situ Yan's extremely solemn tone came: "Your Highness, this... I'm afraid something big is going to happen!"

For the eighth prince, he had no idea what happened.

But for the third prince and Situ Yan, this news was like a bolt from the blue.

Lin Jiangnian has found clues that they are raising a private army?

At this moment, the third prince felt cold all over. This news must not spread!

Once word gets out, their plan will fall apart.

"Your Highness, what done now?"

Situ Yan said solemnly.

Although I don't know whether the news is true or not, since Lin Jiangnian can mention the private army, he must have found something. It may not necessarily be found on the head of His Highness the Third Prince. But if he informs the eldest princess, when His Highness the Crown Prince finds out... the consequences will be disastrous.

The third prince's face turned pale. After a while, he gritted his teeth coldly: "We can't wait any longer!"

"Your Highness, what do you mean..."

“Plan ahead!”

The third prince spoke categorically: "Before everyone reacts, we must hurry..."

When Situ Yan heard this, his eyes were extremely solemn.

He understood what His Highness meant. His Highness wanted to...

"The night after tomorrow, the night after tomorrow!"

The third prince suddenly spoke in a deep voice and stood up from the soft couch. At this moment, his whole body was enveloped in an invisible aura.

He said coldly: "Notify us and get ready to take action!"



The third prince said coldly: "Send someone to keep an eye on Lin Jiangnian 24 hours a day. If there is any trouble with him, we must find a way to stop it... He must not be allowed to see Li Miaomiao!"

"As you command!"


Beijing is still prosperous.

The New Year is approaching, and the whole capital is enveloped in the joyful atmosphere of the New Year.

The sun was shining brightly yesterday, but today the weather has taken a turn for the worse and the temperature has dropped suddenly. The cold wind howled and the cold wind swept across.

The sky is gray, but it still cannot stop the joy of the New Year.

The day after tomorrow is the New Year’s Eve!

It’s New Year’s Eve!

Lin Jiangnian stayed at his house these two days and didn't go anywhere.

Towards the end of the afternoon, Jiang Shaoan finally came back. He found Lin Jiangnian and recounted everything that happened today.

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian knew that the plan was basically done!

He deliberately informed the third prince of the news that the third prince was raising a private army in such a way, just to force him to take action!

Will the third prince believe it?

Do you suspect that this was news deliberately revealed by Lin Jiangnian?

It does not matter!

But he didn't dare to gamble.

After all, he really has a private army!

Therefore, after learning the news, the third prince had not many options left for him.

Either he would find a way to assassinate Lin Jiangnian and silence him.

Or, all that's left is... act in advance!

Of course, it is not ruled out that the third prince will continue to tolerate it and choose to take a desperate risk to silence Lin Jiangnian.

As long as Lin Jiangnian dies, he can continue to lurk and wait for the opportunity.

Therefore, for the sake of own safety, the third prince will not be allowed to succeed. Lin Jiangnian made up his mind to stay with Zhiyuan tonight... This way he would feel safer!

As his little maid, Zhiyuan has the obligation to protect His Highness personally.

When foreign enemies are approaching, kill the enemy. When no outsiders are present, warm the bed and body of your Highness, and solve problems for Your Highness...

This is her duty as a personal maid!

No resistance allowed!

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