Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 383 The Crown Prince’s Troubles

As soon as these words came out, Xu Xuan's expression changed slightly.

He subconsciously turned back to look at his sister beside him, and sure enough, he saw that his sister's face turned a little colder after hearing Lin Jiangnian's slightly frivolous words.

Even Zhiyuan beside Lin Jiangnian turned her head and glanced at Lin Jiangnian one more time, but she didn't say anything. He stood quietly next to Lin Jiangnian without saying a word.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, still looked at the brother and sister in front of him with a slightly frivolous look.

Play with it.


Xu Chaoge said nothing and stared at the man in front of him with narrowed eyes!

Lin Jiangnian!

Although it was her first meeting, she was already familiar with this person's appearance.

As the princess of Prince Xu's Mansion, how could she not even remember the face of Prince Lin?

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Jiangnian in front of him not to recognize the two brothers!

So...he's playing dumb!

I have to say that even though I knew the appearance of Prince Lin's son for a long time, I had to sigh after seeing him in person.

This son really inherited the advantages of King Lin and the late Princess Lin. He was handsome and handsome, and he was indeed considered a rare handsome man.


This person's frivolous tone did make Xu Chaoge's heart feel a little colder.

But, how could she not realize it...

Is this person deliberately provoking?

Xu Chaoge raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian quietly for a moment, then turned around expressionlessly.

"Let's go."

Say it, she turned around and left with a puff of sleeves.

From beginning to end, he ignored Lin Jiangnian.

Xu Xuan on the side was slightly stunned.

what's the situation?

Sister, why did she turn around and leave?

This kid took advantage of you just now... With my sister's personality, she doesn't want to retaliate?

This is not right!

However, Xu Xuan didn't have time to think. Seeing that Xu Chaoge was about to walk out of the roof, he hurriedly woke up as if from a dream, hurriedly followed his sister's footsteps, and held up an umbrella to protect her from the wind and rain.

After the brother and sister left, Lin Jiangnian on the street slowly looked back and said, "Let's go."

Zhiyuan turned to look at Lin Jiangnian, said nothing, and nodded.

The two continued to walk side by side, but the atmosphere seemed to be more solemn than before.

After a while, Lin Jiangnian suddenly said: "The purpose of these brothers and sisters coming to the capital at this time is not simple."

Zhiyuan glanced at him, pondered for a moment, and nodded.

The eldest son of Prince Xu and the princess appeared in the capital at the same time. At this juncture, they came to the capital for a trip to relax?

Obviously it doesn’t look like it!

"Your Highness..."

At this time, Xiaozhu, who had been following His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan, asked in a low voice, "Who were those two... just now?"

Xiaozhu just secretly observed that the two people had outstanding appearance and good temperament, and they did not look like ordinary people.

And His Highness actually teased my sister in front of Sister Zhiyuan just now... He was so courageous!

This worried Xiaozhu for a while, but he felt slightly relieved when he saw that Sister Zhiyuan didn't seem to be angry.

However, I was filled with doubts.


Young Lin Jiang smiled and touched Xiaozhu's head, and chuckled: "A guy with the same status as your Highness."

Xiaozhu blinked blankly. Does he have the same status as His Highness?

Who in the world can have the same status as His Highness?

Xiaozhu thought quickly for a while, and finally, as if he suddenly remembered something, his eyes suddenly widened: "He, he is..."

In the world, the only one in the world who has the same status as His Highness is the one from the north... Prince Xu? !

Those two people just now were Prince Xu and his sister? !

For a moment, Xiaozhu was shocked.

"This Prince Xu seems to be different from the rumors?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have thought of something, glanced at Zhiyuan, smiled softly and spoke.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and then said: "He is not important. Xu Chaoge next to him is the person you need to be wary of most."

"Xu Chaoge?"

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "The name is not bad, is she difficult to deal with?"


Zhiyuan nodded, looked at Lin Jiangnian, but hesitated to speak.

"What? Are you worried about Your Highness?" Lin Jiangnian noticed Zhiyuan's reaction and spoke.

"This person's mind is unfathomable."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, with a rare dignified look on her face. She stared at Lin Jiangnian seriously: "Compared to Xu Xuan, Xu Chaoge is more qualified to be your opponent."

Seeing Zhiyuan's solemn expression, Lin Jiangnian also suppressed the chuckle on his face slightly, and said seriously: "I have indeed heard a little bit that this daughter of King Xu is not simple. Many decisions in Prince Xu's palace are related to this princess. but……"

"She is a woman after all!"

"I am good at dealing with women!"


Zhiyuan said nothing and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Ahem, Zhiyuan, you misunderstood, the deal I mentioned is not what you think!"

"What do I think?"

"It's's not what you think."


Zhiyuan said nothing and stared at Lin Jiangnian quietly for a long time before retracting his gaze and looking forward again.

After a while, she said calmly: "If you can handle her, it's not impossible."

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

Fishing, right?

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Lin Jiangnian lectured with a straight face: "Is this the kind of person I am? You know, I only have you in my heart..."

Before Lin Jiang Nianbiao could finish his loyal words, Zhiyuan had already interrupted him lightly.

"She's different."

Zhiyuan glanced at him: "She is most likely the biggest hidden danger and threat to Prince Lin's Mansion in the future. If you can really deal with her and marry her back to Prince Lin's Mansion, I have absolutely no objections."

"...Only if you have the ability!"

Zhiyuan spoke calmly, without any hint of joking on his face.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

He looked at the delicate and calm Zhiyuan in front of him and was in a trance for a long time.

What's going on?

Zhiyuan actually supported him to play with the princess's feelings?

On pick up girls?

On the other side, the night was shrouded in mist and rain.

Xu Xuan held an umbrella and followed his sister, speaking angrily.

"This Prince Lin is indeed not a good person. I didn't expect him to be so frivolous and lustful, and he dared to tease you, my sister..."

"Don't worry, sister, I will go to him to settle the score next time and seek justice for you!"


Xu Xuan also didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian would be so courageous that he would dare to openly molest Chao Ge.

Originally, Xu Xuan wanted to show off his grace when meeting Lin Jiangnian on such an occasion. Unexpectedly, Prince Lin did not respect martial ethics.

As soon as he came up, he greeted his sister!

Can this be tolerated?

Xu Xuan couldn't bear it, but he didn't expect that his sister could bear it!

This is a bit unusual!

"Didn't he recognize us?"

Xu Xuan was a little confused. As the crown prince of Prince Xu, how could he not recognize Prince Lin, who had the same status as him?

You can see Prince Lin's appearance, but he doesn't seem to recognize him?

Shouldn't this be true?

"He's pretending."

Xu Chaoge spoke expressionlessly.


Xu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "So, he teased you... on purpose?!"

"This Prince Lin is really not a good person!"

Xu Xuan suddenly spoke angrily.

Even if we don't deal with each other, our identities are on the opposite side and we are considered enemies. But no matter what, shouldn’t everyone be nice and friendly when they meet?

Why did you fall out at the first meeting?

"What? Do you think he should give you a good look?"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him and said expressionlessly.

"Shouldn't it be right?"


Xu Chaoge sneered: "Do you really think he is a fool?"

"He was attacked in a Linzhou temple a year ago, and was frequently assassinated on his way to Beijing a few months ago... Do you think he won't be suspicious?"

Xu Xuan immediately opened his eyes: "What does that have to do with me? It's not me who assassinated him?"

"Do you think he will believe it?"

Xu Xuan was silent.

"If it were you, would you be suspicious?"

Under his sister's questioning, Xu Xuan fell silent. After a while, he sighed deeply: "So, am I taking the blame?"

"You are Prince Xu. If you don't take the blame, who will?"

Xu Chaoge said lightly.

Xu Xuan wanted to refute, but in the end he just sighed deeply.

There’s no way to argue with that!

He really has to take the blame.

"So, did he do this on purpose today? Pretending not to recognize us on purpose? Deliberately teasing you, sister, in an attempt to anger us?"

Xu Xuan seemed to react quickly.

No wonder my sister didn't fall out today.

Xu Chaoge's eyes were indifferent: "It's good that he didn't do anything to you."

"He dares?"

Xu Xuan glared: "Am I afraid of him?!"

"The woman next to him is very skilled in martial arts!"

"How deep?"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him and said calmly: "If she wants to kill you, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop her!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Xuan felt a sudden chill on his neck, and subconsciously shrank back, a little shocked: "So powerful?"

"That girl, is her martial arts better than your sister?!"

"Her name is Zhiyuan, and she is Prince Lin's personal maid."

Xu Chaoge was thoughtful. According to her investigation information, the maid next to Lin Jiangnian was not simple.

Strictly speaking, she is not just a maid.

"It seems that Prince Lin doesn't like me!"

Xu Xuan seemed to think of something and sighed with a little regret.

Xu Chaoge glanced at him: "You and him are enemies from the beginning!"

"I originally wanted to have a good chat with him and have a good conversation... After all, we all have the same status, so I thought there should be common topics..."

Xu Xuan sighed with emotion, feeling quite lonely at a high place.

As the eldest son of Prince Xu, he has enjoyed the privileged status brought by the glory and status since childhood. But at the same time, no one could understand his troubles.

As the son of Prince Xu, he is good-looking and outstanding, so he is easily jealous and troubled!

In his opinion, only Prince Lin, who has the same status as him and will have the same experience, can understand him.

did not expect……

"You are different from him."

Xu Chaoge glanced at his brother, who had a weird brain circuit, and spoke expressionlessly.

"What's the difference?"

"He is the eldest princess's fiancé and the future consort of the dynasty!"

"Are you worthy?"


Xu Xuan's expression suddenly changed, and he was furious: "Xu Chaoge, don't bully others too much... I'm your brother, how can you help others gain prestige?!"

Xu Chaoge's face was expressionless: "Is what I said wrong?"

Xu Xuan was furious: "Then I am your brother too... Fortunately, I spoke for you just now and wanted to help you teach him a lesson. Is this how you treat your brother?"

Xu Chaoge's eyes were cold: "No need!"

After a moment of pause, she said coldly: "I will take revenge on myself!"

Hearing this, Xu Xuan couldn't help but feel a little scared.

This is his sister!

If you are small-minded, you will be punished!

If Prince Lin Wang dares to tease and offend his sister today, he will not suffer the consequences later!

Thinking of this, Xu Xuan felt much more comfortable. I even can't wait to see my sister go into trouble with that guy...

Who asked him to marry the eldest princess!

Deserve it!

While Xu Xuan was thinking proudly, Xu Chaoge's voice came from next to him.

"How is the situation with the Third Prince?"

"not sure……"

Xu Xuan shook his head slightly, "However, there has been quite a lot of movement from the Third Prince these past two days...I guess it will be soon!"

"I just don't know when he will take action... I'm looking forward to it!"

Xu Chaoge said nothing and raised his eyes to look into the distance. In the hazy night, not far ahead, you can see the brightly lit imperial city shrouded in mist and rain.

On New Year's Eve, there was still a somewhat depressing atmosphere in this gloomy palace.

"Is imperial power so fascinating?"

Xu Chaoge murmured to himself.

Xu Xuan on the side sighed: "Who is not moved by the supreme imperial power?"

Xu Chaoge turned to look at him: "Are you also moved?"

Xu Xuan sighed: "I have no choice!"

"If I can, I just want to be a quiet dandy prince, sleep until I wake up naturally every day, go out to drink wine, take two dog legs on the street to tease women from good families, and then marry two beautiful women. It is more important for the three of us to live a good life than anything else..."

"It's a pity that you didn't give me this chance!"

Speaking of this, Xu Xuan said angrily: "If I, a second-generation playboy with a happy life, have to work hard to work hard, it's too much to bully others!"

Xu Chaoge's face was expressionless: "If dad hears what you said, he will definitely whip you!"


Xu Xuan chuckled: "So I only dare to tell you, my sister!"

As he spoke, Xu Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the imperial city in front of him that was shrouded in gloomy words.

The New Year is approaching in Beijing, and we are immersed in the lively and joyful atmosphere of the New Year. However, this kind of imperial city is so oppressive that it makes people breathless.

Extremely fragmented.

"But we don't have a choice!"

"The imperial court has always been eyeing us, treating us as a thorn in its side, and is always thinking about cutting down the vassal and eradicating us..."

"The Lin family is a lesson. The Lin family made great contributions to the dynasty back then, pacified the southern kingdoms, and had great achievements in opening up and expanding the territory. The contribution was so great that they had to be crowned kings. Otherwise, how would other generals in the dynasty view them? But what about the king? Before I could even sit down, I was targeted by the court..."

"When the birds are gone, the lackeys are cooked. They need people with foreign surnames to help them maintain the stability of the dynasty, but they are afraid of people with foreign surnames taking power. We people with foreign surnames can never really gain their trust. If we don't resist, the fate that awaits us is destruction! "

Xu Xuan looked indifferently and smiled bitterly: "I don't agree with what dad did, but..."

"I know dad did the right thing!"

"The fate of our Xu family must be in our own hands!"


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