Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 381 Northern Emergency Report

"Then, what should we do next?!"

At this time, Jiang Shaoan on the side saw Lin Jiangnian lost in thought and couldn't help but speak out.

He had already followed Lin Jiangnian's instructions, but what should he do next?

Even Jiang Shaoan himself didn't know what he meant by what he said to the Eighth Prince today.

What private army?

What does it have to do with the third prince?

very messy.

He has done so, what next?

"Not urgent!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and said calmly: "Let the bullet fly for a while!"


Jiang Shaoan looked confused: "Why fly for a while?"

Why couldn't he understand it at all?

"Don't be anxious, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Li Ping is the eighth prince after all. If you want to take revenge on him, how can you do it so quickly?"

Hearing this, Jiang Shaoan's face also fell.

Of course he knows.

That was the eighth prince. Even if he was just an insignificant prince, he was still not someone he could offend.


Jiang Shaoan wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Lin Jiangnian: "So, wait a moment. Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!"

"When the time comes, I will have the Eighth Prince come to your door in person and humbly apologize to you."

Lin Jiangnian spoke decisively.

These words, whether true or false, instantly excited Jiang Shaoan. The blood is boiling all over the body and the eyes are bright!

Let the Eighth Prince come to apologize to him in person?

This is something he never dared to dream of!

If this can really happen, who in the capital will dare to look down on him in the future?

Thinking of this scene, Jiang Shaoan's blood boiled all over and he was extremely excited.

"Really, really?!"

Jiang Shaoan looked at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief, and Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "When did I ever lie to you?"

Jiang Shaoan was startled, as if... he had really never been deceived?

For a moment, Jiang Shaoan was very excited: "Brother, you are my biological brother... From now on, you will be my biological brother, and I will only follow your lead..."


I have to say that the fact that a silly and naive young master like Jiang Shaoan can survive until now is enough to show that the Jiang family has protected him well.

With his level of IQ, he is still obsessed with trying to squeeze into the circle of powerful people in the capital. If he really let him in, he would be played to death within two days.

Lin Jiangnian's casual words could fool him. Seeing this silly kid turning around and leaving with satisfaction, Lin Jiangnian couldn't bear to deceive him.

After sighing softly, Lin Jiangnian called Lin Qingqing again.

Now that the third prince had been forced to a dead end, Lin Jiangnian had to prepare in advance to nip it in the bud.

Although he had long known that the third prince had a private army, Lin Jiangnian did not know the size and combat effectiveness of this private army, let alone how far the third prince's strength in Beijing had penetrated.

Although everything is ready, some things still need to be prevented in advance.

Lin Jiangnian found Lin Qingqing and asked her to recall most of the prince's troops scattered outside the capital and find a way to disguise themselves and enter the city in these two days.

Lin Jiangnian didn't know what would happen in the capital at that time, but he had to ensure that nothing happened to Jiang Mansion.

The prince's personal army gathered in the capital was enough to protect the Jiang Mansion. Even if something unexpected happens then, there is no need to worry too much.

On the other side, Lin Jiangnian also wanted to find the eldest princess to inquire about the situation.

After telling her last time that the third prince was hiding a private army, Lin Jiangnian had been sending people to secretly pay attention to the actions of the princess mansion.

However, according to intelligence, there was no reaction from the eldest princess, and there was no movement in the eldest princess's palace. In fact, even the East Palace hardly took any action.

This is somewhat bizarre.

When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Eldest Princess knew clearly that the Third Prince had evil intentions and even raised a private army, were they still in such a state of chaos?

Something's wrong!

Beijing is still bustling, especially as the New Year is approaching. The city is decorated with lights and firecrackers, immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the New Year.

There is no sense of crisis at all.

This made Lin Jiangnian, the onlooker, somewhat anxious... Why was he so indifferent?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't take it too seriously. After all, this has nothing to do with him, the prince of the feudal lord.

Even if the court is in chaos, even if the world is in chaos, it is not a big deal to Lin Jiangnian.

Now that he has the ability to protect himself, he can come and go freely even in this troubled capital.

If that doesn't work, he can still go back to Linzhou!

In Linzhou, there are hundreds of thousands of Linwang troops who are loyal to Linwang Mansion, and there is a business that Lin Hengzhong has been running for more than ten years.

Even with Lin Jiangnian's ability, he will not be able to take over the position of King Lin in the future. But the huge Prince Lin's Mansion was enough to protect him for a lifetime of peace.

What's more, Lin Hengzhong is now in his prime, and the matter of succession or not is still very early for Lin Jiangnian.

Because of this confidence, Lin Jiangnian was not afraid at all in any chaotic situation.

It will be the New Year in two days, and the whole capital is immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the New Year. Lin Jiangnian didn't go away for the past two days. He stayed at his house with Zhiyuan Xiaozhu and the others to prepare for the New Year.

Even Jiang Ningkang, who is extremely busy in the Sixth Department on weekdays, finally took a rare holiday.

Jiang Ningkang found Lin Jiangnian and learned about the recent events in Beijing. He vaguely guessed that this might have something to do with Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian didn't hide anything, and told his uncle everything he could.

After Jiang Ningkang listened, he didn't say anything, but was silent for a long time. He patted Lin Jiangnian on the shoulder and told him to be careful and pay more attention to safety.

This uncle was usually taciturn, but he was indeed very kind to Lin Jiangnian, even better than his own son.

After all, Jiang Ningkang, who came back from a rare vacation, learned from his wife that his useless traitor, who usually hangs out outside, actually went to Nanhu Lake to drink wine and hang out with a bunch of shady people. Still unclear about those prostitutes...

Is this okay? !

He is already drinking wine and playing with women at such a young age. I wouldn’t dare to think about it in two years!

Sooner or later, the Jiang family's reputation will be ruined by him!

Jiang Ningkang was so angry that the blood in his brain started to rise on the spot. He took out the seven wolves and was about to kill the family in a righteous way!

If Jiang's mother hadn't stopped her a little bit because of her pity on her child, Jiang Shao'an would have spent the New Year in bed.

There is peace in Jiang Mansion!

Jiang Shaoan received a severe beating, which made the Jiang Mansion noisy, which added a bit of excitement to the upcoming New Year.

As night fell, Lin Jiangnian had dinner, showered and changed clothes, then walked to Zhiyuan's courtyard and squeezed into the room.

As Zhi Yuan scolded him softly and struggled with shame and anger, Lin Jiangnian used the excuse of seeking personal protection for safety. After some struggle, he finally succeeded... letting Zhi Yuan protect him from close range on the bed!

The little maid was very dedicated, constantly pulling back and forth between zero distance and negative distance. It fully demonstrates the duties of a loyal little maid who protects the Lord.

The only regret is that after protecting His Highness. The little maid may be too ashamed and angry, or for some other reason.

Subconsciously, he bit his Highness hard.

Very hard!

It's like taking revenge for something.

But this little revenge of the little maid made His Highness even more excited.


Its daybreak!

All night long!

As soon as it got dark, something happened!

The bright weather in the early morning was covered with cold frost and mist. The weather changed at every turn. The sky was overcast and it began to rain lightly.

Early in the morning, there was movement outside Jiang Mansion.

Jiang Ningkang got up early and hurriedly left the Jiang Mansion with an ugly face.

When Lin Jiangnian woke up and his subordinate Lin Qingqing came to report, he knew something had happened!

To be precise, it was Dynasty North that had the trouble.

"Your Highness, in the early hours of this morning, an emergency report came from 800 miles outside the capital. Something big happened on the northern border!"

"News suddenly came from the border. Several grassland tribes that were originally free in an area north of the dynasty suddenly gathered their troops near the border of the dynasty. There seemed to be quite a movement..."


Lin Jiangnian, who was still addicted to the gentle town last night, was really surprised to hear the news so early in the morning.

"Northern steppe tribe?"

Lin Jiangnian was slightly stunned: "What do they want to do?"

"I don't know!"

Lin Qingqing shook her head slightly, her face slightly condensed. She had just received the news and didn't know the specific situation yet.

"Shouldn't it?"

Lin Jiangnian thought carefully for a moment, feeling slightly confused.

There are indeed several nomadic tribes in the area to the north of the Daning Dynasty, but compared to the Daning Dynasty, the combat effectiveness of these nomadic tribes is much lower.

In addition, these tribes have always been scattered. Under the suppression and intimidation of the Daning Dynasty in recent years, they dare not make any big changes.

For the Han Dynasty, these nomadic tribes in the north were not a threat. Occasionally there would be conflicts, but with the king of the Xu family with a different surname sitting in the north, these small tribes could not cause too much trouble.

Now it is indeed unusual to hear that these small tribes suddenly gathered together and Chen Bing was near the border of the dynasty.

Do these small tribes want to rebel?

"What's the current situation in the DPRK?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Since the news has spread from the border, I am afraid there will be a lot of movement between the DPRK and China.

"I don't know yet, but I'm afraid it's already in chaos!"

Lin Qingqing said: "Mr. Jiang left in a hurry early in the morning, presumably to go to court to discuss the matter. When I learned that many families in Beijing heard the news, they were very surprised..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded thoughtfully.

Not to mention other aristocratic families, even he was surprised by this news.

Why do those small tribes suddenly think they can do it?

Could it be that winter is coming and the grasslands have run out of food, and they can’t survive anymore and want to work hard?

"Where's the Xu family? What's going on there?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again.

"The urgent report came from the Xu family. I heard that after the Xu family got the news, they rushed to station troops and set up defenses at the border, ready to fight at any time. The atmosphere was very anxious..."

"The Xu family has sent an urgent report to ask for help from the capital... The specific details are still unknown."

After hearing Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian thought for a long time. After a while, he nodded: "I know, you go down first."


After Lin Qingqing left, Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly.

It is not surprising that there are changes in the northern grasslands. Whenever these small tribes cannot survive, they always want to return to their old business and become something big.

Before guns and firearms were invented and widely developed, they were not good at singing and dancing.

But it happened that the news came at this critical moment...

Does it always make Lin Jiangnian feel like it's a bit too coincidental? !

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Zhiyuan in the room. Zhiyuan, wrapped in a light-colored dress, was sitting there quietly, with an indescribable glint of water occasionally appearing on her fair and delicate face.

She lowered her eyes slightly and thought for a moment.

"Something's not right."

She spoke calmly.

"Exactly what I thought."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and asked, "What do you think is wrong?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

After a while, he said: "The Xu family cannot stop those small tribes in the north."

As the only king with a different surname in the Daning Dynasty, the strength of King Xu in the north is equally unfathomable. Although it is impossible to judge who is stronger or weaker than Lin Hengzhong from the south. But being able to stay in the north for many years, its power cannot be underestimated.

The Xu family has guarded the north of the dynasty for generations and defended the country for the Daning Dynasty. They have strong soldiers and horses. How could they not be able to defeat even a few small tribes?

"There are probably two possibilities."

Lin Jiangyoun laughed: "Either those small tribes united and formed an extremely large army, which indeed posed a great threat to King Xu."

"The other one is that King Xu who wants to use this to get benefits from the court?"

Zhiyuan's expression remained normal, she glanced at Lin Jiangnian and said calmly: "There is another possibility."


"The thief shouts "Catch the thief!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed instantly: "What do you mean..."

Zhiyuan did not continue speaking, raised her eyes, looked at the courtyard outside the window with cold eyes, and said calmly: "I hope it's my illusion!"

Lin Jiangnian quietly thought about what Zhiyuan had just said. After a while, a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "If this is really the case..."

"Zhiyuan, we may have a better show to watch!"


The war situation in the north was urgent. As soon as the news came back to Beijing, it caused an uproar in an instant.

The beating caught all the officials in the court off guard.

As the end of the new year approaches, everyone is immersed in the joy of the New Year. When the urgent report of the war situation in the north came, everyone was stunned!

There was even more noise in the court hall.

No one knows exactly what happened, but this urgent report is obviously good news for many officials.

The Xu family in the north asked for help, although they didn't know whether it was true or not. But for North Korean and Chinese officials, this is a good opportunity to gain military exploits!

No one took the small tribes in the north seriously. For them, how to get the credit for this war was the most important thing.

The court was in chaos, and even the news spread quickly among the people.

In just one day, the news spread almost everywhere.

At the same time, it caused a lot of restlessness in Beijing. The military situation in the north was in critical condition and a war might break out at any time.

For ordinary people, this is not good news. Once war breaks out, it will inevitably affect people's lives.

For a time, people everywhere were frantically grabbing food and hoarding goods.

In this chaotic atmosphere, it’s New Year’s Eve.

Arrived as promised!

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