On the early morning of New Year's Eve, it started to rain lightly.

The icy rain mixed with the biting wind enveloped the entire Kyoto. But people were still coming and going on the streets, and the air was filled with the smell of firecrackers.

The streets that come and go are filled with the flavor of the New Year.

Even in the cold winter, it cannot conceal the yearning of ordinary people for the New Year.

At the end of the year, it’s hard to live the next year.

Even the news of unrest from the north still failed to affect the people's joy for the New Year.

Lin Jiangnian got up early, sat up on the bed and looked out the window, seeing the gray sky outside through the window paper.

Looking at the situation, the temperature has dropped suddenly, and it may snow again after this year!

Lin Jiangnian sat on the bed for a while, recalling the scene of his battle of wits and courage with Zhiyuan last night. The figure of the paper kite has long disappeared by the bed, leaving only a trace of lingering fragrance.


The door of the room was pushed open, and a petite silhouette rushed in from the cold wind outside.

"Your Highness?!"

Xiaozhu, who was wearing a light-colored skirt, wrapped herself tightly. Her delicate and delicate face was flushed by the cold wind, but her eyes were bright.

"Your Highness, are you awake?!"

Xiaozhu stepped into the room and saw His Highness sitting on the bed behind the screen. Then he closed the door with his backhand and moved behind the screen.

"Your Highness, it's time to get up!"

The little maid's voice was very sweet, with a hint of waxiness mixed in with it.

It sounds very comfortable.

When Lin Jiangnian saw Xiaozhu, he immediately waved to her: Come here.

Xiaozhu stopped and blinked, his eyes seemed to be mixed with a bit of shyness.

"Your Highness, get up quickly... Madam asked me to call you."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "Why did aunt call me?"

Xiaozhu shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be anything, but my wife asked you to get up early. It's New Year's Eve today, and we want to have dinner together later!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, and seeing Xiaozhu still standing there, he asked her to come over again.

Xiaozhu blushed and shook his head: "No... Your Highness, you must want to bully Xiaozhu again!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows. Is this little maid too timid?

"Xiao Zhu."


"You don't think that if you don't come over, I won't be able to bully you, do you?"

Xiaozhu looked confused.

By the time she reacted, His Highness' figure had quietly appeared in front of her.

Xiaozhu suddenly panicked and his pretty face turned red.

"Your Highness, you...you..."

"Why aren't you wearing any clothes?!!"

"Oh... don't... yes, you will be discovered... uh huh..."


After giving the disobedient Xiaozhu a lesson, Lin Jiangnian got dressed refreshed, stood up, opened the door and walked out.

The cold wind howled outside the door and slapped Lin Jiangnian on his body, but he couldn't feel the chill at all.

As Lin Jiangnian's Xuanyang mind became stronger and stronger, it was difficult for the cold wind in winter to affect him. The constant, thick and hot breath in the body drives away the cold wind in winter.

After getting up, Lin Jiangnian went to his aunt's house first to say hello and saw the sisters still practicing martial arts in the backyard.

This pair of sisters work very hard, and even the cold winter cannot stop their determination to work hard. In the middle of winter, the two of them were sweating profusely. The sweat almost soaked their tight-fitting clothes, and soon they were biting by the cold wind.

Anyone who sees such a pair of pitiful and beautiful sisters encountering such a fate will feel a little distressed.

However, Zhiyuan didn't have any thoughts of pity for her.

Lin Jiangnian did not disturb Zhiyuan and turned around to the front hall.

Not long after, Lin Qingqing walked in from the outside.

"Your Highness."

Lin Qingqing came to Lin Jiangnian and spoke respectfully.

"How is the situation in Beijing?"

Lin Qingqing said: "The government and the government have not reached a conclusion yet, but the families in the capital are ready to stir up trouble..."

"The news coming from the north was too sudden, and many people saw the benefits in it..."

"If the court had not been supported by the prestige of Prime Minister Zhao, I am afraid it would have been in chaos..."

Lin Qingqing spoke in a deep voice and reported to Lin Jiangnian what happened in Beijing.

Yesterday morning, urgent news came from the north. The news spread in Beijing, causing an uproar for a while.

Now that a day has passed, Beijing seems calm on the surface, but in fact there is an undercurrent.

For those who are worried about the country, what they consider is how to solve the crisis in the north and maintain the stability of the dynasty. But for those who are interested, the chaos in the north is actually an opportunity for them to gain promotion and become rich and powerful!

People in the DPRK have different thoughts. In addition, the emperor is now in seclusion and his Royal Highness is ill, which makes the officials and forces in the DPRK and the DPRK fight with each other.

Very lively!

"It seems like they can't come up with any results in a short period of time?"

After listening to Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian laughed.

"Not surprisingly, that's probably it!"

Lin Qingqing nodded.

Those officials are still fighting among themselves, so how can they come up with a charter?

"Where is the Emperor?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again.

Such a big thing happened, and the emperor still didn't move?

"The emergency report has been sent out, but there is still no news from the emperor..."

Lin Qingqing paused and said hesitantly: "It is precisely because the emperor did not respond that the officials in the court were so unscrupulous..."

The Emperor is still silent?

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, thinking about the bold idea that came to his mind not long ago.

After a while, Lin Jiangnian asked again: "Is there any movement outside the city?"

Lin Qingqing said: "In accordance with His Highness's instructions, my subordinates have transferred all the pro-army troops scattered outside the city back to the capital. Only some secret sentries are left outside the city..."

"According to the reply from the secret sentry, there is no movement outside the city yet!"

"No movement yet?"

Lin Jiangnian murmured.

He had forced the third prince into a desperate situation and his time was running out.

Still no movement under such circumstances?

Or, he had other preparations!


Lin Jiangnian was silent and thought for a moment, then said: "Qingqing, be careful these two days. In the next few days, the safety of Jiang Mansion will be in your hands. Do you understand?"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's solemn tone, Lin Qingqing's heart was slightly shaken. She realized something and nodded immediately: "I obey!"

Afterwards, Lin Qingqing turned around and left in a hurry.

Although he didn't know when the third prince would take action, Lin Jiangnian had to take precautions in advance.

As long as Jiang Mansion is fine, let the third prince do whatever he wants!

Thirty years old.

Everyone in Jiang Mansion finally gathered together.

In the afternoon, Jiang Ningkang returned to Jiang Mansion in a hurry and exhausted.

Jiang's mother stepped forward to help him take off his coat, and couldn't help complaining: "Why are there so many things going on in the court? It's the Chinese New Year, and you are still allowed to go?"

Jiang Ningkang rubbed his temples, feeling a little headache: "Something big happened in the court!"

"What's so important that you can't take a vacation and go home for dinner on New Year's Eve?"

Mother Jiang said angrily.

Jiang Ningkang sighed and didn't explain too much, but asked: "Where is Jiang Nian?"

"I'm in the backyard with Paper Kite."

Jiang Ningkang hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

"Okay, now that we're back, we don't have any sad faces anymore. It's the Chinese New Year and it's rare to get together for a reunion dinner. If anything happens, we'll talk about it next year!"

Mother Jiang couldn't help but teach him a lesson.

Jiang Ningkang didn't say anything more and nodded.

In the evening, night falls, and the sky is still filled with raindrops. The raindrops wrapped in the cold wind fall on the skin, biting and cold.

In the Jiang Mansion, the lights are brightly lit and the people are enjoying themselves.

The family gathered together and had a reunion dinner.

The meal was quite enjoyable. The only person who was not very happy was probably Jiang Shaoan.

After being spanked by his father yesterday, Jiang Shaoan had a grimace on his face, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

Jiang Ningkang was so angry when he saw the treacherous son showing such an expression that he was dead, that he almost didn't want to slap him.

After the reunion dinner, the sky turned completely dark.

Not far outside Jiang Mansion, the faint sound of crackling firecrackers could be heard from time to time. And the flames not far away are soaring into the sky, which is the scene of fireworks exploding in the sky.

Faintly, the joyful atmosphere of the New Year spreads on the streets.

"It's so lively!"

Xiaozhu lay on the guardrail, looked up at the sky not far away, and couldn't help but sigh.

This is her first time celebrating the New Year in Beijing. Of course, it is also the first time in so many years that she has a concept of the New Year.

Lin Jiangnian stood next to Xiaozhu. Seeing a bit of excitement in her eyes, he reached out and touched her little head: "What? Do you want to go out and have a look?"

Xiaozhu's eyes lit up slightly, but he quickly glanced at the courtyard again: "Is it raining? It's very cold outside. Sister Zhiyuan said it's still very messy outside and asked us not to go out..."

"What are you afraid of? Your Highness is here, isn't it?"

Lin Jiang young laughed and turned to look under the eaves not far away. A paper kite in a light green dress was leaning quietly against the eaves.

"Zhiyuan, do you want to go out for a walk?"

"It should be lively outside tonight!"

Under the eaves, Zhiyuan glanced at Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu, and flatly refused: "I won't go."

"Go on, there's no point in staying at home, it's better to go out for a walk!"

Lin Jiangnian walked up to Zhiyuan, took her hand, and pulled her and Xiaozhu outside without any explanation.

Xiaozhu was pulled by His Highness, with a little excitement on his face. Zhiyuan on the side was pulled by Lin Jiangnian like this, her pretty face turned slightly red with embarrassment.

"You, let me go..."


How decent is it to fight in public?

Zhiyuan used to have a cold temperament in front of the servants in the house, keeping strangers away. If the servants discovered her current situation, her image would be shattered.

"You... let go... I will leave on my own!"


In Beijing, shops on both sides of the streets are brightly lit.

The red lanterns, festive Spring Festival couplets, and the smiles on everyone's faces vividly set off the joyful atmosphere of the New Year.

Even though it's raining, it still can't stop the enthusiasm of the people in the capital.

On the streets, various shops are still open, and the teahouses and restaurants not far away are overcrowded. The streets were bustling with activity, and there were many children walking through them wearing new clothes.

Not far away, in that dusty place full of rouge, feasting and feasting, outside the brothel door, the madam was still shouting quickly. Vaguely, many young women can also be seen.

Even though it's New Year's Eve, service places like brothels are still brightly lit, and they are so dedicated that they still stick to their posts on this New Year's Eve.

How can this not be considered prosperous? !

outside the street.

Lin Jiangnian held an umbrella and stood side by side with the paper kite.

Behind the two of them, Xiaozhu was also holding an umbrella, and followed His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan obediently.

As His Highness's maid, Xiaozhu has a very discerning eye.

On a rare trip, Xiaozhu looked at the bustling scene in front of him, his little eyes full of excitement, looking around curiously, like a curious baby.

"As expected of a capital city, it's so lively!"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh.

Zhiyuan followed Lin Jiangnian without saying a word, looking ahead with cold eyes.

Several people were walking through the bustling streets, feeling the atmosphere of the New Year and the prosperity of the capital of the Daning Dynasty.

At this moment, Zhiyuan suddenly stopped and raised his eyes to look ahead.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian noticed Zhiyuan's reaction and followed her gaze forward.

Not far in front of the two of them, under the eaves of a teahouse, several figures appeared.

An extraordinary young man, dressed in brocade clothes, with a bit of nobility in his brows.

Next to this young man, there was also a young man with delicate features. Delicate appearance, tall figure, red lips and white teeth, looking like a pink-faced scholar...


Lin Jiangnian quickly saw something was wrong.

Where is this fan-faced scholar?

...She is clearly a woman disguised as a man!

She looks pretty good!

Lin Jiangnian looked at the woman who was disguising herself as a man. Although she was well concealed, her delicate features and the feminine charm revealed by her beautiful eyes still gave her away!

A sissy indeed!

Real bitches!

Just when Lin Jiangnian discovered this, the two people under the eaves also saw Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan under umbrellas on the street.

The two stopped and looked at each other. At this moment, it seemed like silence. The four of them just looked at each other and were silent for a long time.

The rain fell in patter, falling on the eaves and on the umbrellas.

In the end, Xu Xuan could not remain silent and spoke first: "What a coincidence!"

There was a bit of a smile on his face, and he looked at Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan in front of him with a smile.

Some surprises and some surprises!

Unexpectedly, the first meeting would be on such an occasion.

Prince Lin?

Xu Xuan quietly looked at Lin Jiangnian under the umbrella on the street and sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, he looks really talented. In terms of appearance, he can threaten his status.

However, Lin Jiangnian gave him a confused look: "Who are you?"

"do we know each other?"

The smile on Xu Xuan's face froze slightly, as if he didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian didn't recognize him?

He didn't quite believe it, but seeing that Lin Jiangnian's face didn't look like he was lying, he felt suspicious.

However, Xu Xuan still smiled and said: "I'm Xu Xuan!"

He did not reveal his identity, but his name was enough to let the other party know who he was.

However, to Xu Xuan's disappointment, Prince Lin in front of him looked calm and nodded as if he was not surprised at all.

"do not know."

Xu Xuan: "..."

Why do you suddenly feel frustrated?

Xu Xuan was about to speak when he heard Lin Jiangnian's voice again.

"Who is this?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the woman disguised as a man next to Xu Xuan: "Your lover?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Chaoge's pretty brows next to him could be seen slightly frowning, and his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

Xu Xuan noticed his sister's mood, coughed slightly, and quickly explained: "She is Ben...my sister!"

"It turns out to be your sister!"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized it and looked at her a few more times before speaking with a smile.

"Don't mention it, your sister... is so pretty!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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